HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-17; City Council; 7121; State Fund Costs of 911 Emergency Telephone System0 UJ > 0 0: .a.. a. <C z 0 ~ ..J 0 z :) 0 CJ _ _,,, CIT\: -JF CARLSBAD -AGENDA-JILL ?J ()J) AB# 21:J. I MTG. 8/1 7 /82 DEPT._P ..... O ... I __ TITLE: DEPT.~ CITYA~~ CITY MGR.~ REQUESTING THE STATE TO FUND COSTS OF THE 911 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. le q 7,S:-requesting the State of California to replace the funds borrowed and all interest accruing since 1979 from the Emergency Telephone Users Tax account. The resolution also requests the State of California to pay for all costs incurred for the addition of the Automatic Location Indicator (ALI). ITEM EXPLANATION: The State of California, in order to balance its budget, has borrowed funds from the Emergency Telephone Users Tax account. These monies are monies that were collected for the special purpose of paying for 911 systems state-wide. Due to criteria the State set several years ago as to what costs would be pc1id for by State, coupled with more monies collected than anticipated, excess funds were realized. The State chose not to change its criteria as to what i5 to be paid for by the special funds, but inst~ad borrcwed them. This move reduces the eventual JiOS5ibilty for cities and counties to add more sophisticated technology to the system unless they pay for them as an extra cost. The money was intended to pay for tbe 911 system, not to finance othe~ portiJns of the State budget. Therefore, if additional funds are realized, the excess monies should go into paying for those times to make the 911 system more effective. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact at this time, but if the State adopted the proposal, an additional enhancement to our emergency capability estimated at $2000 to $300n could be realized at no cost to the City. EXHIBITS: Resolution No. {; 9 7..S I l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 nESOLl/l'IO:-l HO, 6975 RF.Sovmcx~ OP 'l'HE CITY COtP.-!CIL OF THE CITY OF CART..SDJ\D' CJ\LIFORNil\, REQUES1'ING 'fi:E STA'I.'E 'l'O FUND CERrl\.TN POR- TimS OF THE: o:is·rs OJ.:"' TI!E 911 E1',1ERGENCY TELEPH0)IB SYS'rEM. WHEREAS, Assembly Bill 515, adopted in 1972, established a one-mmoer. eITErgency telci;honc systm thr:mghout tne St:ute of Ca.lifomia, designated as 911, and requirc:d that the sy~:tem be fully operational by Dece:n!:er 31, 1982; and NHEREl\S, S0nate Bill nsc,, signed into law Scpt:emrer 28, 1979, mmdated a users ta."{ of one-·hal f of ona i.ercont ba collected on the telephone billing to each residential or. centrcx sLbscrib~r, whic.l-i would provide sufficient funding for the installation and se1.-,.d cing of th~ system; and WIIEREl\S, the City of Car:: sbad has no., canplied with the State's rn:u1aute and provide:l the nacessa:rx telephone equipm;nt for what is d~~red an adequate 0m3rgenc<J telephone service for the ci ti.zens of Ca"dsbad; and WPEREAS, the State of Ollifornia j s paying for the installation of all the eirergcncy telephone equipoc>.nt except that eJuiprrcnt classiffod ,is .i.nc.remantal cost e ... 1 lp.rent; and t'lHERF.AS, the City of Cm:lsbad, after due consideration of the cost for installing an autcmatic locati 0n indicator, chose not to instctl.l t.'1~ appa-r.atus. 'Ibis apparatus was considered an added feature t.1-ial: must be paid for .:1s an increrrentul. cost bome by each agency. l·IHERFAS, sufficient funds have been and are no..; being collected to o.wer the costs of the .:1utarati.c location indicutor, if the flmds were not loaned to other State accounts, and if the interest accruing to the funds was c.-vntinued in crcd.it to the Ellcrgc.m.::y Telep!'lone Users Tax acc,:>tmt; and WHEREl\S, the State of Cul. ifornia has bo:cr~-1ad 20 million dollms frcm the 18 users tax uccount as wall as diverting c1U interest accrued since J.979 from nonies in the account and placing Q.D of the surre in the State Genrn:al Ftmd. 19 NO'i', THEREFORE DE IT RE.SOLVED by fae City Council of t.'ie C.i.l-y of Carlsbai:1, 20 thut the fonds l-ori"O\':ed from th:-! Enecgency 'l'elep!ione Users Tax account and all interest c1ccruing to that accotmt: oo placed back into that account; and 21 DE IT FURl'llER PESOLVED thett tJ1a City Council of: the c.ity of Cru:lsbaci 22 requests that: the in::.cc'Jrentul costs wbic.'1 w-ould be incnrrcd by the City of Carlsbad for the inst.nllation .md m:mthly servicing of the auton1::1t:i.c locilting 23 cqu.ipmcmt be refund~d to the Cil-y of Carlsbad by the Stnte of Califon1ia from the Em::irgency 'l'elep:1011e Users •.rax account. 24 25 // 26 // 27 // 28 II l PASSED, APPROVED J\NO ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 17th day of __ August , 1982, by the following 2 vote, to wit: 3 4 5 6 7 8 AYES: Council Merobers Casler, l.ewls, Kulch:in, Chick and Aneru: NOES: None ABSENT: 9 ATTE~T: 10 None 11 -A~2~a~_L~~-::~~~~. 12 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 13 (SEAL) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 lfiL-f.',--i..._., t.l ett.-.i~•etq~~ MARY H. Js1.rn' Mayor ,, A.