HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-14; City Council; 6577-5; Goals and Objectives Status Report- CITY 'GF CARLSBAD - AGENDA LL 2 0 I- o 0 Z - a 2 0 F 0 a =! 0 z 3 0 0 TITLE: CITY COUNCIL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES STATUS REPORT AB#b577 RECOMMENDED ACTION: No action is requested. This is scheduled an information item. SUBJECT MATTER: The City Council annually adopts a set of Goals and Objectives to guide the development of the City's operating and capital improvements budgets. This report presents the implementation status of the current fiscal year Goals and Objectives. The Status Report has been prepared by the Research/Analysis Group staff, based on information provided by the person/department assigned to specific objectives. In January, or February, 1983, the Goals and Objectives should be cumulatively reviewed for the entire fiscal year by Research/Analysis staff, and a new program of Goals and Objectives considered by the City Council. Questions the City Council may have relating to the status of individual objectives should be referred to the responsible staff person, or dep- artment, designated to implement specific objectives. FISCAL IMPACT : None. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Goals and Objectives Status Report. H cn 37 ~n Zh om 2: Ha, dk ou .. .. H z E 3 p: 0 c3 !2 W z W c3 ZIIIIII wvvuuvu rn m m a, k l-4 a u (0 *d w ma dC aa 0 bD- aokaa,o P a, ku m'c am a, l-l c 04 3w ha a m I- us ou m 03 I cu 03 0, c m CT) cn 4 .. a, U (d a a a, m .rl 3 2 M C .rl 0 MI c- .o F M .rl C 0 0 M M c F: 0 0 .rl .. LJ .A u a, .d 4J tn .I+ E 5 u fd h U -#-I 3 .rl U t, td 0 z U (d 0 z -VI I rl & rc hl I I N c\1 .2 & II I acu a, urc k a, P B a, 0 a, F1 .. N 03 cn rc a, r, a a, U P) n .. N m 00. m f4 .. a, U a Q a, u a Q a, m .d ? a, cl:. u 5 rl PI u .rl .w .d 0' a, a VI a a C 0 .rl a a, X w a 1 M 4 u a 0 5 4. cr) I N IC d I N IC rc I 0 4 rl I d I a N I 4 I a 21 . Za, 3rl M C .rl 0 00 G 0. M C .rl 0 M G 0 BO c .A 0 bo G 0 bo C .rl '0 M G 0 M G .I4 0 M G 0 ? 6" .rl 0 0 WU .. 3. n Ll 0 .rl G a, m 5 d rl a 0 u aJ-rlom a .;-Imoa,c TI c urn E.: 0 U. c0.G G -rl a rl c) G .rl 0 U a a, L1 a k 0 a m ua .rl m a. .c uhu a, *.-u c m I-( c)a a-rl a, c LGaJ uma, M U G a, E. arm da, wc 3E a,a .d a rl a I c3 ww Jlm m 22 .rl 5 .rl . l-l a . -4 u G a,' a .rl cn a, k rl a 0 0. rlm i-ic 40 32 40 Ma, oa, 3a uo G c .rl ah EO ak 0 cal aJa bD EO c a k *rl ad 0 0 Uh N al UC 2 u gw .. .. k 0' w 25 U 4 a, .rl E +J 30 M m da, (da Gh ou .rl M C .rl m m. &a aJG ka rl I c\l I m N I N I m rr) I F1 I m 4. I N I Fn m 4. In .' I 4 I r( I I I I rl Fn rn m c, 0 aJ '3 0 L Q \ cn r5 t- =k aJ > s-, V aJ .r) 0 *I- .n * ru 0 c3 P I 9) bo .c .rl 0 bo C 0 M. G. *I4 0 0 2 M C .d 0 M c 0 c, L 0 a a, e v) J -c1 Id c, v, P L W c, L r5 f3 W i 0 I a 0 a CJ -do 4.1 0 u k (d a. (0 (d l-i (d G .*E a) u* m !4m I v) m (d a s .rl k u v) a, a. a)u aa, a, bLl ou wm ha, uu b(d a)& am a, E 0 .c (d a, k (d a, rc .rl P 2 WH - !z>z 020 r( (d 9 C (d E !& .rl m a, a u a 0 a 4 ca, ruu mo 5L Ll v be a0 ue Ga, wE CY m 4 I I vl P-l vl I I m F9 d I vl I I I F9 m VI I m I m In I cv I m I cv I m m . N bo M C C .rl .O 0 M M d 0 G. 0 .d .. I G au &a, F4M aJG a. 22 k a, aJ C .rl . ICI a, .rl E a, 0 .rl rl 0 F4 M C w a hC h V u .PI T- u M 0 I V H I z k iiiw 0 u ou uo a mFi a, .rl .rl a u c k. a0 k a' 5 a, .rl I4 z Eil -d m a, a aJ u rd .rl ' k a 0 k a a a G a k aJ a .rl . mm cm ob) uu OE uo w. W cn w E k a CU E oca VaJk EM J+ao (6.3 Fi uoa vu aJa r4 l-4 a0 E:: U *rl a 32 00 vw P4 I el I V I4 I rn I V rl I 4 I la l-4 I l-4 I V l-4 I c\I I V - 31 V PJ m ;'I V . .. m m m rf a a, m .r( 3 Q) & *. aJ u (d a a Q) m .I4 m ?a am &.-c M G .rl 0 M d 0 M G .rl 0 0 6" VI 3 -c, (d c, v) Ii! 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C' C k a M (d G s k k aJ M of C 3 Ei (d k M 0 k a 3 k : C 0 .rl m k .rl a s 5 tr 0 h PI 0 4. aJ R 2 . E -' of k M 0- Ll a VJ m a, c aJ k (d 2 6" .rl U LCI .rl l-4 a 0 .", 5 a 0 l-4 aJ a m U G a) a .rl m a, k. h u .rl V 0 U k aJ U U a, l-4 ; a, c a, a .rl k Pl m M G .rl U aJ a E rl rl (d s G u U $ E G k aJ. 3 0 M h u *I4 V c ,rl mu SW !40 M m I -3 I f.4 -3 I -3 I !34 rl I ln I f.4 c-4 I m I f.4 cr) I In I f.4 -3 I ln I !a rn I m I Fr, , .. . . _. -. v) J -w rtl -w v) .. aJ P . aI-4 u U a, *r) 0 a, P 14 u. 0 a,. 'r) P 0 n h w .rl 3 .PI u 0 (d v) .rl 5 c 0 h 3- U *rl .rl u '0 (d 0 C 0. I2 5 a, P .. .. k ,. , . : I- .* I In I crc .- ul 3 -P tu c, v) S *-0 *-tn &L -Pa ma CJ I m I 0 m I m I V m I d I V .I h a 0) u CJ m cn I4 CJ o 0 u C a, E a 0- u 0 GW d xu 0 aJ a! om P a, a ? a! c m a a al U C a, E a, I-+ 2 H C 0 n a aJ U a ?l a E 0 0 .r( n k a, .rl 2 M C w !4 k k a, lu k a, M a z aJ - aJ a, G C c -0 -Cn as- 0 C a 6 cy .rl M *I4 .d M M c c w W c w u .I4 h U .I4 .rl .I4 .r( .rl h U h u h U h U e s V V U V 0 G h lu am w 4 I In I V rl I. u3 I U N I a I u I4 I rl I n N I 4 I n cr) I 4 I cl a I U ?I - u -- 7 a Fc a, a, M r= 4 A U rl L 6, 1’. a 0 I G a, c3 a, 5 w 0 II 0.u .rl .A’ aFc av c a4 P 63 oa .d ua, as Eu k 2.6, .rl m 0 E-l m w I k .d 0 I k .rl I Fc .rl a ra a, w .”, v H W m 2 U G a, E 4 i -2 .d rl PI k %’ u a, 4J m m a a, k 0 w s h s4 a a, U a,. Sh. d I r-l I 13 ‘1 VI I rl I a .W ;’I rl I rl I W r( I cu I W d e4 . .I rrl I m I W I W .m I m I W d I m I W ln I m I W 0 rl c 7-30 aJ .P ++J nJ aJ Er- a#- a ME ma wu .e 0 0, 'T7 0 L M C ..-I 0 M c 0 bo' c .rl 0 bD c 0 .bo c .d 0 M c '0 M G .rl 0 bo c 0 0 a a 1 'm I w rl a, m '0 ii Y 9l.l -- ai, a,a, md M I ro I rn I W I- I rn I w m .- I +l I w 7 W rl I 3 I w N I 3 I W m I e I w v) J c, td -CJ fn M d .A .. 0 0 6” M C .d 0 M C 0 ,M C .A .. 0 M C so rl a 0 E ul rl 0 rl I rl I Frc N I I4 I Frc d I hl I Frc hl I N I Frc m I N I Er-l -: I cv rl 4 I N I crr I4 cv I' -1 m m I Frc I crr 4. I m I crr -- I rl -4 I I -j. -3 1 I Lu crr I" m r4 bo c .rl 0 0 6" M c .d 0 M c 0 M d .d 0 M C 0 .. I c* u vom I .i c 5 0 rl 84 .d k k (d u u (d a r( a, c h .- '-5 $ a, P a, c 5 hG ala0 3 a *d Gk 00 uW vlm *r( k a, hU uu *d 3 voc) M .A al d 3 0 m h u u. u -4 .d .rl .d .d u V V u u h u h U 'h h F-l I 1 u .d rc 0 !& e v5 oal k oa am G '(d L4. . m M c .rl u J H i: a k bo 0 k a u z 3 0 u h, E a, b E5 ala,' CM ). I-* u H rl rl (d c C 0 *d m k aJ ? -ri .a 2 3 0 h CL 0 A. aJ > al n m I 4- -I Fr rc P4 I I ln m I I Pi Pi m \n I I In m I VI I I I Pi k4 R 4- I -j. I Frr TI k . -1 7 .. m cg I CN co 0, v -z 3 0 0 I. v) 3 c, (d c, v) c, 0 aJ -r-J 0 L R \ Y 9) > 0 cu 'c) .n 0 -sr: r- r6 0 (3 ... . : .. , Claude A. Lewis Girard W. Anear CITY OF CARLSBAD GOALS AND ORJECTIVES Fiscal Year 1982-83 CITY COUNCIL RONALD C. PACKARD, MAYOR Mary H. Casler Ann J. Kulchin FRANK ALESHIRE City Manager The Carlsbad City Council annually adopts a set of Goals and Objectives to guide the development of the City's operating and capital improvement budgets. The following set of Goals and Objectives were adopted by the City Council following an extensive public input process. These Goals and Objectives are contingent on funding. Implementation of specific goals and objectives are subject to approval on a project by project basis, and dates of implementation may vary depending on financing and changing city priorities. -. TARLE OF CONTENTS GOAL A. UTILITIES MANAGEMENT: A-1 Long-Range Water Plans A-2 Water Enterprise Assets A-3 Sewer Metering Program B. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: B-1 Growth Management B-2 Housing B-3 Redeve lo pment B-4 Design Review C. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY: C-1 Agricultural Preservation C-2 Noise Control C-3 Air Quality C-4 Lagoon Management C-5 Energy Conservation C-6 Beach Erosion D. TRANSPORTATION: D-1 Street System E. HUMAN SERVICES: E-1 Human Service Planning E-2 Library Service E-3 Park & Recreation Services E-4 Senior Citizens F. GENERAL GOVERNMENT: F-1 Intergovernmental Relations F-2 Incentive Programs F-3 Productivity Improvements F-4 Crime Prevent ion F-5 Citizen Participation / PAGE 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 7 10 10 11 11 12 UTILITIES MANAGEMENT GOAL , A-1 Develop long range plans and programs to assure am adequate sslrpply of water (both potable and ron-potable) for the community. Objectives: A-1-1 Develop a comprehensive plan for provision of water service to all Carlsbad residents. (Utilities Director) (1982) A-1-2 Implement City of Carlsbad Master Plan for treatment and reclamation of wastewater. (Utilities Director & City Engineer) (on-going) A-1-3 Renegotiate service area agreement with Costa Real Municipal Water District. (Uti lit ies Director) (1982) GOAL A-2 Develop policies and programs for the management of major water system assets mot currently used for water service. Objectives: A-2-1 Retain water rights in San Luis Rey Valley and Kelly Field. (Utilities Director) (on-going) A-2-2 Develop a long-range plan for the beneficial use of the San Luis Rey well field through cooperation with the City of Oceanside for treatment, transportation, and for exchange of water. (Utilities Director) (on-going) A-2-3 Develop a policy regarding utilization/disposition of Lake Calavera property. (Utilities Director) (1982) A-2-4 Form a Public Utilities Commission to advise Council on matters pertaining to water, sewer, water reclamation and related utility matters. (Utilities Director) (1982) -1- GOAL A-3 Develop a program to meter Carlsbad sewer flow to Encina Plant. Objective: A-3-1 Purchase and install meter system for Carlsbad sewage flowing into Encina Plant on lines where effective. (City Engineer) (1982) -2- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GOAL B-1 Insore orderly and predictable growth so as to enable City to provide required services concurrent with need, Objectives: B-1-1 Implement growth management program as part of public facilities management system. (Planning Director) (1982) B-1-2 Adopt Agua Hedionda Specific Plan (Planning Director) (1982) B-1-3 Be responsive to amendments to local coastal plan offered by property owners. (Planning Director) (on-going) B-1-4 Revise City's Zoning Ordinance (Planning Director) (1982 1 B-1-5 Develop programs to provide sidewalks as appropriate in developed areas of the City. (City Engineer) (on-going) GOAL B-2 Make available affordable housing for all economic segments of the Commanity, Objectives: B-2-1 Implement housing element of general plan. (Planning Director) (on-going) B-2-2 Continue to seek additional funding for maximum allowable rental units under Section 8 Program. (H&R Director) (on-going) B-2-3 Follow regional guidelines in establishing number and types of assisted housing. fHhR Director) (on-going) B-2-4 Reduce processing time for residential developments. (Planning Director) (on-going 1 -3- B-2-5 Develop an inventory of the number, vacancy rate, and rent schedules for apartments in Carlsbad. (P lanninp Director) (on-going) B-2-6 Encourage development of mobile home condominiums within the City. (Planning Director) (on-going) GOAL B-3 Create a pleasant, attractive, accessible environ- - ment for living, shapping, vacatian, civic, culttnral, and service functions through restoration and new private/public development farms which preserve and enhance the existing character of the village area and surrounding commnnity, Objectives: R-3-1 Adopt Design Manual (H&R Director) (1982) B-3-2 Acquire property for pedestrian pass-through on State Street. (H&R Director) (1982) B-3-3 Encourage diversified residential development in and ad.jacent to redevelopment project area. (H&R Director) (on-going) B-3-4 Develop incentives to maximize the redevelopment potential of private property in project area. (H&R Director) (on-going) B-3-5 Develop bus transfer terminal as part of redevelopment project. (H&R Director) (1982) GOAL B-4 Improve the aesthetic quality of new development. Objectives: B-4-1 Consider an appropriate design review process. -4- .- ENVIRONMENTAL OVAL ITY GOAL C-1 Encourage economically productive agricultural land in the City's sphere of influence. Objectives: c-1-1 Participate with coastal conservancy to determine use of improvement funds from apricultural subsidy program. GOAL C-2 Achieve and maintain an environment wbich 2s free from excessive or harmfal noise, Objectives: (3-2-1 Continue regulation and enforcement program for off- road vehicles. (Pol-ice Chief (on-going) c-2-2 Work with County and Federal agencies to develop noise control program for airport. (Planning Director) (on-going) GOAL C-3 Iwp1.emeat tbe Regional Air Quality Strategy- Objectives: C-3-1 Develop plan for preferential parking for car pools at City Hall. (City Engineer) (1982) C-3-2 Organize public/private study team to promote the use of alternate transportation methods for major employers in City such as van pools, and subscription bus service. (City Engineer) (1982) (2-3-3 Cooperate with Chamber of Commerce to encourage development' of improved transportation system at Plaza Camino Real. (City Engineer 1 (on-going) c-3-4 Continue to implement City-wide bicycle plan as indicated in City General Plan. (Citv Engineer) (on-going) -5- GOAL C-4 Encourage development of lagoon management plans in cooperation with state and local agencies to achieve and maintain desired water quality standards, reduce siltations preserve wildlife habitats, and enhance recreational opportunities where appropriate. Objectives: C-4-1 Work with coastal conservancy to complete lagoon manage- ment plan for Buena Vista Lagoon. (Engineer) (1982) C-4-2 Implement a study for management of Batiquitos Lagoon. (Planning Director) (1982) c-4-3 Implement a lagoon aquatic program. Promote recreational programs jointly with YMCA at inner and middle Agua Hedionda Lagoon. (Parks & Recreation) (1982) GOAL C-5 Encourage continued energy conservation program for Carlsbad, Objectives: C-5-1 Implement energy audit of City facilities. (Maintenance Director) (1982) GOAL C-6 Protect local beaches from erosion. Objectives: C-6- 1 Develop program in conjunction with other agencies to reduce erosion of beaches. (City Engineer) (on-go ing 1 C-6- 2 Support state legislation to appropriate funds for beach erosion control projects. (City Manager) (on-going 1 -6- TRANSP ORTATTON GOAL D-1 Provide a comprehensive street system to serve the present and fatare needs of Carlsbad, Ob j ec t ives : D-1-1 Extend or improve collector streets and arterials throug? the older developed areas in the northwest quadrant of the City. (City Engineer) (on-going) D-1-2 Provide major components of circulation system as required by new development in the northeast, southeast, and northwest quadrants of Carlsbad. (City Engineer) (on-going) D-1-3 Improve traffic safety and flow along major city thoroughfares. (City Engineer) (on-going) D-1-4 Update the circulation element of the General Plan. (City Engineer) (1982) D-1-5 Develop plan for information and direction signs located in the public right-of-way. (Planning Director 1 (1982) D-1-6 Work with Chamber of Commerce to develop directional sign program for 1-5 corridor. (Planning Director) (1982) -7- . -- HUMAN SERVICES GOAL E-1 Provide human services t'o the commmaity, Objectives: E-1-1 Prepare draft Human Service Element. (City Manager) (1982) GOAL E-2 Provide library service to all areas of the City, Objectives: E-2-1 Continue to improve library service to the southern area of the City. (Library Director) (1982) E-2-2 Reevaluate Library Master Plan. (Library Director) (1982) E-2-3 Continue program for establishment of new library. (Library Director) GOAL E-3 Acquire, develop and maintain parks and recreation areas/facilities for all segments of the City and promote economically diversified recreational oppor- tunites for all, Objectives: E-3-1 Adopt revised Parks and Recreation Element of General Plan. (Parks & Recreation Director) (1982) E-3-2 Promote interagency coordination and cooperation of community recreation service organizations, school districts and other such agencies. (Parks & Recreation Director) (on-going) E-3-3 Develop funding strategies for land acquisition and development. (Parks & Recreation Director) (on-going) -8- t E-3-4 Encourage and promote development of recreational facilities by private enterprise that may be used by the general public. (Parks d Recreation Director) (on-going) E-3-5 Expand recreational program and facilities in south Carlsbad. (Parks & Recreation Director) (1982) E-3-6 Continue and expand self-supporting recreational programs. (Parks 6 Recreation Director) (on-going) E-3-7 Seek volunteers in all aspects of Parks and Recreation programming. (Parks & Recreation Director) (on-going) E-3-8 Provide adequate beach access and parking in cooperation with the State Beach and Parks Department and other appropriate agencies. (Engineering Director) (on-going) . GOAL E-4 Promote improved facilities and services for Senior - Citizens, Objectives: E-4-1 Assist Senior Citizens Association in seeking funding for adequate permanent facilities. (City Manager) (on-going 1 E-4-2 Provide facilities for Senior Citizens Nutrition Program. (City Manager) (1982) E-4-3 Assist Senior Citizen Association in conducting trans- portation program for elderly and handicapped. (City Manager) (1982) -9- GENERAL GOVERNMENT GOAL F-1 Provide effective ways f.or the City of Carlsbadl _I_ to be involved im intergovernmental activities and programs and t~ seek to provide expertise to decision- makers and other governmertal jurisdictions, Objectives : F-1-1 Study and recommend measures to achieve consolidation of special district functions with City. (City Manager) (on-going) F-1-2 Review and recommend changes in City sphere of influence and jurisdictional boundaries where appropriate. (Planning Director) (on going) F-1-3 Develop improved communications and continued positive working relationships with the County, State, and Federal governments and other local agencies. (City Manager) (on-going) GOAL F-2 Improve personal satisfaction and productivity amongst City employees. Objectives: F-2-1 Implement suggestion award program. (Personnel Director) (1982) F-2-2 Develop commendation award program to recognize outstanding employee performance. (Personnel Director) (1982) F-2-3 Develop a Police Officer Commendation Program. (Police Chief (1982) F-2-4 Develop a Fire Fighter Commendation Program. (Fire Chief) (1982) -10- . GOAL F-3 Improve productivity and efficiency of City government. Objectives: F-3-1 Acquire land for additional facilities for new police facility and City service yard. (City Manager) (1982) F-3-2 Select architect and develop building and financing program for police facility and service yard. (Assistant City Manager/Development) (1982) F-3-3 Continue to improve administrative support systems (word processing, records management, graphics, and mapping systems). (City Manager) (1982) F-3-4 Continue to streamline procedures to reduce processing time for all types of permits. (City Manager) (1982) GOAL F-4 Implement crime prevention and reduction programs. Objectives: F-4-1 Expand neighborhood watch programs. (Police Chief) (1982) F-4-2 Establish counseling program for Senior Citizens who are victims of crimes. (Police Chief) (1982) F-4-3 Develop youth diversion work program. (Police Chief) (1982) F-4-4 Develop shoplifting awareness program, (Police Chief) (1982) -11- c GOAL F-5 Provide more opportaniries for citizens to be informed about community issnes and to participate in local government activities and decision making, 7 Objectives: F-5-1 Provide newsletter to City residents. (City Manager) (on-going) F-5-2 Continue to schedule town hall meetings to discuss issues. (City Manager) (1982) F-5-3 Periodically hold CoJncil, Board and Commission meetings in southern area of City. (City Manager) (1982) F-5-4 Involve youth in City government. (City Manager) (on-going) F-5-5 Develop programs to draw the southern and northern areas of the City closer together as a community. (City Manager) (on-going) F-5-6 Appoint a citizen committee to study and make recom- mendations to create a permanent private-public foundation, corporation or commission. The purpose of said agency would be to stimulate private sector par- ticipation in planning, funding, and developing resources to enhance the arts and culture, tourism, recreation, libraries, economic development and other projects benefitting Carlsbad and northern San Diego County. (City Manager) (1982) F-5-7 Develop programs €or Council consideration to utilize cablevision governmental access channels to communi- cate with the public. (City Manager) (1982) -12-