HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-22; City Council; 6982-1; Addendum to joint powers agreementCITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA JILL MTG 6/22/82 DEPT._QE3Z TITLE: ADDENDUM TO JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT TO CONDUCT EXCAVATION IN THE BUENA VISTA LAGOON CONTRACT NO. 1117 DEPT. HD._ CITY ATTY CITY UJ 1a, o§ o oo RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. ^9/^3 approving an addendum to the Joint Powers Agreement between California Department of Fish and Game and the City of Carlsbad. ITEM EXPLANATION: California Department of Fish and Game has notified the City of Carlsbad that funding for the project, as approved in the original Joint Powers Agreement, may be partially withheld. Legislative action is currently being taken to insure full funding but the results will not be known until July 1, 1982. The requested action is to approve an addendum to the Joint Powers Agreement so that the project may proceed even if only partial funding is available. The attached letter from the California Dpartment of Fish and Game and the summary of the conference call held between the State staff and the City staff on June 3, 1982 give further details concerning this Amendment. The proposed Addendum to the Joint Powers Agreement has been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney's office. FISCAL IMPACT: The revised contract figures will insure that sufficient engineering funds are available to proceed with the proj ect whether with full or partial funding. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. (o*J / 3 approving Addendum to the Joint Powers Agreement between California Fish and Game and the City. 2. Letter from California Fish and Game dated June 4, 1982. 3. Summary of conference call on June 3, 1982. STATE OF CALIFORNIA—RESOURCES AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME 1476 NINTH STREET SACRAMENTO. CAlirORNI A 95814 1? Tf f~* "p* T ~\T Tj^ T> (916) 445-4840 JUN-919S2 CITY OF CARLSBAD June 4, 1932 Developmental Services Ronald A. Beckman Assistant City Manager 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Beckman: This will confirm our discussions of yesterday regarding the Buena Vista Lagoon Project and the status of the funding for the Joint Powers Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Department of Fish and Game. The project as contemplated in the existing agreement which has been signed by the City and the Department of Fish and Game is funded from two sources. The Energy and Resources Fund (ERF) for $496,268, and the California Environmental License Plate Fund (CELP) for $493,732. This agreement was actually forwarded to the Department of General Services for final approval but was returned by that Department due to the shortfall that was occurring in the ERF funds. We are now holding that contract pending a resolution of the funding from ERF. In fact, the original ERF funds have been reverted by the Department of Finance and are no longer available to us during this current fiscal year. The remaining CELP funds would be sufficient only for Phase I of this project and related design, administration, inspection and contingencies cost. With regard to the funding from ERF, both the Senate Finance and the Assembly Ways and Means Subcommittees have restored $496,000 to the budget which will be available if approved by both houses on July 1, 1982. Restoration of these funds will enable the entire project to proceed as originally planned. To cover the possibility that ERF funds will not become available on July 1, 1982, and to avoid any further delays after July 1, 1982, the Department of Fish and Game will process a second contract document for Phase I only to be funded from CELP. This second document will be provided to you shortly for signature and will be released to the Department of General Services when returned to us. Based on a discussion with the legal staff in the Department of General Services who is the final state approving authority, we have made a slight change from the agreed upon method of handling this second contract as discussed in our conference call. Rather than taking the original agreement and correcting it with strike outs, we are preparing an addendum to the original agreement which will make the necessary modifications to change the document to provide for Phase I Project only. We are advised by legal counsel that a second resolution by the City will be required whether we use the addendum or the strike out technique to provide for the funding contingencies, Ronald A. Beckman -2- June 4, 1982 The advantage of the addendum is that it will become part of the original contract together with both resolutions and can be processed for final approvals by General Services as soon as we have it available. This will avoid the need of waiting for clarification of funding and availability of budgeted funds on July 1, 1982. I appreciate the cooperation we have received from your office and trust that the arrangements described above will be satisfactory. If I can be of any further assistance in this matter, please give me a call at (916) 445-4840. // Sincerely, R. L.IWilde Assistant Deputy Director Administration RLW:mm cc: Fred A. Worthley, Regional Manager, Region 5 Earl Lauppe, Region 5 Jim Messersmith, Assistant Deputy Director Operations Fiscal Attachment (Summary of Conference Call) SUMMARY OF CONFERENCE CALL 6/3/82 This is a summary of the discussion held on our conference call on June 3, 1982 between the following parties: Ronald Beckman, Assistant City Manager, Carlsbad Fred Worthley, Regional Manager, Region 5, CDFG Earl Lauppe, Associate WMB, Region 5, CDFG Jim Messersmith, Assistant Deputy Director Operations Ray Wilde, Assistant Deputy Director Administration The purpose of the conference call was to summarize the status of the funding for the Buena Vista Lagoon project and to identify the funding that is proposed for July 1, 1982. As a result of this conference discussion, the following items were agreed to: 1. A letter will be prepared to the City of Carlsbad explaining the current funding situation and the funding expectiations for July 1, 1982. This letter will be prepared by Ray Wilde. 2. A "second" contract will be prepared by DFG that will eliminate funding from the Energy and Resources Fund. This contract will be for the amount of $493,732 funded from the California Environmental License Plate Fund. This contract would provide for Phase I work of $440,000 plus $53,732 for design, administration, inspection and contract contingencies. 3. The Department of Fish and Game will hold both versions of the agreement, that is the one for the full $990,000 and the second agreement for reduced funding from the California Environmental License Plate Fund until July 1 at which time the appropriate contract will be presented for final approvals. 4. The City will proceed immediately with engineering work, which it is understood is within the funding from the California Environmental License Plate money. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 6913 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN ADDENDUM TO THE JOINT POWERS 3 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME AND THE CITY TO CONDUCT EXCAVATION IN THE BUENA 4 VISTA LAGOON 5 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad on April 20 , 1982, approved a Joint 6 Powers Agreement to conduct excavation in the Buena Vista Lagoon to remove 7 deposits of silt caused by flood damage, and; 8 WHEREAS, full funding as authorized in the Joint Powers Agreement may 9 not be available to the state budget, and; 10 WHERE AS, it is desirable on the part of the State Department of Fish 11 and Game and the City of Carlsbad to proceed with the project in the event 12 partial funding is available. 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of 14 Carlsbad, as follows: 15 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 16 2. That the attached Addendum to the Joint Powers Agreement labeled 17 Exhibit A accurately reflects the changes agreed to by the City of Carlsbad 18 and the California Department of Fish and Game, and also provides necessary 19 funding and authority for the City to proceed with the modified project. 20 3. That the agreement attached as Exhibit A is approved and the Mayor 21 is authorized to sign on behalf of the City. adjourned PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council at a/regular meeting 23 held on 22nd day of June > 1982, by the following vote to wit: 24 AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin and Chick 25 NOES : None 26 ABSENT: None 27 / / / 28 / / / ATTEST: MARY CASLER, MAYOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8^_ ""~:ALETHA L. RAUTENKRAlNZ, City Clerk 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I! 18 || 19 20! 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 \-,S-«3><iSt—— »^^ rk / ADDENDUM TO 81/82 C-1588 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME TO CONDUCT EXCAVATION IN THE BUENA VISTA LAGOON THIS ADDENDUM TO THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT which was entered into the 1st day of March, 1982, between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, ("City") and the CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME, ("Department") is to clarify the parties' respective rights and obligations in the event the Department is unable to provide the total amount of funding specified in said agreement. WHEREAS, a portion of the funds originally intended to accomplish flood damage repairs and habitat restoration called Buena Vista Lagoon Restoration Project ("Project"), are no longer available to the Department for this pur- pose; and WHEREAS, it is unknown at this time whether or not additional funds will be appropriated by the Legislature for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto wish to accomplish as much of the Project as available funds will permit; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS FURTHER AGREED AS FOLLOWS: A. The Department's obligation under the Joint Powers Agreement is subject to appropriation of funds for this purpose by the State Legislature. B. In the event adequate funds are not appropriated to restore the funds available to the amount specified in the agreement, the terms and cond- ditions of the Joint Powers Agreement shall be construed as follows: (i) All references to the Project in Sections 1, 2 and 3 of the agreement shall be construed as Phase 1 of the project only. i EXHIBIT A Joint Powers Agreement City of Carlsbad -2- (ii) The advance to be made to the City by the Department under sub- section "a" of Section 3 of the agreement shall be Four Hundred Ninety-three Thousand, Seven Hundred Thirty-two Dollars ($493,732.00); and all subsequent references in the agreement to said advance (or payment) shall be deemed to be an advance (or payment) in this amount. (iii) The cost estimate for Item 1 of . Exhibit A shall be $418,732.00, Item 3 of Exhibit A shall be $50,000.00 and Item 4 of Exhibit A shall be $25,000.00; a total of Seventy Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00) and Item 2 of Exhibit A shall be deemed nonapplicable to the agreement . IN WITNESS WHREOF, we have entered into this Addendum to the Joint Powers Agreement on CITY OF CARLSBAD Ostf£U MARY CASI^R, Mayor ATTEST: C_trr CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME i^jijfLfcL* Fiscal Officer Exhibit A . ** Cost Estimate for Buo.na Vista Lagoon Restoration Project 1. Phase I Project Mobilization ' •$ 40,000 Excavation ~'$5/cy-est. 80,000.yards and restore islands •' 400,000 2. Phase II Excavate additional $5/cy 80,000 yards • finish islands, remove haul causeways , . 450,000/ - 3. City Design, Contract Administration and inspection 63,000 4. Contingency 37,000 Total '•.$ 990,000