HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-21; City Council; 7238; Allocation of Contingency Funds Operating BudgetCIT~F CARLSBAD -AGEND~ILL AB# 7~ 3?" MTG. 12-21-82 DEPT FINANCE IIIJ.E; RECOMMENDED ACTION: ALLOCATION OF CONTINGENCY FUNDS FOR OPERATING BUDGET PURPOSES. DEPT. HD,--w---- CITY ATTY._,,_,_....-. CITY MOR-~ City Council approve Resolution # 7 0 o/ 4:, allocating contingency funds required to fund the costs of implementing: l, 1982-83 Management Compensation Plan 2. 1982-83 Carlsbad Police Officers Association Memorandum of Underst.anding 3, Central Services department allocation of phone charges to user dopartments - ITEM EXPLANATION: l. On June 29, 1982, the City Council adopted Resolution #6927 adjusting the compensation plan for management personnel. Resolution ff -2.Q_C/_tz...__ allocates $116,62G of required funds for fiscal 82-83 from the contingency account to cover the costs of these salary improvements, 2. On August 17, 1982, the City Councii adopted Resolution ff6983 resolving the impasse with the CPOP. and adjusting the compensation plan for fiscal 82-83. Resolution # _,Zo ?(p allocates $140,000 from the contingency account to cover the cost of thefl•l salary improvements with the CPOA. 3. The Central Services department requests dUthorization to transfer appropriations totalling $26,549 from their communications account to various operating departments communications accounts to fund the costs of distributing 82-83 telephone charges directly to user departments. FISCAL IMPACT: This action will reduce the balance in the contingency account by $256,6:!6, leaving $797,221 in the contingency account. $140,000 is required to fund the Pol.ice MOU; and $116,626 to fund the Management Compensation Plan: There is no fiscal. impact resulting from the allocatit1n of phone charges from Central Services to t:he user. departments, only an appropriation transfer is required. 0 EXHIBITS: !;! 0 Resolution No. & < 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLUTION NO. 7096 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TUE CI'l'Y ~F CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE ALI.OCATION OF CONTINGENCY FUNDS FOR VARIOUS OPERATING BUDGET PURPOSES WHEREAS, the City Council desires to implement the 1982-83 Management 6 Compensation Plan, and the 1982-83 Memorandum of Understanding with' the 'I Carlsbad Police Officers Association, and to provide St\fficie11t funding allowing 8 the Central Services department to distribute 1982-83 anticipated phone costs 9 to the user departments and, 10 WHEREAS, the 1982-83 operating budget must be amended l:,y transferring funds ll from the contingency account in the amount of $256,626 to the various operating 12 accounts to cover the increased costs of the Management Corrponsation Plan, the 13 MOU with the Carll!bad Felice Officers Associo.tioi1, and the Central serv.lces 14 allocation of phone charges to user departments for fiscal 82-831 15 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEn that fund transfer numbers 38, 39, and 40 16 on file with· the Finance Directc:r are hereby approved. 17 PASSED, APPROVED l\ND ADO!,.TED at a regular meeting of the City Council of 18 the City of Carlsbad held the 21st day of Deceirber 19 following vote, to wit: , 1982, by the 20 AYES: Council r~rs Casler, L(!l-lis, Kul.chin, Olic.~, and Prescott 21 NOES: Pone 22 ABSENT: 23 MARY n. gsLER, Mayor 24 ATTEST: .25 26 ;J.erk 27 28 (SW\L)