HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-21; City Council; 7165; 222 UNIT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT VILLAGE J OF CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN CT 82-16 CP 213 TREETOPS UNLIMITEDL TITLE: 222 unit Tentative Tract Map and Condominium Permit; Village IIJ" of the Calavera Hills Master Plan. r ' IbB# 71t-5 MTG. 9/21/82 DEPT. Lup CT 82-16/CP-213 - TREETOPS UNLIMITED DEP CITY CIp 2 > 0 M Q- a K .. 2 0 - G a i 0 z 3 0 0 CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGEND~ILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Both the Planning Staff and Planning Commission recommend tha this application be - APPROVED and that the City Attorney be directed to prepare documents - APPROVING CT 82-16/CP-213, per Planning Commission Resolution No. 2008. ITEM EXPLANATION: This item is a request for approval of a 222 unit Tentative T Map and Condominium Permit located approximately 1,000 feet northwest of the easterly terminus of Tamarack Avenue in the Calavera Hills Master Plan area. The Planning Commission found the project's density of 7.2 dwelling units per acre to be consistent with the General Pla land use designation of RM (Residential-Medium Density; 4-10 du's/acre), The Commission also found the project to meet a1 requirements of the Planned Development Ordinance and the Calavera Hills Master Plan. Through staff review and Planning Commission hearing, all iss on this matter have been satisfactorily resolved. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that this projec will not cause any significant environmental impacts and, therefore, has issued a Negative Declaration, dated August 12 1982, which was a22roved by the Planning Commission on August 1982. A copy of the environmental documents is on file in th Land Use Planning Division office. FISCAL IMPACT The applicant will provide all reuuired public improvements t the project. Also, the applicant has agreed to pay a public facilities fee to offset the costs of providing all other puk services. EXHIBITS A) PC Resolution No. 2008 B) Staff Report dated August 25, 1982 with attachments 'I I i rI 1 2 0 0 PLANNING CO~4!'~ISSION RESOLLJTION NO. 2008 -- -----x__- A RESOLUTZG~I OF' rrm PI;ANNXI\IG COMNIISSIOM OF THE cxl OF CARLSRAE I CALI F'OmiA I KECOW~ENDING APPROVAL OF VI c) 4 5 6 '7 3 A 15 LOT/222 UNIT TE,NTA'L'IVE TRACT >?AI' AND C01"3DOMll OF THE EASTERLY TER..KINUS OF Y'kMARACK AVENUE o AP P L I CANT : CASE NO: PERMIT ON PEOPERTY GENERALLY LC)CATED TO THE NORT:II TR E E T 0 P S U N JA I N I T i3 D _x__ -_ I- CTi-G2--1 6/Ci3-%1 3 I_ -I---.- WE!ERf:AS, a verified ap2lication for certain property, ' wit: A portjm of Lot '3" of ~ancho A~W. ~edior,da a.cco;,fiincj map $30, 823 filed in the office o€ the Coui-i'iy Recorder 9 J 0 z :1, has beeri filed with the Ciky of Czrlsbad, ani! referred to i PI.anning Commission; and 2.4 I-3 15 .,6 4.1 1.7 2.8 2.9 2o 2 1.. 23 22 WHEREAS, the P~~~II~~IcJ CO~WI~SS~G~ did, c!n the 25th day r 1 AUGUS~~ 1982, h3ld R duiy noticed pabilc hearing as prrcsci:l I 1 lh~ lr?:~, to consider ssid request; and I l;ZiE;REI& y at; said pi51 ic hcarii?g I upon hcar-rlq a9i.i 1 I i ct.Jii..;i.c?erir!y all testimony and argurnen:-.s I if anyr of zii per 1 d.,:?siring to t>e lizard r said Comaission considered 3-11 factcr I re~.at..incj to the ~:efitai:i\7c [Cract b'iap sild Coridorninii-im Permit; 1 1 i No;?, 'I;-IZHZFOp,E c Ec IT' ITr-P'-' L;~ALc8BS RESOE'irEL! by the I~lani1ii;g ( sion as foll.or...s: (A! ?'hat the foregoirrg recitations are true and correct. I 2G 27 20 concl i t ions : I//// PI I l I 1 2 3 4 5 ' 7 0 9 1.U II 12 1.3 3"4 15 16, e 0 Findings : 1 ) The project7 s density is consj-stent with the approved II__-_- plan for this ar2a since 222 units are proposed and th Calavera Hills blaster Plan would allow up to 300 dwell- units at this si.te. 2) The site is physically suitable for the type and densit development since the site is adequate in size and sha~ aceomiflodate residential development at -the density proF 3) The project i.s consistent with all city public Eacilit) and ordinailces since: a) The Planning Comnissj-on has, by inclus?.on of an apx condition to this project, insured that the final c not be approved unless the City Council finds that service is available to serve the project. In add: Plannj.ng Conimissicn has added a condition that a r be placed on the :Final il1s.p that building permits m; issued for the project unless the Ci.ty Enc,xi.neer det that sewer service is available, and 13ui.ld ing canric within t;he project nnless seoer service? r.eina.i.ns av; the PlzIlr?j.ilg Com~ni-ssion is satisf ieci t.hat the requ: of the public facilities elcnient of the General F1: been iwt insofar as they apply to sewer service foi project. h) The app5-j.cnnt sha7.3 prov.i.de parks as required by t Calavera Hil-ls Fiaster Flai-I, The City Council may, require park-in-l ieu fees in lieu of dedications i determined pricr to final map approval e . I l7 19 l8 20 21 22 2 3 :: " 27 28 c) All ilecessary pu.h3. ic hnprovemcnts have been provid I will be required 3.s conditions of approval r d) The appli-cant has agreed and is reqv.<-.tl.ed by the in ar, appropria.te conditien to pay a pub!.ic facilitie Perfornancc of thz: contract arid payment of the fe enable 13h.i~ inody to find that public facilities wi avail.ab1-e c0ncurrer.t with need as required by the Plan. I e) Adzguate water for the project will. be provided. f) A 1.ette:c has been submitted by the Carlsbad School dated July 8, 1982, ensuring that adeqirate school will. be availc?.ble to this project coilcurrent wi.tl-1 The proposed project is compatible wit11 the surrcurid: land uses since surroundiny properties are designatec residential development on the Gcnera.1 Plan. I*) 1 I Ipc RESO NO. 2ootl -2- I I ' , 'I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 6: 9 3.0 1,1. 2- 2 :*3 14: 15 26 0 0 5) This project as conditioned will not cause any signifi environinental impacts a.nd a Negative Declaration has k issued by the Land Use Plarining Manager or: August 12, approved by the Planning Commission on August 25, 1982 6) A11 design criteria and development. sta.ndards of the E Development Ordinance are mek by this project and the is consistent with the Design Guidelines Manual, 7) This project and all proposed and required public imp: I are consistent with the Calavera Hills Master Plan. cc~ner?l Con6 it ions -____I ..-L --__I-- ' 1) Approva.1 is granted for CT 82--16/CP-213, as shc~\rn on ! " p,i' - "I", dated S'ull7 8, 1982, incorporated by refere file iii the Lanc! Use Planning Office. Deve1opnieri.t sh occur substant La:LIy as shown clnless otherwise not.ed i conditions. 2) This project. is approved upon the express condj-tion t final nap shall not be approved unless the City Cgunc as of the time of such ap9rovzl that sewer service is to serve the subdivision. ?'his project is approved upon the express cardition .t bui.fdj.ng permits vi11 not be issued for developrr.ent o subject prnperty unless the City Engineer determj.ncs facilities are avaSl-able at the tine of application f sewer permits and wiii continue to he avaj-1-able until occupancy. This note shall be placed on the final rat: 4) This project is approved upon the express condition t applican-i; shall pay a pub1.j.c facili.ties fee as requir Council Policy Xoe '17, da.ted April. 2, 1982, on file 3) 19 20 2 3. '' 23 24 25 26 to the agreement 2:iccuted by th.e appli.cant f~r paymer fee a c~py of that agreenent da-ted July 22, 1982, is with %he City C3.erk and incgrporated herein by referc said fee j.s not paid as prrornj-sed, this application wj consistent wi.th the General Plan and approval $or thj shall be void, j 5) The applicant shall provide parks as required by the IIi11.s Il'lastcr Plan. The City Council my, however, rl park.-in-l-ieu fees in lieu of dedication if it is so I prior to final mr;p a.pp-roviil e I 6) P,pprovzl of this request shall not excuse compliance sectians of t.he Zoninq Ordinence aiid all other appii ordinances in effect at time of building pernlit issu j 27 i 28 7) Water skiall he prcvidcd by ttie city of Carlsbad iin1.e other ~xrangexznt is approved hy thc City Coutici!.. - 3 -.. 1?C !'\E!?@ NC. 2008 I I -J" 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 '-0 1.1. 3.2 IS '1.4 I5 16 l7 29 I* 20 0 e Land [Jse Planning Office 8) The applicant shall prepare a reproducib1.e mylar of tk site plag incorporatiny the conditions contained herej sj-te plan shall be submitted to and approved by the b? ~lanning iilanager prior to the issuance of building pel 9) The applicant shal.1 establis!i a homeowner's associatic corresponding couer,mts I conditions and restrictions. CCfiR's sha.11 he svhmitted to and approved by the Land Planning Off ice prior to f irial rnap approval. Le_. ., -----I_-..- ---- IO) The appl-ican'c shal.1 prepare a detailed Zaiidscape and . plan which slia.11 be suhmitted to and approved by the 1 Planning 1;;aiiager prior to the issuance 02 bui1dii:g p: 11) All parking lot trces shall be a. minimum of 15 gall.011 size. 12) 74 i-laster Plan of the existing on--sike trees slla11. be ' to the Land Use Flarlnixig Office as part of the fina.1 ' plan to deternine ~itiicii trees shall be required prior issuance of a. gradf.:~g permit or a b:ril-dj.ng pernit, wh OCCLITS first:. I 13) ii1.I. landscaped Fireas slial-:t be mzin!;;ii;;zd in ci healthy tliiriving condition, free frozn weeds p trash, and. debri 14) Any si.gns proposed for thj-s developnent s!iall be desi conformnnce with Cal;iuera Hills Master Plsn ai?d the c Ordinance and shall require review and approvc?l. of th Planning Oir'f ice pri.orr to installation or' such signs. i I 115) A3.i guest parking spaces within the parking areas shc clearly marked with pole signs o 16) prj,ol: tc final. rrzp approval the 1.ocation of thc carpc he revised to corn$].\; with the requirei:,ent;s of the PIE Uevelopn?erit Ord inaiice . 1 17) '.Wash receptacle areas shall he enclosed by a G foot 2x 22 23 2 4: 26 25 2T/ 2u masonry wall 7v;iith gates pursi.~a.nl: to city standards y of said reccpt.acles shall be approved hj7 the Land 'JSC Manager. I I 18) All- roof ap;)Lilrten, s, incl.uding air conditioners I : arch i t: e c t u KC? 1 1 y i 1 rated and shielded from view am bu,f fcred from adjacent properties arid streets to the satisfaction of the Land Use P1annj.ny Office and Bui: Director. 19) The applicant. sha1.I submi.t a street name list consj..sl the city's street nainc policy subjc:ct to the Land Us( ii;anagcr 's approval prior to final map approva7. e I i i -- 4 I 1 PC riESO NO. 2008 , 1 a 2 3 4 !5 G 7 8 9 0 0 20) The project shall provide bus stop facilities at locat subject 'io khe satisfaction of the North County T~~IIs~ trict, Saic? facilities, shall at a ninimum include a t free from advertising and a. pole for the bus stop sigr bench and pole shall be designed in a manner so as to detract froin the basic architectural theme of the pro: said design slia.l.1 be subject to the approval of the L; Planning Kanager and North County Transi.t District, 21) Prior to GCCC~~~CY of any units within this property, of two acres in Village E-1 or E-2 shall bz developed recreational vehicle storage lot in accordance with tl reyiiirexrnts of the section of the Carlsbad Planned Dc Orclinancc dealing with recreational vehicle storage t of this reyui.reinent I' the developer may provide ~(~ML~OL., storage within tile project which shall remain mtii tl E-1 or 12-2 is rievcioped, This temporary recreational storage area. may be 1-ocated in another portion of the Wills psaster P1a.n area subject to the approval of the Plan;lj.ng Manager * If the Calavera Hills Naster Plan lo :I J 12 In regard to recrez.ti(>i1al vehl le storager the develo comply wikh the pSan as amend.ed. I 22) Prior to occupancy cf any units, the appl-icant shall directory signs at the entrai:ce to each parking area X) jl I-4 I 15 3 6 indicatj.ng the location of each unit. The design of signs shall be approved by the Land Use P1.anning Piana Fire Chief. 23) Approval of this tentative tract map shall expire tv!e nap is recorded. An extension may be requesked by th moiiths from the date of City Cou.ncil aF,p:roval unless l7 19 l8 20 'I 23 22 24 25 26 27 2o plicant. Said extension shall be approved or denied discretion of- the City Council. In approving an exte City Council may iinpoje new conditions and may revisc cand it ions o I I I 24) fill. ground level patios shall have a minimum a'i.mensi.( feet * 25) Additional concrete crossovers with a broom finish si placed at the entrances to Lots 4, 5, 6 and 9 t.o the satisfaction of the Land Use Planning kianager. %6) Five foot: backup Ereas shall be provided at the ends parking areas to the satisfaction of the Land TJsc PI.. Manager. 27) ':hl:ee-foot high solid decomtive m1J.s shal1 be cons the ends of all cpsn parki.ng st3l.J.s adjacent to resi shield residences IroiA cilr headlights. I I//// \ PC l?KSO NO. 2008 -5- i I 1 2 3 4 5 G e 0 Enaineering Dcpartnent 28) The developer shall obtain a grading permit prior to I In?ncciiient OF an17 clearing oil cjrading of the site. 29) ~r~ie grading for this project is defin.cd as "controllet by Section 11 e 06.170 (a) of the Carl-sba-d t\"lunicipal Cod( Grading shall be p21:fo~~ied iinder the observation of a e~gincer k.ahose responsibility it shall be to coordiniil inspection and testing to insure com21iance of khe w01 t.he apprcved grad.iny p1a.n p submit reyui.red reports to Erigineer and verify ccmpliance with Cliapter 11.06 of i ---L.- _I--. __l_l-l '? I Carlsbad Iv3micipal. Code, I I 11. 12 13 1 4: - .I 5 16 x? I 8 lo I Upon cornpletion of grading, the developer shall j-ns';rt "as-gr;lc!cd" geologic plan shall be submitted to the C Engineer. The pl&n shall clezrly show all the cjeolog; exposed by the grading operation, all geo1.ogi.c correc. measures as actually constructed and must be bzsed on map which re2re:;ents both the pre and post site gra.dii pl-arz sha:Ll be signed by both the soils engineer at~d tl engineering geolorjist. TFle plan shall be prepared on or similar drafti.ng film and shall become a permanent 31) No Gradi.ng shall occur outside the limits of the subd unless 2 letter of permission i!: obtained from the oiii the affected prcpr'cies e 30) 32) kd?..itional drainace easements and drainage structures provide6 or ?-nsta.lled as nay be required by the Cuunt Department of Sanj.tation and Flood Control or the Cit neer D 33) The developer shall pay the current local drainage: ar pri.or to &pproval of the final mal? or shall construct systems in confomanee with the Master Drainage Plan of Carlsbad Standards as required hy the City Engine!? 19 20 21 23 22 2% 25 26 ~ 34) Land for all public streets and easements shov.m on th tat ive mc.;p shall 5e dedicat.t.4 on khz fical map and sh granted to city fret and clear of all liens arid encurn All land rknd/lor easenents ;-:cyui.red by this project sh granted to the city, without cost to the cityr free a of all. liens and encumberances. Direct access rights for all lots abuttin? Eln Avenue Tamarack Avenue shall be waived on the final mp. 37) All. pub1.j-c streets s'n21.1 be inproved by the developer the typj,cal sections shown on the tentative map and i conformance with City of Car:l.sbad Standards pri.or to of any hui3.d ings o 136) Ir5) 28 ! I I 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ' 3.- 0 a 3. I.z l3 3.. 4 15 16 17 @ 0 30) The developer shall. i.11sta3.3. street trees at the eciuivz dU-foot interval-s elong all pub1 ic strmt frontages ir conformance with City of Carlsbad Standards o The tree be of a variety selc-eked from the approved Street Tree 39) The desiqn of all private streets and drainage system: approved by the City Engineer prior to approval of thc map ., The skr-uc'iural section of a1.1. privatci st~eets SI conform to City of C?.rLshad Standards based on R-valu! A11 private streets and drainage systems shall he ins; the city z.nd the standard improvement plan check: and : fees shall be paid prior to approval of the finzl rnap 40) All private streets and drainage sys'ceiris shall be mai the homeowner's association in perpetuity. This resp shall be clearly stated in the CC&ll's. 44) ~1.1 concrete terrace drains shall be mzintained by th ow!~er~ s association (if 017 commonly OWI-IC~ propert.17) o individual property owner (if on r3n indivi6.ual-ly owi-i? perpe t (1 it y s Z?,n a ppro;~r i 3 t e 117 worded s t a i: einen t c 1 e a I: 1. identifyiny the responsibil itiy shall be placed iii the 42) Prior to the approval. of the final. map the subdivider subinit to the City Enqinezr for appro~d a conprcihens hydrologic and geologic report prep8.red by a regist;er engineer detaillnq the effec'i that this arid future ad subdivisions .i.r.i.li have on the earthen darn located at norti'ir:rest c:orriier of this subdivis.ion. T1-ii.s reprt sl- contain rPco~nmcnd~?.ti.oiis for any mitigating neasiires r to ensure th~ continued rei-iabili-ty and safety of thi darn structure. The developer shall COE7ply with 2l.l mitigating rneasilrcs i.nd!"cated in this report and shal include these neasLli:es withj-n the grading ani! improve praris for this project c i I, 20 21 22 should phasing of ur;its be requested by the develope1 44) The deVelolJ2r shall provide for tht. construction of j st rec t irnprovenent c f Tariiarack P.ver1ii.e from the subd i\ boarndary a.t Elrr! Avenue tu the north easterly termii-tu< 23 24 existing Tanar-ack Aveixue e 1 ! 145) The developer shall construct desi.ltatioii basins of I size and at lccations as approved by the City Engine 1. 2 3 (2: 5 6 7 ti 9 10 17 *-. . P) 0 46) The owner of the subject property shall execute a 1iol.C harinlecs agreewer:t reyarding drainage across the adjac property prior to approval cf the final. map. 47) The City Council has acquired faciiities to produce ri water arid is doj-ng T, master plan for the use of recla water. In order to insure an adeqvate water supply fc city and this development, it may k)e necessary for thc app1i.cant to use Type 1 reclaimed water in the CO~TXfiOii mcnts of the recla.imed water rnaster plan a.s adopted b: Council. If the plan so provides, the applicant shsl construct dual systems for reclaimed water in accorda: Title 17 of the Administratj.ve Code? and city stand.ard covenarits, conditions and restrietions for the subc1j.v shal-1 provj-de for a hemowners association with the responsibility for the use of reclaimed wziter and for ma.intenance and operatioxi of the system iii accordance standards in the event a reclained water system is re The City Engineer may require the installati.on. of s1.e crossing p~i.~i’cs t.o prc;vi.de ?or the possibility of rec water service to proiJeetti.es adjacent to tnis division the subdivisi.on, This project shall. comply ,. . with the x’ 13 14. 1 !i 16 148) The developer: shall provide for 211. the r,c?cessary off easersents arid ixprc:ve:i-ients necessary to convey the se this subdivision to the Calavera Fli 11s Sctrer Reciamat Facility. Should the devel.opcr be granted permission Fac:ili.ty the developkr shall provide any additional. e arid ~iTI~~1~oVein~~ltS necessary to convey the sewa-qe to an Encina t-runkline facility. In addition the developr 1 Couiiclil to tm.~y:~rLl~y connect. to the Encir!a Sewer Tr I 3.7 1.8 ,,9 20 23- 2% 23 24 25 rzquired to u.pgrs.de any portion of the existing EncLn trunkline facility necessary to prevent the existinq exceeding cz.pi.icit1- as a result of the added fl-ow catis I development. 1/19) i Prior to t.he approval of the final map for this pro-je developer shall provi6,c for a secondary road outlet t: subdivision consistent with the provi.sions of the C.21 I-Ij.l-1~ blaster PI.an. The ali.gnnc?nt and wi.dih of the pr imgirovemcnts sha1.l be as approved by the Cit.y Eriy inec secondary access road shall be j.nstallecl prior to thc occupancy of the 500th unit in the Lalie Cc;l.avera Hill Plan area. ~ j 1 j _______-. Fire Department I ’ 50) Additional public and/or on-site fi.re hydrants are rc 51) Sui3:ni.t two (2) copies of a site plan showing 1ocat:i.or exj.stj.ng and proposcci fire hydranks and on-site road!: drives o 26 cons t r iic t i. on . PC: RKSO NO e 200 c, -8- I I 1 z 3 4 5 6 'I' 8 9 10 11 1.2 13 14 15 2.6 17 e 0 53) All required fire hydrants r water mains and appurtenar be op3ratiorial prior to co~nbust~ilsle building rnaterialr J-Gcatec? on the pi:oject site. 54) kll private driveways shall he kept clmr of p~ked V( all tines, and shall have posted "Eo Parking/Fi.re Lanc Zone" pursuant to Section, Carlshad tquiiicip 55) Fire retardant roofs are required on all structures, 56) Erush clea.rance slrall be naintained within a mLni.nun ( of 30 feet to each resider.cc. 5-71 Al.1 fire alarm systems f fire I-iydrants, extincjuishing autoixat ic sorinklers r and. other systems pertinent t.o project s!lall be submitted to the Fire Deyartmnt for prior to const.ruction. Parks and Retreat i-oii 58) The landscaping ;i.long the edge of tile fature right-oE ---..- --...-_. -__I_- Tainarilck. Avenue and E1.n Avense sha.11 comply wikh the Recreation Department I s skreetscape theme e 59) 'The homowner' s &ssocia.tion shall hc responsi-ble to rn the landscape t-reatncnt up to the edge of aJ.1 public s idewa ].lis m 60) The developer shall apply and germinate an a?.nroveed s as part oE the erosion co!itrol measure on a11 graded for futujce considers-tion ar.d al.1 off-site borrow area tr5atment sha~l-1 i3e perforrxed directly after the rcugk operation is over c 61 ) Jill slope landsca-ping sha.13. pr-ovidte e?Eective erosior conply with the Galavera Eill-s I4aster P1a.n on fire pr l8 x9 20 21, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 and be desiqned to maice a visual transition from the vegetation to a cultivated landscape. prj.or to OCCilPZ.PiCy of any units wj.tliin this project I s.ppl-i.cai~t shnll 4.nsta1.1 two Li9kite2, concreke tennis as per pszevio:ls agreercent with the city or 0t.he-r imp- of equal valtie to the s~tisfaction of the Director o P.ecreation. I I 62) 1 I 1 63) For purposes of plantiny arid maintenance i the common areas shall be classified according to City Council . 23 as follows: A) The steep sl.opes j.n the nort'ncrn and western po,c thc: site sliali be classified as undist:urbed nati vegetation. ' I//// ):PC lii.:so iw- 2008 -9- . '. . I 2 3 4 5 6 7 t3 9 LO 3.3. 112 13 l4 I5 16 17 ae l9 20 21 22 23 0 0 B) The 2: 1 IU~I-PII~~G slopas adjacent to the st,eep slo be classified 2s supplemented rlative vegetation. C) The slopes adjacent to 'I'arnarack and Elm shall be classified as refined vegetation. 64) All street trees shall be selected from the street tr approved by the Pajrks and Recreation Department ~ N.1 trees shall be plantcd a minimum of 10 feet from curb feet fT-oia sidewalks o PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at 3. regular meeting PI.annj.ng Coriimission of the city of Carlsbad, California, h the 25th day of Auuust, 1382, by the fo:llowiny vote, to wi AYES E Co~umissioners Marcus F Jose f Ronibotis p Rawl. i.xs NOES I None ABSENT: RUSTAI!\T : None Ch a i man Fc?r row ; Corm i s s j- on e r S c h 1 e 1-1 ub 1 I --__--I_--_I-~- 1411IiY KAEiCUS , Pro 'Wm i C CARL S BAD P L ANN I Iii G C 0 r.5 p? I I ATTE:ST: - _--I-- -__I-~ -.--- M'il(;bIji'iE~L [I. €IOLZT..iILLE2, Secj:ctary CZ'1liL S RAD P LA Nl\i I NG COFIPI I S S I ON I 0 0 STAFF - REPCR'I' DATE : August 25, 1982 TO : Planning Commission FROM : Land IJse Flaming Office SURJECT: CY 82-1 G/CP-213 ___ TREETOPS UNLI~~ITED-VILLAGE __I_____. J .- Request for a 15 lot1222 unit Tentative Tract Map Condominium Perrnit in Village J of the Calavera Hi Master Plan, located approximately 1000 feet northwest of th easterly termln,us of Tamarack; Aver in the P-C zone. I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant requests approval of a 15 lot/222 unit tentative tract nap arid condominiun permit for Village J of the Ca:Laverz Hills Master Plan, located as described above. Tne proposed project will be located on a 30.7 acre parcel that slopes dowi the north. The flatter portions of the site are pres.::l-it:Ly be. used for agriculture. The steeper northern and weste;:n portic of the site are covered with native vegetation and a row of eucalyptus trees. k large north-south running gully partiall: bisects the northern partion of the site, This project will consist of flat-over-flat units varying in size from 300 square feet to 1300 square feet. These units w be situated in 8-plex, 10-plcx and 12-plex buildings, most of which have been oriented to take advantage of the views to th north . 11. ANALYSIS -~--- I. Is the proposed project in comformance with the Calavera Hills Master Plan? 2. D~s the proposed project conform 50 the development standards and design criteria of the Planned Development Ordinance? Discussion As proposed, this project is in conformance with the Cakaveri Hills Master Plan. Village J has been designated as a clustt multi-f arni1.y development with between 120-300 dweiling wits The applicant has attempted to minimize grading by keeping development away from the steeper slopes on the northern por of the site. I__c-I----. e 0 Development -- Standards This project meets or exceeds all of the development standards of the Planned Development Ordinance. All. of the units wi3.1 h one covered and uncovered parking space within 150 feet of the unit. All. of the required visitor parking spaces will be located in the parking areas, Additional v.bsit;or: parking will be available on the adjacent private and public streets. Storage closets with an area of approximately 432 cubic feet will be attached to the rear of each garage. Additional stora will be provided in storage closets located on the balconies o each unit. A large common recreation area with a swimming ~001, jacuzzi, cabana, and restrooins will be located in the north central portion of the site. Barbecue areas will he located throughou the site in the flat grassy areas adjacent to the buildings. Each of the units will have either a balcony or patio. All other development standards of the Planned Development Ordinance are met by this project. 1)esign Criteria. As proposed this project confoms with the design criteria cf the Planned Development Ordinance. The units have been steppe down the hillside, to allow the majority of the units to take advantacje of the views to the north. The applicant has locate the corninfin recreation area in the north central portion of the project, adjacent to the portion of the property that will be left in its natural state. This design will tie the ccmlmn recreation space to the adjacent natural open space and riake i appear the natural open space is an integral part of the project . Whenever possible driveways and streets have been curved to reduce the dominance of asphalt. The landscape islands withir . the parking area should help to soften the appearance of the parking areas. StaKf feels that the proposed project is compatible with the Calavera Hills Master Plan, the city of Carlsbad Planned Development Ordinance and wi 11 be compatible with the exsistir and future development in the vicinity. Therefore, staff can recommend approval of this project. 111. ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTS The Land Use Planni-ng Ilanager has determined that this project will not have a significant effect on the environment and, therefore, has issued a Negative Declaration on August 12, 191 -1___1_ -2- 0 0 IV. RECOL4I*IENDATION ---_-~ It is recommended that the Planninq Commission APPROVE the Negative Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager at ADOPT Resolution No. 2008 recommending APPROVAL of CT 82-16/CP- 213 to tne City Council based on the findings and subject to tl conditions contained therein. ATTACHMENTS. 1. PC Resolution No. 2008 2. Location Map 3. Background Data She2t 4. Disclosure Form 5. Environmental Documents 6. Reduced Exhibits 7. Exhibits "A" - "I" dated July 8, 1982 -___- t -__-- KH : bw 8/10/82 -3- 0 -n ii , \rl A r9 0 &OCA a ,,JH ILL 1 A N /-L---p--- --. .i: --____ #‘ _--- ’ 1. *[n’T- A pp 1.“ f; c A N -r,. Lq ILC&J-FS 19 i.1 ____I L e XI !TED C7”-82-’b fdW-2 I3 CMX r?zra, --__- 0 0 t EACKGFKXJD DATA SHEET __ CASE NO: CT' 82-16/CP-213 APPLICTNf: -- Treetops IJnl hited Village J R3JJEST A.1D uXAl'lOi\l: pnnit in the westcrn prtioi? of th& Calavera Hills Naster Plan area. LEGAL DESC19IPTIO:;I: A , prtion ______- of Lot J of Raiicho Aqua _. Eedionda according to Map No- 823 Ei-ld l?oveidxr 16, 1896. AI%?! 167 - 100 - Acres 30.1 - Propsed P?O. of Lotsflnits - 15 lot/222 .___ unit tentative tract map __I--_ md mnclorniniun % prtion of 222 units GREFAL PLAN AN3 ZONI1GG -- Land Use DPsignation - Ri4 Dens i ty A1 loved misting Zone P-C Propsed Zone N/A Surround i ncj Zoning and Land IJsa : 4 I- 1 0 wnsity Propsed --___ 7.2 Zoning Land Use Site PC VACA?E North PC VACANT - mcmr - --- South PC VACANT East PC West 32c VACANT --- ~-_-- PUBLIC FACILITIES --- School District Carlshad Water Carlsbad Sewer Carlsbad EDTJ? s --- Public Facilities Fee Agreenlent, dated - July 28, __ 1982 Ei"VI~~~~~~~T& IP'PACT ASSESSX3T ---_ X Negatj.ve Declaration, issged August, 12, 19 82 E.I.R. Certified, dated -- - - - - Other, \ ,e,. : .. .J < ,-AI- ,,<i_C .,_. .. --.~ --.- , 'I *. t .. -I__- _.-- T r~.~-~~~~~~~-Un.~~i~~~~-~ . .. L -Lq-ZL?j' EJ>I,IC->.J;T: ;; z _*. - 3. - (~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-.~~~~~~-~~~~~, j o i 11 'i Y c n t u~e , w2-6 3900 c__I___ IIarney --.. 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