HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-14; City Council; 7232; Revisions to city Travel PolicyCIT OF CARLSBAD — AGENDA 3ILL rooo CTi CN00 CM ro CO ''--O O °° i oo Oz 1 AB# 7a3a-. MTQ 12/14/82 DUPT CM TITLE=REVISIONS TO CITY TRAVEL POLICY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review proposed revisions to travel policy. ITEM EXPLANATION: A City Council sub-corranittee has reviewed the city's travel policy. A revised policy has been prepared for Council review and discussion. The revised policy proposes the following changes: 1. A definition and procedure for reimbursement for local travel has been included. 2. The section dealing with lodging and meals has been rewritten into separate sections. 3. The section on meals provides for up to $35 a day for meals and incidental expenses. 4. The reimbursement rate for use of private automobile has been increased from 20C to 25C per mile. If the Council wishes to approve the revised policy, city staff will prepare the revised policy for distribution. FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of an increase of mileage reimbursement will result in additional cost for travel that cannot be accurately quantified at this time. EXHIBITS: Revised Travel Policy. C JY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: ADMINISTRATION Specific Subject: Travel Policy Folicy No. 2 (Page 1 of 5) Date Issued Effective Date Cancellation Date Supersedes No. (Dated l-lfi-79) Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PURPOSE: To establish a policy to be followed by Council Members, other elected officials, Commissioners, and all City employees when traveling on City business or to attend conferences. BACKGROUND: Occasionally, it is necessary for City personnel to attend meetings and to travel outside the city to conduct city business or attend conferences, Various modes of transportation are available and other costs involved vary considerably. To control the costs involved and to compensate individuals for actual necessary expenses, the City Council has adopted a policy on travel and meetings. DEFINITIONS; Out-of-town Travel shall be defined as travel outside the limits of the County of San Diego. Local Travel shall be defined as travel within the County of San Diego or within the southern California area that does not require an overnight stay. Conference Travel shall be defined as travel outside the limits of the County of San Diego to attend meetings or conferences that are primarily for the educational or professional enrichment of the participant and not to transact specific business of the City, but for which the City will receive a secondary or indirect benefit. Business Travel shall be defined as travel outside the limits of the County of San Diego at which attendance of the participant is required to conduct specific items of City business. City Employee means any person regularly employed by the City excluding elected officials and members of advisory commissions or boards. Commissioners means any person appointed by the City Council to an officially established advisory board or commission. POLICY IN GENERAL: 1. Requests for travel shall in all cases be limited to City business, or conferences and meetings from which the City will derive a benefit L TY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: ADMINISTRATION Specific Subject: Travel Policy Policy No. 2 (Page 2 of 5) Date Issued Effective Date Cancellation Date (DatedSupersedes No.2 1-16-79) Copies to:City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File through the attendance of a representative. Mere membership in an organization is not of itself a justification for travel authorization 2. Except for elected officials, commissioners, and Council appointed employees, attendance at conferences shall be limited to one representative of the City. Any number of elected officials, commissioners or Council appointed employees may attend conferences provided that funds for such purposes are specifically provided and included in the annual budget. The City Manager may authorize the attendance of additional employees at the Annual League of California Cities if deemed appropriate by the Manager and travel funds are available. 3. Conference travel for employees shall be limited to department heads, assistant department heads, division heads or positions of a highly technical or professional nature as designated by the City Manager. Every effort shall be made to avoid the simultaneous absence of """both the department head and assistant department head. Except for Council appointed employees, out-of-state conference travel for City employees shall not be authorized more frequently than once every three years. 4. Business or conference travel requests estimated to exceed $100 shall be submitted with the annual budget request. Travel requests approved during Council budget review do not require further Council authori- zation at the time the travel is taken. All other travel requests are considered to be unscheduled and shall be authorized as follows: A. Unscheduled requests for business travel within the state which require more than two full days and one night and all unscheduled requests for travel out of state require Council authorization on an individual trip basis. B. Unscheduled requests for business travel within the state of not more than two full days and one night may be approved by the City Manager. 5. Each council member, commissioner, or employee of the City who attends a conference shall file with the City Manager a brief report, naming the conference, the areas discussed at said conference, and knowledge gained from attendance at such conference that will benefit the City of Carlsbad. The City Manager will prepare copies of this report for distribution to appropriate officials. City Council members and commissioners will transmit their reports to the City Manager who 3 C-x'Y OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: Specific Subject: Policy No.2 (Page 3 of 5) Date Issued Effective Date Cancellation Date (dated Supersedes No. 2 i_i6-79) Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File POLICY IN GENERAL: (Continued) will effect distribution of copies to members of the Council and to appropriate City departments and officers. Each officer and employee of the City is expected to be as thrifty and prudent when traveling at City expense as possible. The City has only a limited amount of funds available for travel expenses. To insure that City officers and employees are able to travel when necessary to accomplish essential City business, travel funds must be expended in the most economical and efficient way possible. Unnecessarily lavish or expensive meals or accommodations are not justified and all persons traveling at City expense should carefully control expenses to minimize the cost to the City. Be conservative in your expenditures. TRANSPORTATION: Use of air, train, private car, or bus shall be selected on the basis of the least total cost to the City after all expense items are tabu- lated, including travel time salary costs. When the use of private automobile to points within 100 miles of the City limits is approved, reimbursement shall be at the rate of 25C per mile. If use of private automobile to points beyond 100 miles is approved, reimbursement shall not exceed the cost of a round trip coach or equivalent class air fare, or the most economical other means of transportation. When the use of public air carrier transportation is approved, travel for all personnel shall be in coach class or equivalent service. Authorized travel time shall be based on that required by the most appropriate mode of public transportation. Should an employee desire travel time in excess of the above, such time shall be considered and accounted for as vacation leave or leave without pay. While traveling, the use of rental vehicles is to be discouraged. Courtesy shuttle service, buses, or limousine service should be utilized between airports and meeting locations. Rental vehicles shall only be permitted when no other transportation is available. C..TY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: Specific Subject: Policy No.2 (Page 4 of 5) Date Issued Effective Date Cancellation Date (Dated Supersedes No.2 1-16-79) Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File LODGING: Lodging shall be obtained at the most economical rate available for good quality lodging. Lavish or oversized accommodations are not justified. At certain approved conferences, such as the annual meeting of the League of California Cities, there is an officially designated conference hotel or lodging may be arranged through convention or housing bureaus. Lodging expenses for spouses are not reimburseable and any additional expenses must be paid by the City officer or employee. Business related telephone charges which are added to the lodging bill may be reimbursed. No reimbursement shall be made for telephone calls of a personal nature. MEALS AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES: . . - Each officer or employee authorized to travel may submit the actual cost of meals, tips and incidental expenses for reimbursement up to a limit of $35 per day. The City will not reimburse the cost of any alcoholic beverage. Reasonable amounts for tipping may be reimbursed. However, reimbursement for tips should not exceed 15%. The use of room service for meals or beverage service is not authorized and no reimbursement shall be allowed for such service. For out-of-town travel, no reimbursement shall be made for breakfast unless such travel commences from office or residence prior to 6:00 AM, or is completed after 8:00 AM. No reimbursement for lunch shall be made unless such travel commences prior to 11:30 AM, or is completed after 1:00 PM. No reimbursement for dinner shall be made unless such travel commences prior to 5:00 PM or is completed after 7:00 PM. Actual amounts spent, up to the per diem limitation, shall be required to be shown on the travel report form. LOCAL TRAVEL: Reimbursement for the actual cost of meals will be made for breakfast, luncheon or dinner meetings attended to conduct City business or for local conferences. Local travel is to be accomplished by the most economical available means. If private vehicles are utilized, reimbursement shall be at C-^Y OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: ADMINISTRATION Specific Subject: Travel Policy Policy No. 2 (page 5 of 5) Date Issued Effective Date Cancellation Date 9 (Dated Supersedes No. i _i &_ Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File LOCAL TRAVEL: (Continued) the rate of 25£ per mile. For employees, use of private vehicles must be authorized in advance by the department hear. Local travel expenses shall be reported on the Monthly Mileage and Miscellaneous Expense form. TRAVEL REQUEST AN. .EXPENSE REPORT CITY OF CARLSBAD NAME REQUEST NO.ACCOUNT NO. TITLE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL MEETING NAME SPECIFY BENEFITS TO BE DER'VED BY THE CITY THROUGH ATTENDANCE TRAVEL REQUESTENSE REPORfa.XUJ _i UJ oc Destination Date of Meeting Date of Departure Date of Return Mode of Travel: [Check] [ ] Private Auto [ ] Airline [ JCity Vehicle [J Other ESTIMATED EXPENSES REQUEST FOR CASH ADVANCE AND/OR PREPAID EXPENSES PREPAID EXPENSESCONFERENCE RAy JO: ROR AMJ REGISTRATION $ TRANSPORTATION $ $ LODGING MEALS OTHER $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL EST. $CASH ADVANCE TO TRAVELER $ TOTAL CASH ADVANCE/PREPAID EXPENSES $ FINANCE USE ONLY DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE CITY MANAGER DATE DATE Q TRANSPORTATION TAXIS/GARAGE/AUTO RENTAL LODGING TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH MEALSBREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER REGISTRATION FEES OTHER TOTALS 1 certify that $ SUN MON TUES the foregoing claim is correct. WED THURS FRI'SAT TOTAL EXPENSE LE! Signature of Traveler Date ' " Approved By 3S CASH ADVANCED AND/OR EPAID EXPENSES DUE CITY DEPOSIT RECEIPT NO. DUE TRAVELER Department Head Date City Manager Date TOTALS $ $ 1 7 DATE:DEPARTMENT: VENDOR NO. CITY OF CARLSBAD MONTHLY MILEAGE & MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE LOG DATE MEETING LOCATION MILEAGE i OTHER EXPENSES Total Miles Name Title Mileage @ 25<Vmile Other _, . .... — rV/^l- n 1 T*T»/^ REQUESTED BY AUTHORIZED BY: