HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-05; City Council; 7169; ESTABLISHING INDEBTEDNESS OF REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND APPROVING REPAYMENTcI* ' In mZ d c.I rl o* brn a, .a 0 Z'd a, *4J rJ2 c4 28 a a a,c -PO c4d Om am a-rl -4 0 uu FI 4 30 Orl U i+ mcw II hl(u tom coc3 II acn 2 I- o 2 a $ 8 z 3 CI&F CARLSBAD - AGEND~LL DEPl AB# y/d 9 MTG,,ln/r;/87 OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND APPROVING CITY CITY DEPT. RE D TITLE: RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING INDEBTEDNESS REPAYMENT SCHEDULE. RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council approve Resolution No. 7~2.3 establishing the indebtedness of the Redevelopment Agency to 1 City and approve the repayment schedule. Adjourn and reconven the Housing and Redevelopment Commission to adopt Resolution [\ ITEM EXPLANATION In April of 1976 the City Council was declared the Redevelopme Agency by adoption of Ordinance 1192. At that time the City established a policy of appropriating an administrative fund f the Agency. This was made as a loan to the Agency. This mone is subject to certain terms and conditions which are setforth Carlsbad City Council Resolution No. 3958 (Exhibit 3). To comply with the conditions in the resolution the total amou of the City loan to the Agency must be established and a repay receive the first installment of tax increment funds from the County of San Diego. At that time, the Redevelopment Agency w begin to repay the money annually loaned to it by the City Cou The City Council is asked to approve Resolution No. 7023 establishing the indebtedness of the Redevelopment Agency to date and accepting the repayment sched In th future this will be done annually concurrently with the Agency budget approval. The Council sitting as the Housing ant Redevelopment Commission should also adopt Resolution IJo. /5 FISCAL IMPACT This action establishes a repayment schedule to the City of $235,000 advanced to the Redevelopment Agency since 1976. EXHIBITS 1- Resolution No. -7823 of the City Council 2- Resolution No. 1s of the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelo Commission. 3- Resolution No. 3958, dated July 6, 1976. 4- Statement of Indebtedness schedule adopted. In January of 1983 the Agency is scheduled - a- e 0 ,I ' RESOLUTION NO. 7823 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' CARLSBAD CONFIRMING ITS INTENT WITH RESPECT TO AMOUNTS APPROPRIATED TO THE CARLSBAD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE FOR REPAYMENT OF SAID AMOUNTS AND THE PAYMENT OF INTEREST WIT3 RESPECT TO THE OUTSTANDING BALANCE AND PROVIDING FOR THE SUBORDINATION OF THE OBLIGATION TO REPAY SAID AMOUNTS TO ANY OBLIGATIONS OF THE COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO BONDED INDEBTEDNESS WHEREAS, this City Council has annually appropriated SUI for deposit into the Redeveloprnent Agency Administrative Fui as a loan to the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopmenk cormissic (the "Commission'') to pay for the administrative expenses ai overhead of the Commission in the total amount of $235,050.0( and WHEREAS, this City Council desires to confirm its inte with respect to the character of these sums as a loan to t: Commission, to establish a schedule €or the repayment of sa sums and to fix an interest rate of 10% calcuiated against t outstanding principal balance thereof; and WHEREAS, this City Council desires to provide that t' Commission's obligation to repay said sums from tax increme received by the Commission in accordance with California Heal & Safety Code Section 33670 shall be automatically subordinat to the obligation of the Commission to pay the principal of a interest on any bonded indebtedness of the Commission secur by said tax increment. does hereby resolve as follows: NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsk Section 1: This City Council hereby confirms its intc that amounts appropriated for deposit into the Redevelopmc Agency Administrative Fund to pay for the administrat: expenses and overhead of the Commission in the total amount $235,050.00 have been appropriated to said Fund as a loan the Commission and constitute an "indebtedness" of t Commission within the meaning of Health & Safety Code Sect: 33675. Said sums shall be repaid by the Commission e e ( I' accordance with the schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "A" incorporated herein by reference. The Commission shall pay interest on the outstanding principal balance of said amount at the rate of 10% per annum. The Commission's obligations as set . forth in this Section 1 are subject to the receipt Of tal increment allocated to the Commission pursuant to Health 6 Safety Code Section 33670. Section 2: The Commission's financial obligations se forth in Section 1 hereof shall be automatically subordinate( to any obligations of the Commission to pay the principal o and interest on any bonded indebtedness of the Comissio: secured by tax increment allocated to the Commission pursuan to Health & Safety Code Section 33670. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a/reg2P ar meeting of th City Council of the city of Carlsbad held the 294-h da of Septembes - 1982, by the following vote, to wit: ad' urned AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Anear and Chi NOES : None ABSENT: None 7JLw J &4L Mayor, Cip of Carlsbad ATTEST : %&YK%d /$!4;..75- / &ky Cle'rk, City of' Car-lisbN 1 1 -2- 9-24-82 3198P/2084/00 __ __._.__ ~ .-.._ - --- .---- .- -.-. -.___ _.____ ~ , .. - . :I >' * .. -- -______. . ,. . . i. ---.. . 0 e RESOLUTION NO, /< RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION APPROVING THE TERMS OF THE REPAYMENT OF CERTAIN AMOUNTS ADMINISTrnTIVE FUND BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROPRIATED TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad (thl "City Council" ) has annually appropriated sums for deposit inti the Redevelopment Agency Administrative Fund as a loan to th Carlsbad Housing Redevelopment Commission (the "Comnissionn ) ti pay for the administrative expenses and overhead of thl Commission in the total amount GE $235,050.00; and WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted Resolution No. - '/2 confiril?ing its intent with respect to the character of thes sums as a loan to the Commission, establishing a schedule fo repayment of said suns and fixing an interest rate of 10% to b calculated against the outstanding principal balance thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopmer Cominission does hereby resolve as follows; Section 1: The Commission hereby acknowledges thc amounts appropriated for deposit into the Redevelopment Agenc Administrative Fund to pay for the administrative expenses ar overhead of the Commission in the total amount of $235,050.1 have been appropriated to said Fund as a loan to the Cornissic and constitute an "indebtedness" of the Commission within tl meaning of Health & Safety Code Section 33675. Section 2: The Commission hereby approves the schedu for repayment of said amounts attached hereto as Exhibit 'Ii and incorporated herein by reference and the Commission agre to pay interest on the outstanding principal amount thereof the rate of 10% per annum; provided, that the Commission obligations to pay the principal of and interest on the City advances to the Commission shall be subject to the receipt tax increment allocated to the Commission pursuant to Health Safety Code Section 33670. Section 3: The Commission hereby acknowledges that i financial obligations as set forth in Section 2 hereof shall automatically subordinated to any obligations of the Commissj -l_l e 0 to pay the principal of and interest on any bonded indebtednes . of the Commission secured by tax increment allocated to th Commission pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 33670. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of tlr Carlsbad Housing and Redeveiopment Commission held the _I 28th da o f September , 1982, by the following vote, to wit: Cmrkssioners Casler, Lewis, Kulchh, Anear and chick AYFS : NOES : None ABSENT : None LdL+& d LC- Carlsbad Housing ar nt Commission ATTEST : YL)./ y*4d ’? H using and Redevelopment Se retaryq Carlsbad Commission 9-24-82 3201P/2084/00 *. , -.. ... , . . .I -.I_ ~ -_. - .... :I. /'I 0 -3 4: 5 (i '1 ~~~~~(~~.~~J'~.'~~O~? NCI. _.__I____ 3 9 5 8 n 1XEsC)T,U'I?I 014 Or '11111;: C:II,';?Y COVPJCTi, OF TIIT? c 3: 'j'~ OF CI~I?.L SIX~D f CTJ.,:!: I?OIZN I: A AI? 3! IZOV IN G 1 ~LWC ~~~~'~~~)~?~-.~'.~~~r~':r.~~~ ov ~wms AS A I.,OAN TO . X 11 x c ;ii I ;I:, s 1-: z\. 1 j 3 13 i3;:v E r ,c) 1.) 1.; 3; 1,: '2 AG EN c Y ~1 I I iio u (; II -I T .,7 I 1- 1 7 y:i 1 1: ]{I= 1) J-:\;J c I.,( )P 1.1 17 t)1:! 1.) 17 1Wl.3. 'i" i', :!:: U $j2\I'I? I?C)P Ii :i' AT13 I) 13A I,fQ.< (21; 'JjlIC GjSNl71?AJ., 3'UllJl. _-__ __I-_ __ I ___.-___ I_ _.____-- _I--.-.------------ c.: J' A 11 Pl I F: :J. L 1 1-k~ 1 1. -I-\ 1 J IN ~u.r ,c; 11 a 11 i: to the (:;i 1. i_ f o .;n .i a e o~r~~!iun. i t y Rc? (3. cv e 1 o pmc n ir. cif:y C~yuy1.cj_l 1nay ,3ppr~pj:i.at.c to a scdcvcl.o~~fii~n k aqe11~:\7 suc 8 a:s the City Ccunci.l clcc-1:ns nac:essary for the adrninistr;rtivc -. 1.0 8/ 11 12 - 13 ancl 0v::rhez;d of the Agency . paFd to the Agency as a loan to be repaid upon such ter111s That lab! penn5.t.s such afi!oun.t: conditj-ons as the city council rniry p-ovide t i<oig, ~~I~E:U:FO:RE, E]': IT RESOLVE11 by the Carlsbad Cit: I as. foll.ows : 3.4: 55 . JG Js7 .. J 8 39 .I 1. ~hc :;cy, of $5, 000 i.s hereby appropriated as il the cxlz?mG licr?c'V'cloym?2-. AcjeRCy from the mapproprizte<l Gej)Zraj7 Fund to a specla]. fund i;ere?:>~ estah3.:i.:;hed as the I men:: ~9e;icy iidrni.n.istrati.x~e Funii. Yhc: ~'\edc'ircl.o~~~~,.ent Jicfenc: AdXinjs'cYatj-vc ~'i;n?i siialL I~C uses for adminj.r;trative c.:.:pel ovcr]le:ad of the ligency . In addj_t<.on to the co3hTino!l LlnderS- 2nd usus 1. ii1kerprcta-bio;2 of the term, "ai~minj.str~~~ive espc .inclu6.e~ , but .is not 1j.Ti.iLted to f expenses of redcvclopmcn- an d d is s c;ii i 12 at-_ io !I 0 f 1: e de v ci 1 opne n -t i. n f o r~na t ion . The Agency shall. ~~1r!u~I.:l.jy suhmii: to the City Cs 2. 'm 2= 2% 23 24. 2:; 20 p Thc ~'C~IJ nic:nt ~g,r(:ncy suh j ect to siich conc!it.i.ons a;lc? rcstfici;.i.ons u cxpeni!i.i-ure or ~nc~liih~:cli~ce of the moncy as tl1e City COUIIC: appr opr j. ci t c . 3. Funds my he di;arsrn from <he Rcdcvc:lopmcnt J Agcn j.~{-.r~~:j.\~~! ]?und \:pori the r~<q~lc:;-L of t:hc .K I?CJC?IICY i:~) meet Or prep2 1: pc1 to 111~: i; t. t 1-1 c-1 n dnij. 11 j. I; t I- a i-. i.v c e :.: pc h s c s 02 i:hc A!! C? 11 c rilc:in:; of i-.he ~gc:.nc:y .f j.1.i ng (ci I:cquc?st for Pi'!ynic:nt wit11 th~? lpiyl;ji1(:e ~il:c.:ct.oj: ;l:lc~ pa j.ii k)y XC>;I~:; OC a W~~YI:~II~ api)l-ovc'cl Ci.ty Councj.1. , ,),-,t.jj 1)lldcje.~ of j.ts ;ldi:iin j.st1:a.t-ivc c:;perlsc~ . ! an?:lu;ll x@P' c .' ~>\ic~~~~ mcst 1le ac.:lc)j;>tecl )>y i-.~ie crtizy cour?ciI. a11c3. khe I .. I* i ' ' 4. 'r1ic :;\ti).\ s~,!-,~:c.)i'~-i.ntcc~ is to bc' piid * to t11c A:JC~I 2 '7 ;> .A> p I 1o;ln l;o 1,c rc!]';l.id a:; f(~~:l,~.~xv~; : a, siiuplc' j.nf.crcst s11aI.l. C?CCI:\I(J uiit:i1. p~~j~(1 at of i] T, pc]; i'L)111\111\ f):c)ll\ thc t-.i,lnP i\TIlollilk.T: ;)Kc! .I ' 4'1 :I L) e2 7 4 5 G 7 Is 0 '.'I l2 33. :L3 ' 14: 1.5 16. I .. tl)~: Ac~c-:i)cy for de];jo::<-t h-L o tllc Ol>(:J:ij. 1:j.ncj J*'niid. b. T1.i~: L~II!OUY~:; p2ti.d i:~, tht? A~~IIIc>~, a:; \*:C:I.I- as ~CC:YII<:~. i:l~C?TC!Z.: t:, ::;;jcill ' E>C! I'Cpd id by. t:hC A<jClic')7 f~'3:o~il f~l~i!:; MO~I i C: .c; the Agc'l~lc;3' ' \.;711iC!l bC'C!Oi31C? ~.Vil~.~.;~11J~.C to ]?r?y {:.1'1!2 COT; kS, 3.C)<lJlZ , C? C'~V ~i 11 c C! CI to , oi: i ~1 d(;I.)t.~? if j> C! G s :i: i~ c u 17 1: C; d I.)lr , ' c. T f 1-10 f'iinds !x?coinc> UV;I i l.ahl.c? for SYI.C:II pui:'poc:c; , the t 11 (: IS o 12 ey n pp r CI~~I: j. ;I 1: c: (1 ;I 11 ti i: c CI.: 1-1 c?cI .i. .I 1 1: cx: c :; t 11 c: e i! not be ~:epari.cl. 5. 'rhc l~,cjc:nc;y sli~t1-1 file ii .~clc?-..ail.c~d i:c?port. of nl.1 it:; .. l-.ral-isac-~:i.ons, :i.i~c~~~.~dii:~~ ;I :; I:ateriic-!;: i-. oi: a1 1. ~cv(1-111uc.s a.ic? c;:IJ.J~J~<~:I --. tiirc::; at ;HIXI~JC!~ j.i~tcrva.1.s on or I~ci~corc Sc~pter~kr 30, as of cticli YC~CLJ; ojld.i,1y JUI~,C 3 0 . PASSEJI , 2:PP1<OVE!l, AND AIX?I~''I'EI:, at ~t i?cgul;rr irlcc!ting of the City Coiinc~l. of the City OC Carlsbad 1iel.ci 01: thc -_I__-- 6th day of tl 1J 1 Jr , 19*IG, by the follo;+i.iny' vote, to wik: _I.- __I_-.. --..-- AYES : Counci 11!.i2 t> Frazcc ; Lewi s , Packarc!, Skotni ck-i and NOES : 1. I Coiinci 1~/0nian Cas1 er 'I I4 o I? e - AJ3.C;lWI' : i,; 0 11 e ' . 22 23 2 4 25 26 2 '7 2 c; .I .. % v .. j! '1. { 1 ,' ,_ 2. F? Ct Y> 0 t3 I -1 4.0 4. . -P, c> r) LC. - 0 r+ (.J 5' (.> c-> s.v r;) u yc J-; ri. L? -.h w ri- P G SC r? 0 (9 A* c;o GJ zc -3 4. p C.r,'\,\,\*'%,.\ 13 ** --..-...--.\--.-'\ %.. '.*. 4, \ x-\ \ 'W a 0 -, -- .J - -s ' - r, C' G? 3 -tl c r:, \ *% 44 --\ \-.- *\ .4. CI.,, -.. -.- .--. 4-\ 4 --. ---, '. *----.\--.\\ 0 c-j b-0 c CO p. . . 10 rt rt I m. 0 F~ENORANDUM TO: Marty Orenyak, Building Official i FROM: Ron Beckman Drew Ai tken , Acting Housing & fiedevel aprnent Director Assistant City Manager/Develop~enta7 Services DATE : October 30, 9987 SUBJECT: CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION Effective blonday, November 2, 1981 and until further notice:, Marty Orenyak, in addition to his duties as Building Officia’l, shall assume administrative and management responsibility for the busing and Redevelopment Department e Drew Aitken shall assume responsibility for the !.!.larragment of the Community Development Program and shall assist Mr, Orenyak in the transition of departmental administrativz and management Functions. Mr. Aitken shall retain the acting appointment of Hausing and Rede- velopment Director until further notice. The attached organization chart has been tentatively approved. Mr. Orenyak shall have the authority to make such transfers and actiFg appointments as are necessary to effectively execute program assign- ments, as shown on the attached organization chart. RAB/cI e cc: city Manager - Ass4 stant City ?!anager/Adrnini stration Finance Director Personnel Director Planning Director City Engineer- Hofjsing & Redzvzlapment staff At-Lact?mertt NO ACTiOPJ - ,+PI 4 + ‘ c’ e e M E MO R A N D U M Assistant City Manager/Developmentaj Services F TO: City Manag era FROM: DATE: October 30, 1981 SUBJECT: REORGANIZATION OF HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DEPARTbENT E E COMM EN DAT I ONS : 1. That the Building Department and the Housjng and Cornmun.r’ty Development Department be consolidated under the direction of the Building Official. An organization chart with rec- ommended position classifications is attached. Creation of the new position of Community Development Manager (salary range $909-$1 ,I 36 biweekly). That Human Services be transferred to another Department. Retention of a qualified consultant on an “as needed’l basis to assist in analysis of organizational efficiency and goal achievement e 2. 3. 4. 0 I SCUSS ION : In the course of analyzing the operations of the Housing and Rede- velopment Department, several alternatives were looked at. The following is a list of those alternatives and some brief discussion as to their suitability. 1. Leave Department as is, fill vacant positions, including Director, and proceed to implement recently approved programs. tive was not recommended because it did not provide for the most efficient use of personnel and general fund monies. 2. Turn over entire operation to the County. This is not recommended because it is not thought to be politically feasible, would not guarantee retention or acquisition of additional low cost housing units, and in the past has proven to be most unsatisfactory, parti- cularly when considering the County’s frequent change on pol icy issues. Separate Housing, Redevelopment and Human Services functions, abolish or reassign to other Departments. not practical in that it would minimize coordination between Housing and Housing Element administration and could possibly result in the de-emphasis of Housing and Redevelopment issues in favor of other more direct departmental concerns. This alterna- 3. This alternative is w e October 30, 1981 REORGANIZATION OF HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Page 2 4. Reorganize Department as proposed, but consol idate with other than Building Department. While this would allo~ us to reach most of our desired goals, it is unsuitable in that no other Department Head has experience in dealing with Housing and Re- development programs, the federal agency and other involved agencies as has our Building Director. He is also in a position tive management speed with minimal negative impact on his exist- ing operation. at this time to assume the responsibilities and get up to effec- 5. The alternative as recommended. REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation #1: A. The Building Department is the Department most closely related to Housing and Community Development. The consolidation would eliminate one full-time position, the Director. Direct supervision of Section 8 housing would be provided. B. C. D. The Building Official has had experience with the functions of Housing and Community Development in other cities- The Building Official could devote administrative time because: (a). (b). E. The Building Department is operating efficiently. The economy is depressed, and the usual major projects being built at this time of the year (housing) are not underway, although commercial and industrial projects continue. F. The Building Department's continuing plan check contract with Esgil Corporation relieves the Department Head of many time-consuming meetings with architects and enginews. Recommendation $2: A. The position of Community Development Manager would provide for the hiring and retention of a qualified person at a salary range cam- mensurate with the position's responsibility. It would allow for effective management of the Community Development team and for more efficient use of its personnel. *- w 0 October 30, 1981 REORGANIZATION OF HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Page 3 Recommendation #3: A. Human Services supplies community needs and is more closely related to the Library, Parks and Recreation or even the Police Department. Recomrnendati on #4 : A. Nould provide for short-term use of a qualified objective expert to help analyze the ability of the proposed organization to meet our goals e FISCAL IMPACT: Present Housing and Redevelopment budgeted salaries $289,668 Minus Human Services Aide ($23,333) 266,335 New Housing and Redevelopment suggested salaries 187,878 Salary Savings 78,457 Analysis of Personnel Changes Director position reclassified to Community Development Manager. kdmin- istrative Assistant I1 and Secretary transferred to Redevelopment. Humar Services Administrative Aide transferred to another Department. Housing Program Manager reclassified to Administrative Assistant II. Adrninistra- tive Aide deleted. Administrative Assistant I reclassified to Adrninistra tive Assistant 11. Current number of budgeted positions = 9. New argani zation number of positions = 7. DIVISIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY: A. The Community Development Manager will be responsible for Redevelop- ment and will supervise Block Grant s Rehabilitation and irnplementatic of the Housing Element. This position can adequately handle present redevelopment issues and provide administrative direction to Block Grant, Rehabilitation and the Housing Element. ble are currently nat able to implement Rehabilitiation or Housing Element programs. new Managw position and the realignment of the employees under his/ her supervjsion will provide capacity for these programs. This posi- tion should be supplemented by a consultant employed at the discretic of the Departttmt or City Counc-il when large-scale promotional activi are undertaken o Block Grant, Rehabilitation and Housing Element implementation have been grouped because they are closely related. management 1 eve1 required to head this sub-section. an Administrative Assistant 11. The B. There will be a semi- We have seY ected e 0 ' -3 October 30, 1981 REORGANIZATION OF HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Page 4 C. HUD states that the 240 housing units in our Section 8 sub-section can be handled adequately with two employees provided there is field inspection support. gram Manager. have shown it could be filled by an Administrative Assistant 11. The current budget provides for a Housing Pro- \de have examined the duties of this position, and we D. Interdepartmental support will be provided as follows: (a). (b). Grant Accountant (one-half time) would provide continuous financial support. Planning Technician (one-half time) would provide support to Redevelopment and progress and implementation of Housing El ernent D Building Inspector (one-half time) would provide all required field inspections permitting Section 8 personnel to concentrate on administrative work. (c). CONCLUSION: During our investigation it became evident that a rapid solution must be found. fied existing personnel. This can be accomplished under Section 6, Per- sonnel Rules and Regulations. A contract consultant will be employed within ninety (90) days to determine how the sections are operating and to suggest improvements or changes to the Building Official. Per your directions, we are implementing our recommendations immediately. RAB/cl e Attachment Me suggest that provisional appointments be made from those quati cc: Bui 1 ding Offici a? Acting Housing and Redevelopment Director - .. _. - .. - . .i -. I a-, * db GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Division FY -8 1-8 2 FY -8 2-8 2 HOUSING Section 8 - Clear outstanding HUD - Develop Manual Pi - Computerize Sect.i - Implement Parkin! COMMUNITY DEV. - Establish and start up Design- Begin discussing Redevelopment/ Review Board tions for Proper- Acquisition Mid-: - Initiate Parking District Block Grant pass-thru. REHAB Housing Element Audit System - Maintain low vacancy rate discussions - Begin Promotion - Complete Phase 3- Sc. Construction - Complete Phase 1 Commercial and Ii - Complete Sidewal - Expend 4-7th yr. - Chase Field Par1 Rev. Plan - Complete Sr, Housing Project - Begin Streetscape Const. - Begin construction of - Coordinate with Planning Sidewalk Program on Housing Element implementation funds Start-up - Facade Program : - Undeground uti1 - Inititate fundi for Multi-Modal Turn-Around 0 PI x 1.3 3 p- A % D U t5 Q . DATE: ?iXarch 5, 1980 TG : City :ilanager, ?rank Aleshire FEOZI: Rousing Ec Redevelopment Director, Jack E. Yenthorn - ;@ 1 .,,' SUSJ: ADVERTXSEP'ISNT- CAIPLSBAD JOU?JJAL B'ARC9 5, 1980 Below is a clipping of the article that appeared in toda:r's copy of the Carlsbad Joarnal, Redevelomen t Prog p hono es 438-561 1. cc: City Clerk Bill 3aldt;j-n e MEMO RAN DUM * DATE: March 3, 1980 TO : City Manager, Frank Aleshire; and All Departments i( FRON: Housing and Redevelopment Director, Jack E. Henthorn d SUBJ: RELOCATIOH OF HOUSING AND REDEVELOPME3T OFFICE The relocation of the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Office is now complete. The office, formerly located at 2777 Jefferson Street, is now located in the Harding Street Community Center, 3096 Harding Street. The office's phone number has not changed and information is still available at 438-5611. Your assistance in directing public inquiry to our new address would be greatly appreciated. JEH : a1