HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-05; City Council; 7165-1; TENTATIVE TRACT MAP CONDOMINIUM PERMIT VILLAGE J OF CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN TREETOPS CT 82-16 CP 213a w > 0 e e e e 2 0 F 0 4 I. s z 3 0 0 CIT& CARLSBAD - AGENOBILL \ AB# , 7165-1 TITLE: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND CONDOMINIUM DEP MTG. \10/5/82 PERMIT: VILLAGE "J" OF CALAVERA HILLS cln DEPT. CA MASTER PLAN: TREETOPS - CT 82-16/CP-213 CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION: If the City Council wishes to approve the Tentative Track Ma] to adopt Resolution No. 7829 16 and Condominium Permit CP-213, then your recommended actic ITEM EXPLANATION The City Council, at your meeting of September 21, 1982, dir the City Attorney to prepare the necessary document approvin 15 Lot/222 unit Tentative Tract Hap CT 82-16 and Condominium CP-213. That resolution is attached. EXHIBIT Resolution No. 7d2f *’ ‘ I 2 31 41 5 6 7 8 9 10 12- n x2 0 13 cj, po3L’ u4 14 ; C.J *.‘ ; g -’ C) << >. 5 a: 10 e I I i ‘1029 --I-.- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF ‘i’l32 CITY COUZClL OF THE: CITY Or;’ CARLSMD F cAr,woR:t:.i-\,, APPEIOVING A I 5 ~0~/222 mr:r TEN‘I‘ATIVE WACT MAP ( CT 82- 1 G ) AND CONEO~~’~INI.UII PERPIIT (CPe-2 13 ) GLJ J?ROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED TO THE lJORTfl’i?EST OF T’i-IE EAS‘I’L’CRLY TEKMIMUS OF TAl4Ai‘ZAC AVENUE .. APPLICANT: TREETOPS UldLTMTTED/CT 82-1 G/CP-2 1 3 WHEREAS, or? Aurjust 25, 1382, the Carljbad Piannir Commissioii adox>tcd Resolution No, 2008 recommending to the Council. that Tentative Tract Xap (CT 82-16) and Condomi.ni\ Permit [CP-213) be approved; and --I_I_L_. -e-*p ---..--p----- ---. *---- I_-* PIE-IEREAS, the City Council of the Cit-y of Carlsbac September 21, 1982, held c; public hezri.ncJ to consic?er the , recommendations aiid heard all persons interested in or op! to Teni;?,tivc TX~~L i$ap (CT 82-16) and (;ondonrinj.urn ~ermii-. (CP-2i3); and ,i I3< 1- ?- ;~‘~’gcj W$>< 16 ;f 0 Lr) >t- 6: 27 s u L) 0 a .._ >- G >. Pernit have been declared to have a nonsignificant impact en\7irci1~.ent an~~ a ZQegative Declaration was prepared and f 2o 27. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Cali.Eosrnj.a Envlrorimental Quality Act; NOW, TFKWYX?E, EE IT RESOLVED by tjle city COUI.IC the city (jf Carj-sixd, Ca.1iforni.a as ~ol~ows: A, That the above recitations arc true arid ccr B. Tnat the findings of the Pl.anning Comrnissio 1 ~~esoiui:iori NO. 2008 constitute the findings of ttie City in khis matter. 1 /// /// I J, L.0 Q 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 %a n 12 2 Y g 13 O:N $2 m e a C. That said Tentative Tract Nap, together with provision:; for its design and iqrsvement and subject to 1 conditions of this resoltition, is consistent with all app: genera.1 arid specific plans of the City of C;irlsbad. D. That Tentative Tract Xay (CT 82-16) and Con& Pzrrcit (CP-243) are herzby approved subject tc; all applic, requirements of the CarIsbad i’/lunicipaI- code and to the sat isfa-ckion of the cond:itions contained in Planni.nq Comm Reso1.ution No. 2008, dated August 25, ‘i982r marked Exhihi attached. hereto and made z part hereof,, PASSED p APPI?..OVET! F AND ADOPT’ED at a regular neek i. the City Council of the City of Cxlsbad, Cz.llfcrnia, or1 -LtL*--- day of ~-.--Qck2:??r r 1982, by the foilowi.r-rg Gg zg &-..I ;?s$ z LS I-. > w Cl ;;1w s 6 16 $25 m z.0 Lr) > 5 0: -.I :I“? >o 0 t z a 0 19 I 20 2 1.. 22 23 24. 25 26 27 28 AYES : WOES: ABSENT : CoJnd- K&krs Cad-cr, Leicis, Chick, KuLchh an Ncme NO?X 9 L4 // p -4: *$‘L./: .-.,.--...22L:-L~.-..L A- I-_p-” MARY H (I IC I:s I.,: K, Pi; ATTEST : (/, ,( ,ij-f$,-(l-, & @ r) , ,cl?-- fi -I-_I. c .-,- ~ - .u<---.---ll--Y.. ,.Aa*;.~-~&Qs~ ALEIEA 1;. Irt~iU‘.~~i~Kiai.jZ, ~L-i;y CT~ I (SSkL) 2, .- ., 1. 2 si 7 51 f< 4 i 8 9 .. .LO 0 EXHIBIT A 0 RES OLUTI Or\ Pl.ll'l~Y:KiX; CO!):i/l:t SSIO'!\J J?ESC?J,LJ'TI (>I< NO ~ 20O:l I__------- -- _I^ - -..---- I___ -.--- ~ __-- ____^_.__ A l~I~~~l.l~Jr.~.':~~~~~ OF 'L'!-ll< l'I:,l\T\rlJ1:1:G C:OI+j!.ilSS]:O]$ 017 TJll.; c: A 15 J,Oli.'/2 2 2 1JiG:L'j.l '.~~i~~~rr~~l~'~~~~~~ fjl]:].icrj! IAj';]? plld~ C0:lno;4: P J3 Rls'i 1: '7 op rj~i~]; IT' I, <*r.> APl.'JJI C?'i1.:I!.' : !i'2EXr.70PS Ur\rJ;II~.i]:Tj:I] OF CAR:',SI:l'iT> i CALI; F'C)Ri'?Iii r J?.!<CCJi i ]<N 1) :C 1.; c, Ti 7.1 p ~{~\~Ji~.I 0 J 0;; I? 1 ,O P j;: ?.IT Y G Ei?] JC j !i'i J,I,Y l:jfiC2~ri'j< L) '1'0 q!l] 12 f.] a]??~; 1 I >, J J. 1.1 li i...,Y 'F E: J?.i,:I IllJ L; 0 F '.pJ;l t;;I?l~,(; J< /i',) J<>jU J{ (. cij r; 13 1x1 C) : C'.i'-I:%..-i 6/cj?--21 3 ----------- --I--------.--.--- ---.- 1-1 .__I..__" I.-_._ ~ _._-___-- wixms r a ~72ri;:i.c:d kpy~!.ic:at.i.o~-l for CQIY~.~~.~I 1~1:~~~c~~~~~~~ wit : A po?:tj.m .of Lot It J" of lian(:ho Ayi~a l-l{?dio!?(l;i t.0~0l4j II! map ?Jo. Sa12 i.,..cgo COUI~'~ j' OP. NOWc~i-'~~jC L Ll' 16, 1856. 8-23 fj.3.ed in the oCfj.cc of t.he Cui;ntl~ r\ecoj;(221: .- # 1.1;:s been i i.].ed ~:j-t.i~ tile City 05 C~7.j:Is]j;:</ ~ z:id xcfcrrpd 'io 5'1.s:r)nj.ng Cainr;~issio!-~; 2nd :I-:'- i :).a 1 V?FiEi?J?P, S r s EL i d v CJ j~ j- f i. ~6 2 j:pl i ci; t-. 3- Oil c!~) 1-1 st i t I:! t. c? :; a rc y: :1 J. 4 I It; I A~)<JI.J.s'L r 198% r hgJ.C! i! duIy no'cj.c:ed pub]. ?.e hearj.ng 2s p):c:;c;;: by l.a.T;? [ to c:ons:lder id j:q!.Dst,; aIl(7 X8 2-o 2o 2:1_ 22 \ I (1c::.;ii:in9 to }.)e 1ir.a.r-d r s;:i.cj , ~omnission c:oll:;j-<jered a1.1 facto; I I rc'I.ci~j.~iy to the Teiii:a~ive '1Ciract: I'.izp and Corido:nI.ni.um PCI:!,I~ 'i I f?C)T*? r rJ.'iIkIIl?F'(II<Z F ptS 1.T I~l~~~I~~~J~ 1?E:<(31JI,,71(1) l>y t}-jc 1'1;1y111j.]-1rj ( '5.;10:1 I' its foll.o~~s: I (A! !rhat: the foxcyccti rlq recitatj.on:; arc k1-u~ ~IIIC~ correct ~ 2 4: 2 ,'I %i 2'1 2 I3 (I?) ~11i1t 1xi::d O:I t-.l!o c~vidc~~cc: p1rcsc1-I teti at ti~c ~III-)~. ic: !IC:~~I 011 the: Lo~.~l.owii~y .Cj nd~.iig:; ;And :;liJ~;f~!ct to t1-1~: ~O].],~)~;~,J~CJ t,he c@lJ~lli!~;:~ i01-1 )~~~~~~l~~~~[~~~~~~,; AI~l'l:CY.7Al, of C'11-fi2- 1 G/CP-2 1 :i , cror1tl i i: i <)Ill.: : -.__.._. -. -.- - . . //// //,/ ,I 7 2 *I 4: 5 . .. d ' 1'i.nd i nq s : . ___I_-__ -__. I I j ?'tie pro:jcct:f s dc:iIsi.ty is c:onsistcnt wj-t.1) the app,r-nvccl plan for this i!~-\?a since 222 ut~its arc pi:ojpc):;ec3. arlij ti Cal.;ver:.3 1lilI.s i.iar;tcr I'.laii vou1.cl ;~l.low up to 300 ci~,.?rq. un j. 'c c, at til i. :: s j. t e u 2 ) !he si'cr2 is p?!iysi.ca11.y suital2l.c ~OJ: the type anc3 de1::.;<- acer;!:iicod t,. t C: 1:~ s j. 0ei1 I: j. i1.i GCV(~ l-~pl:::": i t at t;]~ c! (3. e11 :; j, ty pyo 3) Tz!~ project i r; ccnsistcn'i wit11 ;I.. . city pvl:)%j.c Zacilit-. d e v C> 1. i) jl)ill c 1-1 t s i. 1'1 C: e t h e s i t e i s :I ti <! CJ [I C? t e i 12 s i z C! 2 17 (3 s; 11 ;I -5 I e$ 'I 9. :1.0 :I. 1. 3.2 2.3 :I /L I-5 X't lLG 19 20 2:1 2 2 2 3 24 %:i 2 G r> 7 20 io f.. 0 'e 2nd ord inLI12ccs t; j. 1:ce : a ) !Ph cf P 2. a II n i :-i CJ C o inn i. s s j. o n h c?. s I t:, y j. n. c 3. I; c i. on o f 21 11 cr: $1 conditir,n to this pirojcct, fnsLi;:ed that the fini-l.l. not be apprc)v~d u.:::!csr; the city Coui-1ci.I find:; tilat ::c?i:vice is availabl fi tc~ serve the pro-j ect . In. a?>d }?Ic?nr~i;:q Co ~SS~CR !-la:; added a conditj-on tkiat. 2 be p3.acc:ii 0:: the fi r!a3. nc.p thzt buildii-1~~ per:mi.i-.s I!: i :; s u c' d ji o I: 1: 1-i e p J: o j e c t 11 ii ?. c .c, s i-. h c C; j 'i. y ~n sj i. ri c c 1: 6. c that SCP:~~ SC:::V~CC is avc~iI-;:.l:)?~~~, 2nd i,ci Id iiiq c:i111i; within the pro:j~:ct 1,1!-llcss sc;:cr si~rvicc ~:ci?tsi.ns i;v of the pub~:!.c f&c!i.:!.i tics eI.cr;,i:r.nt of t11c General 1 been nct i~~:~~~ft>~- ;is tIlCj7 .apj~I.;i to .C;~V:C:~: scr\7l(:c fo I:,J.-ojC?Ct,, I th~? PI z.!~n?.i.~q COKi - s s .i. o II i s s a. t i s :(I t.11 i). 'i t.1-j e re < 7. ti) '~12~2 r1ppl.icr.r:~: sIi~iI1. provj.cle 1.js.r-J~~ as rccjkj.i.red 11y t C~~VCX~ ;:iJ.Is ~i:st~r ~1m. ~llc City Coitnc:il. m::~ F reqiJire park--i~-lieu fec~s in 1.ieu oE dedications ri ' dekei:fiiii-lef! prior to f ir~aI. map c;~3,7provc?1. p I i I C) 113..1. n~ccs~nx-y publ. ic .i ;np:rovciincnts have I3cerl ~)i:~>v.i.i: will 132 i:cc~~~i~:cii 2:; co:-!i!j.tio~ss of applrova2- p I (3) The: applj-ciLl:k 1-1:)s cglrccd and is rc:rr,ciz-i:d by t-.lle :in an ~i.]?j~)~o~)~~~.~~~~~ coi-;tlit.i.cn to p;iy a pu1iI.i c faci:L ;-tic: P<>K~-~I:;~!~IIcP ~f ti~~it- ~01.1tra~t <:tj<l p~,~:n~>nt of tl~c fe enahl.~! tliir, l><jd>r to %ii?ii tlint piib:l. ic f:icj.li.tic:; vi ;;.v a j. 1. c? I.) 1- c co 11 c !I I: 1: e I-: L VI j- i- 11 ne e'd ;; s rcqu i I: $2~1 by 1: 11 c Plcclli. I e) I ~dccjuate w~iter for i.11~ pxe-jcct will. ljc j~~:Ovi(~cc~ (1 f) 11 3.cttcr Ii:!s lsclcn sul:~mi.tt-.cd by the c~11:lsI~~d ~cllonl. d;-:I:ed LJuI.~ 8 , 1982, crisurinq k1!2t n:~cqti;i'cc~ SC~IOO~. vi i. 1 I. 1:) c civ ii i. :I cib 1 (2 to t 11 i. :; pro :j e c t. cc.)n c 11 r 1: en t VI .i. I-. 11 1 i 1 4) 'I'iie l)ro~,jo:;cd pro:'] cct j.:; c..c)ini~~it.:i.1,3.(. wi t:fi t.hc :~LXI:I:O~III~~I j. 1. ;I tl ii ('i C! s .i. 9 I I 'I 1:. (.:(I (I.!; c :; :; j. 1 i (:(J s 11 1: ITGII 130 1. I I 'j j>l-01 )C 11 1: i. c s ilt: <! 1~'2S~~d('Il~: .i [I]. C~~h!VL'~l <)j.l:i!<!l!i; 01.1 t.hC! ~~C!JlCl~L~~.~ )):1 <.Ill. llC 1':i::;O 1.;O0 2oOC -2- i 1 :L 2 3 '' 5 J.,and T!s;c PI.a1~11~17q 0fCi.c~ 8) The ap]?J. j..c:ii.it shc7.11 pj:cj?c?re a rcpro:?~i.cil:)l.c n;y:i.ar of th s j- t. c? 1'1 ili-) ii e re j. s j*t,e p~cj,r~ ~]12].]. 1:jc s~~~~;iii.tt,cd to 211d ap~l:~\~eci . ._ I.)).' tl~c rAij Plai111j.117 ifi;~:it>c;c~~: ~I:~.oT: 'LO 'ihc .i.:j:~uii-icc.c' of build i~y per !i?h e a py 1. I. c r! 11 t .r; 1.1 i; I 1 E: s t z.!~ I i. s J.1 ti 1.1 o1-1:~ OP: 11 c T ' s 3. s :; o c: i CI t i o cor: Z-C' 5 pori:? i. n '3i CC-,: Zi? 2.11 ir s f 2 173 cc&:i:< 1 G :;ha1 1 IIC z.~hiiktcd t:o ai-:iI. appI:ovc!d by t.11~ r,;.ll1ii j?l;;~.l+ii~-ig Oi'Cicc\ ljrior to fii-ial IC!~~J ;:.i.>j;>irovnI u ~ ____________--_.._ -_________-_.__.- i. ! 1 ;2Qj:i:)<>): at i 119 t h i' con d I 'c 5.Oi2 s CO!? t ii j. n ed .. 9 ) C~il d j. 'i i ~ij G I:(? s 'i X i c t i~1!1:; o 7 7 Is ,tJ '-') :I.% 3.2 'I-' 3.4 l5 3.6 '7 3.8 . J- <2 20 21. 22, .%3 24 25 2G 2 r/ <> 0 h\j 0 10) 'j'hc cj.py)). j.~;il~k ~ha.I.1 p~:ep2i:e i: dct~i:Lcil I..AI.I:~SCC?T><~ arid j p1.21-1 which shall be siihnitted to al-Jd spp:ro\~t.c! by thc r ~~I~;iininr,l I4anacjc-r prior LO the ~.SSLIZI?C~ G? 1~ulJ.d <.i>g l>?i 11) Al.1 ~~ZI:];~I-~CI 3.0'~ trcc?~ sha1.1. be 3. TJ.'LI~~I:?UL~ of I5 <JGII-OII: size. 12) A ):laster p~c?.i> of t!-!c existin9 o!i-site trcc?r, s11211. 11.. : to the 1,~1-~d use ~?j-c~.~~t~i.~?g Ocficc as prt of the firi;>.l I p:[a-i? to detej;;;lj.iic \,;jjj ci) i;):~ps ~~~~~1. ljci ~ct~{\!i;:cd ):)~~.oIT . j.ssua.nce of a. grz6i:1ci pericit 01- c? b::i~.~iiig j-~~;~it~ wh ( I Jc occ'iii::~; first- I 13) Ii1.1. l~..nc:.cc~.pcd. ;LI:CG:S slial:! he ii~int-~' cL~lLL --c.tl i.n a Iiec?..7tliy thj:j.\Fii-iq ccji?iji'i:j..cn, f1:cc froiii \.JCPC?S r t~^-.c Ci,>h [ znd debri Any :;<.<jjls ~!:o;>Gsc~.~ fc;L- this dc~el~~>~~~~t; s!.lril 1 I><? desi c011f0i-fi~~ii-~cc r.!ith CcliI;;\7era Eli 1.1s I<rzsi:cr Pl2.1-I :;rid the i' Oi.-ijj.~j3r1~e ni~d sh;~:L]. require revj.c:\~ and app~o\7.;.?.1. of tl- plannin9 otficc pj:.i_oj: to Ir~st~ii.:L~.tioil O? such sign:; I ].ill g~'e:;t. psr;:ii-!q SpacFs wit~iin t~ie par~<ing nreas :;I>:. c1earl.y inark2d vith pole sign:; c I'41 ! 15) 16) X'rior t,o final. EZ!? aj:)provaI. the I.occ7..'iio!~ of tlic caz!~ , ' be revised to cc)i:~pl.y !C:iiz.h the ~(-~~~~li~~i~,~~r~t-~ of the j?l< Ikv c.' I Og? c 1; t 0 1: d i 1.1 ii 11 c c c f.i'rt3s1i reccpt:ic:~(: areas sha~~. ])e cric1.0:;cd I.)>[ a G J-Qc)t: ~nasonrry wall. v:ii-.li gates p~.ir:;uai-~t: to city :.;t.and~i~:d:; u of ;;aid rcceptaclcs shal.1 be apprcn7ecl 1257 t11c 1,il12ci LJs bi~i~a~~~ y J- 117) I 11) A]_; roof nf~i?~!i-~;cl-l;ii:zcsr j.ncluding a1.r coi-ic7j.1~ionc1r~;~ arc:h i. t c: c t. (I irii 1.1. y i. 1; !- rj q rii \:cd anr? :; h j. c3 3. (1 cd frois v i cf \,J a 11 IIU E i.' c 1: c ti :; i\ \-. i :; f a c t- i. o n o f t: 11 c r, ,a 1-1 cl LI :.: ct I:? 1. a ri 1-1 i 1.1 g C) j! f i c c a 11 r3 13 LI :i 1, i 1: e c t-.o i: . f IT<> 1!1 :i(I :j i: (: c 11 t: p r~ j:><l ~f t i c Z; ;I II CI s t-. I:C c:! t s to t: h i: 19) 'J'llc a;,)).)].< cdnt-. :;\ial.l ::,ul)ii\j t; a sLrcc\: i~nI~~c l.i..;t: coii::;: L1i(.! c;. t\j ' :; !;t:)><>(>L tl:lil\c: 110.1. i.cg :>\!l.)j C:C~ t.0 t:lr(: 1,;11)d lJ: I,I~.II-I:~~(:K ' :.; ~\~>~>I:L~VA:I. 1jt-j 01: to K~.I)<IJ. iniip ~.I\I!II>OVCI'J. = L. r, -- 1.T 1~l':;~x) I-JO * 20 (1 lj >. ‘ :1 2 3 4- f> G ‘I .. 8 9 :I. 0 1L D. 12 0 0 .I .. 20) TI:^ pro;ject slir;.~.! ?>1?<1vL2!~ I~US c~.o;) ~;.~.cI.~~’L~cIc :~k ~OOC~C.: 5; 11 1) j C: e t t: o L h P s i~. 2 i s f ci c t. 1. o I I C) f t h C‘ FJ o 1: t 11 I: o LI 11 t: y ’!? 11 ii )I <i i t,rj.ct* Silj.cl fi?ci!.itie~ sha1.3. at ;I I-A’~.;J~KIU~~I ii-ic:I.odc: ci 1: ft:t?C? fI~Oi!l ;J.dV!2~~:~.~-~<.11~ Tind ii i;SlC? f01: t’,lC? bUZ ShOJ? Sic:]? I~&n(:h i~t.~d polc r;l.iaI.l. IIC dcsiqried i.1-1 il rnaiii~cr so as to dei:~:;~c’i: ?~:o:fi t.1-i~ b:l.c;i.~ ZI:CI>~~~C~UI:L~ 3- t.11~1r;e of the p1:c);j :;:).id dcsiqn s11al.I bc r,u!J:jcct to thc: ap;?i-o\7<:1 of: the T,; 131 ;:1112 i i-ig ;.“lsj? ~g c r ~)r’ io r t c’ o cr c u p 2. n c’q of c? 1; y u n j. t :; w j. i: 11 i 11 t. 1-1 i s p 1:’Cj pc r t 57 , OE tk;o L~CC~S i1-1 ~i.?,.~.acj~: E-- I 01: I<--?. SI-~<~:LI. ]lilt <~PVCIG;~C:CI rccrcati.una3- vchiclc stGl:?.qE! lot. in accoed2ncc? with trl id ~9 i: i: I2 C:O 1l1i t 17 TI: 3 ;I s :i. ’C 1.1 i i; t-1: :i c t ,, 2 ’I j cnks 0: iche :~(~c:‘cicJ~I of tlhc iCa?:lsbzLCi Pl.i~.iiricd l>i ojyd j.ni!;)cp deaI.i.119 l,~i.’~h ~~~c:c:;_eat:i.onc?:!. \7(311icI~2 s~o?*-! 1. c. q P - 5 of t.liis rccjuire~er-tt i the dc:vcl.o;?er rt~ny proviiic? tt>ji:;>or-, storage .tri.t;iJ in !.-he pro-jcc’i whicli sjiz:!l remzi.n unti.1- t:I 13-1 oj, 1J-z j.:; $,!?v~lc~~>::;d E This tr?~~;.)or&f:~ KC?Cr:eZt:Oi22?l sto~ii!,jc: area. :nzy ?:.- locz.:tcd in anoir.I-ic?r po>:kion fiC t7.?)c. I I i. 1. 1 s I4 ~3 5:; t e i: P I!. ~j. 1.) ii iC c a 5; 11 b :j (2 c t t- c t 1-1 c I? 13 2 ‘i ci \r i; 11 ci f t h C ~I;rrj;jj.ljg l.’iz:lz9eJ: e If the C;:~F.VE~& I!.i.J.Is !~FJs~-.P;c Pl?n in reqz.1-6 to rcc::r-;;t:i.ona!. r\)eli<. clc :;i:or^c;gc t i:.hc 6cvcl o ccjr;;?].y y:j t.h the p:i an C:S z.;:;ci!;ided o I 2%) ~1:i.or to occcp?.?icj7 c>~ any i:ni’is r ttic app~-icarit. ~!?CI-I. :13 :I. 4. It; .I. 6 . :I. 7 :t 9 .a d:t.rect0~~7 signs ;I-;. tile cni-.rr.i;c(:. to each p2rk.i.ng ::r?z j.;idic~ti~i~ tlie j-cjCz.tt.on of e;ich unit. ‘Sir. dcc;j.yn 05 . sigiis :;h;~l I be z;:;J~oIT~~ by t1-i~ Land IISC Pla11ni.ncj i-Stl.I~< Y~.J:c? chief. , 1 I 23) Z\pprovnl of this tcntativr-. tl:;?si-. 11-K;p shL31.1. c.?:p;.L-c twc rfioiiths fI:oj:l ‘c7!)c ci~.tt? of Cit>r Cou.nci.1 ~.;?pjrovt:.l LIZ~~SS, r<,iip is r.cc.oi:dcd D AJI e::t:eii:;ic>il iilnq’ !>e ireques i:ed !>y tl- di.c.crc!kion of th2 City Councj.1 t In LI.~~I:ovI.I:~ 211 eXt:.( ~itv Cc,unc.il ii!ay - iii9,posc IICW COI~~~I’L~OIIS 2115 111i7y I:C:V~S< co)idit:ions o pl icaljt o S-. c. .- i d Q‘.’?- ,, c,ensi.or~ slin3.1 112 .t;pprovcd. 01: dciiiec3 20 0 ‘1 f<.L 22 23 2 4 24 ) AI- 11. yrouiid J.evcl pa.i---ior; shall ht;vc: ~i inj.r:iii?~m 6 imcrisi f C? C? ‘i Y %t;} Mdit-.j.on;il. c:oncrct.c_; crossover:; with i; b:.rooin finish 5; p:I.;iccd ai: the ~II~.):~IIC~>:; to L0t.5 dr 5, G n11d 9 t.0 tlt~ s~t.isf;.ici;.i.on of t.hc ~ar~d \ISC ~l~.ni-ii.ncg 14aii~gc:r e J’j.vc f~ot IILC~UJ;) ;t::c~;:i~ Sh;iIl bt.: proviclc.tl i:c7 tl~e ends p;ii:ki.l~~~~ ilxeci;~ to t.1)~ r;at*i.sfackion oI: the Land U:;e 171 l~alIl3~]~~1:“ ?(-) 2‘ ;3,G 2r/ 2‘3 I 2.1) rI’h:_:.c.-f:OC)t.. ii i!jll so^ i.cl (~ccora~ivc w;11.1.5; z11a1.1. k)e c:clri:.: t: 11 C! c l~id : ; c F ill 1. C) pc! II p ;t 1: k i 1 I (J c; i; J :I. 3. ::: a (3 -j a c c n t t. o 1: c s j !;}ii(!I.d I:(!:; j,(l~;i~(;c:; IIroli~ ciil: l~~;i(l:l., iql~tx o I I 1 //// /i’C j:j,::;c) l,i(Je %()on - Ij _- I .. <.. 1 0 0 J; !I(! j 1; c e 1'' j. 17 (5 11 c r) ;j I: LX c !7 k ____z ____. _______.___._..._.____ : .__I__._-----..- 3 2l 4 5 G 'I ,8 9 :L 0 :!-:I. .i. 2 :13 z 4 . .L!j 1G I!.'? XG :i9 2 0 2:1_ 2% 2 3 2 4: (2 5 2 G ') fj *I fa I :?[i 28) '1'11c dcvcl.opei: ..;1-1a?~3. ob'ic?i 1-1 i~. grGclir;cj pei:rni.t: prioc to 1liCtnceinc:nt of ?'!I>' cI.ec?riny or grzdiri<j of 'chc s.i t-e, I 29) ~i1c; gzraijing for t-.1-1.i.s prc;ject. is defj.i-iec~ z!s f'cant.ro1~1.c:~ by Section l'i,C6,170(:;.) of thc C:; 1.Sh aci 14 (1 1) i cr i I? 2 1. Clod Grad incj slial.1. be pei:fori~.ed uniier I.: C? 0 I;, s c 1: F.7 2 t .i. 0 1 1 0 f <i e11cj:ir~cer ~J~-IG:;E~ J~csr)i?nsi!.)I.:i. it:y ik :;hc:Ll. be t.c. c.mor(3j.n~ j- 1-1 s 1;~ e c: t j. o II ;! ii d t (2 :; t. j. r: CJ t. c) i ri s u 1: C: c o I-::;? .I i. ;I 11 c c c f k 11 e vo the app1:~vpd gj:;:,ij:i ~>cj p:l~?l-i r ~ub::ij.t I:C<;U~.I:C!~ l:cpor'i.c, to Enqi neci: a1:2 vcrj-fy c:c;ni~il:i.a.:~ce withI Clla@e)I 1 1 o 06 oi: Ca;;lsi,cid I.i\1.!1 :i.~i.~~;;l. Coc"lt! I 11 d~-<j)-;;.<!~?d'' .. C;EO~.CI~J; ic pl_;.in shi_~ll IIC s~I.>~i~j.!:tcd to tl~~ C eXpL3sed by t!-12 CJr ding c)lp?cration r ;ill. f3eol.oc3 i (2 COJ:L-(:?C: p1aii ;;!-~;:~t], i>e sj.prlc,-d ]>)1 b,:jt-.li i;)7i? :;o:i].:< +~l>~j.;?,~i: ajlij t 30) llpon cCJjS~J~IC~t~on ai' CjI~?l..C7j.I?2, 'chc dCVC?_OpCi: u?l?111 j.llSLlJr En 9 i a c c: 3: o l'ii e p :L 1.1 s 1-1 FI I :I c 1. e 2 r 1 j' s I? o Z'T z 3. I ic h C> 4 e(? 1 o CJ mei2sure.t; as i'icti!~; 157 CGUSL>:GC'LC~ a115 I!iu:;i: 11:: bcsed 01-1 nt 2. p \.I i-i f. c i.1 J: C' j? 1: c-: :; (I i-: 'L s 11 ~1 i: 11 t 1-1 e 137: 6;' 2: I 1 is pa s i-. 5 i i-. e c_i 3: ;'i 6 i e 1-1 9 i i-I c: cz i- :1. i-1 cj 2 e 3 1. n,cj i s 'c s 'j~'1; e 1;) 3. i; n .c; h i: 1. l 11 c? 1,) i: c 1' ,? r c 3 o 1-1 or si.Itlj.:Lzi: Cl~:-..?t.; <,..- ..l.g '7 fil.1~ an:'i sh;5.l-l becoincl. ti pcx-i:x~~;ent 31 ) KO G.Irac;l<.IIg shL:.l:L C>CCLi% ol;',side kl1C li1nit.:; of the SUiJJ UII~.CSS ii .-Lcti;e;r ~f ~~ITXI~SS~O~ is ~l>i:i>L~cC f~~(>in tiie OL.. t. i? f 2 ir' j: 2 (2 i c d ~d c?. 5. I; i or1 z I- 6 'i: ;I i I I :.;.? e 6 2 s e j!IC:r: t. I; al~d cjx- a i nay c st L" u c k LJ.?:~ .C ~~~~\~i.d<?Ci ~j: IV:S'L i.;].Icd 2:; ];;.til7 /IC: re~?~~j.rcii 111' til(: COUP^ ~zepa-rk~i~ent of ~anita~ion and E?looii ~oni;1:0:! 01: khe C5.k ncc?r c 3 3 ) " ~i-ie c!c.vclcpci: shall pzy tlic currctnt-. 10~~1. drr;inc?jjc? <:.I: p 1: c.2; :: r k i c c; , 3 2 ) t pri.or to ~I.?~XOV::~ of '~112 ?ii~a:t 1iIt;r) 01: s!~al.J. CCiIStr\>(:t SJ~S~C?I~~S .i.:> CO~ ~CI;T~-~!Z~.!C;C~ \<1it11 tho I.'~ZS'LCI: D~~ii-i~~.ge PI.~irl I 0 E c a 1: 11. s L.3 d s i. 2 r'. ii i: ZT il :; a r; 1: k? CJ Ll i 1: e (1 by t 1-1 ct c: j t >; Cng i 1-i c <: I I 34) . Land for a3.2 p~h:I-i c st-i-c~ct..~ and e~:r;ci;ian:-.s SI-I~V~II 012 i-I i_: LC I: j. v e !,I ;; 13 s !-I <: I I b c cl r_. il i c: '7 1:: e (3 c'n t 11 E: f i I-; ;I I. m ;;. 1;) ;I I I d 5; i yrant.c:..d iio city frze aiI:i clear of ;-.1..I lic:n<; AII~ cnc~i: 135) All. l.anc1 ;1nc'l/or c:a:;c .nts requi ired hy this; p::ojcct :;I g I- im t pi1 to tli e c i t. 1' I w j. 1; lio ui: eo :; t to t. 11 c c i k y , f rcc ; of' ill.]. ~.i.cn.c; ;inti ~nc~.liiiI~c~ri-i~~~~~ o 36) Dj.r-ecI-. ;IC:CCS~: rights for ;ill. lok:; s11uirt~ncj l:?Lx~ Avc!nu: I1 J.;'IcIL?L^cI~:;c ~ATTHH? W11.1. k)c vi1i\7cCl on t11~ fiiiiil. imp o 37) A3.1. pt1bI. j.c r;t;zrcct:::: sha1.I. bc: iii;pi~ov(!(l hy tlic if(:vc:l.opc~ tlic: kypj.ci:J- :;r.!ctl ions 211c~18~!11 on tlic? t-.r:nk;it ivci IIIL~~ ai~(i (:o I) F c? 1: 11;;; ti (: r_! 1: i t 11 (: i t y o C (.:;I 1: I. I; 1);i tl :: t ;i IIC~ 3 I:C? :; p I: i. o r' t (1 of Lii.l>r I>ii i I.(] i,iicj:: I ,I II.'C 1;11:,;0 1,!0., 2i)o:i .- G -a i 4'' 1- 2 3 4 3 G I' .8 'I .. 9 -I .Lo 0 0 38) ~:.!e ~QVCAO~C!Y sh31.:1 j.i~:t:nl.l. ct-rwt trees iill the ccji1i.v 4 0 -- f oo'c i n 1: c: rv ci 1. s ii 1 {I): iq s.11. pu 1111. i c s t rc! c1 t f ron i-. ;iy e s j. c o 12 f o z 1:; ;E 11 c: (? Y: i 'i 11 C i t 1' i3 C C 2 i' I. :i 1:) :-I d S t a ;I d z j: ti s e i.. r e be OL ;I vxicky se3.c:(:;-.c:d fi-oii? tlie appi:C)ve.d Streetr. TI:E: 3 9 ) %'h e 6 C s i 5; 11 o f i! 1 P 111- 5. '\* 7. k c s t I: c C' i. s 2 11 d d r i; i. 11 a 71 e ::; y C; i:. plyL apprc~'~7~d by tiic. (:it17 I::ricjir:eer prior to ;~ppi:oval of i:h 1112 p e 'J:h ci s t )I ii c 'i 11 ri: I ::. CI' c L j- on of ii 1. 1. pi: j. v i! 1: G s t 11 (1 i: i: s s r I, 1 11 e CO I1 c 0 i:lll \: C) c 5. t y 0 f CL.. II 1. f5 b2d f; 'C C! l?(? L11_ d S 1.) ;> :< Cd. (.)r'l I<.--'? <] 1 (1 A f 1. '1 ' p 1: i s a k. e C: I Y c G i: s 5 I,! :!I C' I: 2.1 1') 3.9 C? I.: 17 C; { : :2!.1 ;I I. I I3 C! i li 6 t-. h c! CI j. t y E; ;J d t !I ~2 F~ t. ;.!I :1; ;: d i ~np ;: o :7 P !ij c II t .~i> C~CC~; and fee:; sbal.1. bc pzjid pzior to ;;i!?pi:oval of the Cj.ncl ili~.p 2: 1. 1. J3Y i. V i: t C S t 1- C C? k S i d drai112.q~ sy:;tci!!c; chall 11,:: imi shall b? c1en;rly st-.a-icd in the (:Cc.:i:'s I i40) i ill) TiJ.1. c:oli~~^ptc terrace (1rC'i.j::s sh;:ll ilc ixtLiiitai.neii j.)y 'it ownc:~:'s assoc:i&ion (iC on CQ ~/nly o~..:ned prop2-rtl7) c p1:petuj.t-y e /",I> appx 7 i 3. i: $2 I j7 VI<> I: d c (-7 s t. the liomeo~:7i-Ic.r 1 s I?c;:;o h.ti.013 ir~ ~~)~j?etl~ity o "his ~~c~~;i> i II d .i \7 id u a 1 1) 1: op c 11 'i 1' le,: (if 011 (311 il75 i. d u ;3 1.1. y cjvnc ... 13 3- 4: 3-5. :!" c; :L 'I la :I_ 9 .. 20 2 :L 22 23 2 4: 25 -2 G (> '1 20 I; subjl;iit: to the Ciiiy Ci>z ineer fjo:: ~~.pp~o\7~.1. i; ~!~iqi?;:ehei-:: ~~:C~S:OIOCJ .i~ ~!.1>6 SCOI.C~~~ LC rcpo~:'i p.:-~j?;lre<l I>y A ~CT istci Qrl<ii!-:QQ): d@k 2<.15.!lg t:].C! CL'L(?C~ L1)z.k. khi.!; kr!C] fl.lL\JY[! c2( nortliviesi-. c:Oi:ilc:r of t-his subdil.7:l rbi.c)nc .IIII.S report. sl. I cor i t i: i n 31 c cli ~~-;ciz?: 1 cirls fojr c?iiy xi'ciga'cirig i~c:~:;tlr(-:s r to ensure t1.12 c:ontii?cic.d rcl. inbil. ity and safety oC thi dz!a strnct.urc G he ii.e\:eI.~p~~: sliall comj.11 y with zl:! xi.iti.g~.tii-;~j nc?ii:;ui:cs .i.i\diccztcd i.11 this report and :;I)&: in c:l u C! c th P I; c: ];re a s :I :: o s VI i t 11 in t 11 c? g rad i nq and i.iripj:ov ( pla!lS COK this p::OjC?C:{: ,. I- r s (I bd i. v 1 s i G i~ z \/ 3.1 i h i-11.' e o n t 13 e c i!. 1; t h e ii ti C;.ll.i 3- o c 2 t. e d ii t r-7 * I ~ 4 3) A1.1. pub:!. tc j.~.~!~~~c,~~~~i!~~l~~~ S!IOW~I on the tcnt-.c\t- ive i;i:~.ji :SI I I i j.iistz13.cd CC~ICUI:K~~IL v:ii:h ti12 c:o!~st-ruct.i.on of t1-1~ f-i. shorild pl1arl;ing of uni. ts be recpc'sted I3y thc de\rcl!oj'" 44 ) 'Tiic: d~cvc1oj~cl1-r :.~l::~~l.l provide for .th? conr;t~ructior! c.!,? stj:ecst: ~~i~~~l~~\~~i~,~~:~~~ 0:: r~ci~ri!~tu~cI~ ~:veliuc FI:c!~ the SII.~? j. b0~111dii~>? i-\t F:I.i>,t F.v~?i~\.~~ LO the 1101:th ea.~t~rly t<>ri~\i1111 ' cx i s t i 119 TL?~-J c! I: ti 01; AV (3 !I 112 o 4 5 ) 'j?li c' d cvc 1 ope 1: SI I :-I 13. con s t: 1- ii c t: cl e s j~ 1 ta t. i oil b;i s i.17 r, of size and at-. 1ocab-j.an::; ti:: a~~p~rovcxl by ti-)? City E!I<J inc cl cvc: I. o;,c*r :; 1-1 ;> 11 c 1-1 t: c :: 4.11 t.c? a c3 c: :; i 1 t: ti t j. o11 ha :.; i. n 111 i! i. 1-1 t: agr ectiient ;ir~ci :;ul;ini t ;'i inni.tii:cn;!11ce hoiicl :.;ai-.j.:; Crtc:t.c.>!:y Ci Cy XTI~ j.I-i(!<?J: prj.c>i: Lo th~ CIJIJ~~C)V;A~ 01: tI-ic> II i1l~1.l. i!i:i)? ofl!-<:::j tc? tjorrc>vi :;it<>,; wliich 1i~~~l~ t,c. ut.j.:l i.x(.!d in Lhc: cun~;i:ri:c:t,< oil t.,!: tI-ii:-; ~)ro:jcc;t ;is rcq~ij..i:cL! by tl)~ City J~~.~C~~]PC~+L~ '~?I)C )~)I:o\~~c~~c)I>~~ (>f t:Iii:; <\:jt:~~:l\\~:i'it :;I)LXI.I. ~.il.)l> PC Ri:so I!C-J, ?(I 0 c1 ... 7 - I >.' I .is. 2 3 4: lj G 7 .8 9 1.0 '1 ." 1 I) .. 0 0 66) yi1c: ~>~~l~~y of t.1:~ sui.>jc(:i: j?r~p~rtjl ~ha.l.1. C>:C!C\I~~ C? 1-101.d h ~3 l:~!? 1. (2 5 .cj ~l<j 1-f: (JI(!(:' i; t: 1 ~ard i.ng di:tij.~~~:qe ac):o:i:; the adj i:c ~~o~~~~!j-~y plriol: t-.~ ~.pr1;:0\721 ~f t~i~ fLn;ll ~nj~?. . 4.7) ~hp City CouilcliI. \];is iicqGiwd fn~.i.:ii 1:i.c~ to I;~~O~IIW TC \qai:~>j: ar)(i i:; i20j.llg ~1 ji?,;l:;'Cc!r plilr1 for I:I-Ic< II:.,C ci- 1rc~1.ci.i. i.! i: t c 1: ,, :I 1-1 o 1- d e 5: t o i 1.1 5; 11 3: e E). :I i: d (> q u a t e VT ~i t. ci r .c; u p 1:) 3. y f c: cj.ty <-i1;d this C;::-~~:l~pn;e;~i; i .* it. IiIay I~c ~ICCC?:<:.;:~~;J ~OI: the app.I. :;.c*c\Y~ to ur;e 'J.!)7y?e I rc?cJ.;iiii!cd wc\ter iii tile CC)Z?;C.Oi-l t.he :;ubd j.17i:;j.c;i-i' 'rhi:; J?;:O~CC'C sl>i:::l.l. conpXy \:it!) 'c!~c: I: ln p r1 i: :.; 0 I_ L 1-1 c 1: (2 c .I. L.:. I. n? c: d v: 23 t c I: I;? 2 i: .i: P 1: 1' I. 2 11 Z: :; ~1 d (5 13 t C: d 1.j y Counc:.i.I. D :rf t.hc c):l.:;.n so provj.ilc:; r" thc ap;~:t ic~rit ::!IC:\ 3 eo 13 s t. 1: 12 i' i: d I: c; 1. :-; 17 ;: i-. el:? r, for I^ c: c 1 iz i n:c:<'! \!ai-- c 1: j. n a c cox d ;; r ~it.].c 1 .I of the! pidr,iiri i::tr~tive Coclc and cik.y r,i:.:.a~;di~.i.G: cov (2 ri n 15 'i. s r c CI ; : d j. t i. o 1-1 c r: !i d r e s t r i. c :: i c) 11 i; f o L t 1 I e s LI 113 :i. \7 i ..;i.~ii!..]. J?I:c)v~.~~ for a IIC~:~';.G;,!~IC~C~-; a. re.;pon:=1.].,1.1.;.'i~ jjor- thc US: of I:P i1~-fi?C?cl water a1-1d for n13. i. i-: i-. e 1; a r! c c c? ;.; :j o p e I: z i: i o ; 1 o f t 11 C? .c; y s t C' rfi -i 1.1 E c c o i: d :?. il c (2 st;:n[j;:.i:d:; iil tj:e p\7.crii-. a ;:eclzj.i;;<?a wzter s>':-;~.P~R j.:; ~:CC .* OC .i ;:t j-3i-I v; i. t 1-1 th (2 I. . ~ . yfl C c ;I 'i y ~2 11 (1 j. li :i c >: ~i, 5 17 1: (2 q~ j r c t 1-1 c i 1.1 s t 21 1 E). t i on c f s 1. i' c cl:oss?'.;ig pCJ;.1-it.s 'io ].?I:cX7.ic;e for ti!=! possib:Llity or. rc~c3 \.iai-~i: !;c>r\~ic:z LO ;~y~~~rtjip~ ~dji~~~i~t t.0 thi~ dii~i~i011, 4 x; ) , '13 (? il c; 1) c 10 p:! :: s c:e for z.:LT the ncce:;:;31:y off: ... -, 3.4 3.5 TG 3.7 F2cij-j. i:y, :;i.lOul c; the i(?vC:3.opel: ;;e g::;Intcd p?rIi?iSc..ll.:>n c.!.o!;ji!t: s!!aI:! pxo\~j.dc a.rlp ati<iitionaI. e: .- I Cc~cj,lc:i1. 'io trj z F: r 1.1.17 co :I il c: c k k o t 1-1 c I< I 1 c' i 1.: ii S c VI i? r 'J' 1: ( ' F:) (1 .i :!. i. t-. 17 t.h c: &TI (j j j-l\jL)l:<j\7(:y;:~: !lec:cs:;;-.l.i:l' to coi1\7r:y the SC\J?~C 'i.0 i?13 cj~c.<.l?;i t:rlil>];1il:e f~ci1i.t.y c In aGdj.ti.on t-.he di.veI.~p~>~r y~C;~~!.~:~fj to \ij~q;.;,c:;e c?..n!,j 1;c11:t ioil of t.he e:: i..;::iny 1':n~:I.n~ trui:];;. j.112 fc.cilj.'~y IIcCe5;S:lj:y to r,i:c;vent t:hc> e>:i.~ti~~<.!; j:~~:~;ik-y a.~ ZI I:CSU~'C of t.11~ added f1GiJ C~:UCI I 1 ., -1 3. c, 3 4 64 0 *, 53) AJ.1. ~:cquil:c<d fj.1~2 Iiyc!r~111!::; p \;~t\ter m;:ij.iIS GI>~ appu?:t~n;iri h C? OY, 2 1: i: C-. .iL o 1.1 i3 I.. 13 X i. c r 'C o C: o 1:: !j u s i-. i. I:, 1. e b ~1 .i 1. d .i 1-1 g I!I ii t C? 1: i. d 1. s 1-ocated on the projc:cis site- 54) 1\11. priv;:!sc c?.rivev:;ivs sh;i:l.I. be kept ~3.c~1.r of parked VP all tiincs I ant1 s!Iz.I:I~ !.iriv~ )>DS~C;CI 'i?<~) I'~.r~~j.rl~/~~~~.?~~ Lnnci %OT:P'' pu:::;~~<lni: to S;:ci:icjn I 'I . 04 D 04.0 p Cz~irl~l~~lL! i4uiiicipz I 33) 1- ~j re xc:t:;rl:daj?'i ::ocJ~s ?:.KC' irccjuirec? 01.1 a1.1 :;tr\.i~i:~r~s 5 5 G " .9 9 1.0 .L d! :12 3.3 :I. 4: . 1.5 JG 3- 7 :I. 8 :19 20 2 2 2:l 23 24 3 r- I., I) 26 2rfJ 20 .. 1 !j 6 ) c I 11 :; 1 I c 1 (t 2.1: cis 11 c c c; I.! :?.I. 1 h e J?. s. i 11 t n j. 11 c (? v? i t h i ii a 19 i 1-1 i. ~i 1.1 13 i ci f 3 0 f e C? t t 0 c a c h i: (:: G i (3 (? 13 c e c 5'7) Al.1 fi.?-e a].;irn syskc-r,!~ r fj.ro hj7d):;1ritS, ex~i.n<l~!i.::-iincj ! i-\1t;oj;\?-tj.c SI:,;~.:~.I~];?~~!:S, and ot!icr systci~ns pe~ri:i.~~e~~t to i p:ior to coil si-.i- ii 21:. ioi-1 m project :~!.I>>:LI 13:: cBciJr.lLkteij to tjie Pire ~epsri P:;.~:ks and Reci~eatj o;i : __-.__..-_._.-._.___ L-.--- ____ ___.. 53 } !phc? l~I>d$$~n~)i-n<~ a.lcJ 1 the cdyc of tile fii'cure Irj-glit-of '11 -, .- -, 1- ii c;; TjVenLle ;;i>c; :I.n iivc!I:le cl-!e:ll. cor;lpljT \r5.L11 t::c cArLle ,, Re c 1: e ;j i j- (j1-i 171 ?iI:t~.iF!>t i s strzc>tscape thcmc F !jS ) Th ~f I>O;>C~C;Y~!~~I:' s ii~ c i 2. j: i o 1: s 1-1 a 3.1- 11 i-esponsi h:!e to ii! the J.an:i~;cc:pc tKC, cnt up 'io the c e oC 21.1. pul31.i.c :~icle?.7&1.l<:; ' GO } "he ~~~vc~.cI~c!x ~11:iTn a:ppI)~ 3.i1d CJ~I:J!I~I-IF~'LC 211 z,~-~~?ITovcC~ c for Ewi.111:2 co11sid:y~.tio:1 ;:i?:! aJ.3. off-sitie boir;:c;.i.i a;:c;: ~~-~~-l-I,)~l~~: ~1i;jJ.l j>P pe?:for~-!c$ dj.1:t.ctl.y aft.elr thc ~:GC:I?.~!- as part 02 t11e c::Tc?';iGn contra_!. llltaL;1?rc 011 Ll3.3. cj-i-cid.;c? opera 1: 3. Oil i s O\' e7: I 6'1 ) ?ill SI.OPC la~~dsc,:pincj :;IIL?:LX provide: ci:'fccti\r~> cI~OSl.Oi COI>~].)~ viii.11 the C;L.Z;.IV~I:L? II.i.11.~ I,IL:s~cI: P~;!I> 01-1 f 5.i:~' p: a~id h~? t!~~i.qj-l~:d to i;.lnI;p n visui;l t,i~~l~~i~<it~.o~-~ CI~GXI t:-.hC ir e y tl 'i a t i o 1; t o zi c ii 1. i-. i \' ii t. e ii 1 a. i~ C; s c ii 11 C: o 11 1: i o ;I to c c c: ii ;J 7: i-! c 17 CJ f: ii 11 4' 11 n i t .c; 1.; .i. t I> j. II t. 11 i r; p ;: o :j o c t r a ppl I;. c: ;i ii t s 11 2 J. .i 1. n I':. I: a 2.1. t VIO 1 i $3 h 1: c3 d I eo 11 c: r c k. c t. c ri I? i. .cj ii~ PCI: jil:t>v j O~IS ~t~l~c~i~,cl~t wi.th thc ~ik~ or otI>crr i~i11) of CCJI~.~;~ VC~I.L~ to tile s;ltisfactiol~ OE .the r).iI:cctor o Y!C c: 1: c il t: i (3 11 e 1 1 G7.) ! j .? ' 02 pI.cnti.i-~cj ai~d m;\i.nt:.rnanc:~, C-hc ~oriii~i01.1 G3) For ]~~.11.)-~or:er; a 1: e n C; :-; 11 ii I. 1 1.1 c c: 1. ;I I; z; i fl i ci d ;>. c co r tl i. n g to CI i t y ('0 i I 1-1 c i :L 2 3 a6 co1. low:; : 11 ) TI] (? :: t. c: cp I: hl-><> s ;. 11 t.h c no c t-h PY~) aiid \Gjc <; 1. ('1 I: 11 p(j 1- tIic :;.i~c sIi;iI. i. Ijc cI.n:;:.;iiiccl ;IS ulid.i.!;!~l~l_l.)ctf 11;it:I v c! <I ( I I: ii C i. o i-1 Q -9 Id I//// ' J'C 1:l~So b!O. anon i s 2 3 4 ti 6 ' 8 9 10 3.3. 3- 2 13 14 15 X6 * e B) The 2:l mzn-made slo2es adjacent to the steep sl be classified as supplemented native vegetation. C) The slopes zrlfacrent to Tarnarack and Elm shall be classiEied 2s refined vegetation. 64) All street trees shall. be selected fron the streeL t apprcvred by the Pa-rks and Recreztion Department. AI trees shall be planted a minirilurra ot 10 feet froin cur feet from sidewalks. I PP~SSED~ ~.PI?~?,OVED AMI ADGPTCD at a recjular meetir Pla.nnirig Coirur,ission of the city of Carl-sbad, Cal i-fornia, the 25th day of August, 1982, by the foll-owing vote, to I AYES : Conqissicnexs Marcus F Jose, Rombotis, Raw1 ins NOES : None AUSElGT : ABSTAIN :: li3ne C h a i r man l? <=i r L'QW ; Coinm i s s ion e r S c h l, e h L ??La, 77.-%JUA,. L -..-.-----La--.-.--- - MARY P!'?iPLJ s , Pro "em, CARLSEA PLkK"rIT1'JG COX! 0 a 20 2 1. 22 23 24 25 26 a7 28 CG;IL<ISS~ON t IT RESO N3. 2008 -10- I I .- .@ '. !B I\, ii") -F@f.;; /;ye!?$ p-j !x.] \)L! h+-A ti- .. &. .. .. h! " .. ,, . .. .. .. 21 _____ . ____; ___-. -- --- ---l ,. .. ... ... -..; ... m:y '/ .. . : .. .. .. .. --.--. ..j j mm: .. .. .. --._____-.-- -.--- -- ... .. . .-:.-.; 1.- .:; .. I. . : . .. - ', .. .. .. ., .. ,. .. .... .. ,I ., 1,' ... I' ' .. *. r , \y;r .;- \; c; ;), ;:\I '-i; rs --___--- --. .-----..--.I-- (--*j--. 1; ;:..* 'I q$ / c ;> 1.. ;! 7 ='a c' 1 .: (;,:I ;> i,. N il e l__l,_,__l_l_____l___ .-.. _--.--------.------ I .. ,. .. ,.