HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-06; City Council; 7077; Supplemental Lease With Santa Fe Railway CompanyAB# 7077 MTQ.U4L82-. DEW. RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVAL OF SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE WITH SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY I Bldg.&Plng I Council approve supplemental lease agreement with Santa Fe Railway Company for land in downtown area to be used as public parking lot; - ITEM EXPLANATION: Staff has discussed with Santa Fe Railway the lease of space in the downtown area for parking. The parcel is located just east of the railroad and south of Elm Avenue (See Exhibit A). The City presently leases the southern portion of this parcel for employee parking. The additional parcel will increase the total area to allow for a usable public parking lot site. Designs of a 50 space and an 80 space lot have been prepared (Exhibits R-1 j and 8-21. i - {I i! Downtown property owners have been polled and have expressed voiced support of this project. total support of the parking lot. The Chamber of Commerce has The need for parking and the lack of available land can limit development choices in this area. Staff proposes that the Developers within a certain distance of the lot (Exhibit C) parking spaces could be used as credit for future development. could be given parking credit if needed for their proposal. The developer would be responsible for the lease and maintenance costs of the credited spaces. This project would be eligible for Community Development Block Grant funding. This federal money could be used to pave and stripe and landscape the lot if Council chooses. FISCAL IMPACT: Lease-additional $75 per month for three years.(Present lease would be',adjusted from $275 monthly to $350 to include additional parcel). This equals $900 per year, $2,700 for 3 year period. May be partially or wholly paid for by developers. Staff is investigating the total operating cost of the lot (maintenance, lease insurance, etc.) if Council concurs with the recommendation we will retur.? with hard cost information. i Improvements-estimated up to $35,585, could be paid for with Community Deve1opmen.t Block Grant monies if Council so chooses. EXHIBITS: Exhibit A- Supplemental Agreement with Santa Fe Railway Exhibit B- Proposed parking alternatives Exhibit C- Area Map- Parking Credit for Development I SUPi'LEWNTAL AGREEMENT, made hs'of the 1st day of June '1982, between THE 'ATCHISCEI,. TOPEKA AN3 SANTA FE RAILWAY COWANY,. .a Delaware corporation, . hereinafter called "Santa Fe", first party, ana CITY'OF WSBAD, hereinafter called "LEssee", second party. RECITALS: Santa Fe and Lessce are presently parties to contract .dated May 25, 1976, designated in modifications, supplements and amendmenta thereto, (hereinafter for convenience -referre? the records of Santa Fe a& Secretary's Contract No. 150082, together with any and all ' to as "Original Lease"), under which Santa ?e leased and demised unto said Lessee those certain premises at Car.Xshad, County of San Diego, State of California. It is the purpose of the parties to amend the Okginal Lease as hereinafter set forth.' ACBEBHBNT: NUd THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: 1. That print of C.E.C.L; Drawing NO. 601-34001, dated May 17, 1976;last revised .. April' 20, 1982. hereto attached, marked Exhibit "A". an? by reference made a part hereto, correc.tly shows thereon the location and area of the premises covered by Original Lease as herein amended and that, effective as of June 1, 1982, said print shall be and it hereby is substituted in the place and stead of print attachet to and made a part of Original Lease with like force and effect as though originally attached thereto and made a part thereof. , 2. That, effectivc as of June 1, 1982, rental for the leased premises shall be and it . hereby is increased from Two Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($275.00) per month, as Dollars ($350.00) per month. Said rental may be revised at the end of each . specified .in said Original Lease, to the sum of Three Hundred Fifty and No/lOO three (.3) year period during which this contract may remain in effect. 3. That, as herein amended, Original Lease shall be and 'remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed Chis Supplemental Agreement, in duplicate, the day and year first,abqve written. ' .. 50215THL .Rev. 4/52 (bi41) .. . I EXHIBIT "A" ,I .I ATTACHED TO CONTRACT BETWEEN .THE. ATCHISON. TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY AND - CITY OF CFIRLSBAD - I EXHIBIT 6-1 . _" -. ~ .- . . . ." - m ! ! 1 .. ELM AYE I I I I ! i I I 1 I ! i I ! ! j : 2 i ! i I I i i I I i I ! I " :,: , ,. - h EXHIBIT 9-2 OAK AVE 09 .. 2 4 8- El 1 J