HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-07; City Council; 7150; Application Certificate of Convenience & Necessity G. Stanton Res 7003 Sea Breeze Airport Service Taxi operationf" ---------.-----..-- Application for Certificate of Convenience and DE Necessity to Operate a Taxi in the City of Carlsbad Applicant: Sea Breeze Airport Service --- Glen Stanton,-owner 1; Yl - declaring that the public interest, convenie Adopt Resolution No. +yc!c '3 and necessity require the issuance of a certificate to Sea Breeze AirDort , to operate one taxi cab in tne City of Carlsbad and ordering the City Clerk to issue said certificate sublect.to certain conditions. ITEM EXPLANATION: An application has been received from the owner of Sea Breeze Airport Servi operate a taxi service in the City of Carlsbad. This application has been made and all fees have been paid. The fares proposed by Sea Breeze Airport Service are as follows: TKi l"S.9/7/82 Di?PT._FIN ::G8 72 r't: EM c ;: D ACTi 8 7: : reviewed by city staff and is in order.' All necessary inspections have bec Cardiff-By-The-Sea $23 Oceanside $29 , Carlsbad $27 Olivenhain $25 Del Mar $20 Rancho Santa Fe $25 Encinitas $23 Solana Beach $22 Leuc ad la $25 Torrey Pines $18 Fares quoted are on a one-way basis and cover a party of one, two or Lhree passengers. For parties larger than three, an additional fare of $5 will IC charged for each extra passenges. At the present time the city is served by four companies. Since there is r limitation on the number of companies that may serve the city, applications are accepted and processed upon request. Certificates issued to the other companies have been established so all ex& on April 21, 1984. The certificate for this application has been prepared so that it, too, will expire on April 21, 1984; so all renewals €or all taxi companies will be before tne Council for consideration at the sane tim FISCAL IMPACT: The approval of an additional has very little fiscal impact on the city. T or taxi cab licenses will only generate $25.00 per t re competitive with other companies serving Caylsbad ance Report Cslifornia Highway Patrol. Copy of application filed by Sea Breeze Airport Service. . 7C03 issc1mg a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity rport Service. I ___ @ 1 i 943 _.___ 02,'--cl J1)__- , C~R~TEG? HEPRE~CN~ITIV~'S NI\ML A~D T~TL~ @ %P\m k- &US "CPAR1MChT cr CLLIFORNlA U,LHV.ii" VATHOL SA F ET Y CO M P L I ANC E R E PO RT ~7" Pt ZFFAx--~ -- ------ F,,IOTpR CARR lE8 SAFETY OPERATIOP*S i CJte 3L%L'JkbL.3 f-bi FLEET AND EM E R G E N C Y R ESOU R C E 'I N FO RMAT ION ~__ - TRAILERS &TYPES BUSES DRIVERS SHOP .___ TRUCKS &TYPES - --- c.115 ,eT -YES FNO CYES %NO 1 [71;YES ?:NO zT J 1%- I INSPECT IONS T TERMINA MAINTENANCE RECORDS DRIVER RECORDS REGULATED VEHICLES HAZARDOUS MATER1 ib\b 5. 3 -~ 4 ~~.~ IU\Q~ 5- 3 ~ -~ 4 ~~~~ 1b\L2 5 3 - 4 __ I -.~ 2 -/G ~-. ,Q\& 2& 3 ~- I __- 'xu, \ ,a. ze:s\3e-c- a \bL> A - 13, ......................................... ....................................................f.......... \?-W c LC (ZcoLAo. COQ S OCL orc\(L TlME IN NO. - TIME NO. TlME NO. - TOME REQUIREMENTS VIOL. REMARKS MAINTENANCE .........,................................................................................................................ RECORDS DRIVER R EC 0 R DS ---- DRIVER -rmwfll7x ...................................................................................................................... li)$z\c\co'r bb&nP17.d LAuJt! HOURS BRAKES ............................ @. ~.~.~.y\el.i\c. &Sy.ef,. 4 . .!.e+>... =.q ..... LWAu'Q 1bLOI ~lLap.r\ec4 /F' \ LX 'a\?.\\ L CL. &\~UIJL \a i rnt L -~ -~- C-eX;LlQQ \ssuex m w P, (\(-I- --C3CL%\'LQ I, STEERING & .......................................................................................................................... hmJ lixwlc- .-.I- roe I vvh\* _______ __ - LAMPS - 5.1 G N A LS .................... -A Pp (1 ....... m\GL ....... Q'X Q.CD ... L ..................................................... CONNECTING ........................................................................................................................ DEVICES %c 2282 Plazuela St. Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 May 19, 1982 Debi Herring Business License Clerk 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Dear Ms. Herring: Please find enclosed an application for a business license, an application for a taxicab driver's permit, and a check for $25. The proposed is an on-call, doorstep service for ,the primary purpose of transporting passengers to and from the San Diego International Airport. Below is a description of the vehicle and fare schedule based on a combination of time and mileage. YR. MAKE '80 Ford S21GHHJ7555 11 Super Wagon Van owned 942ZPC ID. NO. NO. PASS. MODEL OWNED/LEASED LICENSE -- - -- FARES Cardiff -By-The-Sea $23 Oceanside $29 Car 1 sbad $27 Olivenhain $25 DelMar $20 Rancho Santa Fe $25 Encini t a s- $23 Solana Beach $22 Leucadia $25 Torrey Pines $18 Fares quoted are on a one-way basis and cover a party of one, two or three passengers. For parties larger than three, an additional fare of $5 will be charged frbr each extra passenger. !< 5 Sincerely yours, &- Glen Stanton lf : b 9 3 4 5, 6 71 8 9 1.0 :; ^" '1 3 14: x? 1-6 I 7 le 1.9 2o 22 2L 23 25 24 W msorm~.cfii ND. 7003 - __-. __._ 'I W I I A KESOLUTIGK OF T1-K CITY COUNCIL, Ok' THE CITY OF CARLSGAD, CI+I,IFO34LR, DETC2MININS THAT TIlC I'U1lTJI:C INTI7RI3S T , C 0:WCNIII: 2, ;i;w pJRCCSS7yy Iq&JI?.E 'YIjE TO SEA }:RZE;ZE JiIXpOjTf XrCAU IN YITE CZ'I'Y OF' 1 CtlIlLSDAD h?Z! O~~D3i?ll'<'C7 'TiIE CITY CLEIX TO ISSLTE SAID Cj%%'I:I~'ICATY SLZJZCT TCj (XXl'AIN CC,NilI'.PI(];dS. --------.._.-.--~----I_ .I-.-. ~ l_l____________ 1 kJlWGAS I Sea Rrcczze ;rlii:pc)ri Scrvice, i-11 accord wii-.h CFii;pter 5. 20 ?~i1J.Xi.cipl Code has appliec! fcr a t.ur:icab seLvice within the City of C; j and; WHEkEAS I the City Council ma.y grant Certificate of Convenience 21 Necessit;.? to Sea Breeze Ai.rp,o::t ~ei-vicc under Section 5.20.090 j.f SucI is i.n thc pxblic interest; IJOY, 'I'HY:P.EFOI?l<, ;:E 1'1 E1,3,S01,\7i?.) by ."he c'i ty Co,diicil of the Ci t;. of I 1 Carl.sbac1, a.s fol.1.ows : j ! 2. 'Ihat the a1>0.~~e rcci.tatj om axe true arid corrc:ct,. J I 1 'I 2 - ~ba.t the pblic i ~:'~.ere.;t, convenj.eii~c and necessity reqsive 1 issuaficc! of ti-le cel-ti.ficate spplie;:. for. 3. That szi.6. cer'iificELte is hereby j ssuecl to Sea iirC?ei<e Airport to expire on fipri.1 21, 1984, subject: to the Following term and condii !I (a) T1:e ceriifleate pzrrrits service throilghout the Ckty of 1 (h) One taxicab v-ehicl.e is siithorj.zec?. (c) The sciicdule of fares to be charged shal.1. be: Card j.ff --3.;-Tnz-,S c~~ $23 Oceanside $29 Car 1 .c; bc;d $27 01~i.ventiain $25 Del Mar $20 Rancho Saiita E'e $25 I I ij /j I I Encini tar. $2 3 Sol ana Beach $22 Lt? uc a d 1. c7 $18 $2 5 'L'O r r e y P i 1x13 r; (d) "he certificate and the operation of taxi. scr-vice pursu I 26 21 28 thercko shall 13% subject to all of the provisions of Chapte:^ 5.20 of the Municipa 1 Code . (u) 'The c:ert.iiicate i.s issued to C<>iwEIIcC on tlie date of ;id, of tllis reso!.uLioii ZR~ to e::pirc on April 21., 1984. I //// I I - 2, 2 4 5 6 'i" e 3l 2 1-Q 1-1- 3.. 2 13 q w (f) ~i:~)l-j.cai:t ' s ,~ii.-'i'1.5.c:at~S.oil forn shidi is or! file .in thc Office oi V.hc City Cl~x;:~ ..;ha1 I be m;itIc: a part of this ct?rt:if.fcc and is ii.ic:orpczz',:L5. by referejlce herein. (9) The City shall. have t.he ri.oht to inspect 21.1 vchj.c!cs c^ time to insure the;. a.rz maintained in safe operating coridition e (11) Applicant may only use the vehicle 1.istr:d on 11ri.s appIi (i) ApF'licaiit shall file Cer "Lifical:i.on of 1:isurance j.11 the aniounts of $!OO , OC;0/$3130 f 000 ~~itl~. the City C?.c?rli prior t.c COiTj-fiL':l service purstlm'i to this certificate. (j) NO ttrxi s'cands are perr;ij.tted. 4. That the City Clerk is hcreby directed to issue R copy of t.h ixscilution n.s a cert,j.iicz.te in c?cco!.d wit.11 ~iiapt~r: 5 r 20 ut tile c:~.~I.!;I: bIuni.cipa1 Cod-e. j 5 I Tliat the certificate skal.1 mi be issued until. 1-he s.p;3l.iccir;t 1 cojnpiieii wit11 a1.1 oi ti?? 11ef~ii>2i13'~7~ tcrrris and coinci.j.trions . -1 j-4 1 is i pr3~~r:;~;, ppp~r/\/~~ f :??:D ,i,C3?TI-:D et 2 reyuldr ri:ect.ir,g of thc Car! s5 Co-~ricrLl hem on thc 7th d?iy of September, 1982, lq tlic fol.lo:;.iny va'cc?, i*IYES : CC:rP~;ciJ. 1 .:IS Czsler, Txkq?is : I<L.d~~h, ChLd: :md heax 2- 'r 18 1.9 20 21 22 2 3 24 26 27 25 28 NOES : Rme Z?ESEIQT : KXk? 'I j I i 0 1 i 1 1' JIT'!_'EST : ir,+- 1 i i (sF:nr,) 1 i ! ~ i I Date 6-9-82 FZr, ~IJUE 64T-1 EIuTION [? Enclosed IS your pohcy y Enclosed IS Endorsement Please lemi: In envelope ptovided I have been unable to contact you L Please attach to your ~~ ~ ~ ~ Please call my office 2 Enclosed IS Premium Stattmrc: ___POI ICY c] and retlJrn enclosed 'arm n fllllrl E] sign cl Please m Enclosed is a Revised Cer n /?(.cent Clzim 0 Enclosed IS check for C Pt:mJtn Adjustment €or Glen Stanton as t.hey the policy #- -__~ ------ --~ --~ ~ r City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Ave TO Carlsbad, CA 92008 JnduPa,cQ. %/m&$n ATT: Debi Hering OF SAN DIE150 COUP 1821 So. Hill Sf * P c) 3 L Oceanside, Colifornia 3: Phone 433-6424 - 941 ( I . cb 3024 Harney Street 8 a- RIA NAL FIRE i% MARINE INSURANCE C MPANY Omaha, Nebraska 68131 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This certificate e? insurance is NOT an insurance policy and does not amend, extend or alter the coverage affs3rded b iisted herein. Notwi-lhstanding any requirement, term or condition of any contract or other document with respect certificate may be issued or may pertain, the insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the terr and conditions of such policies. This is to certify that the following described policies have been issued and are in full force and effect. T NAME OF INSURED-. t S3]?\lj?-l i .". P.O. ADDRESS LO C A? I 0 N CO V E R E D 2222 !!I azuel a Street ,, CiCr7 sbid ~ ($J. 32008 - I DESCR~PTION OF WBRW 'i'ehi cl E: ;91C Fc;-d \,'2!-; 34C27GHHj7555 - l---l_--- -- Gene.al Liability: Bodiiy Injury . . . . . . Epch Occurrence A.ggregate - Products - ! Completed Operations $ r 1 Property Damage , . . , Each OccIJrrence $ Aggregate - Operations S Agsregate - Products - Comp!eted Operations $ I -. ..^ 2BP 1CilG25 Automobile Liability: Each 0ccJr:ence Property Damage . . . . Each Occurreilce ' Excess Liabili:y: DAu;orrob.ie 9 General Liability Primary Limits: Excess L!rniis; ---. In tne event of any material change in or cance!iation of such policies, NATIONAL FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMP, to notify the party to whom this Certificate is addressed of such change or cancellation,k~:U~~~:~~~~~~~i~;~~~~ AXiXKk? XN mda. This Cer-cificate issi;ed to' - City of Car1:kad - FI t AND M RIN, .~~URANCl~COMB Att-tn: I)&i t;cring N*T,oNb I d: ~ :5" y73 7.932 xm I I I, &Ah4-/': ( \& yf3-q il > :.* - - Title ' '$Y. LillerK&e;. - 2200 Elni ,!\v~. CCy-1 .bad. Ca. - BY I 539178 - NOTE TO AGENT - Mail Copy to Home Office immediately. ~~-100f (10/78) 3024. Harney Street NATi db AL FIRE & MARiw iNsuRANcE c&w '). Ornah8a, Nebraska 68131 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This certificate of insurance is NOT an insurance policy and does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by certificate may be issued or may pertain, the insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the term! and conditions of such policies. listed herein. Notwithstas\diny ariy requirement, term or condition of any contract or other document with respect t( This is to certify that the following described policies have been issued and are in full force and effect. NAME OF INSURED 61 PY; Stactr,n dh 3.: Spa F me ,b j roni-.i CprVi cp P.O. ADDRESS .- 2212 '1 aziiel a Strcet., Carl :;bad, Ca. 92008 i LOCATION COVERED -- - DESCRIPTION OF w#$$K Vehicle: 1980 Ford \!?n $S2iGI!HlJ7555 ~------ POLlCV NO KIND OF INSURANCE Genera' I-iabilil-y: Aggregate - Products - rornpleted Operations $ Properly Damage , . , . Each Gccurreqce Aggregate - Operations $ Aggregate - Products - ii Completed Operations $ Automobile Liability: $400 ,oc@. CO -"._,. ,."----"- Bodi!y Injury . . . . , Each Person Each Occurrence Pvoperty Darnage . , . . Each Occurre-ice i i J Excess Lim!:s; _I iil :he event of any material change in or cancellation of sEch policies, NATIONAL FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE. COMPP to nutify the party to whom this Certificate is addressed of such change or cancellation~XI~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~.~~~~ x mNw:~)w Attn : Ilebi I-ler?; rig This Ce tif'cate GsuFd t JZfJU ti 61ky kc b,ar?'sbid I I m i-\ve. a Cz~-.l sb?.d, Cc7 . 920138 I NOTE TO AGENT - ,Mail Copy t FM-IOM (10/78)