HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-05; City Council; 6133-7; Agua Hedionda Lagoon Management ProgramGIT JF CARLSBAD — AGENDA JILL ill AR* &/33-&'? MTG 10/5/82 pop DEPT. H & K TITLE: AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REVISION DEPT. HP. J|5 riTY ATTY VR6 CITY MGR. ^^-^ W Bo .-U-H<; "j3 -H (jig 0) tn S'Jd S^ CO in o O _j O oo RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt Ordinance No. the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The actions to be taken include: amending Chapter 11.24 of 1. Permit board-sailing instruction in the middle lagoon at Agua Hedionda. 2. Reduce the speed limit in Snug Harbor to 5 mph for any power boat or boats pulling water skis. In addition, the marina operator will be required to purchase buoys, which will be installed by the City, at the eastern section of Snug Harbor to create a boat lane. 3. Relocate the jet skis from the east end of the 1-agoon to Snug Harbor. 4. Transfer the lagoon-enforcement program from the Police Department to Parks and Recreation. ITEM EXPLANATION: Board-sail enthusiasts have requested to use the eastern section of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. They contend that power boat usage is down, and with proper controls, board-sailing could be compatible with the existing use. The Parks and Recreation Commission indicated that even though usage of the lagoon has been declining, increasing mixture would be hazardous and could increase the City's liability. The Commission did recommend that board- sailing instruction would be permitted in the middle lagoon. Because of shallow water at low tides (sandbar), congestion, narrow entry way, and unfamiliarity of the area, it is recommended that the speed limit for power boats be limited to 5 mph in Snug Harbor. Also, for better supervision and control, it is suggested that the jet ski activity be relocated from the eastern section of the east lagoon to the Snug Harbor area. The manager of Snug Harbor feels that jet skis are more maneuverable than power boats, and they would not encounter any problems with the sandbar conditions. The Police Department has reported that they are short of personnel and believe that because of the decrease in the lagoon use, the enforcement program can now be handled by the Parks and Recreation Department. It is recommended that a trained specialist in boat operation, public relations, life saving certificates and first aid abilities be employed for the next season. This position will have no citation or arresting powers but will be equipped with a portable radio to contact the Police Department in the event of emergencies and/or major problems. This new program would save approximately $7,600 per year in salaries. Page 2 AB# MTG. 10/5/82 TITLE: Agua Hedionda Lagoon Management DEPT. P & R Program Revision" PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION: At their meeting on June 28, 1982 the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended the above action. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed changes will decrease the expenditures from $18,500 to $10,750 (42%). It is estimated the City will generate $10,000 in revenue during Fiscal Year 1982-83 from the sale of boat permits and launching fees. The program will then be approximately 100% self- supporting. EXHIBITS: 1. Ordinance No. 3/S3 2. 00 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ORDINANCE NO.3153 z O w>!= si gfcii 14 hi*, is 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 11, CHAPTER 11.24 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 11.24.020, 11.24.031 lt.24.032, AND 11.24.045 TO REVISE THE CHAPTER ON AQUATIC AREAS AND DEVICES. The C\ty Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does ordain as fallows: SECTION PC That Title 11, Chapter 11.24, Section 11.24.020 of the Car\lsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition of subsection. (3) to read/ "(3) Within tlhe bounda includes the water areaNof the Lagoon from Interstate 5\ to the to the sand bar on the soathside. Snug Hafcbor, which portion pf the Inner imeter of the harbor SECTION 2: Title Vl, Chapter 11 . 2 1 , /sec t ion 11.24.031 of the Carlsbad Mu\^.cipal ^ode y^ amended by the addition of the following: "Board/sai 1 in>g instru\t\on may be allowed in this area." ^ VSECTION\3: Title 11, Ch~ap\ter 11.21, section 11.24.032 of the \3arlsb/ad Municipal ^ode is amended by the amendment ofl subsec't-j^ons (1), (2) and\(3) to read as follows: 1imite Jet skis or similar devices shall be at all times i in Snug Harbor. Power boats shall have exclusive use of the Inner Lagoon wfeekerlds and holidays from May 24 Vo October 1 between the hoursXof \9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. , excep\t for the use of jet skis in SnVg Harbor. (3y \No person shall operate a nonVpower boat including but not limXtad to row boats, sail boats, oA canoes in the Inner Lagoon durin&Vany period of exclusive power-noat and jet ski if \ iuse. SECTION 4: Title 11, Chapter 11.24 o* the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of section 11.24.045 to read as follows: CO CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2£>£ 1500 o Ij •*•** z \» 8 d 16•" ? 2 < It I 17 S ° 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 "11.24.045 Boats to stay outside of buoys - Exceptions. When buoys are placed out from the shoreline all boats shall stay outside of these buoys. The only exceptions are for landing and take-off and in the designed boat lane along the eastern edge of Snug Harbor." EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days ,after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adopticm of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in th>^ Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adop t ion. INTRODUCED \ND FIRST\READ at a reguljar meeting of the Carlsbad City Council ftseld on t\e d^Ty of 1982, and thereafter eeting of said City , 1982, by PASSED AND ADOPTEEN at a re Council held on the d&v of the following vote—io wit: MAKflT H. CASLER, Mayor ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) PRESERVE OUR SAFE WATER SKI AREA WE THE UNDERSIGNED OPPOSE THE PROPOSAL TO RELOCATE THE JET SKI AREA TO SNUG HARBOR, TO ELIMINATE WATERSKIING IN SNUG HARBOR AND TO IMPOSE A FIVE MPH SPEED LIMIT FOR BOATS IN SNUG HARBOR. NAME ADDRESS PHONE ~ 5,0. 14? o 65 f-kft, c * f;£. 376-5 PRESERVE OUR SAFE WATER SKI AREA WE THE UNDERSIGNED OPPOSE THE PROPOSAL TO RELOCATE THE JET SKI AREA TO SNUG HARBOR, TO ELIMINATE WATERSKIING IN SNUG HARBOR AND TO IMPOSE A FIVE MPH SPEED LIMIT FOR BOATS IN SNUG HARBOR. NAME ADDRESS PHONE t* IV A J 0/165 V/A f to30 Jtf- PRESERVE OUR SAFE WATER SKI AREA WE THE UNDERSIGNED OPPOSE THE PROPOSAL TO RELOCATETfilf JET SKI AREA TO SNUG HARBOR, TO ELIMINATE WATERSKIING IN SNUG HARBOR AND TO'IMPOSE A FIVE MPH SPEED LI£HT FOR BOATS IN SNUG HARBOR. NAME O^i^-x ^*\_p-^-*--c- ADDRESS PHONE <£-- ti A2£sr/ rf)atJL&* Co.(L PRESERVE OUR SAFE WATER SKI AREA WE THE UNDERSIGNED OPPOSE THE PROPOSAL TO RELOCATE THE JET SKI AREA TO SNUG HARBOR, TO ELIMINATE WATERSKIING IN SNUG HARBOR AND TO IMPOSE A FIVE MPH SPEED LIMIT FOR BOATS IN SNUG HARBOR. NAME ADDRESS PHONE ^*<fV PRESERVE OUR SAFE WATER SKI AREA WE THE UNDERSIGNED OPPOSE THE PROPOSAL TO RELOCATE THE JET SKI AREA TO SNUG HARBOR, TO ELIMINATE WATERSKIING IN SNUG HARBOR AND TO IMPOSE A FIVE--MPH SPEED LIMIT FOR BOATS IN SNUG HARBOR. NAME ADDRESS PHONE PRESERVE OUR SAFE WATER SKI AREA WE THE UNDERSIGNED OPPOSE THE PROPOSAL TO RELOCATE THE JET SKI AREA TO SNUG HARBOR, TO ELIMINATE WATERSKIING IN SNUG HARBOR AND TO IMPOSE A FIVE MPH SPEED LIMIT FOR BOATS IN SNUG HARBOR. NAME ADDRESS PHONE PRESERVE OUR SAFE WATER SKI AREA WE THE UNDERSIGNED OPPOSE THE PROPOSAL TO RELOCATE THE JET SKI AREA TO SNUG HARBOR, TO ELIMINATE WATERSKNNG IN ISNUG HARBOR AND TO IMPOSE A FIVE MPH SPEED LIMIT FOR BOATS IN SNUG HARBOR. NAME ADDRESS PHONE W V ? g < i 1*_. AucCfa & PRESERVE OUR SAFE WATER SKI AREA WE THE UNDERSIGNED OPPOSE THE PROPOSAL TO RELOCATE THE JET SKI AREA TO SNUG HARBOR, TO ELIMINATE WATERSKMNG IN SNUG HARBOR AND TO IMPOSE A FIVE MPH SPEED LIMIT FOR BOATS IN SNUG HARBOR. NAME ADDRESS £(W*®^J Q*£t :&&h>^d^J^ 7 77 c 77 7 PHONE / o n PRESERVE OUR SAFE WATER SKI AREA WE THE UNDERSIGNED OPPOSE THE PROPOSAL TO RELOCATE THE JET SKI AREA TO SNUG HARBOR, TO ELIMINATE WATERSKMNG IN SNUG HARBOR AND TO IMPOSE A FIVE MPH SPEED LIMIT FOR BOATS IN SNUG HARBOR. ADDRESS PHONE PRESERVE OUR SAFE WATER SKI AREA WE THE UNDERSIGNED OPPOSE THE PROPOSAL TO RELOCATE THE JET SKI AREA TO SNUG HARBOR, TO ELIMINATE WATERSKIING IN SNUG HARBOR AND TO IMPOSE A FIVE MPH SPEED LIMIT FOR BOATS IN SNUG HARBOR. NAME ADDRESS PHONE 7 £-7-1170 PRESERVE OUR SAFE WATER SKI AREA WE THE UNDERSIGNED OPPOSE THE PROPOSAL TO RELOCATE THE JET SKI AREA TO SNUG HARBOR, TO ELIMINATE WATERSKIING IN SNUG HARBOR AND TO IMPOSE A FIVE MPH SPEED LIMIT FOR BOATS IN SNUG HARBOR. NAME ADDRESS PHONE e. PRESERVE OUR SAFE WATER SKI AREA WE THE UNDERSIGNED OPPOSE THE PROPOSAL TO RELOCATE THE JET SKI AREA TO SNUG HARBOR, TO ELIMINATE WATERSKIING IN SNUG HARBOR AND TO IMPOSE A FIVE MPH SPEED LIMIT FOR BOATS IN SNUG HARBOR. NAME /? UoA d ADDRESS V+L& 17 PHONE - O 52- 3 - 7 y/ - ^^ <-/ - ?$ PRESERVE OUR SAFE WATER SKI AREA WE THE UNDERSIGNED OPPOSE THE PROPOSAL TO RELOCATE THE JET SKI AREA TO SNUG HARBOR, TO ELIMINATE WATERSKIING IN SNUG HARBOR AND TO IMPOSE A FIVE MPH SPEED LIMIT FOR BOATS IN SNUG HARBOR. NAME ADDRESS PHONE PRESERVE OUR SAFE WATER SKI AREA WE THE UNDERSIGNED OPPOSE THE PROPOSAL TO RELOCATE THE JET SKI AREA TO SNUG HARBOR, TO ELIMINATE WATERSKIING IN SNUG HARBOR AND TO IMPOSE A FIVE MPH SPEED LIMJT FOR BOATS IN SNUG HARBOR. NAME ADDRESS PHONE 3 '14A&1 U, JS25" 1/4- .. PRESERVE OUR SAFE WATER SKI AREA WE THE UNDERSIGNED OPPOSE THE PROPOSAL TO RELOCATE THE JET SKI AREA, TO SNUG HARBOR, TO ELIMINATE WATERSKIING IN SNUG HARBOR AND TO IMPOSE A FIVE MPH SPEED LIMIT FOR BOATS IN SNUG HARBOR. NAME ADDRESS PHONE