HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-20; City Council; 6946-2; Weed Abatement Public Hearing Cost Assessments:i..,,, Cll ~OF CARLSBAD -AGENC'BILL AB# 6946-2 MTG. 7-20-82 DEPT. FI-BW III.LE; t'IBED ABATEMENT-PUBLIC HEARING TO HEAR DEPT, HO,_...,_..,,, PROTESTS •.ro COST ASSESSM!:~NTS & ADOP-CITY ATTY___..___ ! TION OF RESOLUTION CONFIRNING COSTS -:)Gt i' & PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION CITY MGR,-~--1 ' RECOMMENDED ACTION: (1) CITY COUNCIL HEAR OBJECTIONS OF PROPERTY OWNERS CONCERNING COSTS OF HEED ABATEMENT ACTIVITIES ON THEIR PROPERTY. (2) ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. ls, '].s:J,_ CONFIRMING THE COSTS OF ABATEMENT & DIRECT CITY CLERK TO FILE A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE RESOLUTION WITH THE COUNTY AUDITOR ON OR BEFORE AUGUST 10, 1982, ITEM EXPLANATION: COUNCIL ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO, 6853 AT THE APRIL 4, 1982 MEETING, DIRECTING THE PREVIOUSLY DECLARED NUISANCES BE ABATED. THE CHARGES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL ARE !.-'OR WORK DONE BY A CITY 1"'QN- TRACTOR, UNDER DIRECTION OF FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL. THE INDIVIDUAL CHARGES INCLUDE THE CLEANING COST PLUS AN ADMINJ - STRATIVE FEE OF $25.00 PER PARCEL, THE AMOUNTS WILL BE PLJ\C~~ ON THE TAX BILL FOR THE PARCELS AND WILL BE COLLECTED BY THE COUNTY. FISCAL IMPACT: --- SLIGHT ADMINISTRATIVE COST TO PREPARE COSTS IN A FORMAT SUITABLE FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR. EXHIBITS: COST LIST RE~OLUTION NO, fo CJ 5 ..2_ 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Clerk Qeitp of Carl~bab Auditor & Controller San Diego County 1600 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92101 Re: Weed Abatement Cost Assessments 'Ihe Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of July 20, 1982, adopted Resolution No. 6952, confirming the report of the Fire Chief, showing cost of weed abatement against each parcel of land in said rerort, confinning the cost and providing for collection on the rer,ular tax bill. Enclosed for your records and information is a certified copy of Resolution No. 6952. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. 11.i!t.fnf~ City Clerk ALR:krs Enc. TELEPHONE: (714) 438·5535 l RESOLU'£ION NO. 6952 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CI'£Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARL3DAD, CALIFORNIA, CONl:'IRMING :5 THE REPORT OF THE FIRE CHIEF SHOWING COST OF WEED ADATEMEN'r AGAINST EACH PARCEL OI·' 4 LAND IN SAID REPOR'r, CONFIRMING THE COST AND l'>ROVIDING FOR COLLEC'l'ION ON '£Ill:: 5 REGULAR '!'AX BILL. 6 WHEREAS, on April 6, 1982, this City Council adopted 7 Resolution No. 6831 pursuant to Government Cone Sections 39501- 8 39588 declaring weeds, rubbish, refuse and dirt on the real 9 property described therein to be a public nuisance; and 10 WHEREAS, pursuant to said resolution a hearing was held by 11 said City Counci 1, and thereafter said Cit~• Council adopted 12 Resolution No. 6853 directing the FL·e Chief to abate the nuisance 13 by removal of the weeds, rubbish, refuse and dirt on the real 14 property described in said resolution; and 15 WHEREAS, California State Gove:rnment Coda, Section 39560, 16 ct seq., requires that a report of the cost of such abatement be 17 submitted to the City Council for consideration and confirmo.tion 18 following a public hearing, and the !:'ire Chief has J,ept the re- 19 quired accounts and has submitted his report to the Council for 20 confirm.ition; and 21 WHEREAS, said work has been duly performed in nccordancc 22 with said re.iolution, and a Notice of the •rime of nearing has 23 b:::!cn posted on or near the Chmnber door of this City Council in 24 the manner and form required by law; and 25 WHEREAS, at the appropriate time and place said report wus 26 received and considered for confirmation by this City Council, 27 at which time all protests and objections were hoard, and this 28 City Council gave all pc~rsons present an opportunity lo be heard l in respect to any matter relating to said abatement _work; and 2 WHEREAS, all persons desiring to be heard have been heard :; by this C;i ty Council; 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE I'r RESOLVED by the City Council of the 5 City of Carlsbad as follows: 6 l. That the above recitations arc true and correct. 7 2. 'rhat the abatement work, the report submitted to this 8 Council, and the posting of the Notice of the Time of Hearing 9 on said report were duly and regularly performed in the manner lO and time required by law. 11 3. That all protests and objections, other thnn those 12 heretofore allowed and deleted from said repo1·t, if any, were 13 and are hereb~{ overruled and denied. 14 4. That said report, a copy of which is on file in the office 15 of the C.i.ty Clerk, and by this reference made a part hereof, is 16 hereby confirmed, and each of the amounts set forth therein are J.7 hereby assessed against the parcel of real property shown with 18 said sum and shull constitute a special assessment and a lien 19 against such parcel of land. 20 5. The City Clerl~ is hcrel.'Y dj rected to forward a certified 21 copy of this resolution, together with a copy of said report to 22 the office of the San Diego County Auditor on or before August 23 10, 1982. 24 Pl\SS!m, APPROVED AND ADOPTED n t a regular meeting of the 25 Carlsbad City Council held on the 20th day of _J_u_l __ y ___ _ 26 1982, by the following vote, to wi.t: 27 // 28 // -2- A.YES : Council ~eni>ers Casler, Le~i.s, Kulchin, Chick and Ane.ir NOES: None ABSENT : None MARY H :f CASLER, Mayor AT'l'ES'l': 9 ~• 6~1, .l ~L- 10 ALETHA L, lU\U'l'ENI<RA~~ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 J.8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (SEAL) -3- 155-271-35 ~56-010-12 156-190-27 ;l.6.7-t.i'/0-J.8 0 16 7-230-24 204-070-14 204-081-11 ?.04-081-12 204-132-14 20-1-.150-19 204-150-20 JRLSDl\D PIRE Dl~Pl\.R'l'11EN'l' WE~ED l\nl\'l'EMF..NT 19 8 2 I Johnston, Rjchard 13 Jr. P.O. Dax 123 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Sarkaria, Daljit S+Elaine 1>.o. Box 5936 Orange, Cl\ 92667 Valdez, Joe+ Jeri J 1264 Oak Avenue Carlsbad, Cl\ 92008 Sheffler, George JET AL 2231 ~lameda Court Topeka, KS 66614 Mass Investments c/o St.eve Gormc 13030 Euclid St., #110 Garden Grove, CA_ Tyler Properties Ltd. 450 Serpentine Drive Del Har, CA 92014 Romero, Soledad TD 3293 Roosevelt Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Rotnero, Soledad •.r D 3279 Rouseve 1 t Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Crisman, I<enncth J·I Pnmcla J i>.o. Box G24 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Marsach, Hector 16162 Beach Blvd. Huntington Dcach, Cl\. 1r\'10 Friends 1751 Tamarar.k Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Two Frlcnc1s 1751 'l'amarack l\\'0nuc Carlsbad, CA 92008 92647 l>]\GE 'l'OTl\L . $ 415.00 61.00 169. 00 425. 00 . 63. 00 CiS.00 1,273, 00 1,273.00 60.00 GS.00 Gl ,00 61.00 $3,991.00 Abatcmc1rt-Page 2 204-192-10 204-240-05 , 2Q.4-.A0-06 · 205 ... 130-21 2Q5-210-07 206,-.180-39 207.-.022-08 207-022-15 207-100-09 207-200-17 207,-,200-18 211 .... 040-24 214-170-65 Uribe, Richard M+Yolanda 3676 Harding S~reet Carlsbad, CA 92008 Catalina Land Development Corp. 3010 Cowley $an Diego, CA 92117 Rhodes, Theodoi:e L Sr+Edith M P.O. Dox 1644 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ealy, Harrison 1578 Chestnut Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carroll, Thomas l'l+Jean C l?. o. Box 1282 La Jolla, CA 92038 Lewis, Dorene L 3400 Irvine Avenue ln04A Newport Beach, CA 92660 Giusto, James E+Betty 27635 Forbes Road Ste. Q Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Diversified Financial Systems 75-10 P.O. Box 1297 Oceanside, CA 92054 F+M Associates 4343 Morena Blvd., 16 San Diego, CA 92117 Sunset Pacific Ltd. 17701 N. Mitchell Irvine, CA 92714 Sunset Pacific Ltd. 17701 N. Mitchell Irvine, CA 92714 Hadley, Paul E~Peggy R 4743 \'1. Hoffer Banning, CA 92220 Standard Pacific Of San Diego (Corp) 7290 Clairc~ont Hesn Blvd. San Diego, CA 92111 PAGE 'l'OTAL 245,00 311,00 61. 00 62.00 ,· 115.00 61. 00 125.00 65.00 1,015.00 101.00 67.00 63.00 75.00 $2,3GG,OO Weed l\bater.:ent-Paqc 3 214-171-03 211-171-16 2.;l,5.-,22Q:-18 215-232-01 215-250-02 215-.250-33 215-,250-37 21,5-260-06 215,-.260-29 215-260-32 215-260-33 2).5-260-41 215-280-47 Occidental Petroleum Land+ Development Co~p. c/o Property Tax Department PO Box 868 Houston, 'l'x 77001 Occidental Petroleum Land+ Development Corp. c/o Property Tax Department P 0 Box 8GB Bous ton, 'l'x 77001 SE G Inc 6596 Caminibl Estrallado San Diego, c~ 92120 Limb, Myong Nam 3200 Judith Lane Lafayette, CA 94549 Robertson, Charles R+Gloria J 2515 Rivcrlawn Drive I<ingwood, 'l'X 77339 Morse, James A+Marjorie M 1237 Uinta Street Evanston, i']Y 82930 Morse, James A+Marjorie M 1237 Uinta Street Evanston, \.'lY 82930 Sollima, l\delaide 4043 Contera Road Encino, CA 91316 Okin a, Jiei+l<azue c/o •rsu M. Ongg 400 N. ~ells St., S-400 Chicago, IL 60610 Juanita Deacon 153 Ellingbrook Drive Montebello, CA 926'40 Rosita Deacon 3143 Hollingworth Street Vest Covina, CA 91792 Krominga, !)avid 1761 Uotcl Circle S #320 San Diego, Cl\ 92108 Stctman, Greg JET AL 1665 s. RQncho Santct Fe Road San Marcos, Cl\ 92069 PAGE 'l'O'l'l\L 145. 00 245.00 62.00 6J:.OO ; 100 .oo 65,00 65,00 61.00 61.00 62,00 62.00 165,00 100.00 $1,25•1,00 . . Weed.Abatement-Page 4 215-.280.-Sl. 215-290-06 2:].5-290-29 215-290-41 .. 215-300-01 215-300-02 215-300-22 215-310-16 215-310-20 215-310-29 215-310-·31 215-310-44 -' Double Vee Investments P.O. Box 1343 Rancho Santa Pe, CA 9206'/ Sharif:abad, Mondcgar K+Shirin K c/o Pardushirc La Costa 2245 La l\matista Rond Del Mar, CA 92014 Hoot, Terry E Tr ET AL 219 E. Eighth Street National City! CA 92050 La Costa Joint Venture ET AL c/o David \•7. Easley P.O. Box 495 Newport Beach, CA 92662 Manta, Mark F Tr c/o J L Manta Inc. 7757 S. Chicago Avenue Chicago, IL E0619 Hant a, Mark F 'l'r c/o J L Manta Inc. 7757 s. Chicago Avenue Chicago, IL 60619 La Costa Joint Venture ET AL c/o David w. Easley P.O. Box 495 Newport Beach, CA 92662 Bargiacchi, Dewey FETAL P.O. nox 2~35 Airport Station Oakland, CA 91614 Chain, Albert B+Betty Y. 3275 Willard Street San Diego, CA 92122 Pao, Chia 'l' R+Rosalie F 1710 Whith~m Avenue Los Altos, CA 94022 La Costa Joint Venture E'l' AL c/o David W. Easley P.O. Box 495 Newport Beach, CA 92662 Prouse, Thomas i\·l·Franccs H 2702 Hatco Place Carlsbad, CA 92008 62.00 61.00 265.50 61.00 62.00 62.00 61.00 61.00 61.00 183.75 61.00 61.00 $1,062.25 Weed.Abatemcnt-Paqe 5 215-310-4 5 215-320-22 215-320-33 215-320-38 215-330-03 215-330-05 215-330··07 215-330-08 215-330-09 215-330-10 215-330-11 215-330-12 2i5-330-13 Chastain, Wendell Jl+Carolyn M 119 Graham Drive Santa Ana, CA 92709 Jorgensen, Michael G 834 Dugualla Road -Oak Harbor, WA 98277 Zorn, Horst P+Margot Balderscheimer Weg 26 D 1000 Berlin 47 00000 Carey, John F+Shirley A 2025 Camino Del Sol Fullerton, CA 92633 American Land co. 1335 Hotel Circle, Suite #210 San Diego, CA. 92108 Pacific Highlands Ltd, 7020 Friars Road #1 San Diego, CA 92108 Hescon Developers Inc. 32221 Camino Capistrano San Juan Capistrano, CA Hescon Developers Inc. 32221 Camino Capistrano San Juan C"1pis trano, CA !Iescon Developers :tnc. 32221 Camino Capistrano San Juan Capistrano, CA Ilescon Developers Inc. 32221 Camino Capistrano San Juan Capistrano, CA llescon Developers Inc. 32221 Camino Capistrano San Juan Capistrano, CA Minor, Claudie D+Vicki A 5795 E. Weaver Place Englewood, co 80111 92675 92675 92675 92675 92675 P+M Investments Ltd. 1-80 BT AL c/o J. Pindel Jr. 2286 Vall~y Road Oceanside, CA 92054 P 1\GB 'l'O'l'l\L 6).,00 61.00 244.00 61.00 62.00 179.00 62.00 62.00 62.00 62.00 62.00 63.00 115. 00 $1,l.56,00 215-330-14 215-330-16 215-340-23 ·215-3so-60 215-350-61 215-360-01 215-360-19 215-370-15 215-380-0'1 215-380-05 215-380-10 215-380-28 ,,.... •rung, I<er-Kin,g+Tung I<er-Hwa ET AL 7739 Anillo Nay Carlsbad, CA 92008 I Kanji, Amir BET AL 1295 B Prospect Street La Jolla, CA 92037 Morrison, \·iilliam C+Joann J 43812 Fenner Lancaster, CA 93534 Chen, Laurence+Pat ET AL 30125 Avenida Classica Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90274 Event Properties Inc. 6164 sunset Blvd., Ste. 935 Hollywood, Ca 90028 Event Properties Inc. 6-064 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 935 llcilly\,JOod, Cl\ 90028 .Cerro Del Sol Ltd. 1761 Hotel Circle S 8320 San Diego, CA 92108 Wilson McArthur+E Elizabeth c/o Mack Wilson Construction 337 Camino Redondo San Marcos, ca 92069 Crow, Theodore F 2609 Glen Arbor Santa Ana, CA 92704 n~nett, Richard F~Gingcr fi808 urubu Street · Carlsbad, CA 92008 Double Vee Investments 11 ~ o. Box 1343 Rancho Santa Fe, CJ\ 92067 van Pract, Arthur J+Patd.cia M ET J\L 2025 Bernardo Avenue Escondido, CJ\ 92025 I? AGE 'l'O'rl\L 77.00 102.00 61.00 62.00 62.00 62.00 61.00 147.25 61.00 61.00 · 61.00 61.00 $ 87U.2~ l·Jecd l\batemcnt-Page 7 215-390-03 215-400-06 215-400-13 215-400-14 215-400-17 215-410-05 215-420-15 215-420-26 215-420-45 215-420-48 215-450-12 215-460-03 215-460-07 FTC Construction corp. 61.00 2640 Hidden Valley Road La.Jolla, CA 92037 I Torobe CommGrcinl Inc. c/o Karl Schaefer P.O. Dox 826 Citibank Zurich, Switzerland 08002 Chen I<uan-Yeul, V+Shu-Hei II 1518 Orange View Drive Encinitas, CA 92024 Hay, oavic1 R m• AL 145 w. First St., Suite D Tustin, CA 92680 Double Vee Investments(Ptnrsp) P.O. Box 1343 Rancho Santa Fe, CA .92067 Fritzie, Prank.M+Sharon L 20245 s. Beavercreek Road oregon City, OR 97405 Zarkovacki, Branislav+Zlata 271 Kenmore Street Akron, OH 44301 White, Andrea S 58 center Road Tolland, CT 06084 nan, Nalte1· i1M 4848 s. Kalispell Street Aurora, CO 80015 Young, Ge1·:.ild F+Young Violet E TRS 444 El Camino Real 81 Encinitas, CA 92024 Kearns, G Richard·l·Jcnn E'l' AL 524 Stevens Ave., Suite 10 Solana Beach, CA 92075 Seifert, Garhard+Licselotte 8939 Dad-Nerishofcn Grassbcrgwcg 8, Nest G~rmany Garrett Dcve>lopment Inc., E'l' AL 22952 Alcalde Drive St0 140 Lagunu Hills, Cl\ 92853 PAGE •rOTl\L 120.00 60.00 60.00 61.00 61.00 61. 00 61.00 61.00 61. 00 190.00 65". 00 65.00 $987,00 l·leed 1\batcment-Paqe 8 215-491-10 215-491-14 215-491-16 215-491-17 215-491-19 215-491-21 215-491-24 215-491-25 215-491-27 215-491-34 215-501-35 215-503-35 215-504-11 Kaiser, 7'.rnold+Lola L c/o MiO Videotronics Inc. 619 w. 54th Street New York, NY 1 10019 Fairbanks Finun.::.i.al Fund 7690 El Camino Real #209 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Brown, Aclah D c/o •rhe Ring Master P.O. Box 80992 San Diego, CA. 92138 Yadegaran, Abraham 4957 S. C6ntral Avenue Chicago, IL 60638 Delman, Jerry ET AL 7812 Camino Noguera San Diego, CA 92122 Morey , Fred J-1,Mary R 2618 Abcdul Carlsbad, CA 92008 Lopez, John D 6992 El Camino Real P104-351 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ramboldt, Song H '7634 Reposado Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Kampf, William M ET AL 2876 Luci.ernaga Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Jessop, Raymond E 1020 Sparrow Court San Marcos, CA 92U69 Chan, Robert Kuh-Chi+Jing-1,uan 14908 Vista Del Ocenno Del Mar, CA 92014 Newport Shores Builders (Corp) P.O. Box A Huntington Deach, CA 92648 Niguel Interiors (Corp) Drawer 1~ Huntington Dcach, CA' 92648 Ayres, Donnld n Jr. P.O. nox 1\ Uuntin<Jton ncnch, CA 92648 65.00 65.00 65. 00 65.00 65.00 65. 00 65,00 65.00 65.00 65.00 61.00 105,00 105,00 Pl\GB 'f0'1'1',L $9 86. 00 . I • -., I Weed l\batcmcnt-Page 9 --._ 215-550-01 215-550-02 215-550-03 215-550-04 215-550-05 · 215-55C-06 · 215-550-07 215-550-08 215-550-13 2157550-14 215-550-15, 215-550-16 215-550-17 Nmvport Shores Builders (Corp) Drawcl: 11. n~ntington Beach, CA 92648 I • Newport Shores Builders (Corp) Drawer A nuntington Beach, CA 92648 Newport Shores Builders (Corp) Drawer A Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Newport Shores Builders (Corp) Drawer A · Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Newport Shores Builders (Corp) Drawer l\. Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Newport Shores Dttilders (Corp) Druwer ,\ Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Newport Shore3·Builders (Corp) Drawer A uuntington Beach, CA 92648 Newport Shores Builders (Corp) Drawer A Uunt.ington Beach, CA 92648 Newport Shores Builders (Corp) Druwer A nunting~on Beach, CA 92648 Newport Shores-Buil.dc:cs (Corp) Drawer A Huntington Beach, CA 9264!\ Newport Shores Builders (Corp) Dr·n-1er A uuntington ucuch, CA 92648 · NeHport Shores Builders (Corp) Dr,lwcr A 11untin£1ton Beach, CA 92648 Newport Shores Builders (Corp) Drawer A lluntinglon Beach, CA 92648 p AGE ·ro·rAL 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 ,60.00 60.00 G0.00 60.00 45.00 45,00 45.00 45.00 $720. 00 'i ~1\batcment-Paqc 10 -.., 216-160-08 216-160-17 216-160-21 216-160-23 ·216-160-24 216-170-20 216-170-32 ?.16-170-34 216-170-35 216-170-36 216-180-04 216-180-46 216-190-12 216-190-48 *Sec lnst page. Farrow, Jerry F+l\lice M 4901 El Camino Real Ca~lsbad, Cl\ 92008 I Lauck, Eugene A 1533 N. Vista Street Hollywo~J, CA 90046 Lee, Bol ton·l·Yvonne P E'f AL 6026 Camin:i.to De La •ruza San Diego, CA 92120 Chang, Kuo T+Rose 1~ 1716 Dalton Road Palos Verdes Estates, CA Ghadishah, Kamt·un I~T AL c/o Persian Bazaar 1011 Camino Del Mar Del Mar, Cl\ 92014 Trabert, Greg ET AL P.O. Box 2106 Leucadia, CA J2024 La Breteche LTD 90274 1883 Century Park East Ste 209 Century City, Ca 90067 La Bretechc L'l'D 1888 Century Parl~ East Ste 209 Century City, CA 90067 Simantob, Knmran ET AL 10471 Guincho Place San Diego, CA 92124 Event Propoxties Inc, 6464 sunnet Dlvd., Ste. 935 Hollywood, CA 90028 Rhorlci;, 'l'hcodorc L+Edi th c/o 'l' L Rhodes Construction P.O. Box 1G44 Carlsbad, Cl\ 92008 Daligdig, Viccn t R+Loli ta Q E'r AL 8948 Montrose Way San Diego, CA 92122 Circle 8 Leasing Inc. P.O. Box 2465 Salt Lake City, UT Gcrnm, Sac,1da c/o Manouc1 Ncqahdar 2'106 Sac~da Circle Carlsbud, CJ\ 9200B 84110 P J\GE 'l'O'l'l\L 61.00 61.00 61.00 62.0.0 61.00 62.00 62.00 Ci2. 0(1 62,00 ' 62.00 61.00 G0,00 Gl.00 G0.00 $858.00 l I : I I Weed Abatetncn t.-Page 11 216-190-73 i16-200-24 216-230-20 216-230-21 . 216-230-23 216-230-44 216-230-58 216-230-62 216-240-17 216-240-18 . 216-240-31 216-240-47 216-240-49 Jlenderson, Irene 5227 Van Gogh 'Lane Bonita, Cl\ 92002 . , ..... Casa Laguna Corp. P .o. Box 1905 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Straza, George T TR P.O. Box 1292 Rancho Santa Fe, CI\ 92067 Magadow, Aaron 4201 E. l:'rui tland Avenue Loz 1\ngeles, CA 90058 Lech, Nilli,:un R 25005 outloo}, Drive Carmel, Cl\ 93923 Masterson, Philip F+Betty J 224 19 .. h Street Del Nar, CA 92014 Cirricionc, Adeloide 404 3 Contera Road Encino, CA 91316 Veazey, Lawrence E+Joan E 12218 Gneiss Avenue Downey, CI\ 90242 llnriri, Mohmnmed R ET AL 6414 Cibola Road S,rn Oiego, CI\ 92120 Doshi, Ashok+M~ghnmala 3025 Parkside Drive llighlnnd Pnrk, IL 60035 Truman, Robert ~'l·H~etty L 721 Sandlcwood Avcruc La Uabra, CA 90631 La Costa Joi1,t v:~nturc (Ccirp) E'l' 1'11. 11 .0. DOX 495 Balboa !Hland, CA 92662 Ranck, Jamcs+Syt1ncy E'l' 1\L lOG38 Grccn[ord Drive San Diego, CA 92126 l? MiE 'l'O'l'J\J, Gl.00 63.00 61.00 61.00. 61.00 287.25 183.25 299.00 61.00 61.00 61.00 I . 61.00 61.00 $1,381.50 l·leed 1\bntc:mcnt-l'nqc 12 215.:.250-01 216-250-02 216-250-05 216-250-30 216-251-13 · 216-270-22 . 216-270-2 3 216-270-35 216-270-36 216-290-:W 216-290-21 Scallon, llallard G+Dora M 5195 Mt. l\lifan Drive San Diego, ci 92111 ' Scallon, ll«llard G l·Dora M 5195 Mt. l\lifan Drive San Diego, CA 92111 Leeds, Anna L 5319 Cl l\rbal Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Lyons, Cecil \·1+Lois N 440 W. Bennett Street Compton, Cl\ 90220 Pontoriero, Giucomo+L\tcy A 38 Orchard Street Bloomfield, NJ 07003 'l'heiss, Hm:olcl II 1922 'l'he Ala11,cda ff200 San Jose, CA 95126 'l'ullcy' Gary M+Patdcici A 1401 opal Street San Diego, CA 92109 Karnazes, John+Helcn 5270 Solcchld Rancho Co\lrt San Diego, Cl\ 92109 llall, Donald G+l3<11.·bnra N I::'l' l\L 12320 Mitchell Avan\le Lon Angeles, CA 90066 Okamoto, Musm1ki c/o Mas Ohk\lbO Sumitomo nank 410 A Street r.an Diego, CA 92101 r.n Costa Villns Ltd. c/o Hector Marsnch 16162 Beach Blvd. 11untingL011 Beach, Cl\ r.a Costa Villas Ltd. c/o Hector Mnrsnch 16162 nc~ch Blvd, ll\mtingto11 Bench, Cl\ 92647 92647 G.l.00 61.00 232.00 61.00 183.25 170.00 61.00 243.·25 61.00 61.00 61.00 62.00 l~l\GE '1'0'111\L ~ 1,317.50 Weed l\natcnrcnt.-Paqc )3 216-300-0~ 216-300-05 216-300-06 · ·216-300-14 216-300-15 216-·300-17 216-300-18 216-300-19 216-300-20 216-300-22 216-340-11 216-340-31 '\ Harding, Robert M E'r l\L 5301 Appian Wp.y Long Beach, Cl\ 90803 Millan, Stanley P.O. Box 3'i36 Stateline, NEV 89449 Millan, Stanley P.O. Box 3S'.>S Stateline, NEV 89449 :1illun, Stanley P.O. Dox 3536 Statc.:i.i.ne, NEV 89449 Stangel, Murray+Rosc 4333 :;~edwood /\venue #8 Marina Del Rey, CA 90291 Miller: Neil 190 Forester Drive LOS 1\ngcles, CA 90064 •ream Alliance corp. c/o r.arry MacDonald r.o. Box 20218 •San Diego, CA 92120 Peterson, Wayne R+Normn A ET AL 3235 Nillard San Diego, CA 92112 Peterson, \\/ayne R+Norrna 3235 Nil.lard San Diego, CA 92112 Peterson, Wnyne R+Norina 3235 \'11 llard San Diego, Cl\. 92112 Brown, Adah D ET AL c/o The Ring Master P.O. Box 80992 San Diego, CA 92130 Edwards, ,John S 757 Eolus Avonue Leucadia, Cl'. 92024 A ET AL A ET AL \(]atkins I 'l'hornas Jr+Jcanne ,J 335 Ar.bolm1a Dr;_vc Arcadia, Cl'. 9:006 Pl\GE 'l'O'l'l\L 61.00 61.00 61.00 61.00 177. 25 262.75 62,00 62.00 62. 00 45.00 62. 00 154. 00 217,25 216-351-07 216-352-12 216-360-01 216-360-04 216-360-12 223-130-08 223-130-09 223-130-36 223-130-41 223-150-34 Biro, Rose 13745 Nogales Drive Del Mar, CJ\ 92014 I Larrabee, Steven C+Debra L 414 Jolina way Encinitas, CJ\ 92024 Lee, I3ol ton+Yvonnc P E'l' AL 6026 Camin:i.to De La Ta7.« San Diego, CA 92120 Ghac1ishah, Bahram E'l' 1\L 1011 Camino Del Mar Del Mar, CA 92014 r,auck, Eugene A 1533 N, vista St~eet Hollywood, CA 90046 Stadel, Thomas R 3456 Plumeria Place costa Mesa, CA 92626 Stadel, Thomas R 3456 Plumcria Place costa ::esa, CA 92626 1\g:i.f'hi, Akiko 3119 N. Nichols ,...,myon Road LOS Angeles, CA 9COIJ6 nrault, Jose R 3355 Las Vegas Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89109 Farkas, 'l'ibor+\::i ta E'l' AL 2311 caringa Way 161 Carlsbad, CJ\ 92008 PAGE TO'l'l\L 191.00 61,00 61. 00 61.00 61.00 61.00 61.00 61. 00 228.25 61.00 $907.25 WeQd Al1atenicnt-i?aqe 15 *216-190-31 · 1,216-190-39 Day, Robert C Jr+Lise B P.O. 13ox 392 , - Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 Trinidad Zeferino ET AT, 5222 Southridge Avenue LOS Angeles, Cl\ 90043 PAGE TO'fl\L 61.00 61.00 $122.00