HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-07; City Council; 5397-4; YELLOW CAB COMPANY OF SAN DIEGO, INC. REQUEST FOR RATE INCREASE1- a w 3L Q Bc < z & .. 0 4 d 0 z 3 0 0 - 6 CIT& CAMSBAD - AGENDAILL AB# b5-39 7 " q TITLE: Yellow Cab Company of San Diego, Inc. DEPl MTG. 9/7/82 Request for Rate Increase CITY DEPT. FIN CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Resolution No. (pv Yr'revising the fare schedules for Yellow Cab of San Diego, Inc. Item Explanation: Yellow Cab of San Dieyo has requested an amendment to their Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to allow a change in their schedule of fares. T request is as follows: Change Fare Schedule To : From: - $1.20 for initial drop including first mile $.20 for each additional 1/6 mile $.20 for each minute-and-a-half waiting $1.45 per mile on mileagedriven5 miles $1.40 for first 1/6 mil $.20 for each addition2 $.20 for each minute of time or traffic dele time or traffic delay (deleted) or more outside the city limits The city is currently served by four taxi companies who charge varying fec requested rates are not out of line with other providers. Fiscal Impact: The revision of this fee schedule will have no fiscal impact on the City ( The gross revenue of the taxi company is not taxed by the city in any way additional city services will be required. Exhibits : Request for fee revision fromYellowCab Company of San Diego, Inc., dated Resolution No. dl, 7 9.v approving the revision of taxi fees for Yellow Cd of San Diego, Inc. m a L-. $ 639 Thirteenth Si San Diego, Califc mmw cab Company Of San Diego,Ins. 92101 239-4 August 25, 1982 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD: The undersigned, licensed by the City of Carlsbad, respectfully request your Honorable Body approve and consent to an amendment of the schedule of taxicab fares to provide the following new rates: That the initial rate for taxicabs be set at One Dollar and Forty Cents ($1.40) for the first one-sixth (1/6) mile, Twenty Cents ($.20) for each additional one-sixth (1/6) mile, Twenty Cents ($.20) for each minute of waiting time or traffic delay, The increased rates are necessary to offset increased costs of providing taxicab service. In addition, it would provide uniformity in rates with the City of Oceanside which is desirable from the point of view of the public as well as the Cab Company. Yellow Cab rates have not been increased since July 1980 and over the two-year period operating costs have increased substantially. Your favorable consideration to this request would be greatly appreciated. Respectfully submitted, /SR/iA!$g?I B, R. Hilton Yellow Cab Company of San Diego, BRH:pj ’L- e 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 sa. 12 13 14 15 16 a. 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 m P22SOLUTION NO. ___- 6998 m A Rl%OLIU’i’ION OF TiIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ClTY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFOFLQIA, AWNDING RESOLUTION NO. 5376 r AS APEN’DED BY RESOLUTIONS NO. 5408 AND NO. 6236, ISSUING A CERTII’ICATE OF CONVENIENCE PAD NECESSITY TO YELLOW CAB COMPANY OF SAN DIEGO, INC.. TO REVISE THE SCIlEDULE -- OF FARES. WHEREAS, the City Council by the adoption of Resolution Nos. 5376 and 6236, has approved issuance of a Certificate of Convenience and Nec to Yellow Cab Company of San Di-ego, Inc., to operate taxicab service w. the City of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, Yelloh7 Cab Company of San Diego, Inc. has requested apprc for a revision to the schedul-e of fares with the City oT Carlsbad; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of as fo~ows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Section 3(c) of Resolution No. 5376 is amended to read a ‘‘The schedule of fares to be charged shall be $1.40 for the mj-le; $.20 for each ad3itional 1/6 mile; $.20 for each niinu of waiting time or traffic delay.” PASSED, APPROVED AND ADDPTED by the Carlsbad City Council at a r€ meeting thereo€ held on the 7th day of September, 1982, by the Followi vote, to wit: AYES : Cauncil ?fimiers hsler , *Lkliis, hulchin, (hick and hear NOES: %3C? RBSENT: None cdk4 d C-A YARY H. CyhER, Mayor ATTEST: < I&&LG=l?e~* 1 A*lfdel /p 7-1 ALCTHA L. KIIU’I’CNKF&NZ, City Clerk (SEAT,) , CAVIGNAC & ASSOCIATES 110 WEST "A" STREET, SUITE 1050 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 (714) 235-6301 __ ____- NAMt AND ADDRESS OF INSURED Yellow Cab Company of San Diego, Inc. [- LET1 F.E.Tracey 639 - 13th Street I cob, Manager San Diego, California 92101 -_.- ,En Yellow Cab ComPmY 321 N. Tremont Oceanside, CA 92054 (714) ' UNDCRGROUND HAZARD PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS HAZARD CONTRACTUAL INSURANCE SODILY INJURY Ah9 PiiOP E2TY DAMAGE !NDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS PERSOhAL INJURY Cj COMPREHENSIVE FORM 3ODlLY INJURY AND RTqAN UMBRELLA Note: The above policy provides $950,000 of coverage excess of the ins primary self-insured retention of $50,000. -- Cz;aeel'.atfon: Shou'c! zny OF the above descnoed PO' ~es De ca~celled More ':he expimion date :hereof, tie issuing pany will wsxzmxkx mal; .I\n days v6rl?.el- noilce lo the below named ceriif~ca:e j701der,&x:&& iyuz~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xi~~~~~x~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 ~IPMEAUDADDRCSS OFCE9TIiICA-E HOLDER City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue TELEl * 111 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 1 - -- Citp of CarI$bab __ - __ Office of the City CIerk - --* e- --- . - - _-_-- -_ -- ---_. --- 1.. *- Decennber 7, igsi - €&: POL&' NO, EPlL 09953 -- - - .__ Mr. B. R, Hilm, Vice President Yelluw cab Capany of SanQiego . 639 Thirteenth Street San Diego, CA 92101 __ Dearme Hiltm: - ___ - - Just a dnder that yom Certificate of Insurance filed with this office Will expire on January 9, 1981. my we hear fram yau on this mtter of rend before the above mentioned expiration date? Thank you for your attention to this mtter. Sincerely, -wh . City Clerk's Office 9 J 6523 - P3th Stme% satn iliege, @g3. 93x31 COMPREHENSIVE FOPV PREMISES-OPERAT'ONS UNDERGROUND HAZAilD PRODUCTS/COFVIPLETED OPERATIONS HAZARD CONTRACTUAL INSURANCE COMPREHENSIVE F09M ]Tote: Ti&@ above goficy pFuvadea $;958,@au of c€3veragecsxeess 0% 'Eke prIEimy setf-i9sr;ued retsn%fan of $SO,SOQ, 1 DAX ISSUED Becef@3ez( 2%3, 2.9 NPME AND ADDRESS OF CETTIFICATE hOL3E2 C&.$g QE Ca21S~~Li -t ' . '- ~ -' ' TEL (714 4- .- e a #- ;200 El 44 AVENUE CAR1 SBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Offfce of ihe Ciiy Clerk Eirp of EkIj5t38b February 23, 1981 Yr. B.R. Kilton Vice Fresiclciit Yellow Cab Co. of San Diego 639 Thirteenth St. San Diego, CA 92101 Dear btr. h'ilton: For your convenience and pursuant to the Certi- ficate of Convenience issued to your company, I wish to take this opportunity to remind YOU that the Certificate of Insurance filed with +his office will expire on March 4, A Certificate of Insurance should be filed with this office annually for your Certificate of Convenience to be effective. Thank you for your attention in this regard. 1981. *ENS - Deiuty City Clerk KRS:ks I u, - ,r 2 Z' ./ -- ~ <'A I > d / )I /I b -.~ ~ _I- // ,i -" P t , '!K JVLV riatIruy ewwcc - "*r Omaha, 1\Si;bra&?d 6813k 'p F T CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Los AmzLBs, CA. This certificate of insuran- neither affirmatively or negatively amends, extends or alters the -wage afforded by the Policy or Policies number-; 19 8o €'EXWARY 15R1 - This is to certify that the following described policies have been issued and are in full force and effect. CAYTON A. HARCZLLO 6 P-0 XlRCellx), DBA: YEuOw CAB 568 FAITH, CAF??IFp, CA. 92007 UPON REQUEST TAXI CAR -- NAME OF INSURED &WSS Illo- COVERED . WAS p?z S mLS Am.$WED #* TO B E FuP&cH ?P CERTfPfCAn HOLDER DESCRIPTION OF WORK Workmen's Compensation and Employer's Liability G.cmrl Lmbtltty: Bodily Injury: . . , . . . Each Occurrence 7' "i'c'f)t, trrm. Pf - f I ! , .! id.) &.Xi. ;i I Amrwte - PIOduCtS - $1 *#dC l..;ltL, d,.&,, , 1 .s Aggregate - Products - eodily Injury . . . . . . Each Parson 03/04/60 = 03/04/81 . Each Occurrena Ropsrtv Damage Each Occurrence tlTnNSUED m'@&t3 CaVcRABB -- Primary Limits: id the svdnt of any material change in or canceltation of said policies, NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY int& to no* brs ch chaw or cancellation, but undertakes no responsibility by mamn of my failore m sny to whom this Catifiqte isaddressed OJ 0 d@. [j&'( && - fi.z c@(yz 6@?Ci n NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY ,is' ' +?$& --u-l/* p XPm'"' 3~n/,b?4v&yAl# &/?e/ #4zxf%kd #&k.c.z &8L ~ / I d- )L'( -,gd Ldi ?j yL 3t'tg Tt&&w& bm 7 [ l f, ,;,<'',/ ('XI - c BY -.w - .. rnr- .' L UBUS h CO, UIkWTtG b LgvEy, INC; c J Tltb ' , NOTE TO, AGENT - Mdl COW to Home Office irwhediateiy. ~- ROflSON. CAVIGNAC & ASSOCIATES i 10 WEST "A" STREET, SUITE 1050 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 (714) 235-6301 LirnitI, of Lt3bEBiPy in %!IOU EACH OCCJRREN BODILY INJURY EXPIRATION DATE COMPREHENSIVE FORM 0 EXPLOSION AND COLLAPSE BODILY lNJURY (EACY ACCIDENT) COMBINED EXCESS ZAS;I'%Y i EAL 09953 GTlliR'y4h UVBPELLA Note: The above policy provides $950,000 of coverage excess of the primary self-insured retention of $50,000. December 29, 1s 1200 Elm Avenue