HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-01-04; City Council; 6629-2; NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR LA COSTA CANYON PARK - CONTRACT NO. 1093- AND TRANSFER OF FUNDSPP CIaOF CARLSBAD - AGENm BILL Accept the construction of La Costa Canyon Park as comlete and approve ch orders, and adopt Resolution No. 7//0 authorizing the transfer of $12,878 from park-in-lieu fee fund to cover final contract amount of $113,058.50. Direct the City Clerk to have the Notice of Covpletion recorded, and relea the bonds 35 days after recordation. ITEY EXPLANATION: On September 8, 1981, the City Council awarded a $103,709.58 contract for construction of two tennis courts at La Costa Canyon Park. During constri tion, an additional change order was issued by the City Engineer for the c stmction of a stairway between the tennis courts and the lower level of t park for $3,278.50. On June 16, 1982, constructive possession of the proj was taken as directed by the Assistant City Ymager. The contractor subs quently made claims for extra work. These claims were reviewed by the int City Engineer and it was agreed that claims in the amount of $6,070.42 shc be allowed. This chaqge order breaks down into: 1. Slope Repair $1,200.00 2. Re-Hydroseeding 1,204.80 3. Pecomposed Granite (D.G.) 3,503.62 4. Drainage Pipe 162.00 TOTAL $6,070.42 This results in a total contract cost for Palomar Paving and Grading of $113,058.50. The total project costs were $126,128.50, including design, soil testing, inspection, and additional contract work. The City Engineer has certified that the work was performed in accordance the contract and change orders. It is requested that Council approve the orders and authorize payment. tract has been completed. Parks and Recreation Department has reviewed a approved this agenda bill. FISCAL IMPACT : Although $161,016 was originally appropriated for this contract, there is $6,162.07 remaining in the account. Some of the original monies were apr unencumbered at the close of the fiscal year. As a result, there are ins ficient funds to cover the contract amounts, change orders, and Engineeri costs on this project. The amount of $12,878.42 will be required to bala this project account. A menorandm accounting of the project costs is at to explain this amount. At this time all work that was ordered by a kl =- 0 M e a. < a 0 5 $ a a 1. Notice of Completion 2. 3. z 0 0 Memo to City Engineer, dated Decerrber 28, 1982 Resolution No. 7//0 transferring funds. W L- Y e L DECEMBER 28, 1982 TO: CITY ENGINEER FROM: Principal Civil Engineer FINAL COSTS ON LA COSTA CANYON PARK The total project cost was $126,128.50. was funded through a State Beach and Land Parks' grant. between the two mounts-, ($23,070), is the City's share of the total cost. The total project cost is made up of the following elements: a. Of this mount, $103,058.50 The difference Palomar Paving and Grading Construction : 1. Original. Contract $103,709.58 2. Changes Previously Authorized - Stairs 3,278.50 3. Changes To Be Authorized 6,070.42 Total Cost $113,058.50 b. Soil Test (Beard) $ 950.00 d. Drainage) mc? Sidewalk (Henderson) 4,970.00 e. City Forces: Engineerkg md Inspection 6,200.00 Total Project $126,128.50 c. Electrical: Panel Change 950.00 Specificactions required: 1. h amount of $12,878.42 mst be trmsferred from Park-In-Lieu Account No. 33-18-24-0900 to La Costa Park Account No. 30-18-20-31( in order to cover the total cost. The final contract mount of $6,070.42 must be approved by the Council and thetot-alconstruction be accepted in order to close out this ccntract. 2. These actions are covered in an agenda bill proposed for meeting on January d, 1983. the Council &c LARRY C. E@S LCD : k,j v RESOLUTION NO. 71 10 . A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBRI), CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR LA COSTA CANYON PARK BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as 1. That the transfer of twelve thousand eight hundred seventy-ei llars and forty-two cents ($12,875.42) fron Park-In-Lieu Fee, Account N 3-18-24-0900, to La Costa Canyon Park, Account No. 33-18-24-3101, is her thorized and approved. 2. That the Department of Finance Fund Transfer No. 47 is on fil erence herein is approved. PASSED, APPROVED AND AIXIPTED by the City Council of the City of C: t a regular meeting held the 4th day of January , 1983, by the AYES: Council j%abcxrs Casler, Lewis, Kulcl~in, Chick and Prescott NOES: None ABSENT: None 9k-&J! &L&A4 PMY K. C&?LER, Nayor . ,