HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-19; City Council; 7099-1; Public Facilities Fees Management SystemUT’. JF CARLSBAD - AGEND, JILL 79 0 3 AB# 70 ‘?9 -&I TITLE: DEPT. HD.Jc-PJ- MTG. 10-19-82 CITY COUNCIL POLICY NO. 32 PuBixc FACILITIES -MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DEPT.R/A Group RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt by minute motion Policy No. 32 which establishes the Public Facilities Management System (PFMS) . ITEM EXPLANATION: On July 27, 1982, the City Council approved a rec- ommendation by the Research/Analysis Group to establish by policy the Public Facilities Management System (PFMS). PFMS will monitor the impact of the demand'for public fac- ilities created by new development. The PFMS, as an infor- mation system, will also coordinate the Capital Improvement Program, the Council Goals and Objectives, and the Operating Budget. The attached Policy No. 32, in addition to estab- lishing PFMS, also establishes the seven public facilities, as well as each minimum service level to be monitored by PFMS. One change should be noted relative to the recommended service levels contained in the original PFMS staff report. The service level for parks has been modified to include standards for Special Use Facilities and Special Resource Areas. The change was made to make the park service levels consistent with the park standards contained in the recently adopted Revised Parks and Recreation Element. FISCAL IMPACT: As noted in the Agenda Bill accompanying the July 27, 1982 PFMS staff report, the estimated annual cost to operate PFMS would be approximately $16,000. EXHIBITS: a. Policy No. 32: Public Facilities Management System. * .; I CITY OP CARLSdAD c . . COUNCl. POLICY STATEN3lT . General Subject: PUBLIC FACILITIES Specific Subject:PUBLIC FACILITIES XANAGEXENT SYSTEt:! (PMS) c Jitlicy No, 32 (page I of 2) ..- Date Issued 9-28-82 Supersedes No, Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PURPOSE: 1. To establish a management system (PMS) that monitors the demand for public facilities that results from new development. 1 2. I To establish seven public facilities - water, sewer, parks. library, 'circulation and administrative facilities as-those to-be monitored by PFXS. T I . . . 7 ; t i 1. To establish demand standards as the minimum acceptable service levels to be utilized by PFZS. . 3ACKGROUYD. A . . The City Council, for a number of years, has been concerned about the impact of new development on the city's ability to provide public facili- . lies and services. .City Council has taken several steps to ensure the availability of public facilities concurrent with need as mandated by the zity's Public Facilities Element of the General Plan. Council established ?olicy No. 17 and the concept of the Public Facilities Fee to provide a par- tial funding source for facilities demanded by new development. In concept, the'method of calculating the Public Facilities Fee (PFF) percentage req- Aires an estimated building permit valuation for all new development that Jill be constructed between now and buildout. The total cost of unfunded Eacilitfes needed by that new development is divided by the estimated permit valuation resulting in the PFF percentage. Council also-established the Comprehensive Planning Program which included Growth Management. The city hired the private consulting firm of Sedway/Cooke to prepare an Interim Growth Xanagement Report. . The Interim Growth Management Report recommended that the city continue collecting the Public Facilities Fee and also establish a system to monitor the demand for public facilities. City Council directed staff to explore ways to implement the recommendations contained in the Interim Growth ?lan- agement Report. To that end, staff prepared the July 27, 1952 report that recommends the establishment of the Public Facilities Management System (PF? ‘. STATEMENT OF POLICY: It is the policy of the City Council to establish the Public Facilities Xanagement System (PFNS) . The Pm4S will provide an informational link to decision makers, which will coordinate the Capital Improvement Program (CIP), Goals and Objectives, - -- d. I '( J: ,' , CI%Y OF CARLSBAD I ., COUNCI, 201,ICY STIATEMENT - General Subject: PUBLIC FACILITIES Spec-ific Subject:PUBLIC FACILITIES VANAGEXEKT SYSTEPl (PFHS) I 32 (page 2 of 2>1 -.e 1 Late Issued t- 9-28-82 I -----A C a r P n m C t b b TI a epics to: City Council, City Hanacjer, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File nd Operating Budget. ,The PFHS will monitor the impact of new development or ublic facilities. Periodic PFMS monitoring reports will provide early wax- ing regarding public,facility needs prior to the CIP preparation.. The PFMS monitoring will also aid the City Council when they review and adopt the ity's goals and objectives each year. Expansion and upgrading of facilities .hat are identified in the PFMS monitoring report as becoming inadequate can le made a priority Council goal and objective. Information from the PFMS will also aid in coordinating the operating budget with the CIP. The same PMS information that will give decision lakers an early warning on public facilities needs can also be used in assuring the availability of maintenance and operation monies from the oper- lting budget for thosepublic facilities. It is also the policy of the City Council to establish the specific' jublic facilities as well as the minimum service levels which will be moni- - :ored by the PFMS. 'The following is the list of public facilities and their ninimum service levels that will be monitored by PFMS: t. Water :: Sewer Parks k. Library 5. Fire Protection 6. Circulation 7. Administrative Facilities * - Demand fully uses the design capacity. - Average daily flow equals des‘ign capacity. ' - At least two acres of developed community parks, 2.5 acres of Special Resource Areas, , and 0.5 acres of Special Use Facilities - At lea&O.6 square feet per-capita. '_ - When 1,500'additional units are within five- minute response time of a future fire station that station should be built. - .Traffic volume should be less than 90% of road capacity. - Facility space should be at least that for the target populations listed below: I Space Requirement in Sq. Ft. Target Populations 64,540 P.' 35,000 101,000 60,000 115,000 100,000 The details of PFMS are outlined in the July 27, 1982 staff report to the City Council titled: Public Facilities Management System. 3