HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-21; City Council; 7104-1; ADDITION TO THE CHILDREN'S LIBRARY AWARD OF CONTRACT NO. 1115a 81 k CITYSF CARLSBAD - AGENDAaLL LCD : ca ADDITION TO THE CHILDREN’S LIBRARY AWARD OF COYTRACT YO. 1115 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 70 I b awarding the Addition to the City Library contract to DIVERSIFIED PACIFIC and waiving any informalities; and Adopt Resolution No. 7 0 / 7 transferring reauired fundinq from the Contingency Reserve Fund. ITEM EXPLANATION: On August 3, 1982, Council authorized the advertisement and bidding on the Children‘s Library Addition. recei ved : On Septelnber 1, 1982, six bids were 1. Diversified Pacific ... .$lC)5,000 2. Charles Noble ....... 114,700 3. Chamac, Inc. ........ 118,000 4. Lazas Construction ..... 119,000 5. Hidden Valley Properties . . 123,800 6. Lovetto Construction .... 125,899 The low bidder made several small omissions or discrepancies on his bid form, which he has rectified. and award the contract to the firm of Diversified Pacific. References for this firm were checked and found to be excellent. Council may waive such inforqalities F I S CAL I FlPACT : The original appropriation for this pro;ject was $114,000. preparation of the project drawings and specifications amounted to $11,500 in payments to the architect. Contract management encumbrance on the project amount to $2,345. construction, which is less than the low bid of $105,000 by $4,845. This does not include furnishings that may be reauired in the addition It is certain that the original estimate was too low and will have to be auqmented. The Library is finalizinq an estimate of furnishings preliminarily assessed at $10,000. The Library will be submitting a request for specific appropriation to Council in October. In order to Proceed, $4,845 nust be appropriated, as well as amounts to cover inspection costs (estiKated at $2,000). I is also desirable to have a reasonable contingency amount available fa small change orders that may be necessary. Therefore, a fund transfer of $10,000 has been prepared. This amount is available in the Contin- qency Reserve Account 01-19-50-2470. This will leave a balance of OVE a million dollars ($1,200,647) in the Contingency Reserve Account. TI- total design and construction costs should he $118,500. If $19,000 of furnishing are later added, the total project cost will amount to $128,500 or $14,50’, over the oriqinally estimated amount. A. Resolution No. 70 /G awardina Contract to Diversified Pacific. B. Resolution No. 7 01 7 transferring funds. The cost This leaves $100,155 for actual , 3- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2% 22 3.3 14 15 26 3-7 z 8 1-9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 W 0 RESOLUTION NO. 701 6 A RESOLtiTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IZING TiIE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT NO. 1175 FOR THE CARLSBAD, CALIFOi?NIA ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHOR- I_ ADDITION TO THE CHILDREN'S -_- LIBRARY. - WHEREAS, bids have been reccived by the City of Carlsbad for the constructjon of the Addition to the Children's Library; and WHEREAS the low bid for this work was received from Diversified Pacific in the amount of $105,00C; and WHEREAS, fuiids will be available in Account No. 32-18-10-3124 for this project. MOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of I Carlsbad as follows: 1. The above recitaticris are true and correct. 2. The bid of $105,000 by Diversified P3cif-ic 1:s hereby accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a contract therefor. 3. Any informalities in the bidding process are hereby \wived. PASSED, APPROVED AND F.DOPTED by the City Council of the City of I-, -,y , 1c ICarlsbdd at the regular meeting held the a&- day of sPm ir by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOEI;: None ABSENT: Council IJm~krs Chick and Kulchh d /LL6a-L 9 J&!"A& Council &mksrs Caskr, lewis md near MARY H. CASLEfi, Mayor ATTEST: -4/C,/LG- lfi ./ - RQwB& 4@ A ETRCr.RRUTENKKAI\IZ,-my-C -?-I 1 e i-77- (SEAL) r 3, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 11 E2 13 14 15 l6 w I) RESOLUTIGrG NO. ' 7017 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL GF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN RDD:[TION TO THE CHILDREN'S - LIBRARY - CITY CONTRACT NO. 1115. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the C!'ty of Ca.rlsbad as follo' 1. That the transfer of Ten Tt-ilousand Dollars ($10,000) from the Contingency Reserve, Account No. 01 -1 9-50-2470, io the Chi1 dren ' s Li brar Addition Project Account No. 32-18-10-3124, is hereby authorized and approved. 2. That the Department of Finance Fund Transfer No. 12 on file -in said department and incorporated by reference hercf n is a.pproved. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Car 9 California, at a regular necting held the 21stday of=tdcer .-.- by the following vote, to wit: AYES: ComciJ- &&xrs Casler, Uh7is 2nd Amax NOES: PSone I 17 18 19 20 21 22 -23 24 25 26 27 28 ABSENT: Council Pkrthrs Chick ad Kulchin cflLA4,y d- @L%??./ - MARY H. CVSLER, Mayor ATTEST: L t@2& ,$. Q;zJk4,1 ALETMA L.RAUTENKRANZ It City C1 erk 1 (SEAL) .