HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-21; City Council; 7048-2; QUIT CLAIM OF WATERLINE EASEMENT AND APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP FOR CARLSBAD TRACT 81-37 (EL CAMINO ESTATES)---I"------------ *..--.- AE#rnL/B,% I 'rI*;G: - "-----E ib1.i-G ._I_____ 12 / 2 1/82 ENG DE".__ __.-,_ WECOMYEN9EQ AC?'fO;".: ' QUITL'LAIF! OF WATERLINE EASEMENT -AND AJ?PROVAL OF FINAL hlAP FOR CWSBAD TRACT 81-37 (EL CAhIINO ESTATES) -/-_I_- map for Carlsbad Tract 81-37. ITEM EXPLANATI@N: As a condition for development for Carlsbad Tract 81-37, the developer IV c has already offered the necessary alternate easement on the final map. FISCAL IFPACT: Q w > 0 c 0. % by the developer at their expense. Upon acceptance of the public impro the City will need to incorporate their maintenance into the ongoing fa maintenance program. by the payment of the public facilities fee. EXHIBITS : 1. Final Ma? 2. Vicinity blap 3. Quitclaim Ueed The need for additonal public facilities will be 8 I- I- 8 -1 .._I 0 >< 3 0 c9 7- I '-.'.hA..Lw&-, Ci.-Y-U-..L --..-,-- _.i__ -, . . = -.-..i-------A--_~ ___I__L 0 0 . ~ I> - ,, 7-L- - Scofa : /-- LO' ----~--~----- --* --_-_.__ ___.. __ - ------.-- -----PIIS ..-___ - EXHIBIT 1 89'0 CbkwncrJ MsM md lu47prm9(7l4)563-9511 - rn m. cdm X123 L_/ (;: CafJs { 1230 Zlm Aver: Carl.L;Iz;lcl, Cj'i 92008 hV3 'iiHEN RECO2D5.9 MA11 TU r- 7. 1 ..%? c:IlY G;: C&!\I?I.'SE.\~~ I? (! 0 I I [ .>I AVlXX p '> ;\ /7 P! < e1 :" , ;, , T,T ('1'1 C~\ji/i~,j~j, \I), (:A .j~,[.ll'~ c I 1. s __ L -.I -_---^_I SPACE /\3ClYS THIS LINE FOX RTCORDEF?'S 0 4 - *"U -__ - __- . _-I&-.. ~^-r--r,d'IQ--u.--dl.l ( I E&-LjX.N'Z' 1 A s~rip 01 laid, 20 feet i:idc, located Ikthin that I'ortioii of Lot 1 sh tile e>ctlibit to Certificate of Coisplia~ice Case Ro. 286 its rccorcled on Sc 22 ~ 151~2, in the OIfice of the Co~rlty l!ecordcr of San Dj ego Cot:nty per Page NO, 82-293209, king a portion of Parcels 2 and 3 of Parcel b!ap I+ as rcco!-ileJ on Jcmiiary 31, 1975, in said Comty Recorder's Office per Page No. 7s-023997 lyjrig teil fect on either side of tiic Io?:Lo:~ing des lir~ : _____I_- IE(;~I\:Xli;~; AT TIE NO!KIIIYSTE'r?LY CO?YER of Lot 1 of Carlsbtd 'l'i-9c.t 75-4 jI,onIn !,;r~;~inn No, 2) , according to h'dp thereof KO. 8033 iecorclcd Ociobc 1974, i:? thc: Offjce of the Co-mtp Rscorder of Sari Diego Ceunty, thcnce S 64"5;'i:;"Y;, 64.99'; thence N lG58*54"E, 5 feet, more or less, to thc I'oin~ Or Ikginning, snid pint b2in.g on the Ceiltcrliilg of i! 20-1o3t 1;3 Ytix ~::iv~;:iit dedicaicd. to the Cal-lskid biutual Kcrter Cor; ~mp ~-ccoldccl Kcwmkr 3, 1941 , PC?- D:JCLX. xt No. 63347, in 13001~ 1271, Page '70 ol' Off f;eco&; 11m-u~ R 64"55'15" E to a point on a 969-foot radius curve cc sout-herj;~, said cun-c Icing the noriherly- boundary of PaTcel 2 9 as slic said Pa~-c:cl Iktp 3451. he SiCl.2: j~3s of said strip sh11 bc lengthcned or shortencd so as to OII the I)w:,c.ribecl boundaries oE said Lot 1 of Certificate of Coiiylimc No. 286. r-) ~j.1 jhl;. pa-tion of Pa~c1 No, 2 of Parcel Plap No. 3451 in tiic City o Comity oF Sxi Diego, State of Calffornica filed in the OIfice of thz 1 1:ecordr.r of San Picgo CoGlty, Jaluary 31, 1975, describcc! as fol1c:is: ~j(;~p:>]lW; t{L' TIE 3:0~1'1:C!T,SIERLY COILYE2 o L' Lot 78 oE Cai-ls3ad Tract 73- (T,om I,,:;;.ti;?z !io. 2) , according to bhp thereof Ro. 8033: recorcicd Ccto 1974, iii :!!e OfTjcc 01 the Coi:~?t)- Recorder of Sm Diego Coxit)'; thxc N GiiG5sf 15''1J, 92,9? feet to thc Tiuz Point of Beginnkg. Tlii:fi.=lc: fm! "me I)oii;t of iki;inni!lg N 64"5S'15"E, 35.SO Eeet; thence S1?."55'~9''C, feet.; t1l:nze >!!8S"Oi '06"N, 36.23 feet to the True Point of Reginning. 4 E.!! : f;r * I. ---. LOT I OF CETj'l 0.g COm;,~!~1nc~ c: 5 2 jJ :. R v.c n r A. 4 - E/; <*,Cfi-, +?,e;-- II ----I-_. __l_l_ I_-- -----.---.-.- f-7 --r-113- -----a u--- ,YC~;~A.- re= 225'