HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-07; City Council; 7125-1; TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CARLSBAD HIGHLANDS CT 82-12 PUD 42 BARNES CORPORATIONV' h ', +A C3 " 5 JE e e .c .. z 2 4 i 0 z G 8 0 CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGENDAILL AB# 7125-1 TITLE: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND PLANNED DEF MTG, 9/7/82 UNIT DEVELOPMENT - CARLSBAD HIGHLANDS C,T' CIT' CT 82-12/PUD-42:BARNES CORPORATION DEPT.~~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: If the Council wished to approve the Tentative Tract Map (CT and Planned Unit Development (PUD-42), then your recommended is to adopt Resolution No. (- e/( 0 c: Lf . ITEM EXPLANATION The City Council, at your meeting of August 17, 1982, direct City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents approving a tive tract map (CT 82-12) and planned unit development (PUD- Condition numbers 41, 42 and 43 have been deleted and replac the following: "The City Council has acquired facilities to produce reclaimed water and is doing a master plan for the us reclaimed water. In order to insure an adequate watc for the City and this development, it may be necessar the applicant to use Type 1 reclaimed water in the cc areas of the subdivision. This project shall comply requirements of the reclaimed water master plan as ad the City Council. If the plan so provides the applic shall construct dual systems for reclaimed water in accordance with Title 17 of the Adlministrative Code E standards. The covenants, conditi.ons and restrictior the subdivision shall provide for a homeowners associ with the responsibility for the use of reclaimed watc for the maintenance and operation of the system in ac with City standards in the event a reclaimed water sl required. The City Engineer may require the install; reclaimed water service to properties adjacent to th: subdivision." sleeves at crossing points to provide for the possibj EXHIBITS , approving CT 82-12/PUD-42. Resolution No. Lf Yi-! . .! I, I 1) 3 21 4 5 6 'I 8 9 10 1% 1.2 n G, fl :: 13 cc:: F< u 0) c' u.. LL' 2 14 d "G _I u. 3< LU 0 t"C)Z$ e:: $E 2-5 $+c; i,E:q m IE6 >L 50 d co 2-71 4 6 t 0 Id 1.9 20 21 2 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 c 0 It RESOLUTZOlil NO * 69-9 4. A KESOLol-JTICjN OF TEE CITY COGNCIL OF TEE CITY OF TENTATZVS TRACT PAP ( CT 82- 12) AND PLA4JN3:D UNIT DEVELOPWENT ( PGD-42) ON PRO1ER:'Y GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTTI 05' LART; CP,LAVF;i',A AND APPRGXINATELY APPLICAlr.!*T: Yri~ EARNES CORPORIi'I"I3N cimrszm, CALIFO~.;NIA AFPRCWING XITI; comIrrmxs 1.5 F.5ILES EAST OF EL CAi.<!:NO RE.?AL. , *--. CASE NO. CT f?2-12/2UD-42. -.-~~rrr~-.-=-~, ,.-e= wU. ~UIM -*-i II(*II,:Y.LYYW~. -mum%mwu~m~~-m~rn-wmm WHEREASr or: July 28, 1982, the Carlsbad Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 19 89 recomnend irig to the Coiarrcil 'chat Tentative Tr~ct MGI) (CT 82-12) and Planned Ur Cevelopment (PU'3-42) be conditionally approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the Citl7 of Carl.sSai Augiist 17, 1962 held a pu-blic hearing to consider the recoinmend.atioi?s and heard all persons interested in or opl to 'I'ent.at,ive Tract Xap (CT 82-12} and Planned Unit PevcloI (PIJE-42) ; and WiiEREAS, said Tentative Tract Map and Planned Un: development ha.^ been declared to have a noxignif i.cant i1 I on the enviroi,iment and a. lqeyat ive ~ecl-aration was prepare( filed on July 14, 1982 in compliance with the requirement.: the City af Carisbad Environmental Protection Ordinance o NON, THEREFORE, EE IT RESOLVED by the City Counc I 1 I the Ci.ty of Carlsbad, California as follovzs: A, That the above recitations are true and corr B, That the findings of the Planning Conmission Resolutioii No. 1989 constitute t.he findings of the City C in this matter. /// /// /// 4, .\, .. 9 2 3 4 ti 6 7 a 9 lo l.l n I?J 0 4 C. That said Tentative Tract iJiapt together with the prmpisions for its design arid ii~provement and subject to thi conditi0n.s of this resolution, is cofisistent with all appli general and specific plans of the City of Carlsbad. D. That Tentative Tract biap (CT 82-12) and Planned Unit Developmnt (PUD-42) are hereby approved subject. to a] applicable requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and the satisfacti.on of the conditions contained in Planning Comxission E:esclu,t ion No, 1989 , dated July 28, 4 982 marked Exhj.hit A, attached hereto and made a park hereofF with th( exception of condition numbers 41, 42 arid 43, which have b deleted and replaced with the f'ollowirig :: 1 2 ?; a f: Qo % zs In l3I cjLlj:5 oo-'" 141 2 I; r.: gg 0 k- "The City Coi1nci.l has acquired facilities to produce reclaimed wat2-r and is doing a master plan for the us reclairripl( water. In order to insure an ;id,2icjuate wate for the Citv end this development, it may be necessa l $0 f~ ri. - a a< >.o 3 L 2 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 lG I !+$ 2: 0 0: t- 0 - areas cf the subdivisicn, This project shczll. comply uequ.irements of the rcclaj.med water master pl~n 2s a- the City Council, If the plan so provides the applic shall construct dual systems for reclaimed water in accordance with Title 17 of the Administrative Code E standards, The covenants, conditions and restrictior the subdivision shall provide for a homeowners associ with the responsibility for the use of reclaimed watt for the maintenznce and operation of the syskei-n in ac with City standzrds in the event a reclaimed water s: required. The City Engineer may require th.e i.nstall( sleeves at crossing points to provide for the possib reclaim4 water service to properties adjacent to th subdivision," /// /// /// /// /// 2. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TX 12 a 2 OD 13 1:: e; z 5-g >yo 4 + Q E 3.5 mci>..J F-LJo . -JG Zi+ 17 ze y TU OLL el? I'% LL SJG wu Oa m >I- u <s >- l8 19 t c) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a re2ul-ar rneetin the City Council of the City of Carlsbzd, California, on t day of ScptenibP-r , 1982 by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Cor1cil F'de-rs Casier , Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and AI NOES: l?one ABSENT : None 4Lz-4 J c:& 2 __ -- ----a-,l-----v- MARY H .L/CPISI,ER, Iflayor ATTEST : (SEAL) I 3. .. , .. .I ; ,' I 3, 2 3 4 5 6 7+ 8 I ' 3.8 3.1 :12 13 l4 16 I-!5 3-7 3-8 3.9 20 21 22 23 24 25 '' 2 21! @ EXHIBIT A RES OLUT IO PLANNIKG COT~~XISSIO~T r;ssor,un.cm NO + I 3853 OF CARLSBAD p CAL*POFaLA, RE',Ui'4l~iEX!JI" PAPPR0VAL ( -- .- _____-__I.- c__- A RESOLUTION OF THE PJAX1LJING CCIEWISSION OF TEE ( 561 LOT { 893 UNIT) TENTATIVE Ti?ACT MAP AND PLAN1 UNIT I>F;VELC.?:;ENT OE PROPERTY GEXE1?AL,LY LOCATED I OF LAXJ2 CA'LAXEFZ?i ANT: APPRCXLMATELY I .5 MILES EA! OF E:rJ CAKING nc~.:.~,, e APPLICAMT z TfIE BPX<ES CORPOCI?ATEON -- ----"-p-.a-.w- CASE Kc?: CT 82-1 2/PU14--42 -_--.--I- WHEREAS 6 a verizied appl:.ca,tian Cor certain pro wit: Those portions of Lots =I)" an13 "L" of Rancho Ag according to Kap 823 filed YJwemhcr 1Gr 1696 has heen filed wii:h hLhe city oE Carlsbad, and ieferred t Planning Coraniiss iar; ; ar.d WE-IEREAS, sail. verified applicaticn constitutes as provided by T."rtle 21 of the Carlsbad Mv.niuipal Code; WHEREM c the Plaming Corrtx~iss 5.011 did F on tha 28 J133.y~ 1982, hold a duly noticed pijblic hear2ng as preser to consider said request; and F?REIWS r at said p~bl ic hearing e upon hearing ; I e(iIlsidxj~ig all testj,nony and aquretents r if anyF oE a.t.1 . desiring to be Iiaa~d F sa.id Comiiission considered all f2.t rel-atlng to the Tentative Tract Map amd Planned Unit Dei MOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HERESY RESOLVED by the P: Cormissicn as follows:: A) That the above recitations are true and correct, U) That based on the evidence presented at the public 1 Conmission recorninends -..- APPROVAL of CT 82-1 2/PUD-42, following finzj-ngs an6 subject to the following con Find in$ s : '11 - The project is consiskent with the city's general. p tkc proposed density of 3-4 du/acre is within the d of 0-4 du/ncre specified for the site as indicated Use Element o€ t.he Cencral. Plan. 7 I, .'I , ;L 2 ' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x3 14 15 16 3.Y 3-8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 2) The site is physically suitable for the type and de: the developaerik since the site is adequate in size tc accGmEodate resi6antial develop:nent at the dcnsi pKOp5Sed, 3) The project is cxns?-ster-it with a11 city- public faci icies and ordinmces since: a) Tho Pla.nnf.ng Co~rnission hasc by inclusion of an condition to this project, insured that the fin not be appruved unless the City Council finds t service is available to serve the project. In the Planning Commissior, has add& a condition not be issued for ths projcct unless the City E determines t-.iszt se\:.er service is avai1,abl.e B and cannot' oceuz within the project ural..ess sewer se remains available p t-hs PianiIing Cornmissian is s that the requi.remcnts of the public facilities ttie Genera.1. Plan have been met insofar as they sever ser\ii<:e fox this pro j eck I. shall be p%a.ced on the final. riiap that building b) Park-in-lieu fees are L-~CJU~K~~ as a condition o c) All necess3.ry public hpr~~e:i!ent~ have be&n prc trill be required as conditioiis ot appi:c>val, d) The appli.cc:.nff has agreed and is required by thc of an cpproprizte condition to pay a public ffac Performnce of that contract and payment of the enable this body to find that public facil.itier avallrrble concurrenk w;th nwd as required lsy t Plan. e) Adequate water for the project will be provided citl7 of Carlsbzd, f) A letter hzs been submitted by the Carlshad Sek ensuring that adequ2te school- facilities will f: to this project concurrent with need, 4) The proposed project is compatible with the surrour land uses since surrounding properties are designat residential development OK open space on the Genex; 5) his project as conditioned will nct cause any sigr environnental impacts and an 1;nvironmental Impact I previously-,certifiec~ for this project by the cit7yo 6) All design criteria and development standards of tl Development Ordinance are met by this project. . . I PC RESO FjO. 1999 -2- 1, :*'. /I , I I 3, 2. 3 4 5 6 ' 8 9 3.0 13 12 I3 14 15 3-6 17 18 3.9 20 23" 22 23 24 25 26 27 '' 0 w General. Conditioris -_ 1) ~pprova3. is gr;inteG fcr CT 32-52PPUD-42, as shown on _I- "A" - ''Y'', dated Ju~e 35, 9382, incorporated by refe: on file in the f?lsnr>ing Department, De v e 1 o prn en t ski i substantizlly as showi-i unless otherwi.se noted in the: tions, This project is approved upon iifae express condition ' final map shall not be, approved unless the City Coia1.1 as of the tirm QE such approval 'chat sewer service i to s@rae the subdivisiun, 2) 3) This pmject: is appra\;ged upon the express condition building perri-iits will not be iss~xe6 for development. sub-j~cfi. property unless the Ciky Engineer determines facilities arc avzi!i;rhlc at the time of appl-ication sewer permits and wj.3.l cmnLi.nu+~ to be available ui*it:i occupancy, This nobe shall be placed 01.P the final 1'1 4) his prcjecir is approved t.2poir the express condition applicaixt shcl,l pay a public facrilitics fee as requi Coumcil Fcr1ic.y No, 17, dated April 2, 3982, on file City Clerk amd incorporated herein by reference I anC .t.o the agreencut executed by the appXicc=nt for pzym fee a CO~I~ of k1iZ.t aqr~ei~~enk date6 JLJ.R~ 22, 1982, i: with the Ci.t.y Cl.erk and incorporated herein by refer sa;d fes is nok pa;<! 2s promised, khig application 1 consistent with the Genzral Plan and approval for tl skia1.l be void, .I I 5) The applicant shzJ-1 pay park---:in--1.ieu fees to the ci the approval- of the final map as required by @hal:t.e the Carlslzzd ~s;uniei,pl Code, Pla.r,ni.ng 2 6) ApproVal of this request: shall not excuse complia~-ic sectiui-is of the 'Zoning Ortiir~an~e arid all other appl ordirilanc:es in effect: at time 05 bui1,ditq permit iss The applicant shal,P. prepare a reproducible mylar of site plan incorporating the conciitions contained he site plan shzll be submitted to and approved by thc --- ' 17) ~irector prior to the issuance of building permit!;, 8) The applicant shall establish a homeowner's associ; correspcnding COVenai?tS, conditions arid restrictioi CC&REs shall be submitted to and approved hy the I?: Department prS.or to finzf map approval o 9) Tile irppliecant sb.2.3.1 prepare a detailed landscape ai plan which shall. be submitted to and approved by tl Director prior: to the issumce oE building permits A1.l parking lot trees shail be a minj-mum of 15 gal: size. 10) .I. .. 3 2 3 4 5 a I 11) A Master Plan of the existing o-n--site trees sh21.1, bl to the Planning Cepartinent as part of the fj.na1 grac determine which trees shall he saved prior to the i: *,-?A; yLuu,.sAy nn pc:LittAc ,,x,>-: L oz a btli1din.g permit r ~.:hiche~er OCCU' 12) ~3.3 landsca.ped areas sh31-1. be rnaintaine(; in a hcn~.t~ thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and deb1 13) Aay signs pwpsed for this development shall be des conZorrnance with the ciky p s si73 ord inc;i~ze and sl~al: 61 '' rcv;.ew and approval of the PLannii?cJ Department priclx stallation of s~ch signs, Trash receptzc2.e areas shzll be enclosed by a 6 foot 14) 8 9 14 3.2 32% P .3 In, 3.5 36 17 3.8 l9 rns;scnry wall with gates pr;rs;t!ant iccz city standC;.?pds D of .sai.d receptacles shzll be approved by the Plannir Director .) 15) ALL roQf appurtenances F incluGk~~ sir condi'cioncrs, a.rchitccturzl.iy irttecjrated ar?d shielded from view ai: buffered froiit a.dj acen'i propcr:i:.ies and skreets to the sat i s E act ion of t h E I? 1 a ri 1-1 i ng ne p a. 3: tmcn t and B u i Y. d i ng 16) The applicant shall stabmit 2 street narlle list: c0nsj-s khc cikytc skresk nanc policy subjec'i to the Plannin Qirector a s approval, prior to final map approval - 17) The project shall prcjvidh bus stop facilities at loc subject to f:he satis?!action of the North County Tran trick, Said facilities sna1.1 at a minimum j.nc%u$e a free from ai!vertisin~ and a pole for the bus stop si bench and pole sha3.1 be designed i.r, a manner so as tt detract €rex the Ozsic architectural thenie of the pr( said design shall be subject to the approval of the : ~Prector and North County Transit Districk, 18) AlI carports located in Aress 0, 3 6: IC shall comply I I setbacks 3.2: sho\:ir! 011 Exhibits "X" and 'iYso(e dated Jun 20 23. 22 22; 24 25 26 2'p 2c 4982. 49) he naintenance of the 30' wide landscaped easmerit. t j.nc%uding the 8 c t~ide peddk~.n/bic~de trail I shai: respsnsibiZLty of the hor~eot.rners association, 28) The reerea.tional vehicY-e storage areas shall be cons conZormance with the requirements of Section 21 -45-01 the planned ~evelopment Ordinarice. At least one of I recreational vehicle storage areas shall be installec landscaped prior to occupancy of any unit.s. The secc storage area shall be installed 2nd landscaped prior occupancy of any units in Phase 5, 2'1) All. prspert:.y lines shall be located at the top of thc PC RESO NO. 1989 -4- - 2 3 4 5 6 a. 8 9 .L 2.0 11 l2 13 3-4 15 a. G 17 318 XY 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 22) A note shall be placed on the final map showing lot 238 as pcrrmnent open space lots, Prior to oc.cc;pz~cy of any of the multiple family un applicznt shd 3. construct directory signs at the en each packing area shoxi32 the location of each unit design of these sic;ns shall be a.pprovc5.d by the Plan Director Zrid Fire ChLcE, 23) 24) Approval. ot this project is contingent upon the adc the effective date a€ the ~lanneci DeveXopmeni Ordin City GoLK~c~.~ m 8pprovt;l of this tentative trwt map shall expire t months Erorn tkie date of Ciky CounciL approval urrles map is recorded, PA exferrslsn mzy be requested by applicant, Said extension shall be approved or der discretion 02 the City Council., 1x1 approving an ex the Ci.t.lp Courscil. rnq impost rtew conditions and niay 25) existing coria;* Lions" I Ern0 ineerinq ' ._J___ 26) Prior to ocxxipancy of any units, the following miki measures shaPP be complied with. to minimize petenti hazards at-. the 90" intersecticm sf Colleg? Ave:lua E Road: A) The instal,latkn of appropriate s?gns with hrr the end of each road indicating t'ie change in .I directi.un, A curve warning sign with arL advisory speed pos the intersection from each direction, C) Approprj-ate strj.ping and reflective buttons wit R) I center cif the rod at the c?urve, These rnmsures shall. Ise subject to the City Enginrc approval ., The developer shall obtain a grading permit prior t eom%ancement of any clearing or grading of the site 28) he grading for this projeck is defined as "control by Section 11.06.170(a) o€ the Carlsbad Nunicipal- ( Grading shall- be performed under the observation OJ engineer whose responsibility it shall be tu coord. inspecticxi and testing to ir.surc compliance of the the approved grading plan, sgbmit required reports Engineer and verify compliance with Chapter 5 1-06 ( Carlsbad Flunicipal Code, 27) 29) U~UII com2I.ation oE grading, the developer shall in: "as-grnda3" geologic plan shall he su5mit.ted to tht Engineer, The plan shall clearly shot? a11 the geo: exposed by the grading operation, all geologic cor] - ---. .: * .. 3, 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 3.1 12 13 l4 lr> IS x' l7 l9 '' 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 a mecls~,~lces as actually constructed and must be based map which represents both th2 pre and post site gra plan shall be signed by both the soil-s eitgincer and engineering geol~sgist ~ The plan shall be prepared or sirnilar drafting film a.nd shall become a perxane 30) No Grading sha.11 OCCUT ol;tsidc- the Ii.mj.ts of the SL~ unless a letter of permission is obtained from the the af feeted properties o 34 ) Addit?.ona'i. drainage e~semnts and draina2e; structur provided or instslled as may be required Gy the cii: 32) The developer shal-l, pay the ctrrrent ZoeaE drainwe prior to appxval of the final map or s1zzr9. constrc syskcrc\s in can5srmanee with tlie aster nra*.inaga PL~ of Carlsbad St.imd?..rrds as r-cqu-ired by kfre ciky ZrigiE 33) La.ncl fc.r all public streets and e2senierrts showrr on tative map sk~b3, be dedicated on the fiildl amp and granted to city Cree and cleat: of all. liens and enc 34) 1411 pu5lic streets shall be improved by the ~~VE~GP the typical. sections showr-! on the tentztive map and canfcrztance with City of Carlsbad StanZarrds prior t of any buj.l.c?ings o The design of all prtvate streets and irainage syst approved by the city Eiigi.neer prj.or to app~rovaj. og map- 'Ii'hc st.ructuraE section of a.11. private streets 35) conform -LC> City: OC Caxl~bad Stai:dzi-ds based 012 ft-va $41.1 PKj-\7ate StZccts c?9(! dKa,in,3,ge systems ~))~,~~, he i the city and the skar2dard improvement plzin check; an fees shall. bc paid prior tc, approval_ of the final 10 klb private streets an4 drainage systems shall be m the homowner's associak.icn in perpetuj.ty, This ~e shall be clearly state6 in the CCE~R's, 136) I I 37); PAPI ccneret.e tcrracc drains shall be mzin'cained by ownert s association {if on commonly owned property) individual property Q:-~zL' f if on an individuaLly ox perpetuity, An zppropriately worded sta.tement clea iden's.ifyi..ng tne responsibility shall be placed in t 38) The cmcf of the subject property shall execute a h harmless agreeKent regarding drainage acxoss the ad property prior to approval of the final map, 39) The drainage syskerii shal.1 be designed to ensure tha result.iiag fron a IO-year frequency storm of 6 hours hours duratian under developed conditions, is equal PC RES0 NO. I989 -6- I ,' .; * .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 22 13 14 25 16 3- 7 18 19 20 23. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a 0 than the runoEf from 6 storm of the. same frequency l duration under existing Lirideveloped. conditions n Bo and 21 honlrr storm durations shall be anal-yzed to de de t en t j. o R bas i n cap a c i t i e s ne c e s s ary to a c cornp 1 i- sh results o 40) Tins c'ievclap~r shz.11, comply with 3x1 the rules, rcgu. clesi.gn reqLtiremen'cs of' the respective sewer arid wat regardifig services to the pr~ject, The applkmt sha1,b. agree %.G ratil,,iz,e reclaimed mta appxovcd by the city Engineer.., 41 1 1 formf on the subject property in d-3- commo_rl areas 42) 'rh~ xccS.a.jxe3 water. irrlgcttion systerw sha.1-l. be inair operated cansistenk with. the requirements of the ci Carlsba6, under a contract.ua1- acjreenerit with the hc assccistim that is to give the city total assuranc would ;zla.rayo have the ability to discharge the cffl 43) Irrigation SYS~~ZS to acccriwccdate f'utt~re recl.s.ined bc deSi.qIi@d and installed @omisten% with Titie 17 GalifoPilia State Administr~tive CoGe and any standc by the cit.y of- Ca-rlshad, OfCsite fufiure reclaim& 8iStXih:itiGR systeir;~ should be anticj..pated by the j of adequately sized sleeves at: CKOSS~Y~CJ points to n street exCa\7atiol?. I 44) water shall, be provided by the city of Carl.sh,ad un! other amangement is appr017eQf. by city COUW~~. D 45) Prior tic; approval QE a final map over an.y portion c terrtiittFve map the devclopcr sha.11 provide Em: the j A) ZristaIS.ati.on of and. easements; for aY.1 wat-cu lir to supp1.y vzter and fire flow tu the subdivisic any upsizing necessary to serve adjacent larid i requireMient sha.lr.l incl.ude submitkaX sf a ~0i~ip1( hydeau.lic nct-,.c:lo;rk calculations Ear the entire < are2 <, I u) InstaLlaticn of and easements for all sewczr 3-i: Stat'.iGilS and Core? mains necessary to carry th, from this project to the Calavcra ills Reclam Facility, A2.X offsite sewer appurtenances sha designed for the ultimate area fur which they C) Fu1.l wid,th right-of-way and full width improve Cannon noad through the subdivision in accorda stand~irds p including median island, D) Fu1.l width riqht-cf--way, Eull width grading an improvement- (excluding sidawa1ks and rriecl ian 1-a treakment) of Calinon Road from the subdivision Col-.lege Boulevard. PC RES0 NO. 1389 -a- , I, -i ' 'i 9. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3-0 I 1 12 113 14 15 16 l7 38 19 20 'I- 22 23 24 25 26 2 'I 2o 0 .. E) pull width right-cf-gay, full width grading and improvement (excluding sidewalks and median lanc treatmen?) of Coilege Boul.evard from Cani2on Roa~ Ca.rilino Real. F) Installation oE a traffic sigr~a:! at thc intersel Cannon Road ax2 Strest SAs o 46) It shall. he the resparisibility of the dcve1opr.r to . the easements necessary for the ofE-site improvemen' city w; 1.1 enter into reirrhursement agreements with ilevelspcr to provide reimbursextent for the construc sower system or water syskcm sppurtcnanc:es required c;f that: required to service this subdivisj.on. The I not p hoxever 7 enter into 6. reimbursement agreement. reixbursermnk far an,y porki,un of the ofE-site ~oadw th i s s ubd iv i s ion c CO~ s t r 1-1 ~7 t. i. c n s O i^ r 5. gh t -0 f --way a c 9 u i s i t i 011 s ~e ~LI i r ed 47) sewage for this project will. tempoxarily be t.lceated Encirna Treetment P1.z.n:'; c Iio\;-;.@ver c the developer nus fox the systems F facilities y and ease~e~its necessarl this projects se:<z,ge to its ultimake processing loc; the Calavexa llif&s Sewer Reclamation ~acility, Yriox kcj khe isstlafize of a buiiding gezmit for any I any phase of this subdivision the d=1.vclcper must prt two sepzrate access roads into and out the subdivis: to the approval or' the City Engineer, 49) Prior tr; the a.pprcvz.X of a EinaZ rnap over phase foul tentative niap F the developer shall. provTC3e an ax teri roadway outlet Ercrr. the west ~2nd of Street ,kq to Cc Boulevard, The sp,eciEic a3.igrinent and design sf th, secondary access road shall. be in aceordance with cj ' standards ard Sl-iZ1.l. be to the in ti sf action of the Cj Engineer, Shoul.3 the City Esgineer deem Lt necessal signalize thi.s pzoposed CoX:iege Avenue interseztion, devclop~r shall, e~ter into a secured agreement with for the ccnskruckion sf 1/4 the cost of the traefic he design of QA~ strwt. from ~'C7nno:l ROZ~ to PBP st-.] .Enclud@ prr;visiori Cor 3. raised median designed in ac with city stlandarrlxs and to the s2t~isfacti.on OE the ( Engineer o 51) Dixeck accCss rights for all roads abutting Cannon E street and 'B' streetF shall be waived and rel-inqui: fj.naJ- map or maps, 168) 53) 52) The 60 foot street widths shown on the tentative may streets 3.13, 2C, 3h, 3B and the loop street west of t interseekion of 'A9 and 'EP streets shall be rcducec feet. PC RES9 NO, 1389 -a- * .I. 1 . ,* I 3- I 2 3 4 5 E, 7 .8 9 1Q 11 12 3-3 14 3.5 3.6 17 3-8 2-9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 7 28 e e 53) Prior to approval or' a final jn2.p over Phase 3 of the mapp the devel.oper shall provize for the construekio street (full width t.hru Phase 3 ai-J.d T/2 width for th rc.mairder) and khe seckion of 'A' skreek bekcreen khe street int.erscctions, The remainder of E Bb street s conpl~?t-ed CO~CU~P~~~L taith Phase 4, I, 54 1 he deve~oper shall construct desiltat~.on/detention a type and size and at loca.tions a.s approved by the Engineer, The devel~per shall enter into a desiltai: ma in ten an c e ag E e ei-mn k and s ubm i t G? ma i nt e ri an ce bond ' satiszactory to the City Engineer prior to the apprc final. map for this project, ~ach disiltation hasin servj.ced by an a.ll weather acr@es;s/'rr~;ai,rk~~l.cnara@e road D provisions OE this agEe@Eent shaJ.l, apply to any oEE- bStfrOv7 sites wYL~cP~ m~;y be ~tti%i.~& in the CO~S~~UC~! pr~je~k as ke~juired by the City Erlgifie@~. , The 0n-s: desiLtation basins shall be main%;iin.ed by the homeox association. 55) The cu2-de-szc street Labsled "613'" on flze t,en.tative tljgether with ?hie surrsunding lots shall be redesj-gi provide the mininarrrn 150 foe$ inteysectian spacing f1 skreet, This redesi5in shall be subject to the apprc I City Eng inee-r aird the Planning Departmerik. and :.hall accoxplished pxior to the approval of a,. final. three D F i re 9 ey.m r tm en f 56) The appl-j-cznt shall. subait twc (2) copies of a site shcawirig 3.watj.orrs of existing arid propclscz fire hyd on-site roads arid drives priair to issuance of a bui. perzi t e 57) An all. weather access nxd shzll. be mai,ntained thro I I i _--- I^X-_d_l_---_l^---- COI?,st.%UC!tioII, I 58) ' All require6 Eire hydrants, waker mains am6 appurte be operzti.onal prior to cornbus?.jhlc building rnateri loczted on the project site, KG) Brush clearance shall be maintained within a minimu of 313 feet: to each residenee, A> GO) All fire alarrri systems B 'Eire hydrantis, extinguishin automatic SpEinklers, andl other systems pertinent t: project sha1.l. be submj.tted to the Fire Department: f prior to construction, 61) AXE structures shall be protected by automatic: fire systems to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief until project is within a five minute response time of a CarLsbad fire station, -9- //// ,PC RES9 CO. 1989 * .il 'P . 1 2 3 5 6 7 7 '' 9 3.0 X' 12 13 @ m ~c?rkr: and Recreation 6?) TIie Icndscagin~ in the ziedinn ?slznd and along the --- Cannon Rozd s'nc1.1 conply with the Parks ;in6 Recreat Departrwnt E s s'creetscap- theme. 63) The homeowner's assacintlon shall. be respons2ble fc maintenance oE the landscape trE:c'itTiieni._ up to the cc public sidew&ks, G4) The developer shall. apply and germinate an approvcc part 02 the erosion cc;nirol rncc,~iire an all g~adedf 1 future consj c3e~akj.m~ his t tmEwt sliall be per] iinniedi-ately aEter the rozgh g :LILY OperZtiOrr is C( 65) ~riczx tu apprwa~, u~ any finai m;r;s for ttlis prajek ap2licant' s Iandscapa architect shall subc-.it a pla~ plant i.Rg alld rrid 5.ntCnEil-iCe Or' aX7. COIliiGOn SLOpe ZtTe.35; shall classiXy slopes and their requlred irain'ccmxc confoznance with city C:ouncil Policy No. 23. 66) Street- trezts shall be pl~iitcd zd-jacent t.ci all pub1 at the rate of crle per lot and the trees are to be back from ccrt or cidep?zlk, or (7s othexvise approve arks arid %czeztion Director, PASSED, APPRC'VEil PARD ADOPTED at a regular meet Id I 15 -,G . X'7 18 19 P3 aniiitq Comiinissior: cf the city of Carlsbacl, California 28th day Of 3~lk~, 1982, by the ~o~.~cJv?<xI~ vote, to \A?it: MIX : NOES: None r ABSENT P Nor1e 0 C~Z~~YTEE. PX-;*CIV p CoI~!~issioi~@i:s FI~xcu~ f Schlehu-ber, Jose 6 F'riestec'S t'. and Rmlin! 27 28 PC HESC NO, 1999 -10-