HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-09; City Council; 7200; Alternative Alignments - Los Monos RoadCIT'ipJF CARLSBAD - AGENDATIILL CONSIDERATION OF ALTERNATIVE ALIGN- 9B# 7200 MTG. 1 1 /9/82 MENTS - LOS MONOS ROAD DEPT.ENG I RECOMMENDED ACTION: DEW. HD.,-~!&L CITY Am&% CITY MGT- If Council concurs with the staff report, instruct staff to prepare an amendment to the Circulation Element of the General Plan to relocate Los I4onos Road along alignment B. ITEM EXPLANATION: Los Monos Road is shown as a secondary arterial on the General Plan connecting Melrose Avenue on the east to College Boulevard on the west. street has been designed or constructed to date and the surrounding land is largely undeveloped. None of the A number of events have occurred since the adoption of the General Plan: previously residential land along the eastern part of Los Monos Road has been designated planned industrial; the City has purchased land for its operations center' that needs access;and a Circulation Element Study has been completed that recommends relocating the road to El Camino Real. Exhibit 1 shows five alignment possibil.ities. general plan and alignment B is recommended by staff. Alignment A is per the existing On October 8, 1982, a meeting between staff and all the adjacent property owners was held to discuss these alignments. The minutes of the meeting are attached as Exhibit 2. Staff will present a detailed oral report .at the Council meeting describing each of the alignments, the pros and cons, the cost of each and effects on traffic. ' FISCAL IMPACT : The costs of each alignment and potential fiscal impacts will be discussed at the Council meeting. EXHIBITS: 1. Map showing possible alignments for Los Monos Road. 2. Minutes of meeting with adjacent property owners dated October 26, 1982. P ,, .. DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES 0 Assistant City Manager 0 Building Department (714) 438-5596 (714) 430-5525 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 0 Engineering Department El Housing & Redevelopment Department 514) 438-5541 3096 Harding St. (714) 438-5611 e;y;,W&yrtment October 26, 1982 William Newton & H.D. Frizielle Beckman Instruments 2500 Harbor Boulevard Fullerton, CA 92634 This letter summarizes the positions taken by the various parties at the meeting of October 8, 1982 concerning the future alignment of Los Monos Road. Bill Newton, representing Beckman Instruments, strongly opposed alignment B which would bisect the Beckman property. He stated that either alignment D or E would be acceptable to Beckman Instruments. Bernie Fipp, representing the Koll Company, felt that alignment B was the best alternative because Palmer Way had been designed to handle the amount of traffic that would be carried by Los Monos Road. He felt that alignment C was less desirable because the roads in the southern portion of the Koll property had not been designed to handle the amount of traffic that would be carried by Los Monos Road; Mr. Fipp stated that alignment D would be the least desirable because, if it crossed El Camino Real into the Koll Property, it would necessitate the relocation of extensive underground utilities. Real and enter the Koll property he did not care which alignment was utilized. If Los Monos Road did not cross El Camino Dennis Carroll, representing the County of San Diego, unofficially indicated his preference for alignment B, Jack Kubota, representing the Costa Real Municipal Mater District, stated he had no preference, but questioned the effect alignment D would have on the water district’s property adjacent to El Camino Real. Mr. William Newton & H.D. Frizielle October 26, 1982 Page 2 Barry Bender, representing Carlsbad Oaks, stated that his client did not care which alignment was utilized as long as Los Monos Road went along the north side of the canyon within the Carlsbad JSaks Property. Kent Whitson ar.3 Richard Allen of the City of Carlsbad presented the City's position on the various alignments. Kent stated that the main purpose of Los Monos Road was to eliminate congestion at the intersection of El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road and to provide an alternative east-west route for industrial traffic to get to the freeway. Alternative A would bring industrial traffic through future residential neighborhoods and adversely effect an environmentally sensitive area. Alignment A also would get less traffic from the industrial area and have a minimal effect on reducing congestion at the intersection of El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road. Richard Allen stated that alignment E would not be feasible because of the steep topography it would have to cross and the fact that the existing roads it would have to utilize going through the Inter-American Properties were not designed to handle the amount of traffic that would be carried by Los Monos Road. Kent felt that alignments C and D would do little to relieve congestion at the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real, Both Kent and Richard felt that alignment B was the best alternative to provide a parallel, route to the freeway and alleviate traffic congestion at the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real. Kent also stressed the importance of keeping at least a half mile distance between .* intersections along El Camino Real. If you have any questions or comments regarding chis information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, MIKE HOWES, Assistant Planner MH/ar cc: William Newton, H.D. Frizielle, Bernie Fipp, Don Agatep, Barry Bender, Jack Kubota, Dennis Carroll, Mary Casler, Frank Aleshire, Ron Beckman, Michael Holzmiller, Richard Allen, Kent Whitson, Bill Hofman.