HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-29; City Council; N/A; Management CompensationCIT' ---'F CARLSBAD - AGEND, -- \ILL f- @ - iBW--.--- TITLE: MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION EPT.-SE.-- :4TG.----- 6/29/82 CITY A'TTY B DEPT. HD. CITY MGR. FISCAL IMPACT: The reccxi-mended re $100,0~0. isions to the MCP would cost appro imately Resolstion Nc. 6927 \ JUNE 28, 1982 MEMORANDUM TO : CITY MANAGER FROM : Assistant City Manager/ Administration SUBJECT: ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION COMPARISON The City Council requested additional compensation information as follows: 1. Salary comparison for Assistant City Attorney 1981-82 fiscal year: a. The 1981-82 top salary for Assistant City Attorney in Carlsbad is $30,706. The Assistant City Attorney salary range was not adjusted last year. b. The 1981-82 fiscal year mean top salary for Assistant City Attorney in four cities with comparable positions (Vista, Oceanside, Escondido, Chula Vista) is $36,079. c. The recommended top salary for Assistant City Attorney in Carlsbad for fiscal year 1982-83 is $36,998. 2. Total compensation comparison for Police Chief, Captain and Lieutenant: It was not possible to develop a total compensation compari- son for the above positions in the short time available. However, assuming that the same benefits would apply to the above positions that apply to police officers (for which we have total compensation figures) total compensation compari- sons are estimated as follows: Car 1 s bad Mean Total Total Below Comp . Comp . Mean Chief 49 , 205 54 , 595 -11% Captain 39 , 660 45,006 -13.5% Lieutenant 36 , 868 39,536 - 7.2% Comparing on a straight salary basis, Carlsbad is 13% below mean for Chief, 15% below for Captain, and 9% below for Lieutenant. FM:cle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2a RESOLUTION NO. 6927 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSSAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 6231, BY THE AIJIENOPilENT OF THE MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLAN FOR CERTAIN MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL FOR THE 1982-83 FISCAL YEAR. WHEREAS, the City Council upon recommendation of the City Manager, has determined to make adjustments in compensation for certain management personnel: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2, That the Management Compensation Plan set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, is adopted as the compensation plan for all employees covered by said plan for Fiscal Year 1982-83. PASSED, APPROVED,' AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council. on the 29th day of June , 1982, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Council Pkmbers Cad-er, Lewis, I(ulchin and Chick NOES: Hone ABSENT: None MARY CASL R, Maycr ATTEST: \c ALETHA L. KAUTENKRANZ, City Cler (SEAL) .- MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLAN I. INTRODUCTION This attachment constitutes the Management Compensation Plan (MCP) The MCP contains three parts, an intro- duction, a schedule of benefits, and a salary schedule. A. DEFINITIONS 1. Manaqement Employees Management employees are defined under the provisions of Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.48.030 (7). 2. - City Council Appointed Employees The City Manager and City Attorney are hired by and responsible directly to the City Council. The salaries for these positions shall be set by the City Council. The non-salary compensation provisions of the MCP shall apply to these positions except as otherwise provided by the City Council. 3. Unclassified ManaSement Personnel These are rnanage- ment personnelappointed by the City Manager Texcept in the case of the Assistant City Attorney who is appointed by the City Attorney) exempt from the provision of the Persormel Ordinance (Carlsbad Municipal Code 2.44). The personnel rules relating to attendance and leaves shall apply to the incumbents of all positions included in this group as provided by Carlsbad Municipal Code 2.44.080. . 4. acnent Pe~aa These are management personnel appointed by the City Manager who are not exempt from the provisions of the Personnel Ordinance. II SCHEDULE: OF BENEFITS A. LIFE INSURANCE All management personnel shall receive city paid. life insurance in an amount equal to their annual salary. In any case where amounts exceed incremelits of $1,000, the next higher amount of $1,000 shall be the limitation of the amount of individual insurance upon which the city shall make premium payments. _I._ B. RETIREMENT All management personnel shall participate in the Publi'cEmployees' Retirement System on the same basis as other eraployees of their respective departments. C. RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION All management employees shall have their normal retirement contribution up to but not exceeding 7% to the Public Employees' Retirement System paid by the City, as provided by Government Code Section 20615. D. VACATION All management employees shall earn vacation on a basisequal to that of other employees in their respective department except for management employees with comparable service in local government agencies may be granted credit for such service for the purpose of computing vacation at the discretion of the City Manager. All management employees shall be permitted to accumulate up to and including forty (40) days of vacation. D. VACATION (Conlt.) The City Manager shall be responsible for the granting of vacation to all management personnel, except in the case of the Assistant City Attorney, where the City Attorney shall be responsible for granting vacation. E. EXECUTIVE LEAVE All management personnel shall be granted executive leave, except in those cases wherein the present incumbents of management positions as a regular practice are compensated for time worked in excess of forty (40) hours per week. Management personnel authorized to receive executive leave may, at the discretion of the City Manager, be absent from work with pay for a total of seven (7) days during the fiscal year. Executive leave is granted to management employees in lieu of payment for overtime and to provide flexibility in scheduling work. The appropriate amount of xzxecutive leave will be credited to each such leave must be used during that fiscal year and will not accu- mulate from year to year. For management level employees hired after the start of the fiscal year, an appropriate amount of leave will be granted on a pro-rata basis. . management level emDloyee at the start of the fiscal year and all The City Manager is authorized to pay overtime to any manaqement employee who is required to work extended hours due to emergencies such as fires, storms, floods, or other emergencies. F. SICK LEAVE All management personnel shall be granted sick leave on Fbasis equal to that of other em9loyees in their respective department. G. SICK L,EAVE CONVERSION Any management empl.oyee who has accrued and maintains a minimum of one hundred (100) hours of sick leave shall be permitted to convert up to twelve (12) days of accumulated and uncolnpensated sick leave to vacation at a ratio of three (3) sick leave days per one (1) day of vacation. The sick leave conversion option will be provided durinq the first week of each fiscal year. If conversion to vacation is not elected, earned sick leave will be added to the existing total. H. SEPARATION COMPENSATION All unclassified management employees involuntarily separated from the city service due to budget cutbacks, layoffs, contracting out of service or for other reasons not due to misconduct which would justify involuntary separation for cause of a permanent classified employee shall receive thirty (30) working days salary computed at the salary range of the employee at the time of separation. I. HOLIDAYS All management personnel shall enjoy paid holidays on the same basis as those granted to other employees of their respective departments, except management employees are not eligible for the floating holiday. J. INSURANCE The present benefit program will remain in effect until a revised program is approved by the City Council. K. ANNUAL PHYSICAL EX-WINATION All management employees shall be eligible for reimbursement of up to the amount of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) during each fiscal year to pay the cost of an employee's annual physical examination. Such examination to be accomplished by a physician of the employee's choice. Each employee claiming reimbursement shall be required to authorize the release of a copy of the results of the examination to the City Manager or his designated representative. L. INCOME PROTECTION INSURP,NCE All management personnel shall be granted income protection insurance covera-ge equal to that provided other employees in their respective. department. M. DEFERRED COMPENSATION The city shall provide a deferred compensation plan which may be utilized by any management employee. The city reserves the right to accept or reject any particular plan and to impose specific conditions upon the use of any plan. 111. THE MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE The Management salary schedule, attached hereto as Exhibit I, shall establish a salary range for each management position. The City Manager may adjust the salary level of an individual within a given salary range. The City Manager shall. have authority to determine the salary for each management employee within the salary range established for each position. The salary levei within the salary range of all management employees shall be reviewed annually on the employee's anniversary date. . Salary adjustments within the salary range shall be based on performance and results. Salary adjustments shall be made at the discretion of the City Manager subject to any limitation or controls imposed by the City Council. The City Attorney shall have authority to determine the salary level of the Assistant City Attorney within the salary range established for the position. During the 1382-83 fiscal yea.r, no management employee shall receive a salary increase in excess of 7% except for merit increase on anniversary dates. The City Council shall set the salary of the City Manager and City Attorney. 1982-83 MAlifAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE -~ ANNUAL MON T HL Y Admi ni stxati ve Ai de 15,886-3.8,902 1,324-1,575 Adm. Assistant I 17,602-20,982 1,467-1,749 Adm. Assistant I1 20,306-24,258 1,692-2,022 Asst.. City Attorney 25,012-36,998 2,084-3,083 Asst. City Manager 29,952-42,796 2,496-3,566 Asst. Finance Director 21,632-27,040 1,803-2,253 Asst. Library Director 2 1 ,6 3 2- 2 7 , 0 4 0 1,803-2,253 Building Official 26,754-39,598 2,230-3,300 Central Services Director 20,020-25,792 1,668-2,149 City Engineer 26,754-39 , 598 2,230-3,300 Community Devclopment Mgr. 23,634-29,536 1,970-2,461 Current Planning Mgr. 27,170-33,956 2,264-2,830 Equiprnenk Maint. Supt . 22,646-28,314 1,887-2,360 Execiltive Assistant 17,602-20,982 1,467-1,749 Financc Director 26,754-39,598 2,230-3,300 Fire Battalion Chie-f 27,716-34,658 2,310-2,888 Fire Chief 28,470-42,172 2,373-3,514 Library Director 26,754-39,598 2,230-3,300 Mgr. of Research&Analysis 27,170-33,956 2,264-2,830 Farks & Kec. Director 26,754-39,598 2,230-3,300 Parks Supe rintcn dent 22 , 646-28,314 1,887-2,360 Personnel Director 26,754-39,598 2,230-3,300 Police Captain Po1.i ce Chief 29,406-35,776 2,451-2,981 27,508-44,200 2,292-3,683 P01.i ce Lieutenant 26,442-32,136 2,204-2,678 EXHIBIT I To Management Comp. Plan BI-WEEKLY 6 11. - 7 2 7 677-807 781-933 962-1,423 1,152-1,646 832-1,040 832-1,04O 1,029-1,523 770-992 1,029-1,523 909-1,136 1,045-1,306 871-1,089 677-807 1,029-1,523 1,066-1,333 1,095-1,622 1,029-1,523 1,045-1,306 1,029-1,523 871-1,089 1,029-1,523 1,131.--1, 376 - 1,058-1,700 1,03.7-1,236 1982-83 MANAGEMENT SALARY SCI3EDULE ANNUAL MONT IHTJY Principal Civil Engineer 27,222-34,060 2,269-2,833 Pr i nc i pa 1 P 1 anne r 25,2W8-31,616 2,108-2,635 Purchasing Officer 21,008--2’7,066 1,751-2,256 Recreation Superintendent 22,646-28,311 1,887-2,360 Street Msirit - Supt . 22,646-28,314 1,887-2,360 Utilities Maint. Manager 26,754-39,598. 2,230-3;300 Utilities Ivlain’c. Supt. 22,646-28,314 1,887-2,360 BI-Ji‘EEKLY - 1,047-1,310 973-1,216 808-1,04i 871-1,089 871-1,089 1,029-1,523 871-1,089 e