HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-07; City Council; 6931-1; Pool Use Agreement-- IB#- MTG. 9/7/82 IEPT. Psk' I CIT'b 3F CARLSBAD - AGENDA 3ILL TITLE POOL USE AGREEMENT, Between City of Carlsbad DEPT. HD. and North Coast Aquatics, Inc. RECOMMENDED ACTION: approving a Use Agreement between F City Council adopt Resolution No. the City of Carlsbad and North Coas Aquatics, Inc. , to conduct a competitive swim program at the Carlsbad Community Swim Complex. ITEM EXPLANATION: North Coast Aquatics, Inc. has conducted competitive swimming for 6 months at the Swim Complex and the existing Use Agreement expires September 17, 1982. Staff recommends North Coast Aquatics, Inc. be allowed to continue their use of the pool for an additional 6 months period. The proposed Use Agreement is identical to the existing Agreement except for the following changes: Item 3 (page 1) USE OF FACILITY. "From September 8, 1982 to February 28, 1983. 'I (page 2)". . . during the period ending February 28, 1983." Item 8 (page 3) TERMINATION. "This agreement shall terminate on February 28, 1983. I' F - L IMPACT: The City received $3,339 for 6 months rental by North Coast Aquatics, Inc. A report is attached showing the enrollment and fees paid to the City. The new Use Agreement will generate a minimum of $490 per month or $2,940 in 6 months. EXH I B ITS : A. Resolution No. 7'006 B. Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and North Coast Aquatics, Inc. C. North Coast Aquatics Program Summary, March - August, 1982 1 2 2 4 E U E 7 E 9 1c 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 7006 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A USE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE NORTH COAST AQUATICS, INC. TO CONDUCT A COMPETITIVE SWIM PROGRAM AT THE CARLSBAD COMMUNITY SWIM COMPLEX AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT. ___- The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That certain agreements between the City of Carlsbad and ., the North Coast Aquatics, Inc. to conduct a competitive swim program at the Carlsbad Community Swim Complex, a copy of which is attached hereto marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof is approved. 2. That the mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby author- ized and directed to create said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 7thday of 1982, by the following vote, to wit: AY E S : NOES : None ABSENT: None Council Wers Casler , hAs, Kulchh, Chick and Anear MARY H. LtASLER , Mayor ATTEST: RLETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk ~4- TUIS AGJ:l;.l?NENT made and entered into this 8th day of Scptember, 1982, by and bctween the City of Carlsbad, hereinafter referred to as "C'ty", and the €Tort11 Const: hqunti.cs, Tnc., hcreinaftcr referred to as "N.C.A." W I T N E S S IC T €1: WIIEREAS, City desires to provide aquatic and physical progi-ams for the general public, to include a United States S'trinuing cornpet itive swim prograin; and \i'IIDRE:/\,S, W.C.A. was iortned for the spccific : ask of proviciillg an instructional underwater diving program; and WEISRCAS Cjty and N.C.A. desires to coopcratc with each other to allow use of City pool hy those partLes intcrested in ::kin and scuba di-ving; 1?051, TIIEREFORF: , 'IT 1 S ACREED AS P'OJ,LOIJS : 1. ADPIIN1 STRATTON. This agrecmcnt shall be admini si crcd on -.- behalf of the City of the City's Aquatic Supervisor (hereinaEtt?r referred to a:; "Supervisor"). 2. IflVTES OF CITY. Duri.ng the term of this agreement, City ~hn1.l provide l4.C.A. a pool faciljty for the purpose of conducti.ng (I competitivc' IJ.S,S. program. 3. USE OF I:ACSJ-,I'i'Y. Thc City shall make available for c_..-_--_l-- N.C.A. noncxcl.uslve use of thc C:irlnbad Community Swim Complex for L!i? From Scpt-c:l;ibcr 8, 1.982 to Pclrruary 28, 1963 for n total of February 25, 1983. The Parks h Recreation Director or his designee is authorized to grant or deny such request'. The Parks and Rcc~:eat ion Director or his designee resc1-v~~ the ri.ght to change the specific hours of use to mect the City's needs. Notice of such change shall be gi\Ten at least t:xo days prior to the change. N.C.A. will use the fticility only during times specified, unless prior written approval is given by the Aquatic Supervisor. 4. ' PAYMENT FOR CITY SERVICES. 1x1 considerat;-on for use of pi- ---*-.-- ..-.~- ---- City's facj.1 ities and services during the tcrm of this agi:ec.rnent, N.C.A. shnl.1 pay to the City the rriinimuin :;uni o€ four huiidrcd axid Ninety dol ?.ai-s ($490.00) per mouth. The City shall receive an additional seven dollars ($7.00) per month for each 1nei:iber enrolled over 70 mcmbers. of each pnrticipant for emergency 2nd account ilig purposes, N.C.A. shnl.1. submit the paymcnt calculsted according to Pnrzgrapli 1; and hcurfy use reports no lntcr thaii the 15th day of er;ch mouth following [:he rnonth reported. Pool time in excess of that establ~.sl~ed by the t.iinie scliedule will be billed on a montlily banis at the stnnclr?rd rate of Forty dollars ($40.00) per 1iour. DUTIES OF N.C.A. 'i'he nicnibcrs of N.C.A. t~il.1 be 5 *! --lll.-I_.--- ! responsible for sctting up 2nd tnkj.11l: down all. coinpetj.tive and snfety equi.pmctil-; reciovi.ng and repl..tcing thc pool's iiisulntine blanket:; .r 6. SJ”f.:CI!LL EVI1NTS. N.C.A. may schcdulc and hold special ”----... -- events including swim competitions and exhibitions during the term of this agreenicAnt upon the prior written approval of the Parks and Recreation Director. A request to hold R special event shall be submi.tted iii k71-iting no lnter than two weeks prior to thc: event:. ‘i’ltc Parks and Recreation Director shall cons111t with tlie Police Chi.ef an(! Fire Chief prio to appi-oving pcrsonol injury and property dai:InZe inrurzncc. in an amount of not less Lhan $1,000,00@.00 covering the event, ?’he insurance policy shall name the City as an additionally insured and shall be ,approvrd by the City Manager. This insurance policy shall be in addition to the insuraance poli.cy spccificd in J’aragrapli 16. N.C.A. may chci-ge admi.r,sion for t:hc special event. N,C.h. shall reimburse the City for any costs i.ncurrcd by the City because of the special. event. This paragraph shal.1 not ?.pply to sl~ecial events sponsored and conducted by the City. 7. REVERUI-:. Kxcept .as stated in Porzgraph G, a1.L adnii.ssion -I_. ....-- fees, dues and other ‘revenue derived €Tori: the operation of h’.C.h. shall. be collected by and bel-ong Lo N.C.A. 7. TE121.11NATIOTN. This agreement shall tcrmlriate on ---__-_-.-. February 28, 1983. City or R.C.A. may terin,iiiate tlii.s agreeinent at any time by giving writLen notice t.o the other of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof at least thirty days before the effective day of such termination. Upon terminstion N.C.A. and all persons, ‘claiming by, throiigh, or under N.C.A. , shall i.mnedi.ately rcmovc all thcir property from the facility. -3 - 8. Al,'i'EJ?~L'!~IONS. No nlterntions of any kind ~1~~1.1 be made or I_---- . -.-- done to the premises unless prior wi-it~cn approval has been secured from City. 9. WASTE -- CARE OF PREMTSES. E1.C.A. shall gj.17~ pron:pt II-.-_---p-----.--I.- -.- notice to City of any damage to the pool faci1.jtj.c~. N.C.A. shall. not commity or suffer to be cornmi.tted, any waste or injury or any private or yubl'c: nuisance on he ~~rcniseo, When repai-r is requii-ea, the City shall perforin the work and chargc the cost to repair srich damage, i.ncluding -materinls 'acd labor, to N.C.A. All keys to fac.i.1 it5.c~ issued shall be thc. responsibility of N.C.A. aiid shall not be dup1.icat:ed or l.oai2ed and, if lost, aI.1 locks shall be immediately replaced at N.C.h.'s expense. N.C.A. will be rc:sponsj..b1.e for any waste, dc;mnge, breakage, theft or loss occuririg from thc heginning of N.C.A.'s peri.od of iise until the next official period of use by a person or entity other Chan N.C.A. 10. ~??$PLOTL;:S AND hG1:wrs. -- A11 swim activity supervisors, _CI-._--- -- coaches, assistant- coaches and agents of N.C.A. shall be cxperienccd and competent, and sIia11 be licensed to incl-udc: PRIOR TO 'iJORRING : A. American Red Cross Advanced 1,i €esaving ccrtifi,cat:e and/or current Ainci:ican 1:cd Cross t?ater Safety 3.iisti-uctor ! ,a C. Current Aineri-can Ked Cross First Aid cerci-ficate; and - - I. lhese certificates are to be verifi-ed by the Aquatic Supervisor during the firbt two weeks of initial hire of new employccs, and a copy of crrtification retained on file by depari:ment III the event that the ccrtif icate:: are not verified during t;hosc timc periods or they are not current or the cinployccs do not have them, the City will p;i.vr. forty-eight (48) liour written notice to tlie repreccntati.ve of 1T.C.A. At the end of 1:he forty-ei.ght (48) hour time period, a fully qualified lifcguarcl rnust bc present on deck at 311 times the pool. is utilized with the non-certizicnted person on 'd'eck, including r;iorning ~~rorkoutrs. At all tiinc:s, the facilities arc in use by N.C.A., an i.ndividual possessing these certificates shall be on deck supervisi-ng. /ill such individuals and ngents shall be agents of N.C.A. only and shall not in any instance be, or he construed to he, et~ployecs and/or agents of Ci.iy. N.C.A. slia11. providc: and shall maint8in in full force at 21.1 times, all. ~~orker's compensation insur:ance reqL1ire.d by law in conncction with such empl.oyr.ies and agents: 11. COlfiPZ,IXI.:C.E TJTTH LAW. N.C.A., at its sole cost 2nd Y1-P-_l_..--. expense, shall calnply with and obzerve, and secure compli.ancc and observ:jtion with, all. requirexents of all Iqiunicipal, Cou:-ity, State or Fedcrnl ordinances, codes I statutes or regulations now in force or which may hereinafter be in force pertaining to the pool or to tlic opcrat ion conducted thcrcou. 1 2 I. I AS S I C: EA I3 1 I, T Ti' Y . N.C.A. slinll not assign its rights or -I_-.- duticas under thls agrccmcnt or any interest in the same. Individuals Encilitics dui-i.ny, the of exclusive ui;c by M.C.A. -5- cinployces shall not be, ~io~ be held liable for any claims, liabilities, penaltieci, fines or for any damages to the goods, yroperti.cs or effect:^ of 1q.C.A. or any of N.C.R.'s representati.vcs, agents, employees, guests, licensees, invirecs, patrons or clientel,e, or of any ot11c.1: persons whatsoever, or for personal. injuries to, or deaths of tlielil, or any of them, whethcr caused by or resulting from aiiy acts or orai.ssicii of N.C.A. in or about the pool, or by or from any act: of oinicsion of any pcrso'n or by or fron any defect in aiiy part of the prcwises or froin 'any other C~USC or reason whatsoever N.C.A. further agrees 1.0 hold and save free and hnrml.ees, the City and its aut:hori.zcd egents, officers, and cnpl.oyees against a.ny of the foregoing l.iabi.lities, and to pay any and all cost and expenses, including but: not limited to court costs and reasonable cttornay's fees, incurred by City on account of any such 1iahi.liti.ee. To cf fectualre t:hj.'s c.l'nuse, and as an additional requireitlent and not to relieve N:C.A. of the obligations imposed hereunder, on or before tllc effective date of this rigrecment, 19.C.h. shall dclivcr to City 2 certificate of bodily injury and property clamage including theft or vandalisin, liability insurance j-ssued by a coixpany licciised to transact such business in the Stake of Cnlifosnia, reciting that U. S.A. has the liability insurance as rcqui.red in Paragraph 15 below, and that the pol icy has endorsed or otherwise coverg thc contractual liability imposed by this agreement. 14. 1NSURAINCE. N.C.A. of:rccs to take out and maintain at I-- - its own cxpcnsc piih1i.c li.ah;.lity insurance with an insurclncc cni-ricr sntisfnctoi-y Lo City, iiauing City a:: additionally insured, to protect ac-count of bodily in jury, incl.ur!i.ng death resulting tlierefrom, suffered or alleged to he suffered by any. person or persons whatsoever resulting c1i.rectly or indirectly by or from any act or acti.vLti.es of N.C.A. or any person actj.ng for M.C.A. under N.C.h.'s control or direction, and also to protect against loss from 1ir;biI.it:y for dairlages to or theft or vandalism of any propert37 of any person caused directly or indirectly by or from acts or activi-ties oL: any person acting for .U.S.A. 01- under N.C.A.'s control or direction. 'such insurance shall. be niaintaiiied in full force and effect during the entire Cerm of this agreement in an amount of not less than One tfillioii ~oilars ($~,OO~,O@O.OO), cornl>j.ned single li.mit:, for each occurrence. A copy of said cci-ti-ficatc of insurance shall be scut to tllc office of the Purchasing Office of City. N.C.A. agrees that this agreement shall terminate, at, the option of City, upon the effective date of the cancc.llat.i.on, terminating or &uspension of any or ,211 of the insurance po1ici.e:; heretofore mentioned, unless before such effective date N.C.A. has acquired other insurance, which, in determination of City, adequately replaces the cancelled insurance. . 15. MOTI.CEe Any notice or noti.ces reclui.red or pcrniittccl to --.---- be. given this ligreement: may be persoually served on thc other party by the party giving SUC?-~ notice, or may be served by certified mail, return receipt requested. Until written notice or change of address is given, maj.lcd notices may be addrcssed to the partics at thc Eo 1 I ow i ng a ddr c s s e s : -7- CITY: N.C.A. City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Cat-lsbad, Ch 92003 Jeff Pease 1604 Caminito Asl.e~-isco La Jolla, CA 92037 16. ENTIRETY. The entirety of the agreement between tlie --,--.- parties is set forth herein. IN WITNESS I.I1IEREOI', the partics hereto have executed this agreeincnt: 011 the date first above written. NOlZTII COAST AQUATICS, INC. CITY OF CARLSDhD .. -8- IMORANDUM ., . . TO: Frank Aleshire, City Manager FROiVl: DATE: August 30, 1982 SUBJECT: NORTH COAST AQUATICS, March - August 1982 Lynn Chase, Acting Parks and Recreation Director The North Coast Aquatics competitive swim program has been conducted at the Swim Complex for 6 months, beginning March 18, 1982 through August 18, 1982. The program has been judged to be an excellent program and of benefit to the City of Carlsbad for the following reasons: 1. The program is conducted as a revenue generating program, at no cost to the City. During the first 6 months, N.C.A. paid to the City $3,339. 2. N.C.A. enrolled an average of 80 swimmers per month, of which 20% were residents of the City of Carlsbad and the majority of swimmers residing in the North County cities. Enrollment figures show a slight decline in swimmers for July and August, which is normal and due to family vacations. N.C .A. plans a Fall registri tion campaign. 3. N.C.A. was given a Use Agreement for non-exclusive use and for up to 20 hours per week and both considerations were advantageous to the City. programs and N.C.A. actual use was less hours than scheduled for use. The program was conducted without conflict with department 4. Aquatic staff reports good feedback from the general public regarding the competitive program and the two swim coaches, Jeff Pease and Eddie Yasana. 5. N.C.A. competed in the San Diego Long Course Junior Olympic Championships, a 4 day meet held in San Diego, and the team finished in third place bringing new recognition to the Carlsbad Community Swim Complex and the City. 4,677 users during the 6 months and the revenue generated exceeded that which would have been paid in daily admissions. 6. The swim team participation increased the use of the Swim Complex by MONTH ENROLLMENT MONTHLY ATTENDANCE RENTAL PAID March, 1982 77 1,239 $539 Apri 1 85 745 595 M aY 81 904 567 June 83 777 581 July 76 696 532 August 75 6 Mo. Totals: 477 316 4,677 525 $3,339 t 16,721 18,446 November 16 - June 30, '82 182 days, 1170 hours use $25,164 $27,937 July and August, '82 $71,857 $23,581 62 days, 712 hours use --. $46,693 35% -0- 118 % -- - CARLSBAD COMMUNITY SWIM COMPLEX TEN MONTHS SUMMARY NOVEMBER '81 - AUGUST '82 Sel f - Sustain. Attendance Revenue Expenditures City Cost % Ten Months Totals: 35,167 $53,101 $95,438 $46,693 56% I .- CARLSBAD COMMUNITY SWIM COMPLEX TEN MONTHS EXPENDITURE SUMMARY November '81 - August ' 82 PERSONNEL Regular Salary Part-Time Salary MAINTENANCE & OPERATION Utilities Professional Services Speci a1 Suppl ies Miscellaneous Accounts $24,472 . 26,310 '$50,782 22,343 7,228 13,530 1,555 $44,656 $50 , 782 $44,656