HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-10; City Council; 7115; Police Patrol Vehicle MarkingsC. LJ..• > 0 a: Cl. 0.. c:( z 0 ~ .J 0 z :::, 0 (.) ----------------------___,,,.-----;.,- ·""'"' ;.·-\ CIT\ JF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL AB# 7 / / l-DILE; MTG. ·, //;o/.f,a v POLICE PATROL VEHICLE MARKINGS DEPT. POI CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt the proposed police patrol vehicle markings and authorize the staff to implement the program. ITEM E)(P 1.ANATION Several months ago, patrol officers of the police department submitted a sug- gestion to change the appearance of the patrol vehicles. Due to their sugges- tion and the often expressed confusion on the part of the citizens as to which law enforcement agency the unit belonged when observed on the street, a design st.udy was undertaken. The staff felt with the proper design, a greater degree of city identity, increased visibility to the public and improved offic~r morale could be achieved. The staff .angaged the services of the graphic workshop class of the Arts Center College of Design, Pasadena. Senior students Vince Peterson and Ai-Chiro Ueda were assigned to handle the project. These two individuals developed a design that met all the criteria established by the staff: 0 Increase visibility 0 Increase safety 0 Enhance city and departmental image 0 Improve officer morale through enhanced identity 0 Demonstrate through visual means a modern, proactive and decisive police zervice ° Capture the friendly, warm beach atmosphere of Carlsbad 0 Be clearly arid easily identified as Carlsbad Police Department ° Cost relatively similar The material that was chosen is made of colored pressure-sensitive reflective tape. City staff can be easily trained to apply the materials quickly and reascnab ly. FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact would consist of a cost of $75.95 each for the first 20 vehicles and $62.38 each, tPereafter. This would be an additional cost over our present process of $30.95 and $17.38 respectively. We current1y.operate 14 marked units. An order of 20 units would last approximately one and one-half years. The initial cost would be an additional $620 for the first order. Thereafter, an additional cost of $200 to $300 per year. The costs would be absorbed in the vehicle main- tenance buuget . EXHIBITS Staff report Photo reproduction oN + ci.Q.. w, ri-1 c. ,n' c:..1-i.RI",. DATE: June 30, 1982 TO: Frank Aleshire, City Manager FROM: Vincent D. Jimno, Chief of Police POLICE PATROL VEHICLE MARKINGS Purpose The purpose of this report is intended to propose and support a _hange of the visual appearance of the Carlsbad Police Department's patrol fleet. The report will articu- late the rationale behind the proposed change and relate its cost. Recommendation It is recomnended that authorization be given to the police department to proceed with the purchase and installation of the proposed new police patrol vehicle markings. General Discussion Members of the police patrol staff suggested that the police department patrol vehicles needed to be remarked to estab'lish a greater degree of city identity, increase visi- bility to the public and improve safety and officer morale. For a number of years, the department has utilized a design thJt is similar to several other San Diego County cities. This similarity has caused officers and citizens to complain that it is dif- ficult to identify Carlsbad police vehicles from vehicles of other agencies. The staff addressed this suggestion by first contacting the Art Center College of De- sign in Pasadena. This institution has a reputation of working with non-profit organi- zations. The staff made arrangements with the school personnel to have two senior design students carry out their senior graduation project by designing a new police car mark in$: format for Carlsbad. The two students who undertook the project \'tere Vi nee Peterson and Ai .. Chi ro Ueda. These students worked under the direction and instruction of John Follis. Mr. Follis is the principal owner of John Follis and Associates in Los Angeles. Mr. Follis' firm did the sign designs for the First Interstate Bank and San Diego Wild Animal Park. The c 1 ass, known as graphic t:1orkshop, has a 1 so worked on projects for Orange County Blood Bank, Heart Center, Pasadena Playhouse, llniversity of Southern California, news- papers and Pasadena Police Department. The students met with staff to establish the limits and intent of the project. The students were advised that the new image would have to meet the following criteria: 0 increase visibility 0 increase safety 0 enhance image 0 demonstrate through visual means a modern, proactive and decisive police service 0 capture the friendly beach atmosphere of Carlsbad 0 be clear~y and easily identified as Carlsbad Police Department units 0 cost should be relatively similar I .• .. ... After several meetings and design submittals, it was decided that the attached design fit all the criteria prescribed by the staff. The staff, with the help of the students, researched possible sources for materials necessary for the implementation of the design. Sign World, San Diego, was contacted for cost estimates. Ivan Heckscher, Sign World, quoted: New Image Old Image Increase First 20 sets $75.95 each vehicle Thereafter, $62.38 $45.00 each vehicle $45.00 each vehicle $30.95 each vehicle $17.38 each vehicle The material utilized for the markings consists of pressure sensitive reflective tape. It is preprinted and set for application. The city mechanics will be taught how to apply these by the vendor. The vendor indicates that once taught, the city staff will have little difficulty in applying the designs. Finally, it takes approxi- mately three to four weeks for setup, printing and delivery. Thereafter, it will be easily reordered in whatever quantity desired. Conclusion The staff has determined that the advantages of proceeding with the new police patrol vehicle markings justify the utilization. The advantages of 0 better citizen recognition; 0 increased safety; 0 increased officer morale; 0 enhanced city image; and 0 reasonable cost are demonstrated by the new design. Th~ additional cost of $30.95 each for the first 20 sets and $17.38 thereafter is insignificant when measured to what is accomplished. The alternatives that can be considered are: 0 leave vehicle markings as presently designed 0 further examine other designs 0 adopt preferred design Staff recommends adoption of the proposed marking format. ,. Carlsbad~ Pol~e Dept. Cho&en Typtttyte. -· Colo< ...........