HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-28; City Council; 7170; Workshop on Tamarack Ave.MTG. 9-28-82 DEW. ENG I. RECOMMENDED ACTION: receive citizen testimony. Accept staff report and presentation for information and WORKSHOP ON TAMARACK AVENUE CITY CITY MQRr7 * ITEM EXPLANATION: At the August 17, 1982 meeting, the City Council directed staff to set up a workshop to discuss Tamarack Avenue. Although initial interest in this subject was generally the status and details on the proposed plans for widening a portion of Tamarack Avenue, questions from the public regarding extending the street, why it needs to be widened, etc., have been raised. Therefore, in addition to the widening project, staff will present some background on the Circulation Element, past studies and Council actions on Tamarack Avenue, and the future status of the entire street. Below is a brief outline of information which will be presented by the City Engineer at the workshop. Attached is a more detailed staff report. TAMARACK AVENUE PRESENTATION 1. The Circulation Element of the General Plan. a. Different sizes of arterial streets b. How Tamarack Avenue fits in 2. Tamarack Avenue. - A section-by-section explanation of existing and future improvements. 3. Traveling along Tamarack Avenue. - A 12-minute motion picture driving along the street. 4. Studies and Reports. a. b. Traffic counts and distribution c. The latest circulation study What has been done in the past and why 5. The Tamarack Avenue widening plan. 6. a. Why it is needed b. What is proposed c. Current status d. Future actions e. What can be done to mitigate impacts Citizen questions and input. EXHIBITS : 1. Staff report dated September 23, 1982. * . I# t Y Section ,- E2i3ltrig- Width' Proposed Width r.o.w.* 1 pavement. r.o.w.* lpavement I I September 23, 1982 80 ' 80'-84' no chnge no chnge no chnge 84 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: City Engineer 64 ' 64 ' no chnge 48' 52 ' no chnge SUBJECT: TAMARACK AVENUE--A DISCUSSION OF PAST STUDI.ES, EXISTING CONDITIONS AND FUTURE PLANS Introduction.: This report covers Tamarack Avenue from Carlsbad Boulevard to El Camino Real. As part of the Council Workshop agenda, this report will elaborate on items numbered 2, 4 and 5 as listed on the agenda bill. Tamarack Avenue: For convenience in referring to various segments of the street, it has been divided into six sections number 1 thru 6. These sections are shown on Exhibit "A" attached and the limits of each are as follows: SECTION FROM TO - 1 Carl sbad B1 vd. Interstate 5 2 Interstate 5 Highland Drive 3 Highland Drive Sunnyhi 11 Drive 4 Sunnyhill Drive Sky1 ine Drive 5 Skyline Drive Pal i sades Drive 6 Palisades Drive El Camino Real TAMARACK AVENUE STATUS 60 ' 68 ' 60' 84 ' 60'-84' -- 26' 48 ' 26 ' 64 ' 26 ' -64' -- Traffic Coun Existing 6700 6200 3400 -0- not avail. not avail. I (A.D.T.)** Future 13,000 19,000 8,000 8 , 000 10,000 10,000 * r.0.w. = right-of-way ** A.D.T. = average daily trips Page -2- Studies and Reports: 1. Circulation Element of the General Plan, dated May 1975: This is the basic document governing the Council's policies on circulation and streets. (84 feet of right-of-way, 64 feet of pavement) east of the freeway and as a Major Arterial west of the freeway. It designates Tamarack Avenue as a Secondary Arterial A Secondary Arterial's purpose is to conduct traffic from collectors to Major Arterials and the freeway. Land access is only a minor function according to the General Plan. This area-wide collection of traffic accounts for the relatively high traffic volumes and requires a larger facility than a residential street. 2. Agua Hedionda Specific Plan E.I.R., dated Ma; 1976: The traffic study in this report basically concludes that, if Cannon Road does not connect to Interstate 5, 2000 additional trips will be placed on Highland Drive and all will probably turn on Tamarack Avenue. The point for this discussion is that Cannon Road has already been considered (and included) as a means to reduce traffic on Tamarack Avenue. 3. Geometric Design Study - Tamarack Avenue, dated June 1977: This study considered Tamarack Avenue from Carlsbad Blvd. to Highland Drive and recommended an alignment and width to minimize the impacts on adjacent property. November 8, 1977. This study was adopted by the City Council on The conclusion of the study was to meander the street somewhat and use a right-of-way of 80 feet and a,pavement width of 64 feet. significant reduction from 102 feet of right-of-way the General Plan calls for west of Interstate 5. This is a 4. Circulation Element Study, dated June 1982: Although the estimated traffic volumes in this report are a little lower than most others, the report reaffirms the need for Tamarack Avenue to be a Secondary Arterial from Interstate 5 to El Camino Real. The report also notes, however, that traffic volumes west of Interstate 5 do not justify a Major Arterial and recommend that this segment be downgraded to a Secondary Arterial. This conforms to the June 1977 study adopted by the Council and the widening plans that have been prepared. will recommend that this revision be made to the General Plan. The City Engineer Page -3- The Tamarack Avenue Widening Plan: The results of the above studies place future traffic volumes on Tamarack Avenue at 8 - 13,000 west of Interstate 5 and 10 - 19,000 east of Interstate 5 and west of Highland Drive. City standards require a Secondary Arterial whenever volumes are in excess of 5000 trips a day up to 20,000 trips. As part of the 1980-81 Capital Improvement Program--adopted only after pub1 ic hearings were held--the design of the widening of Tamarack Avenue from Carlsbad Blvd. to Highland Drive was performed. July 1982 and conform to the Study alignment adopted by City Councjl in 1977. These plans were completed in Before these plans can be approved by the City Council or the widening con- structed, an Environmental Impact Report must be prepared. Since there is no funding in the C.I.P. for the actual construction of the project, no work has started on the E.I.R. It is not known at this time when the E.I.R. or con- struction may take place, but it will probably not occur for several years. Before the E.I.R. could be approved by Council or any construction could occur, public hearings will have to be held and any adverse impacts to adjacent property will have to be mitigated by appropriate changes to the plans or other measures which would have to be included. citizens to be heard before any widening occurs. There will be opportunity for RHA : mnt attachment: Exhi bit “A‘’ showing sections of Tamarack Avenue i TAMARACK AVENUE - I QUESTIONS To CARISBAD CITY CCJUNCa t%aM H.O.Te CCMMXTTSE September 28, 1982 lo What are tne Cityca projections for the date tnat CBrlsnad will reach a poplation 2, When and where do you plan to put in fire and police stations to service these new 30 Wen and where do you expect to turn other streets into secondary arterials to service Lo You have said you want citizen hpt. Where &I your citizen hput for these vast new of 160,000 persons? people and new areas? these new areas ? develofhnents? By what methods? IJhen? What has been the extent, per cent, and effect of citizen inpzt in the past? What is it at this juncture? Are you open to today's inptt? so What procedure does tne City use to inf,orm new residents of thass pLans? Has the City considered sellding aut vital data to new residents with new water service hookups? 6, How mch money ha8 the City already spent on its detailed plans for the proposed widening and impmvelnents of Tamarack Avenue? How mch is anticipated to be spent in the future on planning and construction? 7. Who authorized expenditure of these funds for planTring? Why dll. finds for improvements not be taKen from state @soline tax funds, if thts is a street of major improvement? 80 If present plarw are adopted, how many houses on Tamarack Avenue trill then violate %e city's 2O-foot, sstback ordinance? Is this not a dolation of your own codds?!:Thich homes Will be non-conforming? Does the City possess special rights that the citizen does not? 9o HGW many houses in the proposed route will be condemned? What is your esthate of the total cost of tnis condemnation? 10, Does your total cost estimate at present consider the difference between present values and the probably reduced values of the property upon culmination of ymr pliuis? lla Does gaur total cost estbates include the cost of the large number of legal actions that mOsLv assuredly dllbe instituted if these pkns are completed? Source of these funds? 12, If percnance '"amrirack Avenue absolutely conld not be widened, what would be yuur back-up or alternate plan? 13@ In our discussiom to date, we have been told that the City wants only two lanes at present, but the planning seems to indicate proposals for four lanes of traffic, Is the City planning two or four lanes of traffic on Tamarack Avenue? In previous discussions, we have been advlsed by City representatives *not *a be concernedou Eat this is poor advice, and we are deeply concernedo .hat can you say as our elected officials to relieve these taxpaprs and citizens of their just concern? 150 tJe have bean told that the traffic count at Highland and Tamarack Avenue will. soon reach a daily count of l&,OOO vehicleso Of this number, mat per centage dll inciude heavy busses and trucks which would utilfee the prdtposed secondary arterial? Distributed to Council at the meeting of ~e~tember 28, 1932 by Jack Estes. I I I 1 1 4 d inis petitj.cn is 7ropcced and sponsored b?. the HCIT (lffa~Js Cff Taxir:?ckj Conittee, P.0. Box 2011, Carlsbad, C4 92008. To The City Council Of Carlsbad, Cilifornia - lie, the undersigned citizens of Carlsbad, are strongly opposed to tJle iiidening or extending of Tamarack Avenue 2nd petition the tit). council to recind its proposal to \;iden, extend and elhinate parking on said street. --_ This petition is proposed and spcnsored by the HOT (Hands Off Tamarack) Committee, P.O. Box 2011, Carlsbad, CA 92008. .. . /' Tc 2.5 Citl- Comcil Of Carlsbz?, C:.lifcrnia - lie, the undersigned citizens of Carlsbad, are s;rongi)- opposed to the liideriing or extending of Tziizrxk Avenue and petition the titi' council to recind its proposal to iiiden, exttxd and eliminate prkizg 32 czid street. I\ PRIhJED .%LYE rl STEET ADDRESS Tiis petition is prcpsed and sponsored by the S3T jiands Off Tmarack) Committee, P.O. Box 2011, Carlsba?, C-? 92008. To The City Council Of Cxis's~3, California i;e, the undersiped citizens of Carlsbad, are str~ngl)' opposed to the -riidening C'L' extending of ma rack Avenue 2nd petitior zhe cin7 council to recind its - pi-qnsal to-\iidei:, extend ani e! imiiatc parking on skid street. PRINTED XkVE I, I I /- ! l?-iis petition is proposed and sponsored by the HOT (Idan& Off Tamarack) Cornittee, P.O. Box 2011, Carlsbad, (14 92008. .. . To me City Council Of Carlsixd, Czlifornia . lie, the undersigned citizens of Carlsbad, are strongly opposed to the liiizning or extending of Tanarack Avenue and petitior, the tit)- council to recind izs proposal to widen, extend and eliminate parking or? said street. SICX4TuRE 1 PRINTED NQE STREET ADDRESS 7273- 577/ This petition is proposed and sponsored by the HOT (Hands Off Tamarack) hmittee, P.O. Box 2011, Carlsbad, CA 92008. .. . , To City Council Of CarlsbaJ, Cslifornia \Ye, the undersigned citizens of Carlsbad, are strongly opposed tc the \\-idening 01- extending of Tzirack -4venue and petition the tit?, council to xcind i:s proposal to riiden, extend and elhinate parking on said street. SIGX4TURE PRINTED NUE STREET ADDRESS This petition is proposed and sponsored by the HOT (Hands Off Tamrack) Comirtee, P.O. Box 2011, Carlsbad, C4 92008. h'e, the undersigned ci:i:ens of Carlsbad, are stror,g1)- qposeC to the tiidening 01' extending of TarnarzA =?\-ewe 2nd petition the ci:;.* ccncil to recind its p-oposal to \\-iden, exen, 522 elhinate parking on 5~12 street. .. - -. -1- I I This petition is FI-O~CS~~ E? spcnsored b). the HOT (3x12s Off Tamarack] Comittee, P.O. Box 2011, Carlsbat, Ci. 92598. I To The City Council Of Carlsbad, C3lifornia Ke, the undersigned citizens of Carlsbad, are strong1)- opposed to the -,..-idenin,o or extending of Tairack Avenue and petition :he Lit), council to reciy-2 its prsposal to widen, extend and elininate parking cn wid street. f I1 t. 4 \I. PRIh!D WE STREET AlIDIESS is proposed and sponsored by the HOT (Hands Off Tmarsck] Comittee, Box 2011, Carlsbad, CA 92008. .. . To The City Council Of CarlsbA, Califcrnia 0 lie, the undersigned citizens of Carlsbad, arz strong1:- oppsxed to the iiidening CT exrending of T'mrack Avenue and petition the cir]. coxxi1 tr? rccini: its c * 7-5 t p-c?csal to \iit?n, extend and eliminate parking on s.:: ., SIGXATURE PRIXTED -I This petition is proposed and sponsored by the HOT (Hzzds 9fr' T,marack) Ccmittee, F.O. Box 2011, Carlsbad, C4 92008. .. . To The City Council Of Carlsixi., Callfornb iie, the undersigned citizens of Carlsbad, t?l-e strong1)- oppseil to the ~<i&:-izg cr extending of Tamarack Avenue and petiti;:; the city cour,cil to Yc.cind iCs proposal to iiiden, extend and eliininate p31-king on sxid sf-xeet. SIrn4TURE PRIKTED IWIE / I' I This petirion is proposed and spomored by rhe HOT (Hands Off Tamarack) Ccr.i~rse, P.O. Box 2011, Carlsbad, CA 92008. L ..- i -. iris ?etition is proposed LY? synsored '5y the HOT (Hands Off Tmarack) Coimittee, P.O. sox 2011, Carlsbad, CA 92008. TO Of Czrisba,, I i This petition is propsed 2nd spnsored by the 5:: (Hands Off T~T-*---’--~ io& ;-+A, Cmmittee, P.O. Box 2011, Carlsbad, Ci 92008. I I Le, the undersigned citizens of Carlsbad, 31-5 strongly GFposel to the widenir., 3r extending of Tan~rzc'x .+,-enue and petiticr. the cit;i- cc-zlcil to recind its proposal tc \,*iden, estenl mil eliminate ?ari:ing on said _ctreet. ,/' '... I I This petition is propsed znd spmsored by the HOT (Hands Off Tamarack) Com.lttee, P.O. Box 2011, Carlsbad, C4 92008. , To The City Council Of .. . lie, the undersigned citizens of Carlsbzd, are sTro:igi)- cpgmsed to :he ::icezing or extending of 'Tmarack Avenue and petiTian the tit?- cssaeril to recin, its proposal tc T,,:iden, extend and eliminate 2ai-kinc 3 on siiG as'eet. I PRINTED ,WE j STREET .WDE5S I ---, I This petition is proposed and sponsored b:: the H8T (@an& Off Tmai-a~k~ Coxirrz?, P.O. Box 2011, Carlsbad, C4 92005. To The Ciry Cf Carl sbad , lie, the undersigned citizens of Carlsbad, are strong1:- c;?ese.< to the iii3Fning proposal to iiiden, extend 223 elininate ?arking on siiz et. or exteniing of T~~ai-ack .l;b-ezde md petiricn the iit). C:Z:CL~ ... to 1-esIn2 its .. “his petition is proposed ad sponsored by the HOT [Hazts 3f1 Tmal-ackj Zoixittes, P.O. Box 2011, Carlsbad, Ci. 92008. lie, the undersigned citizen: ;f Carlsbad, are sTl-cingl>* opposed to the it-iitlnlng or extending of T,.,-.larack .::,*e:.:e 2nd petition t:rie cit;L- coxxi1 to recind its proposal tc I,-idez, ex;& sr,i elbinate p~kirz :n s3i6 szreet. - This petition is propc;sec 2-2 sponsored by the H3T (Hands Off T~narack) Somiittee, P.O. Box 2011, Carlsbad, L4 92008. City Counc i 1 C, Cz1 iiornis Ke, the z..Jerigned citizens of Carlsbai, ax stronzly opposed to the iiideriing or e>i;sr.crn~ of Tzixrack Avenue and petition the citl- council to rerind its proposal t~ liiden, extend and eljninzte prking on said street. .. STREZT -4DDRESS This pe;ltion is Troposed and sponsored by the HOT (Hands Off Tmarsck) Cornittee, P.O. Eox 2911, Carlsbad, C4 92008. ,n ***PETITION*** -------- -------- To The City Council Of Carlsbad, CElifornia Ke, the undersigned citizens of Carlsbad, are strongly opposed to the widening or extending of Tamarack Avenue and petition the city council to recind its proposal to widen, extend and eliminate parking on said street. 3 This petition is proposed and sponsored by the HOT (Hands Off Tamarack] Committee, P.O. Box 2011, Carlsbad, C;2 92008. .. . To The City Council Of Carlsbad, California T SIcXATuRE PRINTED WE STREET ADDRESS PHOXE AWIBER .. . To The City Council Of Carlsbad, California SIGNATURE - . We, the undersigned citizens of Carlsbad, are strongly opposed to the widening or extending of Tamarack Avenue and petition the city council to recind its *proposal to widen, extend and eliminate parking on said street. PRINTED SWE STREET ADDRESS PHONE hUM6ER This petition is proposed and sponsored by the HOT (Hands Off Tamarack) Committee, P.O. Box 2011, Carlsbad, CA 92008. -. . To The City Council Of Carlsbad, California - . We, the undersigned citizens of Carlsbad, are strongly opposed to the widening or extending of Tamarack Avenue and petition the city council to recind its broposal to widen, extend and eliminate parking on said street. SIrnA‘IuRE PRINTED MNE .- I: STREET ADDRESS PHOY& h!lBER This petition is proposed and sponsored by the HOT (Hands Off Tamarack) Committee, P.O. Box 2011, Carlsbad, CA 92008.