HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-06; City Council; 7074; EIR 81-08 Seabluffo oCda.a. O g Oz oo CITY OF CARLSBAD — AGEN AR« 1Q 7V MTR 7/6/82 DFPT PL TITLE: EIR 81-8 - SEABLUFF DFPT. Hd? *V\^H CITY ATTYV^?^ PITY MGR. ^^— RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Planning Commission and the Planning Staff are recommending that the City Council CERTIFY by minute motion that EIR 81-8 was prepared in compliance with CEQA and Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. ITEM EXPLANATION EIR 81-8 addresses the impacts created by the proposed annexation, zone change and ultimate residential development of the Seabluff property located just north of Batiquitos Lagoon between 1-5 and AT&SF Railroad right-of-way. The major impacts identified in the EIR concern traffic circulation and the loss of agricultural resources (flower crops are currently being grown on the site) . The EIR has indicated that preservation of agriculture on a large portion of the site will reduce this impact to insignificant levels. The Planning Commission and the Planning Staff feel that all impacts have been adequately addressed and that recommended mitigation measures properly reduce potential impacts to a level of insignificance. For further information, please see the attached staff report to the Planning Commission. FISCAL IMPACTS None. EXHIBITS 1) PC Resolution No. 1976 2) PC Staff Report, dated June 9, 1982 3) Location Map 4) EIR 81-8 (previously distributed) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1976 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING CERTIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR 81-8) FOR A PROJECT GENERALLY INCLUDING A ZONE CHANGE AND ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT FOR 130 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BATIQUITOS LAGOON BETWEEN INTERSTATE 5 AND THE A.T. & S.F. RAILROAD TRACKS. APPLICANT: HACKETT CASE NO; EIR 81-8 WHEREAS, on June 9, 1982, the Planning Commission, of the city of Carlsbad, held public hearing on EIR 81-8 pursuant to the provisions of Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered the comments and documents of all those persons testifying at the public hearing; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has received EIR 81-8 according to the requirements of Title 19 of the Carlsbad f Municipal Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the city of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Environmental Impact Report EIR 81-8 will be amended to include the comments and documents of those testifying at the public hearing and responses thereto hereby found to be in good faith and reason by incorporating a copy of the minutes of said public hearings into the report. 3. That the Planning Commission finds and determines that the Environmental Impact Report EIR 81-8 has been completed in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the state guidelines implementing said Act, and the provisions of Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and that the Planning Commission has reviewed, considered and evaluated the information contained in the report. 4. That the Environmental Impact Report EIR 81-8 as so amended and evaluated, is recommended for acceptance and certification as the final Environmental Impact Report and that the final Environmental Impact Report as recommended is adequate and provides reasonable information on the project and all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 reasonable and feasible alternatives thereto, including no project. 5. That each and every significant environmental impact identified in the Environmental Impact Report would be overruled or counterbalanced by changes or alteration in the project which would mitigate against said adverse impacts or, in certain circumstances, that mitigation of such adverse impacts would not be feasible under the circumstances and under the economic and social needs objectives and concerns in providing the improvements if the project were to be approved, would be included as conditions of approval of the project. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the city of Carlsbad, California, held on the 9th day of June 1982, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Marcus, Schlehuber, Jose and Rawlins. NOES: None. ABSENT: Chairman Farrow, Commissioners Friestedt and Rombotis. ABSTAIN: None. CLARENCE SCHLEHUBER, Vice-Chairman CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: /•JAMES C. HAGAMAN^Secretary CARLSBAD PLANNIJ36 COMMISSION PC RESO # 1976 o .STAFF REPORT DATE: June 9, 1982 . TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: EIR 81-8 - SEABLUFF I. BACKGROUND fr EIR 81-8 is an Environmental Impact Report which addresses the impacts from the proposed annexation, zone change (A-1-8, County, to RD-M and 0-S, City of Carlsbad) and ultimate residential de- velopment on approximately 130 acres located on the north side of Batiquitos Lagoon between Interstate 5 and the AT&SF Railroad right-of-way (Location Map attached). The subject EIR is comprised'of two parts:' the draft EIR, which identifies possible impacts from the proposed project and dis- cusses various mitigation measures and alternatives to the pro- ject; and the "comment's" portion of the EIR (at front) which lists reviewing agencies, includes comments on the draft EIR, and also .contains the city's response to these comment's. II. IMPACTS ' : 1. Traffic; At build-out the proposed Seabluff project would generate approximately4480 trips daily. The EIR indicates that when added to other .approved 'or proposed project traffic, the Seabluff project could result in significant impacts to the Carlsbad Circulation System. Mitigation would include improve- ments to Avenida Encinas and improvements to Poinsettia Lane. The EIR recommends that a major traffic study be completed for the surrounding area prior to development of the Seabluff pro- perty. 2. Ag r i c ult ur al Re sources; The proposed project is considered to have a potentially significant impact on agricultural resources. The project site is currently used for flower crops which are rotated with zucchini. This impact can be mitigated to a level of insignificance, however, through the implementation of an agricultural preservation program on a portion of the pro- perty. Such a mixed-use program would be consistent with the San Dieguito Local Coastal Program of which the subject property is a part. . ' • • No significant irreversible impacts were identified in the EIR. Staff feels that this. EIR was prepared in compliance with the city's environmental protection ordinance and adequately addresses and mitigates potential impacts. o III. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Planning Commission APPROVE Resolution No. 1967, recommending to the City Council CERTIFICATION of EIR 81-8. ATTACHMENTS 1. PC Resolution No. 1976 2. Location Map 3. EIR 81-8 (previously distributed) CDG:ar 6/2/82 -2- WE5TEC Services, toe. FIGURE 3-2Existing Primary Circulation and Access To Project Site 30 /