HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-07; City Council; 7140; DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS CITY PROPERTYAB# 71q 0 TITLE: MTG. 9/7/82 DEPT. PCH DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY DEPT. 1 CITY A CITY N c n w > 0 E CL 9- < 2 0 F 0 a d .. 0 z 8 0 CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGENDdILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends Council adopt Resolution No. (PYY@ authorizing the disposal of the surplus fire truck. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City recently purchased a new fire truck to replace a 196 Seagraves pumper. The Fire Chief and Equipment Maintenance Superintendent do not feel it is cost effective to repair and the old truck and have recommended the truck be delcared obso disposed of by sealed bids. The estimated value of the truck S8,OOO. FISCAL IMPACT: The amount received from the sale of the truck will be deposit General Fund. EXHIBITS: 1. Description of Obsolete Equipment, Exhibit "A". 2. Resolution No. L,+90 . P 1. 3 ri 4 5 6 r 8 9 10 12 I:L. 13 0 e 6390 . --*---II_ RESOLtJTlOR NO. P, RESOLUTIObT OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CkRT,SBAD y CALIFORNIA, DECl,AilING AN ITEM OF EQUIPMEtJT AS OES91,bTr' AND AUT:IOL?TZIMG THE DTSPOSAJ, OF SUCH ITEII. I -*I --------c--yII-DI--.-.-.- -___*--uNx.-__ ~-~" -"--- WEISREAS, the City Council of thc City of Carlsbad 1 cietcrmined tbat a fire truck czn no longer be used and js absoleie; and WhEZEAS, it wvuld be beneficial to the City of Carl to disposal of this fire truck. Nola', THEREFORC, BE IT' RESOLVED by the City Council the City of Carlzbad, California as folloxrs: 1. Thtt thE above recitation is true and correct. 2, That Ll~e item listed in Exhjbit "A" be declart? I I obsolete. 3.5 1G 2- 7 n_g l8 20 2'. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. That the City Manager is ticreby authartzed znd directed to proceed to dispose of the item of obsolete equjp PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of day o 1Cj-t-y of Carlsbad at z regular meeting held the 1_u1_ 7tk , 1982, by the followi~lg vote, to wit: 1 -.S.Fl?l --a AYES : Co.lr!cil ;.:ders Casler, Imcis, Kdchin, Chick cmd Am: NOES: Nme I 'I ABSENT: l?me 1 ' L-L&&-Y-L--- // .~------ C-ALL--- - MARY H. G SLER, bfayor / 24 - n I I . a I) EXHIB~T ii~ii *r SUKPI,US I'LRR TKUCK: 1963 @-850 - 534 Gas Ford Scagraves, S/N N 8135 1000 G.P.M. Two-Stage Pumpei-. PuITcr 'rake-off Auxj liary Punp - 60 G,:',K, 300 Gallon \later Tank. rire Speed Transmission With Split Axle. Two Hose Reels. 27,OOC Read Ri Jes MI SCELLANJSOTJS : 200 ft. -- 3/4" Reel Line ~ose. 1 - 35 Foot Aluminurn 2--cly Extension Ladder. 1 - 1% Foot Pike Pole -- Rood. 2 - Pickheaded Axes wirh Holders. 1 - 15 FOOL Soft Suction 4'' to 6" rexlale. -_-- __-_-- .-A-1+---- _II