HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-07; City Council; 7154; Continuing Appropriations~ -CITY)F CARLSBAD -AGENOA JILL AB# V5jt rn MTG . .JU.ZL.a?._ DEPT. F~N ___ _ ~::.COMMENDED AC1'IUN: CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS FROM 1981-82 INTO 1982-83 Adopt. Resolution No. 7ootf' approving the continuation of appropriations for the various project~, 1981-82 into 1982-83. ITEM EXPLANATION Each year the Finance Department brings before the City council a listing of projects for which funds were appropriated during the prior budget year and which will continue into the new budget year. These projects are not part of the new budget adopted by the council and will not continue unless funds are appropriated in the new budget ye~r. The projects recommended for continuation are shown in the attached resolution. There are 21 proJects totaling $3.l million. The major portion of this amount is related to capital projects approved as part of the 1982 CIP ($3.0 ~illion). The remainder of the proJects relate to various operating projects that have not been completed at this time {$45,000). FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact of this action has been reflected in the balances shown in the final budget. Dudng the budget preparation p.cocess it has been assumed that these funds would be expended, encumbered, or continued at the end of 1981-82. If the council chooses not to continue any or all of theoe projects, the amounts indicated for each project will he added to the beginning fund balance for the respective city fund affected. The total <1mount of recommended continuing appropriations is $3,066,865. EXHIBITS l. Schedule of Continuing Appropriations 1981-82. 2. Resolution· No. ;ltJ,t,f , app-coving the continuation of th~, appropriations for various projects. Sdaedule of ConCilll:UJ>& App:to;,riatic::, 198?.-82 as o.f 6-.30-l!Z 6-3".rSl 1981-s:.! Tot9l c-3'.l-82 roNntu:::i:; A.~:'RL':l'Io::s Con::iruiri;: Bod;;et Buc!get C'.cr.eral Se..;.2r &,,.·e:-.:e i1'.%>tiC C\:'IT,\!. l'ro.,'ZCl'S /.:,p~rfotiOM ~ l%Hl2 1'otal Ge:ieral Cal)ital Const. ~ Co:-.structiCXl 9'ar~ Fed Ii ties El..'"l<I ?;,:'<e-fa~: eu ~ '.30.16 PoJ i.O?/C';;il i:y S~:vi.:e Cer.::cr 2,'Z<':?,375 2,736,045 5,029,920 (2) 975,677 115,677 860,COO :J(l5~ :n.:1ru :{ater Polu:tion Co,-.trol -Hu:.<e Ill 919,933 ~9,925 l,~69,858 (4) 123,426 123.:.~ : .... ~s S~.a:.~ St.i·'l.~t Stom t-:ain 400,5~ 400,$$~ (4) 397,817 397,817 3093 l\g"8 l!cdion!d Bridge 224,000 224,000 (6) 129,536 129,536 :-1.)<'9 P.i.-,;hl.:rd S::,,r:i, Or,iin 150,CCO 150,0CO (7) 92,520 92,520 '.•IC<) }fuic~llaMOO.:S :i=-<1i.:-4;e P:ojt.-cts 160,000 160,000 (8) 133,852 13~,852 3W! L,. C::.st3 Colo-;"" l'z-d< -Ih,,se ~I 165,000 165,ClOO l9) !0,777 1◊,777 • 1Dl Cct;i:,;ni;:y t,:.i,lo;,,cnt Ce:-.ter 40&,36'+ 406,364 (IO) 172,028 51,693 lZ),330 3!03 T.r.nrack p,._•.x-.,trocdon 131,000 140,000 271,000 {11) 215,546 2,~ 213,000 3lO'l Tr'tfne S:.f~ty Projects a,eoo 26,400 35,200 (12) 34,832 34,832 3112 Tri-.\;(!n:v Pi;:waline Inte:t:i~ 19,000 215,080 23~,oro 04> 234,(;8-'.) 234,C"'~ 31'4 u.Jit\l,Y.l to V\_~d:-~~•s I.ibr:iey 114,000 h4,000 03) 101,995 lOl,995 31Z.5 Fi:-~ Sta:io1 ¥4 150,000 150,0CO (14) 15(),00() 1~.c-00 '.<1:.6 S-:n. !-!J:r'<.,.~ !:-.:c:-c.:,pt:>r' l(',000 10,000 (14) 10,000 10,000 3!1! w.m,r Plp.:!lir.e R,,pl.ace:r,::':s 50,000 50,000 (14) 50,000 ,,.coo ,:.?3 M:..-r Lioe M!itiom 190,000 190,000 (14) 190,C-OO 10::::j,,.~ -,_, TOI',\.. 0.l'ITA:. n<CJ;:.crS 4,876,56? 4,581,450 9,460,016 3,()72,086 620,:1% 2.546 133,426 l.l¼_,£0(> 4~._i9~ _ _ir:!m ~!~,•?_]_ &-30-81 198Hl2 Tot~ eo:-.::i."llirg J>d,_--et l',;g~t Omerril 56,e:-!l..V,;,'.!e I'lblie (Y, ,;ER :,ro.J£CTS /v.,~;,riatio:lS hlditior.s ~ ~:£ ~ Capital~~ G:13 Tax O::nstructim ~ Th.:ilit:i.,. :"<>>d P:1:'<•Ir.-"-iru r:ze ?-102-)'"''(JO 0:...--ictl S."'Und S;-st<'Q Jf ,!-00 16,500 l-102-2.,E,'l tl•~:tion l::<.~ooe S,000 S,C-00 1-Jo,;-39(,:, C<z:pa:er f'.oa:, R=>del (:;irxlcws & re.rire) 8,972 3,972 s,coo !-l 2,-1/ario.:s City lisll ~l 8,096 8,096 l-131-2610 City !loll R<fixlet 6,211 6,2Jl TOTAL <PZR:a"llX: ~S 44,n9 39,779 5,000 wr.-\L K.J. mi.rcers .'-,SJ8.~ ~,9.H,450 _9_,t.2).016 3,066,865 39,779 826,3¼ 2.546 133,l.26 1,114,866 464,_92_5 -__!_Q,_T.'7 --t,./t...f;f/) Cit)" of Carlst>&d Schedule of Conti=iD!; Appro;,riatio= 1981-82 as of 6-30-82 6--Yr81 1961-82 To:al 6--J.'.l-<n ro:,m-;r::; ,._~ICNS Con::iruirg &ad~r 'Bo!-..=,!t cenerai S.,,,,,r R.,-.·.e:-.re N:>li.: ~IT~\? 'Y-~., /.;,pro;,riotia-.s Mditicns l'.)$1-82 .!:;'t.!!.. Ger.c-:-al Ca;>ital C-7.,st. C'asTax Ox:stnv.:tfon !haring ~ilitie:3 P.i::id ?z*-In-'...iru ·i:a:er »'l6 ~lice/l"t:ility Sz::vi.e <►.r.::cr 2,293,8i5 2,736,045 5,029 ,,20 (2) 975,t,77 115,677 850,COO 3."-<J Fn.:ina Water PolMkn ~1trc-l -?.--~ III 919,933 !M,925 1,869,S!S (4) 123,426 123,4:ZS :,re5 S!'at~ $,tree: Stom tT.air. 400,s-;.-. '00.~'lt (4' 397,817 :i97,817 31)% },.,,"'Ua lkdiml,t 1!:-i<'.ge 224,000 224,000 (6) 129,536 1:.9,536 10''9 llLti-L:.""li St .. ,m tea.in 150,COO 150,0('<) (7) 92,520 92,SW 3100 ~11:iOOJCl.!5 ::.rair~e ?r,,jects 160,000 160,000 (8) 133,852 133,852 :,101 LA (.r~ta <:J.r.:,i..;"'l it:.&"'-~ -itt:J.S.e It 165,000 165,000 (9) 10,777 10,777 } :l!Jl Gxn....oi:y r.:.:-e lo;, ~'ff' C,;,."tte:-4t>6,3¼ t.C-6,364 (JO) 172,026 Sl,693 l:20,330 31(.d T.-.:nrack l'-:: ..• ,fl:C:ioo 131,000 ll.0,000 271,000 (11) 215,51:6 2,~ 213,00'.i 3109 Trl!!!;c S.1! ~ty F'r..:>j~:::s 8,SOO 26,400 35,200 (12) 34,832 34,832 3112 Ttl-Ae.~n...""Y P1;..-Hne :nte~i~ 19,000 215,0SO ~.oeo (14) U4,080 n.,r,e/'J :m!. l'lo'i1it.i.on to Ould:-ffi•G Library 11,,,000 114,000 (13) l<•l,9,$ 101,'i,S 3125 Fi:-~ St.a::ic~ .t-4 150,000 150,000 (14) 150,oo:) 150,COO ;l:;:6 ::" ... ':"" ~-!Jirc;;ae 1"',!crc,";~~r 10,000 l0,000 (14) 10,000 10,IJCO 3127 Wat•r P1;,::lme &',)lace::w:::::s ~,coo 5(',,000 (14) 50,()<)') Sc1,C,A) 31Z-'l ;.:.,.:,:,.,.r llN ;.:!..!iti.o:-3 U).'} O<'a1 190,0:JO (14) 190,00J l4j_.:~· . .:, w,;.:. c.;r;:r:;. ,ro;a:rs _l,_,81_.;.~---__ 4,581,4~ 9,460,016 3,@.gl/,_ ---.620,.)'r., 1.~ _1~3,~16 !.!09,Pf.'5 4~.9$5 !C,m 47:.,r;;.-, 6-30-Sl l9el & Tcc:.l Co=innrg F,'4et FA.g~t (",enen,l Se,er R.'>len:e Pub!i,:: o;:!E:R ~roJ= Jv,,rQ?riatiros ~ ~ To:<!l c.,,,.,-.al Ol:eieal Ccast .. Gl,JT= ~truction Sl.e:ir,z F~ilities f\....-,-;!' P..'.l:'<-L-:-lieu ".;:i:t!':" ~ ?-!1'2-3~.x) Coor.:. 1 S.."'-"'<I S;;sto:i 15,500 16,500 1-102-:.,,,<) t.~•;-=t•on t;..::,cns.e 5,1'1'...0 S,C-00 l-Jt'r,-3900 ea:;,,.;:u· l'<xx2 R,axlel (Win:lows r. roar~) 8,977 3,9n 5,1)00 1-1~;.v:mo.,s Cityllall ~l 8,096 8,()96 1-131-2610 Cit"Jl!all~l 6,ZU 6,211 Ta.AL ce~m:; ~s M,779 39,779 5,000 TOTnL Afl. i"mrcCrS t.,878,566 4,581,450 '.),l.60,016 3,066,8-55 39,779 826,396 2,546 !33,426 _ _!_._1_14,8&5 464,995 --------10,777 t.1:..,~'Y> CITY OF CARLSBAD CONTINUING APPROPRIATION PROJECT DESCRIP'l'IONS 6-30-82 3006 Police and Utilities Center This project consists of the design of City Operations Center. Consultant selection is und~rway. This should be a mult:- year project of at least six years. 3059 Encina Water Pollution Control -Phase III A -This is a continuation of the City's share of the phase IIIA improvements at the Encina plant. l?hase III A construction is underway under the guidance c,f the JPA. 3085 State Street Storm Drain This project would place a storm drain in the central business area of Carlsbad. An agreement is being negotiated with the railroad to exchange right-of-way for alley impro•rements, which will all1>w construction to proceed. 3098 Agua Hedionda Bridge This project j,s for the construction of a bridge over the outlet of the Agua Hedionda lagoon on Carlsbad Boulevard. The existing bridge is deteriorated and needs replacement. Construction could begin as early as next year, if environmental clearances are obta!ned and funding is secured. 3099 Highland Storm Drain The storm drain portion of this project is complete. Right-of-way will he necessary if the sewer portion is to be completed. 3100 Miscellaneous Drainage Project,2 Funds will be utilized for the completion of two small storm drain projects: Alder and Sunnyhill; Cerizo and Carlsbad Blvd. 3101 La Costa Canyon Park -Phase II )rainage and s~ale ~~rk remain to be complet~d in 1982-83, This work will cost aoout $10,000, 3103 Community Development Center Modular installation is comp:.ete. Some additiona City Hall modifications are underway and will be completed dudng 1982-83, 3108 Tamarack. Reconstruction The design of this p~oject is complete, Authorization for its construction h~s not been made. This appropriation will cover about $217,000 of an estimated $1.05 million project. 3109 Traffic Safety Projects The desigr, for the flashing units at Carlsbad Blvd. is ~omplete. Authority to proceed is needed. This appropriation would cover one of several safety projects. 3112 Triagency Pipeline This project will bring water from this existing triagency pipeline near Lake Calavera Hill down on future Elm to the water tan!: at Elm just east of Donna. Additional right-of-way is needed. Preliminary design is ,.mdet:way. 3124 Addition to Children's Library Design for this project is complete. Now, it is necessary to advertise for construction. 3125 Fire Station #4 Site selection is underway for a fire station in lhe Palomar Airport Road and I-5 area. These funds will provide funding for site acqui.sitic,1. -1 - 3126 3127 3128 Ol-100-3900 Ol-102-2880 l Marcos Inter~eptor This is a major sewer line that will parallel Palomar !i;x>rt Road. Design will begin as soon as agreements are completed with San :cos, Vista and Buena Sanitation Districts. .er Pipeline Replacements Design on this project is underway. It will :onstruct various J.in<::s in different parts of the City. .erline Additions Pioject coordinate with triagency pipeline for 1982. scheduled for succeeding years • • I: incil Sound systeE!_ A~~e City Council Chambers sound system will be modified dng 1982-83 -.!"unds were not allocated tc, this project until late 1981-82. •ction Expenses The expenses related to the June election will not be Lled to the City until 1982-83. Funds for these expenses were budgeted in 31-82. This delay is due to County processing requirements. ~Y Hall Remodel ($14,307) 'l'hese funds are the remaining portion of funds rcmo<ieling modu\ar units, police and city hall offices due to of staff. These i:-emodeling pro'jects w:i 11 be completed during -2 - ·: . .1 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 J.4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 m 28 RESOLUTION NO. 7008 A RESOLUTION OF THE CI'rY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OJ:' CARLSBAD APPROVING THE CONl'INUA'l'ION OF APPROPRIATIONS POR Vl\~IOUS PROJECTS FROM 1981- 1982 TO 1982-83. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad appropriates funds annually for various capital and operating projects that cannot be completed within the current fiscal year, ;md WHEREAS, during 1981-82 funds 1vere appropriated for various capital and operating projects which remained uncompleted at the end of the 1981-82 fiscal year, and WHEREAS, the City Council docs desire to continue these appi:opriations l ~sted on exhibit "A" into 1982-83 to facilitate progress on these projects, NOW, TIIERE1''0RE, HE IT RESOLVED that tho City Council of the City of Carlsbad docs hereby app:x;ove the ar,propriations of the amount shown on exhibit "A" to the specific projects anC: in the specitic'amounts shown on exhibit "A". PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regul.ir meeting of the Carlsbeid City Council held on t:he 7th day of Scptemb~, 1982 by the following V(1te, to wit: AYES: NOI:S: ABSENT: ATTEST: (SEAI.) Ccuncil ~ers Casle.r, l.eMis, Kulchin, Chick and Anear None None City of Carlsb:id S:!:ocZalc of Cor..ti~~ Ai,pro;n:-iatic:a: It;3I-t2 ~~ or ~3H2 6-30-31 !9Rl•B:! :r«o:i 6-Y-n2 ro,='Ili: ,=:.;:rm.; Cor.:i:u!~ ~t ~..::: v"'r.er.u. ~~ .. er .-t~ l\l:>UC ":2rco?·ri4t,iCC".S ~ ~ ~ ~ ,:-fr11l ~t. ~~ <b!-~~~:,:.:.:.iO"\ ~ !a-:ilit!c-.s F..::"d ?.1:k-!."l-'-!ru &Uli,:~,t·:11:.ty ~:vice C-cr-:e:-2,293,375 2,?36,C45 .S,021,S-;Q (2) 975,677 115,677 860,◊:0 r: .. ar..1 '-.'.Jto:r r"A!c:ion Cor:::r-ol -ih~ :It ~l9,S33 ~9,925 l,869,~58 (4) 123,42:6 1Z3,4~ .) S:..!.!..-S::,e,::: S:-o:=. D:'afa 400,S~ 400,~91 (4) ~7,817 ~7.8!7 ;,;:~ HcJ.1on!.1 Rric!'~ 224,0(X) 224,000 (6) !29Sl6 l:9,$:,.S tt~~ t.,,.--.!, ~:.:---: ~ain 150,COO 150,010(7) 92,520 92,SZO ,~s~<:?!!.:.,,....:~ Dr.ii:-~e Proj~• 16.l,O'...O !60,00?(S) 133,852 l)J,852 L1. C..""':J C,.1-,..,.. .. ,,n r-..-.r'.c. -?.t~ 1I 165,000 165,000 (9) 10,777 10,771 C:.n::c:n:v ::. ..... -..:-k-~.c Cc:i::cr 40),~64 ~.W, (IO) 172,0".3 Sl,69S 120,3~ T:,.i:---....;kR~~~..x:tio:, m,coo 1i:o,ooo 211,r.oo (ll) 215,% 2,$45. 213,'lCO ":r::!!:~ S:!.->cy .?:"~ee:s 8,800 25,400 35,2C-O (12) 31.,s:n ~,832 ":n-1-~'",.~~~ .... ...,, Pi;.~?fr& !t'.:-e-"t;.ie 19,000 215,000 2J4,0&) (14) 2.34,C:O l..!.iit1,,,,)'1 ~ Cii.ld:'c:'l's Ubr~:y H4,000 m,0:-0 U,> lr.J,99$ lOl,995 Fir"' s:.a~io-.., ~. 150,000 1so.cw u,, ~.co, J!O,COO Sl."l }~.:.:x tr:.e:-e.--,:or 10,000 :o,coo (?4) 10,000 .. v,000 ~=~:-?i:-...:::inc ~-=?~" 50,000 SO,OC-0 (14) $0,0)) l-!.:<!:-Lino,-:.:!i:i.,:'1$ 190,0~-0 l<JO,OcO (14) 190,0XI -rcr:.:. CA?!TA:. :r?.li~S 4,876,SSS 4,581.1.50 9,4,;.l,0!6 3,o:2.~ 825,3% 2,!',45 133,~2~ _ _J,109.~61_ ~¼.9'?1._ __ JY~i 6-:lO-Sl l9S!-& TotAl c«-.:i."U[~ ~::;~c ""'""': ~--nl s,,.,.,. R("J~rue P...!>lic }~ .. \ro-::-i.a:!<X"J: ~ ~ 1$!!. ~ ~h.~lC;:---~c .. ~ ee..:,-->C:icn ~ r.ec:.!ieie, n-_~ ~..,r'..:•:':"'-.:.!P...J C.:..•!ll So..-.! Sy.steo 16,$00: 16,500 El.a io;, Ex;>ense ~.m ~.m C..~e:-~ R.~l (~im<,,..,o & reri..~) S,972 3,972 5,00() Ci::,,:!J.UR~l. 8,095 8,095 Cityl'.1:l;>..:::-oc.,! 6,2ll 6,211 =~ =n.: !ro.,'!);rS 44,779 39 m S,tY.I ':'C:'}!.>.:.:..~~s 4,878,!¼ 4,531,450 :1~~§ ___ ~us _--19_,n'J 515.:::96 2.5'6 133,426 l,U~._e!-6 _ 4¾,$?5 !•',771