HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-20; City Council; 7091; Signs - Information and DirectionalCITY t-" CARLSBAD - AGENDA E'i.,b a# 709/ TITLE EPT.PL f SIGNS - INFORMATION AND DIRECTIONAL ITG- 7-2 0 - 82 - ~ECOM MENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the following action be taken: ta. 1) Community Directional Sign (A) be approved with a blue background: (a) The fabrication and placing of these signs in the community be referred to Street Division/Maintenance and Operations (priority to be given to visitor infor- mation signs from 1-5 to Chamber office on Elm) and Beach directional signs at Palomar Airport Road and Carlsbad Boulevard. (b) Community directional signs will be placed on either existing poles or single new poles. 2) That community entrance sign (B) be adopted by the City Council and referred to Streets Division/Maintenance and Operations for implementation. 3) That the city not pursue additional freeway identification signs at this time. ITEM EXPLANATION Council Goals D-1-5 (development plan for information and direction sign located in public right-of-way) and D-1-6 (work with Chamber of Commerce to develop directional sign program for 1-5 corridor) stimulated the for- mation of a committee composed of Councilwoman Ann Kulchin, Michael Straub, Don Brown and James C. Hagaman to meet with Cal Trans on freeway signing. Attached memos and map indicate location of agreed changes. The committee has also reviewed community directional and entrance signs with the recommended design attached and map indicating location of new signs. Special thanks go to Bob Wilkinson of the Parks and Recreation Department for his design contribution. FISCAL IMPACT Freeway signs will be provided at no cost to the city. Community directional and entrance signs currently are not budgeted in Streets Division/Maintenance and Operations. ATTACHMENTS : Letter to Ann Kulchin from James C. Hagaman 4-27-82. qxhibit A - Community Directional Signs Exhibit A-1 - Map indicating Entry & Informational Sign Exhibit A-2 - Directional Sign on Poles Exhibit B - Concrete Entrance Sign Exhibit B-1 - Map Indicating New Freeway Signing Letter to Jim Hagaman from Michael Straub 4-27-82. COPY REPORT DATE: April 27, 1982 TO: Ann Kulchin FROM: James C. Hagaman RE: I. FREEWAY IDENTIFICATION SIGNS 11. COMMUNITY DIRECTIONAL AND IDENTIFICATION SIGNS I. our second meeting with M.A. Chase of CaT Trans. At the first meeting you may recall a number of proposals were presented to Mr. Chase for changes in freeway signage. The following results have been presented to us: The committee composed of Mike Straub and myself have completed 1. Tourist Information Sign. If the Chamber of Commerce meets Cal Trans criteria by providing tourist information (i .e. brochures and special interest map), Cal Trans will provide signs on 1-5 both north and south of Elm Avenue off-ramps indicating tourist information. Cal Trans’ current standards require a 15 mile interval between tourist information signs. for soutbound traffic at the xhes when they meet the necessary criteria. Oceanside could request a sign 2. South Carl sbad State Beach. Cal Trans will provide directional signs for southbound traffic at Palomar Airport Road and for northbound at La Costa Avenue indicating exit for South Carlsbad State Beach. These signs will be provided when City is prepared to place community directional signs at Carlsbad Boulevard and Palomar Airport Road. We can sign South Carlsbad State Beach and Swimming Beaches to the north. County will be contacted by Cal Trans for similar sign at Carlsbad Boulevard and La Costa Boulevard. 3. Tamarack lodging signs. Southbound lodging sign will be changed to point east and northbound lodging sign has been replaced. 4. Palomar Airport Road. Lodging sign will be installed on both north and southbound Palomar Airport Road. Additionally, a northbound confusing Business-Freeway sign has been eliminated. 5. La Costa Boulevard Sign indicating "Carlsbad next 7 exits" will be relocated south of La Costa Boulevard. lodging sign pointing to beach will be removed. Off-ramp 6. Highway 78 Westbound Cal Trans will place a "Carlsbad next 2 exits" east of El Camino Real. 7. Freeway logo sign is not recommended by Cal Trans for urban areas at this time. 8. Landscapi ng Cal Trans wi 11 trim 1 andscapi ng between Tamarack and Elm to provide better visibility to the motels. 11. Community Directional and Identification Signs. 1. Proposed entrance signs to Carlsbad at specific loca- tions entering the City. A) entrance signs. Attached are some concepts on proposed City 2. Community directional signs for guidance with the communi ty . A) a compatible community directional sign. I have asked Bob Wilkinson to assist in developing JCH:ar Attachments: 1. Mike Straub s letter dated April 27, 2. Community identity signs. 3. Community directional signs. 82. cc: Frank Aleshire, City Manager. COPY OF LETTER FROM MICHAEL STRAUB, DATED APRIL 27, 1982 April 27, 1982 Jim Hagaman Director of Planning City of Carlsbad Summary of meeting with Chase of Cal Trans 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Tourist Information signs will only be installed when the ability exists to dispense information at times when Chamber office is closed. Obtain- ing an enclosed bulletin board will be discussed with directors of Chamber. A letter of request will have to be sent to Cal Trans after bulletin board is available. Cal Trans standards call for 15 mile interval between "Tourist Info" signs. Oceanside may request signs when bulletin board is available at the "arches." City erected lllogo'l signs are not allowed on Cal Trans property at off- ramp termination. La Costa would qualify for a "food and lodging" sign at La Costa exit if directional signs are provided at corner La Costa Blvd. and El Camino Real and at entrance to resort. Signs to be provided to identify Carlsbad State Beaches for southbound traffic at Palomar Airport Road and northbound at La Costa Blvd. City will be required to sign at Carlsbad Blvd. at Palomar Airport direct- ing traffic south to State Beach campground. traffic north at this intersection are optional for City installation. Other signs directing Tamarack sign and arrows directing to Pi0 Pic0 at top of exits are now being installed saying "Lodging." Freeway 78 headed west sign to be provided indicating "next two exits Carl s bad. I' Lodging signs to be added at Palomar Airport for new motels. Carlsbad Next 7 Exits sign to be moved to south of La Costa Blvd. for northbound traffic. Michael Straub (signature) T -EXHIBIT A-1 ENTRY SIGN A, Caxlsbad Entry sign at El Camino Real and Olivenhain Road, B, Carlsbad Entry sign at El Camino Real overpass, C, Carlsbad Entry sign at' Southbound city limits Carlsbad Blvd, D, Carlsbad Entry sign at Northbound city limits, TOURIST INPORBlATION SIGH 1, Northbound Beaches sign located at La Costa Ave, 2, Carlsbad Lodging sign to be located on Palomar Airport Road, 3. Carlsbad Beaches sign to show North and Southbound beaches 4, Carlsbad Tourist Information sign at Elm and Carlsbad Blwd, 5, Carlsbad Tourist Information sign at Chamber of Commerce, 6, Carlsbad Beaches sign Northbound on Carlsbad Blvd, and on Palomar Airport Road, La Costa Avenue, EXHIBIT A-2 A 43 EXHIBIT' B-3. k CAL TRANS FREEWAY SIGNS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, "Carlsbad Next 7 Exits" relocated South of La Costa Avenue, Caltrans Lodging sign to be located Southbound and Northbound of Palomar Airport Road, Caltrans Lodging sign located at Northbound Tamarack Avenue and 1-5- , Caltrans Tourist Information sign North and Southbound on Elm, Caltrans sign "Carlsbad Next 2 Exits" at Westbound 78 Freeway, "'To Beaches" sign at Southbound Palomar Airport Road. "To Beaches" sign at Borthbound La Costa Avenue,