HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-16; City Council; 6888-2; APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP FOR CARLSBAD TRACT 81-47, UNIT NO. 1 (THE CAPE AT CALAVERA HILLS) AND ACCEPTANCE OF A GRANT DEED FOR PARK SITE AND AN EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES-- AB# bh-=rJ fl-d2 TITLE: MTG, 11/16/82 APPROVAL OF FIFJAL MAP FOR CARLSBAD TRACT 81-47, UYIT NO. 1 (THE CYPE AT CALAVERA HILLS) AHD ACCEPTANCE OF r, G?A:!T DEED FOP, PARK SITE DEPT. EfiG AND \\!I EASEIIE'I' r3'? ?OA3lIAY PURPOSES D El c11 CI1 *. . W > 2 a CL 9, 2 0 I c 0 Q 2 g 3 00 CIT-SF CARLSBAD - AGEND~~LL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 701- 2 accepting the Grant Deed for park site purpos Adopt Resolution No. 70,53 accepting a grant of right-of-way easement fc of Glasgow Drive and Tamarack Avenue; and approve the final map for Carls Tract 81-47, Unit No. 1. ITEll EXPLANATIOM: As a condition for development of Carlsbad Tract 81-47, Unit No. 1, the d was required to secure the dedication of an adjacent park site consisting imately 8.7 acres. The location and size of the park site were original1 the provisions of the Calavera Hills Master Plan. An additional conditio development required the developer to secure the dedication of two offsit easements to provide adequate access to the subdivision. The developer h all but a small portion of the required dedications and has presented the Council acceptance. The small portion which has not been secured is a 0. parcel owned by Costa Real Municipal Water District located in the middle proposed park site. The dl has bonded for the removal of this pump station as a condition of approva development. Costa Real has submitted a letter indicating they are commi completing this dedication to the City so long as the City agrees to a1101 operate their facilities until such time as the new facilities are put in They also request the right to salvage their equipment and facilities. S bequn preparation of the necessary documents and will present them togethl the additional dedication at a future Council meeting. If Council aDprov final map at this time, the Cjty Engineer will hold his signature until s as the remaining dedication is submitted. Engineering staff has completed checking the final n;ap of Carlsbad Tract Unit ;lo. 1 for conformance with the State Subdivision Map Act and applicat conditions of the tentative map approved by City Council on February 16, Council Resolution No. 6792. FISCAL IHPACT: The assessed valuation of the park site to be dstiicated to the City is 67r $41,300, including the future Costa Real dedication. rhe approved CaFi'ia' ment Program shows a budqet figure of S1,253,000 for comnletion of the pal improvements. Upon completion of the park site improvements, the City wi incorporate the park site maintenance into the overall park maintenance pi All other public improvements associated with this development will be in: the developer at their expense. Upon acceptance of the public improvement City will need to incorporate their maintenance. intp the ongoing facilitic tenance program. Developer will pay public facilities fee. EXHIBITS: I. Final Map 2. Vicinity Map 3. Letter from Costa Real Municipal Water District 4. 5. The site is currently used as a pump station. ordinances of the City of Carlsbad. The final nap conforms substantially n- - Resolution N0.7ad accepting the Grant Deed for park site purposes Resolution N0.7063 acceptina a grant of right-of-way easement for F of Glasgow Drive and lamarack Avenue. m 0 OLlYENHAlN RD. EXHIBI P 0 WOODSIDE/KUBOTA & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2465 Pi0 Pic0 Drive P.O. Box 1095 Carlsbad, California 92008 (7141 729-1 194 November 8, 1982 HAND DELIVE Mr. David Hauser Engi neeri ng Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Carlsbad Tract 81-47 -- Unit No. 1, Villages C and D The Cape at Calavera Hills Costa Real Municipal Water District Dear Mr. Hauser: Our offices have had a number of communications with respect to policy decisions of the Board of Directors of the Water Distric the procedures that will be appropriate for the existing "B" li pumping station to be dismantled and the actual site quitclaime that the City of Carlsbad's proposed park site will be clear of Water District facilities. We have previously discussed the ar ments that have already been made for the relocation of the pip that now traverses the park site by the developers of the Carls Tract 81-47. First of all, in the original proceedings with Mr. Roy Ward of Calavera Hills, it was agreed that the District would abandon t existing pumping station site in favor of a new location at the minus of the existing TAP line (this is at the intersection of Elm Avenue and College Boulevard), As part of the implementati the master plan for public water system facilities for the enti area, a new combination pumping station, pressure-reducing stat and electrical co-generation station would be constructed at tb site. We are pleased to report that Mr. Cedric Sanders, succes to Mr. Roy Ward's group, has executed a grant deed for this neb station site and the District has accepted same. This document now being processed for formal recordation. The Water District and the developers of Carlsbad Tract 81-47, tops Unlimited, have an understanding and there is now in effec letter agreement that the developer will be responsible for thc dismantling of the existing pump station site. We have establi value of $75,000.00 as a reasonable financial obligation on thc of the developer to do all of the work that is appropriate to ( the existing pump station site. A more formal agreement betwec District and the developer is now being prepared and in the met a financial guarantee for faithful performance is being forwart EXHIBIT In Orange County, Santa Ana I) 0 4. ', b- Mr. David Hauser City of Carl sbad CONSULT1 NO November 8, 1982 5 Page 2 EN01 N EE RS the Water District by the developer. On the basis of the proce to date, the Water District Board of Directors is prepared to r quish ownership of the existing pumping station site to the Cit Carlsbad at a time that is appropriate for the City. Insofar a District's needs are concerned, the pumping 'station can actual1 removed from service after the completion of the relocation of pipeline which will interconnect the existing system of Lake Ca Hills Unit No. 1 subdivision with the new pipeline systems of C Tract 81-47. Insofar as the dismantling of the pumping station concerned, the District should allow at least a period of six m to have all of the work accomplished. In the event it is deemed appropriate by the City of Carlsbad t the entire park site as well as the pumping station site come u the direct ownership of the City at this time, we would recomme our Board of Directors that our relinquishment to the City proc immediately provided there is an agreement that permits the Dis and the developer to perform our activities for the removal of of the facilities. These entire proceedings have been rather c and we fully recognize that the developer's interest and the Ci interest merit our full understanding and cooperation in reachi respective goals. The Water District's next regular Board meet will be held on Wednesday, November 17, 1982, and so we invite review of this entire matter and in the event you wish to have Board consider this matter at that time, please contact the und at your earliest convenience prior to that time. We trust that this information is of value to you as you contin process the subject subdivision. We have all worked very hard this project together and we are very hopeful that this pumping site and park site matter can be concluded in a timely way so t tops Unlimited can receive final approval of their new project. as all of the public water system proceedings for the subject s are concerned, we reconfirm with you that the development and t District have completed all of the proceedings that are appropr this time, r''VTtru1y yours, & %k zh? lil Y;. @;a, / \ Di st ri ct Engi neer Rea Municipal Water District cc: Costa Real Municipal Water District L?Y Treetops Unlimited Rick Engineering Company , San Marcos Mr. Cedric Sanders, CESCO Mr. Roy Ward, Lake Calavera Hills Mr. Dave Bradstreet, City of Carlsbad - Parks Department JYK:paf ^...._ -- ^^^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1% 13 14 515 3-6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I) e RESOLUTION NO. 7062 A RESOLUTIOIi OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF - CWRLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 9 ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED. WEREAS 9 CEDRIC E. SANDERS has submitted a Grant Deed conveying real property t of Carlsbad for park - Pl -- Deed -is on file in the Office of the' City Clerk; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the CSty of Car'lshad has determine in the public interest to accept said Deed; NO'+!, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Councl'l of the City Cal i -Torn fit, as foll ows : 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Grant Deed conveying real property ___- -- of Carlsbad For park herebb accepted. 3. That tile City Clerk is hereby authorized to cause the orig be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego Count. California, with the appropriate Certificate sf Acceptance attached PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carls Novmkr 1_1_- 9 '19 - 82 by the fo Council held on th2 -- 16th day of to wit: AYES: NOES: Nore Council PCmkrs Casler,* Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescc ABSENT: None LflL7 d. P? f4ARY I?. C@LER, Mayor ATTEST; -_ 122i..zy ___. ~'k&LLL /8uZLw ALETtIA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Ci ty C1 erg ti-..-? 1 , 3, 2 v 0 RESOLUTION NO. -- 7063 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSGAD, CALIFORNIA, --_ ACCEPTIraC -____I_-- A GRANT DEED. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 13 14 15 CEDRIC E. SANDERS ______ bJllERERS , has subnii lted a Grant Deed conveying -an easement OF Carlsbad for road PU’ tl Deed is on file in the Officc of the City Clerk; and WEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlshad has determine in the public interest to accept said Deed; IiW, THERETORE, EE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City California, as follows: I. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Grant Deed conveying an easemLnt of Carlshad For road - - I hereby accepted. 16 1’7 18 1-9 20 211 2% 23 24 25 26 27 2 c3 1 3. That the Ci ty Clerk is hereby authorized to cause the origi be rcJcurdcd in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County 2 Cal-i iwnia, with the appropriate Certificate of Acceptance attached. PASSED, APPROVED FiJD ADOPTED at a regular rneetqng of the Carlsi; , 1982 by the fol I 1 I Counsi1 held on the Eth day of Noventer to wit: AYES: Council I\.Qikers Casler, Leh7is, Kulchin, Chick and Prescot rims: one ADUSENT: Kkme 9 -&&5q-2 d&&J MARY Ii. ($SI-ER, I\”lyor RTTTSl : - -- aoL--d. &d7--- -9- ALLIilA 1.. INIJ m!f@WL, City C I crk (seal)