HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-17; City Council; 7131; Building & Planning Departments reorganization-. LB# 7/31 IEPT. laming ATQ ui din! .!2w.y- an ClTlr 3F CARLSBAD - AGENDA dILL BUDGET AND POSITION TITLE CHANGES TO IMPLEMENT REORGANIZATION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING DEPARTMENTS CITY MOR.& RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council approve the reorganization of the department with new position titles and budget changes by adopting Resolution No.&? Fa and introducing, Ordinance No. i2sb . ITEM EXPLANATION: The reorganization of the Planning Department became effective after the 1982-83 budget was prepared. It is necessary to prepare a supplement to the budget that reflects these changes. These adjustments are presented for Council approval. Additionally, some position title changes and in- terdepartmental movement of personnel were required to accompl ish the reorganization. These changes are outlined in Exhibit A. Resolution No. /9yp z to the 1982-83 budget. makes necessary adjustments to incorporate changes Ordinance No. /z 3-d amends the Carlsbad Municipal Code to change the title of the person responsible for Land Use Planning. FISCAL IMPACT: Reorganization has created no additional positions or net budget changes to previously approved 1982-83 budget. Administration, Advanced Planning and Current Planning have been replaced by Land Use Planning and the Research and Analysis Group. The activity titles of Planning EXHIBITS : Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Schedule of Budget Changes. Memorandum to City Counci 1 /City Manager dated 8/4/82. - - Resolution No. 9ffz Ordinance No. /~J'G MEMORANDUM DATE: August 4, 1982 TO: CITY COUNCIL/CITY WNAGER FROM: Marty Orenyak, Director of Building and Planning SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF POSITION TITLE CHANGES AND BUDGET AVUSTMENTS FOR REORGANIZATION INTRODUCTION On June 2, 1982 the Planning Department was reorganized. efficiency and improve service to the public. ment I. This reorganization became effective after the 1982-83 budget was prepared; therefore, it is necessary to prepare a supplement to the 1982-83 budget for Council approval. Changes were made to increase The new organization is shown in Attach- DISCUSS ION The major changes in the new organization are as follows: PLANNING DEPT. and BUILDING DEPT. become BUILDING & PLANNING DEPT. CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION becomes ADVANCED PLANNING DIVISION becomes LAND USE PLANNING DIVISION OF BUILDING & PLANNING DEPT. RESEARCH ANALYSIS GROUP under City Manager To implement these chanqes the following position title changes are necessary: FROM: TO: - BUILDING OFFICIAL - BUILDING DEPT. DIRECTOR, BUILDING & PLANNING PLANNING DIRECTOR - PLANNING DEPT. POLICY DEVEtOPMENT MANPtGER - RESEARCH/ANALYSIS GROUP PRINCIPAL PLANNER - CURRENT PLANNING LAND USE PLANNING MANAGER DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING COORDINATOR - ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I - DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES BUILDING & PLANNING Additionally, some reassignments of personnel that reflect (1 ) additional responsibility brought about by the reorganization but do not impact the budget (2) (no salary increaser were necessary: ASSOCIATE PLANNER (2) CURRENT - to PRINCIPAL PLANNER (2) PLANNING BUILDING & PLANNING SECRETARY / BOOKKE EPER - REDEVELOPMENT - to SECRETARY I1 - REDEVELOPMENT BUILDING & PLA?iiIXi I DIRECTOR OF RUILDIX Administrative Assistant11 Secrqtary I1 I Secretary I1 DEVELOPNE'JT PROCESSING SECTIOX administrative Assistant I Engineering Technician I Planning Technician I Pernit Clerk 1 BIJILDIWG FIELD ASSICEMENT Building Inspector XI (2) Building Inspector I RUILDINC OFFICE ASSICWENT I LI DIVISION Suilding Inspector 111 r-t Plan Checker (Contract) Pernit Clerk (2) t I 'I I I I HOUSISG 1)IVISION 1 f Administrative Assistant I1 Administrative Assistant I Clerk Typist .I I Assist. Planner (3) Planning Tech. I GENERAL PLAN Clerk Typist I INPLE>1EZ.'~ATION I t DEVELO??IZNT PLANNING SECTION Principal ?lanner OFFICE OF CITY HANACEK 1 I RESEARCH ANALYSIS GROUP Policy Developnent Hanager Principal P1anni.r Associate Planner Assistant Planmr Secretary I1 3 Dcve1op;;len t Services --- Salaries N & 0 Capital Sub- Total Inter-Dept. Services Total Eui 1 dins - Sal ar i es M&O Capital Su&Total Inter-Dept. Services Total CITY OF CARLSCAD ACCOI*iH.IC DAT E B U I L D I IiG li ND P LAIiN I REORG.V!I ZATION BUUGET ADLlUST:4E!.ITS TO A ADOPTED ADJUSTKENTS NiEtiDED BUDGET BUDGET 1982-83- ---- 1952-83 -- 129,134 . { 24,800) . 11 .coo -0- 104,334 11.400 -0- -0- -0: -_I_ 140,534 124,809@- 7 11 5,743 90,000 -0- 50,534 .( 2s,soo> 25,734 ( 90,000? , 289,459 24,800 314,259 144,402 -0- 144,402 1,090 . -0- 1,090 434,951 24,800 459,751 41 6,667 24,800 . 441,467 18,284 -0- C 18,284) P1 anninq Admini strati on Salaries 68,327 4 68,327) - 0- M&O 16,350 < 16,350) -0- Capital 2,075 ( 2,075) - 0- . Sub-Total 86,752 (86,752 ~ -0- Inter-Dept. Services 23,090 . C. 23,090 -0- Total 109,842 C109,842} -0- Current Planning_ . Sa 1 a r i e s M&O Capital s u b-T 0 t z, 1 Inter-Dept. Services Total Advanced Planning Sa 1 ar i es M & 0 Capital . Sub-Total Inter-Dept. Services Total - 0- -0- 233,066 (233,066) 19,899 < 19,899) -G- -0- - 0- '252,965 1: 252,965) -0- 6;910 - 6,910) -0- 259,875 < 259,875) -0- 157,836 &.157,836 > 38,455 ( 38,455) -0- -0- -0- -0- . -0- -0- . -0- -0- 196,291 <I 96,291) - 0- 596,291 <196,291) . -0- -0- 291,727 , 291,727 Salaries -0- 35,706 35,iOG 800 M&O Capital - 0- 800 Intcr-Dept. Services - 0- 30 ,$90 30,000 Total -0- 358,233' 358,233 _Land Use Planning Sub- To t a 1 -0- 328,2 33- 328i233- - I Research 8 Analysis Group' Sal ari es M&O Capital Inter-Dept. Services Total Sub-To ti! 1 -0- 167,118 167.1 1 d -0- -0- - 0- 39,282 1,375 -I__ 39,282 !L3?L 207,775 207,775 20- - ----- -0- -0- -0- 207 ,J 75 207,775 TOTAL BUDSE'T 1,033,209 -0- 1,033.209 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. -7 13 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 le 3.7 le :I 9 . %G 2J 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO IMPLEMENT THE REORGANIZATION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING DEPARTFENTS. WHEREAS, the City desires to restructure the existing departments of Building and Planning to more effectively serve the public; and WHEREAS, the 1982-83 operating budget must be amended by transferring funds from department to department to provide funds for operation under the new structure; and WHEREAS, these transfers are detailed on Transfer Number 6 on file with the Finance Director; and will ncst change the total general fund budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Transfer Number 6 on file with the Finance Director is hereby approved. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 24th day of August , 1982, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : NOES: None bmcil mers Ms , Kulchin, Chick and Anear n ABSENT: hmcil paember Casler CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Vice-Yayor ATTEST: mi. i. MA ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City (SEAL) - .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1,3 14 15 16 17 le 19 20 21 22 22 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING VARIOUS TITLES OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF VARIOUS SECTIONS TO CHANGE THE TITLE OF THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR LAND USE PLANNING. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, d ordain as fol 1 ows : SECTION 1: That Title 2, Chapter 2.24, Section 2.24.020 of the Carlsbad s Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 2.24.020 Composition--Appoi ntment. The Planning Commission shall consist of seven members to be appointed by a majority vote of the council, and of four ex-officio members who shall be the Bu-ilding and Planning Director, the City Engineer, the City Attorney and the Land Use Planning Manager. Of the seven members of the commission first appointed under this chapter, two shall be appointed for one-year terms, two shall be apposnted for three-year terms, and one shall be appointed for a four-year term. Their successors shall be appointed for terms of four years. expiration of term, it shall be filled by appointment by a majority vote of the council for.the unexpired portion of the term of the member SO vacating. The terms of ex officio members shall correspond to their respective official tenures. No ex officio member shall be entitled to a vote. Each member shall hold office until he is reappointed or his successor is appointed. If a vacancy occurs otherwise than by SECTION 2: That Title 2, Chapter 2.26, Section 2.26.020 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 2.26.020 Cornposition - Appointment. The Design Review Board shall consist of five members, three of which shall be niembers of the Planning Comniission, two of which shall be members of the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Com- mittee. Council. secutive ternis. The Directclr of Building and Planning, the Land Use Planning Manager and the City Attorney shall be ex-officio members of the Board. ex-officio members shall be entitled to vote. Appointments to the Design Review eoard shall be niade by the City Members shall serve one year terms and may be reappointed to con- NO SECTION 3: That Title 21, Chapter 21.35, Sections 21.35.085 and 21.35.090 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code are amended to read as follows: 21 -35,085 Permit Application. a) An application for a redevelopment pei-- mit mG be made by the record owner or owners cf the property on which the de- ve1oprrien.t is proposed to be constructed or the authorized agents thereof. The application shall be filed with the Director of Building and Planning upon forms provided by the Director and shall be accompanied by plans in sufficicnt detail ., 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1.0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2% to allow review pursuant to this chapter, a legal description of the property involved and an explanation and description of the proposed use. of Building and Housing may prescribe the form and content for such application. If the project involves the subdivision of land, the application shall be ac- companied by a tentative map or tentative parcel map which shall be filed in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 of this code. If a subdivision map has previcusly been recorded on the lot permitting the use of the property for the purposes stated in the redevelopment permit application then a tentative map or tentative parcel map need not be filed. The Director of Building and Planning shall forward the application to the appropriate city departments for review and recommendation. and Planning shall also refer the application to the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee for review and reconmendation. b) The Committee need not hold a public hearing on the application. If the Comniittee does not report on the application within 30 days of the date the application is referred to it, the application shall be deemed to have been recommended for approval. to Section 34120.5 of the Health and Safety Code the Committee may, by rcsolu- tion, exclude from its review applications for all or any classification of projects subject to this chapter. c) The application shall be accompanied by a fee in the amount established by City Council resolution. The Director Except as provided herein, the Direct.or of Building Pursuant 21.35.090 Transmittal to design review board. After all necessary reports and recommendations have been received the Director of Building and Planning shall transmit the appl icatfon for the redevelopment permit together with the reports and the recommendations of the appropriate departments to the Design Review Board for a public hearing. as provided in Section 21.54.060(1) of the code. Notice of the public hearing shall be given SECTION 4: That Title 21, Chapter 21.45, Section 21.45.190 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: - 21.45.190 Certification of Occupaw. A certification shall not be issued for any structure in a Planned Development until all improvements required by the permit have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, Land Use Planning Manager and the Director of Building and Planning. SECTICN 5: That Title 19, Chapter 19.04 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Sections 19.04.040, 19.04.090, 19.04.091 , 19.04.092, 19.04.094, 19.04.095, 19.04.100, 19.04.110, 19.04.115, 19,04,q16, 19.04.120, 19.04.130, 19.04.171, 19.04.172, 19.04.173, 19.04.174, 19.04.180 19.04.200, 19.04.210, 19.04.220, 19.04.230, 19.04.280, 19.04.290, 19.04.300, 19.04.340, 19.04.360 and 19.04.400 to delete the title of Planning Director or Director and insert the title of Land Use Planning Manager or Manager re- specti vely , wherever appeari rig in these sections. SECTION 6: That Title 20, Chapters 20.12 and 20.48 of the Carlsbad -2- . . \. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 le 19 2c 21 22 2? 24 2e 26 23 2€ rlunicipal Code is amended by the amendment of Sections 20.12.010, 20.12.015, ?0.12.070 and 20.48.01 ts delete the title of Planning Director or Director if Planning and insert the title of Land Use Planning Manager. That Title 21, Chapters 21.06, 21.08, 21.09, 21.10, 21.12 SECTION 7: 21.18, 21.31, 21.34, 21.37, 21.38, 21.40, 21.42, 21.45, 21.48, 21.51, 21.52 md 21.55 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Sections 21.06.050, 21.06.070, 21.06.140, 21.08.040, 21.09.120, 21.1 0.040, 31.12.040, 21.18.045, 21.31.070, 21.31.100, 21.31.110, 21.34.090, 21.37.040, 21.37.050, 21.37.100, 21.38.080, 21.38.090, 21.40,060, 21.40.090, 21.42.010, 21.45.020, .21.45,040, 21.45.050, 21.45.073, 21 .45.140, 21.45.1 50, 21.45.1 70, 21 -45.180, 21 .48.08O, 21.51.010, 21 .51,020, 21 .51.030, 21.51.040, 21 .51.O5OY 21.51.060, 21.52.030, 21,55.070, 21.55.170, 21.55.180 and 21.55.190 to delete the title of Planning Director, Director of Planning, City Planner or Director md insert the title of Land Use Planning Manager or Manager respectively wher- ever appearing in these sections. SECTION 8: That Title 19, Chapter 19.04 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 19.04.236 to delete the title of Secretary to the Planning Commission or Secretary and insert the title of Land Use Planning Manager or Manager, respectively. SECTION 9: That Title 20, Chapter 20.12 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 20.12.010 to delete the title of Secretary of the Planning Commission and insert the title of Land Use Planning Manager. SECTION 10: That Title 21, Chapters 21.06, 21 -37, 21.52 and 21 -54 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Sections 21.06.140, 21.06.150, 21.37.080, 21.52.090 and 21.54.050 to delete the title of Secretary of the Planning Commission or Secretary and insert the title of Land Use Planning Manager or Manager, respectively wherever appearing in these sections -3- Y ~~ .. I. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 11: That Title 19, Chapter 19..04 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Sections 19.04.090 and 19.04.210 to delete the title Planning Department and insert the title Land Use Planning office. SECTION 12: That Title 20, Chapters 20.08 and 20.12 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Sections 20.08.010, 20.08.020 and 20.12.120 to delete the title Planning Department and insert the title Land Use Planning office. SECTION 13: That Title 21, Chapters 21.18, 21.24, 21.37, 21.38, 21.42, 21.43 and 21.45 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Sections 21.18.040, 21.24.040, 21.37.040, 21 .38.O50, 21.42.010, 21 A3.080, 21.45.150 and 21.45.160 to delete the title Planning Department and Offjce of the.Planning Department and insert the title Land Use Planning Office SECTION 14: That Title 21, Chapter 21.46, Section 21.46.130 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 21.46.130 Walls, Fences or Hedges. In any "R" zone, no fence, wall or hedge over forty-two inches in height shall be permitted in any required front yard setback. In the required side yard or street side of either a corner lot or reversed corner lot, a six foot fence may be permitted when approved by the Land Use Planning office and the Building and Planning Department when the safety and welfare of the general public are not imposed upon. The issuing of a permit upon the approval of the Land Use Planning office and the Building and Planning Cepartment of the City shall be subject to special conditions which may vary due to the topography, building placement and vehicular or pedestrian traffic. On an .interior lot a wall or fence not more than six feet in height may be located anywhere to the rear of the required front yard. In any "R" zone any fence that, exceeds six feet, for special uses or under special circuptances shall be granted by the Planning Commission and subject to the conditions im- posed by this Commission. //I /I/ //I //I //I //I //I -4- .L , I*’ e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 c EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its doption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance nd cause it to be published ai least once in the Carlsbad Journal within ‘ifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the.Carlsbad City :ouncil held on the -- 24th day of --- O&ober , 1982, and thereafter, PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 7th day of September , 1982, by the followSng vote, to wit: AYES: Council €Wers Casler , his, Kulchin, Chick and Anear NOES : None ABSENT: None LTTEST : A rLETtfA L. WUTENKRANZ, City Clerk / - 5- -STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAL1 DIEGO CITY OF CAqLSBAD AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING OF YOTICE AND ORDER jlartin Orenyak, being du?y sworn, deposes and says: That he is over twenty-one years of age ar;d is the Director of Building and Plaminq of the City of Carlsbad; that as such Director he caused to be posted conspicucusly at and mailed by Certified Mail to the owner of the building, a fjotice and 2940 State Street Order, and that said notice hereto attached is an exact copy in words, figures and size of type of the notice so posted and mailed, and that the posting was cornpleted on November 5th, 1952 1 City of Carlsbad, California Subscribed and sworn to of San Diego, State cf Czlifornia DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Cl Assistant City Manager b Building Department 0 Engineering Department 0 Housing & Redevelopment Department 0 Planning Department (71 4) 438-5596 (714) 438-5525 (714) 438-5541 (714) 438-5811 (714) 4386691 CERTIFIED HAIL RETURN RECEIPT November 5, 1982 Mr. Ralph Burnette 2940 State Street Map No. 203-292-06 Carl sbad Cal iforni a (92008) NOTICE AMD ORDER On October 19, 1982 at 11 a.m., this department did conduct a housino inspection at upstairs units A and B at 2940 State Street, city of Carlsbad. Mr. Walt Walker of the San Diego County Health department along with Mrs. Jerry Maeze, tenant of unit A, also Mr. Jose Hernandez were present. The following items listed are to confirm the findings of our inspection: 1- Lack of minimum amounts of natural light, and ventilation. 2. Lack of adequate heating facilities. 3. General dilapidation or improper maintenance. 4. Defective and deteriorated flooring and floor supports. 5. Deteriorated, crumbling or loose plaster. 6. Deteriorated and ineffective roof covering. 7. Infestation of cockroaches in kitchen area. This department so orders that units A and B be vacated immediately and not to be ctions are made. Please contact this office for further cc: ACM/Development City Attorney