HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-21; City Council; 7159; QUITCLAIM OF EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES PURPOSES ON LOTS IN BELLA DONNA HEIGHTS, UNIT 1 AND 24 :v L3 w > 0 E a a Q z, 01 i=b 01 4 .I g 2: 31 01 0 I ci I@ OF CARLSBAD - AGdBiLL JC :mi DEPT. I AB# 7/59 MTG. 9I2l/82 UTILITIES PURPOSES ON LOTS III ClTY A' CITY M DEPT. E'K TITLE: QUITCLAiM OF EASEflENT FOR PUBLIC BELLA DONNA HEIGHTS, UNITS 1 AND 2 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Quitclaim easements and authorize Playor to sign for City. ITEM EXPLANATION: Owners of lots in Bella Donna Heights, Units 1 and 2 have requested the City to quitclaim certain easements for public utilities purposes along the rear property lines of lots in the Bella Donna Heights subdivision. The easements are not now being used for any utilities and the local utilities and the City's utilities department advise that they have no intention of ever requirinq the easements. FISCAL IIIIPACT: - No impact involved. EXHI BITS : A. B. Location Hap C. Grant Deeds Letter from property owners requesting quitclaim, dated 8/12/82. 0 .) TELEPH (71 3) 43E 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSOAD, C41 IFORidlk 62008 Office of the Oty Ckrk (:- 3% s:&4!4 794 Gitp of \3dLc$(ldYhb October 27, 1982 William Jo & Francis E. O'Meara 2055 Basswood Avenue Carisbad, CA 92008 A Quitclaim Deed froz th? City of Carlsbad to you has bzcn recorded evidencing reiease of certain easements foi- public utilities purposes. This Quitclaim Deed, which was recorded on October 12, 1982, is hereby being rcturned to you, If you have any questions regarding this maiter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. / A7 cq< 1 J/J- --- / L'&.c:>L/ 4-' LC' i L/'/.-.? ,' / K&REN S'lC'\r,NS Deputy City Clerk KS/kc Enclosure / * i IRG REOUESTtD GY -- - .' Iri CITY OF CARLSEA:! - AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL Til r 1 Nome S,reet Addreis Cli, L _1 X.,C L I 8 2 rl) 3 12 8 15 .-_- 0 I:$? CCT 12 pi 19 47 i i< I I " SPACE ABOVE THI5 LINE FOR RECORDER'S U . .. THIS FORM FURNISHED DY TITLE IRSURANCL ------- -_____-- FOK A \'Ai,L~ABL!~: COh~l!)!:fi ,!'I JOZ. rpmipt of rrhivli is hcrehy arknorrledged, THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, a nunicipal corporation ATI) FOX):\ I,:ll QLlT(,~AI>I~5) to WILLIAM 2. O'i*:EA?A and FRF\NCIS E. O'NEARA, husband and wife as joint ten, il~d rd projic:rt! iii t!ir City of Carlsbad county cf San Diego an easenent for public utility purposes over, under arid across the south ehsteriy 8' of lot 4 of Eella Donna Heights, lir;it No. 1 in the City of Carlsbad, County of Ssn Diego, State of California, according to Kap No. 3955 in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, P,ugl;st 29, 195s. APN: 205-160-31 ]),,tcd ____ Aep:-)@L 27-,- _19G2____-.-. -E! -- - -- c$F~oF-Cs-+. !Q2, PX\EiSiI ~ 9 -.k5YK+C- 3 ---.-<!C. 4' 22 LC.- MARY H. C&dk,R, Ihjor .__~___~. m ,* m 7-E L E P H ( (714) 435 1203 ELM AVENUE CAELSBAD, CALlFOFiNlA 92008 Oifm of fhe Clry Clerk (Jjtp gf &&&$L*b \* October 27, 1982 Joseph N. c; Patricia J. Eggleston 3301 Bel-le Lane Cal-lshad, CA 92008 A Qaitclairn Deed from the City of Carlshad to you has been recorded evidencing release cf certain easements for pub1.i.c utilities purposes. This Quitclaim Dz.pd, which pias recorded on October 12, 1982, is hereby being rcttirned to you. If you have any questions reyardin9 this matter, please do not hesitate to contael: this office. LJ ;;& /:----- K 1 r\F,N STETv%"S C,?lC ?aL cd 6*4,-L/ Deputy City Clerk KS/kc Enclosure t ir2:; PFQUESTE~ BY' e '* EL d e v ** h CITY OF CfiXLSOAD AND WHEN PCCORSFC I.IAlL TO CITY OF CARLS3G.D 1 r Nom9 Streal 1200 ELI4 P.!,'E:UE CARl.SEAI1 C.4 92C33 Add:eii Cil" 1. _I Stole L - I~- 8 2 I 3 j- 2 8 1 i -- [I 3 Y, i.:. 0 i92 FCT I2 j,;; 13: r, VT-' I .!'.C< I Lc2:4 T 'I' ; A. iJ SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S U ! I ,__-___. Decd----l ~ ~ ~~ J Quirc12.im -- TO 402 t CA (7.70; _l-l- THIS F0i.M rURNlSHED BY TITLL INSURANCE AND TRLj6T COMPANY I'OIt A \ A1,1 .\ljl,E CU\Sl~~i~R.\l'ILiX~ receipt of u I1 is iicwliy a&oi:.lcdgcd, The CI?Y OF CARLSBAD, a rwnicipal corporation hc1eby RFA! I<El si. REI.E.l.'I.:( ,< I A\I) I~oRl:\~El? q~-l~r~;I,~~r~~ll SI L:, JOSEP-1 Id. 21 PATRICIA J. EGGLESTON, husband arid wife as joint tenants tlic fuIIovir7- (!i.=,.iiIw? leal prcpirt! in tllc City of Carlsbad coonty ,of San Diego statc of ~a1Zox~ia: an easenmt for piibl;c utility purposes over, under and across the Southcacterly 8' of 1st 5 of Geila Donna iieiohts, Lkit No. 1 in the City of CarlsSad, Co>t,t.y 07 San Diego, State of California, zccording to 146; k. 3353 in tile Office of the Couzty Recorder of San Diego County, Ai~gilst 29, 19%. APN: 205-160-20 %+wFLkr 22 13S2 I)atrd ---- - P ->* - I 1ELCITy..Ol.'_crii'T~B~~ A ?%iG!! JLeZ t ~~ 2 ~~__~__~ --i-::(*,L, __ ~T~TL' nr r.11 ICCII?YI \ I !WX €1. pSLER, Mayor ~ __-..____-.__ __- m 0 TELEPH (714) 438 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, C/,LlFCFINiA Si008 Office of the City Clerk I' October 27, 1982. Carl Ellsworth 6 Patricia May Niller 2035 Basst?ood Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 A Quitslnirr; Deed from the City of Carlsbad to you has been record4 evidencing rele,sc of certain easements for pu3lj.c utilities purposes. Thi.s Quitclaim Deed, which was recorded on October 12, 1982, is hereby bcing returned to you. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitztc to contact this office. ' / .a&:- r& /,x/ \/'<[ ' LbL-.L--/' KAFN /i S T~'(Tr,NS Deputy City Clerk KS/kc Enclosure 'JiNG 3EQUESl LO GY l-1 5;' - *. CITY Oi CL\KLSBP2 AN9 L'JMEti RECOXDLC G.'.lL TO r- 1 tiome CITY OF CA?LSE,kD 5trt.st 1208 Ei.M AYEi;;lE Slate L CA?LS€:AC CA 92OC8 **,rci. Crlr h _I -I----I.- I ,-,I? ,ti'/ CC'I 12 /$!I 10: [I7 - SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S U _- ---I____ 1. ~rmittr~aitu r)eect -____I TO '02 1 CI ___ 17 701 THIS FORM FUhNlBHFD CY 1ITLE !NSURANCC hND TRCBT COMPKNY I - 1.'O:t A \ AI,l .iT{!,E (:O~\\slll!ll~4TIOS. receipt of rrliich is hcrrtiy nrknoruledgcd, The CITY OF C.4RLS3.fiLD, a xunicipal corporation :lXI) k~OItE'>'kX Q~.~llCI.:iI~li Si tu CARL ELtSI.I!ORTH !.:ILLER ti PAT?JICIA t4AY MILLEX, also known ss Patricia Fiary C. husband and :.:ife as joint tellants county of San Diego thc fuil<,ui;iF d,,sLl-ii>*,c! iwl prolicri! in rile slatl, of Califr,Iliin: City of Cai-lsbad an easement fcr public utility purposes over, under and across the Southerly, hs'erly and Eorthasterly 8' of lot 3 of Bell;~ Donna Heights, Unit KO. 1 in thc- City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, iccordiny to Ihp No. 3955 filed in the office of t.he County Recorder of Sat; Liego Cou?,t.y, Augus-i 29, 1953. APN: 205-160-32 - THE CtTy-O!?~ CPJD,+A J>.ddpa. . - c.$L,27 - _--"-~-_ ;r-. - .__- P ??.;:Ob!!-L 'j I.'IAKy Ii. CrSLEI:, Payor - ._____ -..- - L * TELFPt- (714) n3t 1200 EL!b AVFFJLIG C A F: LS €3 A 0, CC, L I F 0 R iu I A 9 2095 Office of the City Cicik !’ October 27, 1982 Georgc V. & Barbara J. Watson William J. & Janet Watson Lanqton 2025 Passwood Avenue Czrlsbad, CR 92008 A Qu~tclain Dccd from the City o€ Carlsbad to you has been rccordccl cvidercinq releas? of certain easements for publi c utilities p,irposes, This Quitclaim Deed, which was recorded on October 12, 1982, is hercby beinq returned to you. I€ you have any qmstions recjalrding this matter, please do not hesi-txt e to contact this office. Lf, / /L,-d- - /\ C2</7,_ ;s 4+L4c;.-- J’ K?dN S TEVZIL’S Deputy City Clerk KS/kc Enclosure .{X6 RECUE5Tt.q EY 3. * CITY OF CAR.LSGAD - , ~ AND WHEN RECORDLD MAIL TU \St,? fiiT I 2 j,); I@ fk7 LC;;! kg CITY OF CARLSEAD I '1200 ELF1 AVCIXlE r 2: L N.nm Stred Addre,$ CARLSBAD CP. 92OOd --I_ --- SPACE AGOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S L Vil, I*L IirliUiUTI TO r 1 ~am4 GEORGE V. G B?,,!?BARA J. NATSON ~traat h'ILLIPii4 J. !I JAIET ::!,TS!l!! Ltt'iCTON c'~:o~ CARILSBAD CI! 920rj2 2025 BRS5WC.D A'IEi Add,r.% 1- -1 TO 442 i -I~-~-I.. CA (7 701 rq-; "C'trfcaiIrr Deed TH1S FORI4 FIJZNISHFD SY TlTL E INSURAIICE AND TRUST CVL'"A1IY 1li.L (.O\'l l)~~l~.~lIO~. rcct'ilit <,[ rvhirh is hereby ;i~.A~i~~l~tlg~d. The CITY OF Ck?iSSKl, a vunicipal corporation IRSARP. J. WATSOK, husband and wife; and S:!ET L!ATSOY IAi.iGTO!.i, husband and wife count) (If San Diego the fc,!Iovi,iz rItwri~,cy~ rt,:i1 prLt;xl~y in ill.: City of Carl sbad stair ui C.;liiorr,ln: nt for ~~Slic utility purpgses over, under and across tile erly 5' of Lot, 2 of klla Donna Heir;hts, Unit En. 1 in the City of Cai-lsbad, C0l.nt.y of San Ciego, State cf Caljfornia, acccrding Cou:ity, AuSuSt 79, 1958 to fbp 140. 3955 fils6 in the Of-iice of the County P,ecordcr of San Diego APN: 205-160--33 I);,trC1 p--S~~&~.k~- 2.LlS8.2 _-_- _____ TWLI~ -OF- WES ~~,.~~!.l.unici~w 0 / LLk 4 rp . -4 ,Ai* - &c>&.k4y&JL -~ ....____... y-. ~--- :-. P,LX?f B. WSXR, E?YOL' I ______~~ __._ . ~.-~ __. lirforv me. rME1rkIA L. RAL?E31mdZI City C1 FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP r:o!a7 p,,i;;,t - Cai,!mxa - 0 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEPI (714) 42 CAE LS BAD, CALI F-0 R I.: 1 A 9 2008 Office of fhe Cify ClerA 1 October 27, 1982 Robert B. s: RGsamond S. Prescott 3303 Belle Lane Carlslsad, CA 92008 A Quitclaim Dc~d from the City of Carlshad to you has been recorded evidencing release of certain easerents €or public utiliti es purposes I This Quitciaill Deed, wkiic.1 was recorded on October 12, 1932, is hereby being returned to you. If you hdke any cp.x:Stiorls regarding this matter, please do not hesiidie to cor~tact; this office. c- /I /J .. . / hi/. c .LAG:<C- ,---- ~ /’ ,T 5 PSN - STZIENS Deputy City Clerk KS/kc Enclosure ING RECUESTFC! EY t I' r' I I t) ry CITY 3F Ci:RLSS:?T) ' - AIiU WHEti REC09DCD h!AlL TO 1 CITY OF CARLSR4D 1200 ELtd CI!'Eiil?E r Nome Sl,.d Cilr c Adhl* CARL.S@iD CP, 92303 _f State L -__II r~ A r; i-) a 8 2 " CI J-/i 0 I' --.__ rn -- lo. \EFZ PCT I2 /',X 12: 4; - SPACE ABOVE TH15 LINE FOR PECORDER'S 1