HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-15; City Council; 7054; Batiquitos Lagoon OffStreet Motorcycle Enforcement:~ ~ CIT~ OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA JILL AB#_7oc::d_ ~ MTG. /,-J5-5'l.. BATIQUITOS LAGOON OF.PT. Pol ice OFF-STREET MOTORCYCLE ENFORCEMENT RECOMMEND!EO ACTION: Request Council's approval of the Police Department's proceeding with planned enforcement procedures in the unincorporated portion of the Batiquitos Lagoon to enforce state and county ordinances as they relate to off-street motorcycles. ITEM EXPLANATION: At the May 25, 1982 Council meeting, the City Council directed the Police Depart- ment staff to devleop and report as to what could be done to alleviate the com- plaints and discomfort being experienced by the residents of the City who are located adjacent to the un1ncorporated portions of the Batiquitos Lagoon. Staff has arranged for the Sheriff's office and Carlsbad to work together to resolve the problem. The Sheriff's office staff indicates that they do not have adequate staff or equipment to give the problem extensive attention, but would work cooperatively with the Police Department. The Sheriff's office has indicated that they would appreciate our officers assisting in the patrol vf the area and enforcing the appropriate statutes. The law is c-ear as to our ability to perform as law enforcement officers in the area in question. City police officers can function appropriately to enforce the laws. The decision to be made is the policy decision of spending City resources to re- solve a problem located in un adjacent unincorporated area because the problem directly affects residents within the City limits. The Police Department has recently reactivated the off-road motorcycle enforcement program. Over the past two weekends, the officers have made public relations ~on- tacts with those people trespassing on Batiquitos Lagoon property, advising them of the pending enforcement. The owners of the surrounding area have posted "No Tres- passing" signs. If Council approves of the actual enforcement efforts, the depart- ment will begin enforcement activities as soon as staffing allows. FISCAL IMPACT: To date, it has cost approximately $600 to carry out the warnir.g and public rela- 0 tions contacts. Over the next 16 to 18 weeks, it is anticipated that the cost will L1.: be $5,000 to $7,000. This is overtime pay for two sworn officers; each working four ~ hours every Saturday, Sunday and other days, :-Jhen needed. C: Q.. Q. < .. z 0 ti c( ..J 0 z :, 0 CJ EXHlB ns: l. Letter from San Diego County Sheriff's Letter of Consent 2 . 3. Photographs of posted 11 No Trespassing" Department signs I /1""', • I SAN DIEGO COUNTY SHERIFF'S DC:PARTMENT May 26, 1982 POST OFFICE BOX 2991 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92112 TELEPHONE (714) 236-2817 JOHN F. DUFFY, Sheriff Vincent Jinmo, Chief Carlsbad Police Department P.O. Box 265 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention Captain Gene Kellog Dear Vince: This will confirm the conversation between Captain Mel Smith at our Encinitas Station and Captain Gene Kell·og regarding the problems with bikers in the area north of Batiquitos Lagoon. ,Alchough the residento and complaints are within your city, the majority of the area used by bikers is in the unincorporated area. The department does not operate any motorcycles for patrol of this type of area and I appreciate your offer to do some patrol of the unincorporated areas. You have already been furnished copies of the San Diego County Ordinances covering "dirt bikers" so you can c:i.te under the County Ordinance where applicable. The actual posting of "No Trespassing" signs is a problem in the area due to the number of absentee owners. We do have a four wheel drive pickup available to assist in the accessible areas. Hopefully our efforts can reduce some of the complaints you are receiving. Feel free to call if I can be of further assistance. Sincerely, JOHN F. DUFFY, SHERIFF 1.5. B. R~, Inspector Northern Field Operations BRO/MJS/jb / EXHIBIT 1 t-➔ Cl-iNSENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 8 3 ..... 1 OF THE CALIFORNIJr PENAL CODE ~PR O 8 1981 . ' WHEREAS, Section 830.1 of the California Penal Code provides that the authority of any peace officer, as defined in said Section, extenas'to any place in the state "(b) Where he has the prior consent of the chief, or person authorized by him to give such consent, if the place is within a city,. or of the sheriff, or person authorized by him to give such consent, if the place is within a county; •. " NOW THEREFORE, each of the signatories hereto hereby agrees and con- sents that any peace officer, as defined by California Penal Code Section 830.l, employed by the other signatories to this agreement, has the authority of a peace officer at all times within the City o~ County for which each of the signatories can give consent. A notice of intention to revoke this consent or any part thereof shall be given to each other signatory, in writing, rhirty days prior to the effective date of such revocation. . I·, R~f.J ( JQHN F. D F I \_9>Unty of San D DATED 4/, /'i;. l ERIFF .... -~ ( __ ~_J_'\{,r--~-=-c.:::::-oATED ~ I W. A. 75Jrn1', CHIEF El Cajon Police Dept. /Vij'_~~ om~ %hi WILLIAM B. KOLENDER, CHIEF San Diego Police Department ) , ,. l I . _\, ,/4tl'!.{ . --~r-l::~M-DATED 1:> / ~ ,'(/ RICHARD BAUC;H, / N'l'ERIM CHIEF Oceanside Poli~e Dept. ~ l(). c;'.;,'w.u.-1.'---DATED f-(-f/i J W DATED ~/--,f';, J_AMES W. CONNOLE, CHIEF V EF ----Escondido Police Dept. Carlsbad e ept • . JJ DATED 1/,), ~~--=--~~=----,=,=-DATED #-Jz WIL CHIEF DO G. FACH, CHIEF Chula Vis Police Dept. La Police Dept. 411:~ ~ DATED TERRY E~CHIEF t//t, National City Police Dept. Imperial Beach P DATED HIEF e Dept. EXHIBIT 2 I I I ' ' , . I I'