HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-05; City Council; 6104-2; METRO TAXI AUTHORIZING THE REPLACEMENT OF TWO TAXI CABS* v.. -_ c rJ,P I ._-__ -__ Eu Pa rr-.- f.3. I k 9- I,* 1 i r/ 2,s : Zt i 0 w > 0 G5 a. Q... < z 0 E- I> 4 u E z.2 C ti .. I .. J e. / Approve Resolution No. 7&2+-ammendinq Resolution No. 6498, authorizing tl. replacement of two taxi cabs. ITEM EXPLANATION Metro Taxi has requested that two taxi cabs currently in use be replaced bl newer models. The certificate of convenience and necessity issued to Metro specifies that such replacements must be authorized by council action. Met desires to make the following change: Delete Add 1965 Plymouth Belvedere 1981 Checker Marathon I.D. #3155163793 I.D. #ICMTS412XBK002845 1974 American Motors Matador 1980 Checker Marathon I.D. #A4A1572222413 I.D. #A114854005550 The above vehicles have been inspected and all necessary fees have been pa FISCAL IMPACT This approval has no fiscal impact on city operating costs. Revenue of $25 taxi is received for processing of this type of request. EXHIBITS Request for replacement of taxi cabs from James Northcutt. Inspection certifications for the vehicles to be added. Resolution No. 73J+: authorizing the replacement of taxi cabs. 4 0 0 AI /+$I e-hch4 -kz&%uLd- d, D. e .-_ /Jdk D&? l9k.g PLflw+&fi -$&((pL.LJU 3 ?+-s &L F &.z/ -$- LZ-€&-r4Ju~ &/A&& ci- x 8t4P-w ye+ / Cb4li-3 "f-p &%L?-d- "f-l 2A02.433 -j. 3A. AAAJ Bb'& ~. c -.A- J-p -zg FA4 1 \&/kjl /L&6p 4bvd p/+ L.v 4 l e 4 1 % 9 >,w+ - pJ- y '7 4wN 2b @ -L,b&L?- Jl #),L 0 if b/ Ad ;fL-& Y.i AWWJ, ' /, &/dt / l? ( ;'$ bV-d2/ 'I 9 Wb qwzL;,+l/dA8f b4@- c "- - - ~ _- __ -- - -- I\!?- Ii,?t4E UETeCJ CkIl - --c_ PHONE --- 75s49 C0i'lPA;:Y ADDRESS - 13 S E* d&T& \L\R - (2% CiX- ( iiumtle r 1 (Street) City) (State) 1 I'CliICLE: Y C A R ___I 4=asrl_ ----- 'r qrso HAKE &%.=.o h&%- EODY STYLE TAXL NL2-2, \- b rr-a,rr I* VEil1Ci.E I.D. #&- g85% 00535 C_- ,aLt:+d~. p \C3-v-.-py--. -1_1 r E NO ER s ;aLu, DESCRIPTION OF ItiSTGNIA ECbuJ Lz:KE$L.trJL -----I SEAT 1% CAPACITY 1- SEAT FELTS AVAI LANE FOR EACH PASSEPIGER (0 Tire Ccndition \ Head Lights \1 fail Lights \ Crake Lights. \ - \ \ T- DESCRIPTION OF VELliCLE: BODY, bk a I€.. c_I LET== *-- C0LOk OF ROOF ~ESCRiPTION OF OVERHEAD LIGHT \h3(4- <&m~/h ---"*------------~------------------~~------------~----~~---------~",~.-~----~--~---- -- DISAPPROVED ---.- - V'EHICLE INVENTORY APPROVED -- a . ---I.- I ~" --------------e -------.--- ----A- )urn InaScator-s Parking Brakes Steerircg F'iechziriiw, _._ _______xl I-I- I-pII---p I_ ---l--l->._ x--II_I-- -1 I - - - - *" I - - - - - -- .,, .. 0 .., - - CI - - - - - .. I a - - .. - .- - e - I - -I - - - - I - - .., - -e- - - - w - ." - - ~ -~ - --- ** r - - -* ." c - Y - - - c *i - lll__ __-___ _Iu_.-I..___----L.7 OVERPtLL CONDITIO14 OF VYChE TAX I MTER : FQES USED- - SERIAL f j (D 077 BATE I t!SPECTEDi AUTHORXZEB BY -I___-- 5 4 R bL\\\& LOCATION FARES POSTED ~ZCE a; I NAKE I 2GL5a-w- '-LC) - 13- 'pi&, .a - b AOO'C, Y- L4 /Q 22 970 . . -.\. . -A*--**\ c!) 'PNjY IN!E U&--f20 m & . ,- -__---___ 0 PtiOIiEq58-44 92oi (2 CA (State) CO'.;PAIIY ADljRESS i 3 5 e* ?$,bcfbtro4\ / \lt<m ( ii urliber ) (Str Pet ] (my) 'c'E t1 I c 1 II : 'f i-F."--lq 8 I :CtiICLE T.D. 4' \?MTS4 , u@iQo@??CE:rSE f 7\wif~fi/i.k,! TAXI # 219 ____ IIAKE CcbEcI(_!K. --- GODY STYLE --- 4 b8.- :KSCRiPTIOII OF VEItICLE: rOl 9R OF ROOF kl !-&;'re CODY- ahc, - JLFIDERS %h& -I ums - - -- ~--- DESCRIPTION OF INSIT 114 IA \,/CUo LA+> L-EQU 4 DESCRIPTION OF OVERHEAD LIGHT& &;-- ihe - SEATIUG CAPACITY b - SEAT CELTS AVAILACLE FOR EACH PASSEI'IGER G, 'EHICLE IidVENTORY APPROVED _--^----_^--------------------------------------------------------------------.------ J- DISAPPROVED - --- I Tire Condition '\ iil1d.d Lights \ - iail ilghts \ Lrake ti'ghts '\I 1-1 T~rr; Irdicaturs -7- I ___g__ ~~~Ic~- -~L F;:rk+r,2 Brakes \ \ - -- -- c_ ___-I____ -- 1_-_ ~ __ -I-_- -_I_ Stee;-frig i'echarri srii r__.-_____c_1p__^__I_______^_I___________-------------------------"------------.-~--~-- OI!ERP,LL COriDITIOli OF VEHICLE ce*"5< __c__I-_____-~_-- II__--_l--..-.-- - r--\ TA X I r"1 E T E R : HAKE k&dWa ~ I SERIAL I: D300 DATE IXPECTEDP - * 20. Ei A.r)o'L &A. LOCATION FARES POSTE~E OF FARES USEU- [. 60. [LX- Y7 &. AUTHORIZED BY s- k?. bt\\m - - i0.bO kL k b&q T* ______________________^___________^_____-- - - - P"iPi?RC ',U ~_II A __-I--_-_ - I h\UL@+&.& -Tf I K-5 - ,.. *, I 1 a a 1 I I1 msoL~j~~ON NO. 24~ 4; - IO _. I I by t,lctro Taxi Iwitiiin t~.e cit;)r 1i:nits; 2nd 73 ~ ! li.c;t; a:id I 1 ~~~~~~~j-1 t~~+~~~ C?asler, kipis, chick, 'r;ulchin an3 i%:ear AYES : i II 3- 21 a A$, F ?,E S Oi ,Tj 'i' 'i O I< E 3 +22;------- A E~:S@L~JTIO!.: OF Ti113 CIrL"f COUi!CTI; O'I: TtlE CITY oy: ? ., /, ' n L\T$ s Tv L, il. $5 n .. , C:LT,IrOF,;:IjL ~ 1]I<TE!:j.IINI.lJG TI!/ir2 T!1? 1" u r; 1,z c 113 TI;, ykF; s '1' , c 0 72 y 1: ;.: 1.. 2, i-J c 1: ~ 11 i\!D 14 E c r: s s J. T y R.r]quTF,E TI{; Ir,SI:jAT.!CI: OF 1; CEI'.7'Lr:3:C:iiTf: 'io METH.0 7-')Lxl TO C\l)Ey',:i"i': S E ',: E N T i4 X I (; AB S 1. Pi T ZjL E C I T Y 0 IF G .I i 'i' 1 \!~IT:I?.EAs I i+etro Taxi 9 ii1 accord with Chapter S n 20 of i: el; Y :lo x:% 3L2 ~~.:un~.cj.pal cc,dc has zppj.j-ed fcl- a Certificzte of co;?\ri-:il.ic I I ~Jec..ss;ty kc? operztc taxj-cab :;eryj.ce Y~I:.II.~.I-I the Cjty Of I Carlsbid; 2nd. \J~:E~~E~A,S B puj:surn:; 'to seld ch&~>Ler zL p\j.bfTc ~CZY'TI;:~ Vi: Ogr lirl:5-; 21, 1~~1.~ i:C> 8:et,~i:r;j.n2 w~ip'i~~cr or' not t-1;~ p.,~bI.i< "-7 :,lce;:esr, cnn.-genic:nt~ I 2nd ncccs:sj.ty reqidrc ~IIC ;.ssu.a.ncf .. -A-4 'I 3-5 1 . ~6' 1 '7 .Lo -- r) 1..9 2 C-t 23- 22 23 24 25 cci:ir.j.ficotc ap~IJ.ed for 2116; \I~~T:~.<E?~S I gt ~2j.d t:c.arirjg all perseils havii?g interest 1:iati:pr vert heard; T 11 n L,l,l;~~~~r T' i ~;p: IT RESOL,PED by the City Coc--ici1 o W 0 1.7 ~ ci.t>; of Carlsbra, as follows: 1. ~li:~c clip %bc,'~e recitations are true C.II(? COI.~CC,~ 'r \.l ii t t h 2 p ~1 1: :j. C.c i n t. e r e s t: f c ci n V F 11. !L €? Ii C_ C. :I ri d i..? e C: 12 : 2, reqtrirc t-,:: issua.ncc: 8oi tile c~rt:if~.c~ttc npplicii ~OI?. I' 3. '~:llzc said ce~tiCicat.c is he1:eby issued to Jamer lqol:thc'utt, dba hietro ~axi, for a perio~ of three year:;, to //I/ -, t,bie ~~l1o~..r111p; tcrzs and ccnd.itions: 28 .. - : I 'I// I l I . ::I 21 4: jl 5 s/ l'i I 81 9 . 2.0 e 0. (2) 7;h~ cfrtj fj-ca';e pesm!.;s serv1c.e Irhrougtio~nL c it:y -02 .CarlsSad. (b) (e) seven ta;:ica'it veiiieles a:'e autho~l~cd * TI-:^ r,ct!e(ii~I~ of fpLrc:t; to be ch~rl;ed sh~j7.1 t $1.20 for flrsl: ~;l(----sL~';h ini1.e; s.20 for each OIII::-S~I thereafter; $9.09 per hour waltJ.ri,o; tf-xc. (6) ~l~c ,;e>:tj.f~ca.tc< and the opc;ra.~:iitr> of t.zitxi s p;,lrs~ial~r-. ttlereto S~;~LI LC SitLjpct. t~ all. 9.i: thC j~j:~'t;: I I of CiLApter 5 i 23 -cf the Mil1-iicj.pZ.l. Code * (e) Th? ce1:ttrlcate j.s i.s:;~.>.ed to (10 d3i:e or ~dc~it~cri of .this reso1r:'iion and. to expfre on Ap"j.1 21, P98i;. (f) ~~pp1.j cc:lt's :appIic.:i~ion for~i d~i~e(! ?t"ia~cil 2 i.~hj.ch is 011 flie in. i:hc Offj.cc of The Cii:~ cl.~Yl:.~ sh mat;... a part of ~1li.s cpj:~ificni:e, 2nd i.s ji.ico~:yo~:atzd i 22 1 -1 J.3 1 4 15 IG 1 '7 3.6 . 11-9 j20 2:L 2 2 .'.I (g) The City Z~?:-,LI Iiave i:hc rig ti^ to -IIIS~<CC a x:&icles ai: ell): t;;~;? to insure i-.hey are rq~.Lntaj.ricd ? 0 p (1 y a t 5. i-: 8 c C, 1.1. (1 li. t j- c I? * /!PT] j.cal:!t 1 Y 0111:: use th2 'vehSC1-es liSCi'C (h) e-iIc.rtr appl;catloi\, ~.a;~d Narch 22 5 1.974 I ttle aacunts of Si00,000i300,, Cil)G -i.;ith riie city CI.c:.k co1?1i~.~i1cing service pv.rsuzn'i to this certificate s 1 I (2) ~pp!..j c2p.t ~1131 1 f<.].e &ertif:cacLon cf ins^ (j) 'i'i-int the City c].c;:I: :is hereby directed to iSSC of tI3j.z; ;_~~.solcr;-;o1~ .as, a ceatificate in ac.cord \7:i111 ~12ap o f KG taxi- stands are pei:mli.tted. 4. I ! 1 ., ~r. ii e -5 e C a ii 1 s b ;r r? P- 11 LI i C: 3-13 a i c o (1 C_ e j That the certif j.cztc shail. i~ot bc issued IIII~:~.~ I 23 . 24 . 25 - 2c; app:li cant Ilad c~.~.;pli(:?d vj.th all. of t1i~: hci-cinabove teril ditions y ///I , //I/ ' //// 26 //// e 0 3 4 ?! 61 __.____ 1 etoj.Lo.;.rj.nG 'x7o'cez to' vit: I ] , n -<. '1 I, -> p1.r c, - _. A Yl: i; : CCJ:.~~C%~ -I 4 i 6 dLUi. d , C&Sl.er, k?ar, Lmis ?ad I<IJC$L- N 0 j;: s : p7.322 I 9 /- ;/ii)c,-?L '<, f I_ )-&y.2+i'::<,</ r. J /- y_______ _- ---..- .------ I- .. . ----- RONhLD C y I'ACK$Li<l), Play 01: .. I' :I. 0 1s' 2U 2 1- t) 7 fa 3 22 i ' .. I. 24 25 26 37 LJ :'01 ; . , I ! - . 2, * * SCEEDiJLE OF V%.! LC IXS 1. 1977 FaRD # tj 3 9 5 2. 1977 DODGE k 2 3 c: i) 3. 1979 CHECKER #133E 4. 1980 CKECKZR k5350 5. 1981 CHECKER #2045 6. 1974 AM2 M4TAD3N k2413 0 THIS VERIFICATION REPLACEq VEKIFICATION ISSUED 8-24-81 * VERIFICATION OF INSURANCE To: City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca. 92083 V4c, the undersigned Insurance Brokers, hereby certify that the following described insurance is in force at e;f whicli 100 per cent is insured with Certain Insurance Companies.-Transport Insurance Company ASSURED: James Nor thcutt DBA/Metro Taxi ADDRESS: 135 E. Broadway Vista, California 92083 LOCATION OF RISK: Vista , California TYPE OF INSURANCE:: Taxicab Automobile Liability POLICY OR CERT'IFICATE KQ.: 49009-81; EAL 093738 pz,RIGa: Frcmi August 29, 1981 To August 29, 1982 LIMITS OF LIABILITY: Bodily Injury 1 1 1 ) Property Damage 1 $500,000 Combined Single Limit) This clociiinont. is furnished to ~OLI as a matter of information only. The issuance of this document does not mak, son 01 organization to whom it is issued an additional assured, nor does it modify in any manner the contract of bct~vceii tlie Assureci and the Companies. An)- amendment, change or extension of such contract can only bc by specific endcrsement attached thereto. SlioLild tlic ahv-c mcmtioned contract of insurance be caneelled. assigned or clianged during the above named polj in szieh mannc!- as to effect this documcnt, \ye, the Vndersigned, will endeavor to give 30 days written not lioldel- of this tlocmient, hit failure to give such notice shall impose no obligation of any kind upon the Undei ripon the Companies. I, li /' i/L/L/ Y F1 Compan Los &.ri <:. . . . . -' ii- - -- -- IJatcd September ... ....... . .. ... 16, ......... 1981 ..~ . ..............~.. By ... . e:'! .f. . .e?? SLP 5085 (COMPAN!ES) PRINTED IN U.S.A. NAMEe ADDRESS 1190 So. Bascan A. San Jose cA 0 0 VERIFICATION OF INSURANCE "0: City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca. 92083 We, the undersigned Insurance Brokers, hereby certify that the following described insurance is in force a of which 100 per cent is insured with Certain Insurance Companies. ASSURED: James Northcutt DBA/Metro Taxi ADDRESS: 135 E. Broadway Vista, California 92083 LOCATION OF RISK: Vista, California TYPE OF INSURANCE: Taxicab Automobile Liability POLICY OR CERTIFICATE NO.: 49009-81; EAL 093738 PERIOD: F~~~~ August 29, 1981 T~ August 29, 1982 LIMITS OF LIABILITY: Bodily Injury ) ) $500,000 Combined Single Limit) ) ) ) Property Damage This document is furnished to you as a matter of information only. The issuance of this document does not ma son or organization to whom it is issued an additional assured, nor does it modify in any manner the contract c between the .4ssured and the Companies. Any amendment, change or extension of such contract can only by specific endorsernent attached thereto. Should the above mentioned contract of insurance be oaneelled, assigned or changed during the above named p( in such manner as to effect this document, we, the Undersigned, will endeavor to give 30 days vxitten nl holder of this document, hut failure to give such notice shall impose no obligation of any kind upon the Und upon the Companies. 7 /' / . P . ,f' ,' August 24 1981 Dated~ ~ .......... ~ .............. y ................................... SLP 5085 (COMPANIES) PRINTED IN U.I.A.