HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-21; City Council; N/A; Improvements Hemlock Av, .; \ CITY IF CARLSBAD - AGENDA-‘,ILL ($? ,J RHA : mmt AB# TITLE: IMPROVEMENTS ON HEMLOCK AVENUE MT& g/2 l/82 FOLLOFIUP O!d APPEAL OF CONDITIONS DEPT. ENG FOR MLt-!oR SUBDLVLS~ON NO. 583 (PORTER) CITY MGR.- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Find that the staff recommendation for an access easement over the driveway to serve as an interim hammerhead and a future offset cul-de-sac is a feasible and acceptable solution to improvements on Hemlock Avenue. ITEM EXPLANATION: On August 17, 1982, Council heard an appeal--requested by Mr. Porter--of a condition to require a cul-de-sac at the end of Hemlock Avenue. Council directed staff to see if a hammerhead design was feasible and, if not, to require the cul-de-sac at City expense. Staff was to return to Council so that they could make the determination of the feasibility of the hammerhead. Staff investigated four possibilities: . . p 2 e I5 8 Alternative A: Cul-de-sac at end of street. A request for staff for a‘precise estimate from S.D.G.&E. to relocate the electric vault put the cost at $3500, not the $1000 we were originally told. This would bring the additional cost of this alternative to $5750--to be borne by the City. Additionally,, the design time required would delay the applicant. Alternative B: Cul-de-sac shifted west to reduce impact on Mr. Porter’s property. This solution avoids the expense of the electric vault relocation, but requires a relocation of a storm drain inlet and more existing curb removal than above. Since this cul-de-sac would involve four properties--two on each side of the street --construction would be deferred until further development occurred. The City would be required to absorb the costs for the portion on Mr. Porter’s property. Alternative C: Hammerhead street. A design was developed to provide a pocket 20 feet deep and 20 feet wide as part of the public street to provide a turn- around. Although this was feasible, it would put the curb within 5 feet of Mr. Porter’s driveway gate and encroach into the front yard further than the cul-de-sac. Mr. Porter does not like this design and would prefer a cul-de- sac to this. Alternative D: The recommended solution. Place a public access easement over the concrete driveway, This will provide a turn-around as large as a hammerhead with curb around it without the impact of a public street. This would really be an interim solution. There is adequate room to construct an offset cul-de- sac bulb to the south in the future. The property there is nearly three times as large as Mr. Porter’s and the improvements would affect only one owner. Since this property is currently undeveloped, the cul-de-sac could be required as a condition of development. r . . Page -2- IMPROVEMENTS ON HEMLOCK AVENUE FOLLOWUP ON APPEAL OF CONDITIONS FOR MINOR SUBDIV~SLON NO. 583 (PORTER) g/21 /82 FISCAL IMPACT: ALT. A: Add borne by the itional costs to construct est City. ima ted to be $5750--to be ALT. B: Additional costs to construct estimated to be $4500 of which about half would be borne by the City. ALT. C: Additional costs to construct roughly $2000. Mr. Porter would expect that the City would pay this, but Council would need to agree that this was the ALT. D: No addit south would incur future of roughly EXHIBITS: r intent. onal costs at this time. The property owner on the some additional costs for a larger cul-de-sac in the $2000. A. Proposed Access Easement B. Location Map C. Future Offset Cul-de-sac 4 I- AccESS lXEMElr(;T 1 20’ x20!-> 4 1 V I - ..’ t.v.. c a -.o. *-‘ )” s’IR&w~-LkI :;“;- :: ; : *f 1.’ .,C. d E)qS‘T PA EPl GN 6 i,‘*: I;** ---mm 6 .‘9 l = l : ioiJ~i; l . pf?jv&- ‘* 0 ‘*9* ’ l ’ ’ ;. p-d ’ ’ , l c, * O’-‘0:: . .* 7 I I I II I t % 7 HEMuck ‘tl 1 AiE 6 PROPOSED ACCESS EAzmwsf-r -- ._._. ---_-- pW?3--E R EKHlE3lT “A’ z 4 w i u ? 0. I. ii G 6 JUNIPER REowooo AVE. i 4AKAC.K j-. AVE. LotiTION m,qp . EXHIBIT “8” . .,- . . ; . . HE FU-l-iiRE. OFFSET CUL-DE-SAC Em l&7- “C”