HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-01-04; City Council; 7252; Classification & misc. salary plans amendment-I cin OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL \B# 72- dTG. 1/4/83 IEPT. PER DEPT. HD. MISCELLANEOUS SALARY PLANS CITY ATTY AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION AND RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt Resolution No. 7/87 . ITEM EXPLANATION: The Personnel Department worked in concurrence with the Police Department to prepare a new classification. The new classifi- cation of Police Officer Recruit will distinguish employees in a non-sworn training status from those who are sworn and per- forming active Police Officer duties. Recruits will become sworn Police Officers upon successful completion of the police academy. The recommended salary for Police Officer Recruit is $589.81 - $702.01, R27, which is approximately 16% below the salary of a Police Officer. One advantage of this classification modification is that the city's exposure to injury during training periods will be reduced for Police Officer Recruit. Police Officer Recruit, as a miscellaneous employee, will not incur the expense of providing public safety industrial disability coverage during training. Another advantage is a realization of salary savings. Police Officer Recruit will be on a lower salary range than that for Police Officer. Police Officer Recruit has the additional advantage of being covered by the less expensive miscellaneous retirement plan. City representatives have consulted with representatives of the Carlsbad Police Officers' Association on three separate occasions, November 19, 29 and December 3, 1982 regarding this item. The city has agreed to hire personnel from the present eligibility list, September 8, 1982, as Police Officers as this practice would be consistent with the recruiting advertising. Future Police Officer vacancies may be filled with recruits but a separate testing for the recruit position will be conducted. FISCAL IMPACT: Savings in salary and retirement costs of $837 per Police Officer Recruit. EXHIBITS: Resolution No. .7/6z adding the classification of Police Officer Recruit with e appropriate salary range. PATRICK J. THISTLE DANIEL R. KRINSKY CHRISTOPHER L. ASHCRb.FT EDWARD C. DILLON A. J. DAITCH HARRY L. PILSL. THOMAS W. DOYLEf RUDY I. BAUTlSTAt *WORKERS- COMPEN~;-\~*O.-! ZDMINISTRATOR tLABOR RELATIONS REPRESENTATIVE OF COUNSEL MARSHALL Y. HOCKETT Mr. Frank Aleshire City Manager 1200 Elm Avenue Carlshad, CA. 92008 ATTORNEYS AT LAW NINETEENTH FLOOR. THE CHAMBER BUILDING 110 WEST "C" STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92101 619-231-4403 2 .eo January 4, 1983 PLEASE REPLY TO: 760 MAIN STREET EL CENTRO OFFICE EL CENTRO. CALIFORNIA 9 2243 619-353-1469 Dear Mr. Aleshire: As you are aware, an impasse currently exists rela- tive to negotiations between the Carlsbad Police Officers Association and the City regarding the City's proposed new classi.fication of "Police Officer Recruit". This office sent a letter to the City on December 28, 1982, requesting to invoke the Impasse Resolution Procedure contained in .the City's Employer-Employee Relations Resolution prior to this matter being submitted to the Carlsbad City Council. We, on behalf of the Association, are again for- mally requesting that you conduct a meeting with the parties pilrsuant to the City's Employer-Employee Relations Resolution prior to submitting this matter to the City Counci.1. Furthermore, please consider this letter as a fox- mal request on behalf of the Association that we utilize the services of a state mediator in an effort to resolve the impasse. A mediator from the California State Conciliation Service with offices in San Diego is available without cost to the parties. appear substantial, we believe the intervention of a mediator at this initial stage of impasse could potentially be a worthwhile undertaking. As you are aware, a mediator would not engage in formulating written opinions but would function to coinmunicate between the parties orally in an effort to find some common ground as a basis for an agreement on the issue of the proposed new classification. c From our perspective, although our differences .L Mr. Frank Aleshire January 4, 1983 Page -2-. Attached is a copy of the Association's position on the proposed "Police Officer Recruit" classification. Yours very truly, THISTLE 6( KRINSKY By : a9 i PATRICK J ./ THISTLE PJT/dsb Enclosure POSITION OF THE CARLSBAD POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION ON THE PROPOSED NEW CLASSIFICATION OF "POLICE OFFICER RECRUIT" 1) That the City delays implementation of the new classification until a new eligibility "list" is established. Rationale: The potential candidates on the current list were recruited under the old classification of Police Officer. -- 2) That the C.P.O.A. shall be the exclusive bargaining representative of the new classification. Rationale: The C.P.O.A. currently represents the employees attending the academy. 3) That the only difference between the classification of Police gfficer Recruit and current Police Officer is that for the period during the academy, said new employees will not be sworn peace officers. Rationale: The City's concern is the cost of a sworn police officer who is permanently injured during the academy. Why should these employees also have to take an approximate 25% cut in pay, be on probation 4 months longer and have to wait an additional 4 months to get subsequent pay raises or take a vacation. 4) That in return for the above concessions, the Association wants to "trade-off" for the following safety items for the police officers and in turn for the citizens of Carlsbad. (a) That as soon as possible, rectify the problem of the "dead spots" with the Police Department radios by setting up a repeater or relayer in the south area of the city (La Costa) so that all calls in/out of La Costa can be heard by both the police department dispatcher and the officer in that area, (b) That the City install in every police car "stream lights" with a recharger. (c) That the City purchase an additional recharger and an adequate supply of batteries for the portable radios, (d) That the City install new "lap type" safety belts in all police units, (e) That the City upgrade the first aid kits in a11 squad cars. Rationale: So that the police officers and citizens of Carlsbad will be insured of prompt responses to calls and that the police officers will have adequate-and proper working equip- ment to ensure the safety of the citizens. The above-items were discussed with the City during our Meet and Confer Sessions on 11/19/82, 11/29/82 and 12/3/82. c ,'L .\ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1E 1s 2c 21 22 2: 24 2: 2e 27 2€ * RESOLUTION NO. 7109 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY PLAN OF THE CITY TO INCLUDE THE CLASSI- FICATION OF POLICE OFFICER RECRUIT. WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs, that the classification of Police Officer Recruit should be included in the city's Classification and Salary Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to add the classification of Police Officer Recruit as described in Attachment A, attached hereto and made a part thereof, 3. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Manager to add the title of Police Officer Recruit to the appro- priate city Salary Plan as shown on Attachment B, attached hereto and made a part thereof. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 4th day of January , 1982, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Council Mexbers Casler , Lewis, Kulchh, and Prescott NOES : None ABSENT: None . . ' ABSTAIN: Council N;ember Chick .A ATTEST: . ALETHA -A2ALi&d-T L. RAUTENKRANZ, City C1 rk MARY H. &ASLEI?, Mayor - .. .I_. . .... .. -. .. .. . - Attac -lent A Reso1,cion No'. 7199 POLICE OFFICER RECRUIT DEFINITION Under immediate supervision, attends the Regional Law Enforcement Academy and participates in departmental recruit training and orientation programs to prepare for a professional. law enforcement ' career. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS This is a non-sworn, civilian, police officer trainee class designed only to employ Police Officer candidates during the initial, forma- lized, basic police officer training. Police Recruit is distinguished from the next higher class, Police Officer, in that recruits are not assigned any active law enforcement duties and do not have police officer powers. Upon successful completion of training, recruits are appointed and sworn-in as Police Officers. \ EXAMPLES OF DUTIES -- Attends the Regional Law Enforcement Academy, certified by the California Commission on Police Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.), to obtain a comprehensive overview of the criminal justice system and specialized training in various laws, law enforcement techniques, practices and procedures, an6 first aid. Attends classroom lectures. Observes demonstrations on arrest and control methods and the care and use of firearms. Participates in physical'conditioning and self-defense exercises. Practices the use of firearms. Takes examinations. Participates in orientation programs under direct supervision to develop an awareness of the duties, activities, and responsibilities of a Police Officer. QUALIFICATIONS Ability to: Observe, learn, understand, and interpret various laws, police practices and procedures. Analyze problems and have the potential to rationally and calmly take appropriate action in emergency and stressful. situations. .. , .a- u- __ ' . .\ .> ' Police Officer Recruic (Cont,) .. Undergo strenuous physical conditioning, Prepare accurate and .grammatically correct written reports in English. Compute basic arithmetic problems. Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Understand and carry out oral arid written directions. - Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain these abilities would be graduation from high school or equivalent. Necessary Specj-a1 Requirement Possession of a valic? Class 3 California driver's license. .. , ATTACHMENT RESOLUTION NO. 7139 MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE SCHEDULE CLASSIFICATION RANGE ACCOUNT CLERK I 17 ACCOUNT CLERK I1 21 ACCOUNTANT 35 ACCOUNT1 NG TECHNICIAN 24 AQUATIC SUPERVISOR 32 ' ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEER P42 ASSISTANT PLANNER P37 .ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER P49 ASSOCIATE PLANNER P45 AUDIO VISUAL SPECIALIST P38 BUILDING INSPECTOR I 28 BUILDING INSPECTOR I1 38 BUILDING INSPECTOR I11 44 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CARPENTER 30 CLERK TYPIST I 15 CLERK TYFIST I1 17 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 38 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR 46 CUSTODIAN 16 DEPUTY CITY CLERK 25 DEVELOP. PROCESS. COORDINATOR 29 ELECTRICAL OFERATIONS SUPERVISOR 37 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I 27 E NG T NE Eli I NG T E CH N I C I AN I I 34 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I 28 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I1 30 E QU I PM E NT ME CH A N I C L EA DW 0 R K ER 35 EQUIPMENT SERVICE WORKER 21 LIBRARIAN I P30 . LIBRARIAN I1 P3G LIBRARIAN 111 P38 LIRRXRY ASS'ISTANT I 24 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I1 29 *LIBRARY CLERK I 21 *LIBRARY CLERK I1 ' 23 28 30 MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN I MATNT ENANCE ELECTRICIAN I I MAINTENANCE WORKER I 21 METER READER/REPAIRER I 21 METER READER/REPAIRER I1 25 CLASSIFICATION RANGE METER SHOP SlJPERVISOR 37 OFF I C E S UP E R VI S 0 R 29 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 25 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 30 PARK PLANNER P42 PARK SUPERVISOR 37 PERMIT CLERK 19 PLANNING TECHNICIAN I 28 PLANNING TECHNICIAN I1 35 POLICE OFFICER RECRUIT 27 RECEPTIONIST CASHIER 17 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I 29 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I1 32 SANITATION SUPERVISOR 37 SECRETARY I 23 SECRETARY I I 25 SECRETAKY /BOOKKEEPER 24 SECRETARY TO CITY ATTORNEY 29 SECRETARY TO CITY MANAGER 29 SENIOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 42 SEWER MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 37 STENO CLERK I 17 STENO CLERK I1 19 STOREKEEPER . 20 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 25 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER I11 30 - STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 37 SWEEPER OPERATOR 29 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER 51 TREE TRIMMER I 23 TREE TRIMMER I1 27 TREE TRIMMER LEADWOKKER 31 UT I L ITY MA1 NT ENANCE WORKER I I 25 U'rILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER I11 30 UTILITY SYSTEMS OPERATOR I1 27 UTILITY SYSTEMS OPERATOR 111 29 WATER MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR ' 37 WORD PROCESSING OPERATOR I 19 WORD PROCESSING OPEKATOR I1 21 *Library Clerk I and I1 to be deleted when vacated by incumbents. Police As of 12/19/82, your annual salary was $17,856.02, for a monthly average of $1,488.00. of one day's salar-. is $68.67. For holiday benefits, vacation, or sick leave taken, the value Paid by Paid by the City You Base Salary, Monthly $1,488 .OO Retirement (P.E.R.S. 1 Insurance: Health, Dental , Vision Life Insurance: Employee Dependent 454.61 44.64 98.77 20.00 5.04 .99 Supplement a1 Life 1.98 Accidental Death and Dismemberment Employee On1 y Fami 1 y Long Term Disabi 1 i ty 9.07 Workers Compensation 109.07 Uniform Allowance 27.08 Tot a1 Monthly Total Annual $2,191.64 $67.61 $26,299.68 $811.32 Benefits amount to $703.64 per month and is 47.28% in addition to salary. In other words., for every dollar in salary, the city provides 47 cents in benefits . City records show that you earn sick leave at the rate of 12 days per year and vacation at the rate of 10 days per year. As of 12/19/82, your sick leave balance was 55.35 hours and your vacation balance was 46.20 hours, with a value of $871.76. P Your Benefits - and Compensation Salary The salary reported is the annual computation of your biweekly salary as of December 19, 1982. If you worked for only a portion of 1982, your salary has been computed annually. The normal starting salary is the first step. Advancement to the second step normally occurs after 1.2 months and future increases at one year intervals thereafter based OR performance. Education Incentive The City will pay, after two years of service, $25 biweekly to employees who attain a Basic P.O.S.T. Certificate, $45 biweekly for those who attain an Intermediate P.O.S.T. Certificate, and $65 biweekly for those who attain an Advanced P.O.S.T. Certificate. Retirement . The City provides retirement benefits under the Public Employees' Retirement System. Other benefits covered under P.E.R.S. include disability, death, and survivor benefits. The retirement benefit is based on the mean of the highest three years of income, usiilg 2% at age 50 formula. GrouD Health. Dental. and Outical Insurance The City provides medical, dental, and optical insurance for employee and dependents under Crown Life. Following.thc calendar year deductible of $100 per person ($300 family maximum), the insurance cmpany will pay 90% of the first $5,000 on eligible medical expenses. Expenses exceeding $5,000 are paid for 100% by the insurance company. deductibles arid cohsurance rates vary depending upon the type of treatments required. Orthodmtia coverage for dependent children is automatically provided to those covered with two or more dependents. Dental 'Vision care coverage includes up to $37.50 per year for examinations and $25 allow- ance for frames every ttro years. prescription, with a limit of two pair per person, per 12 month period. Life Insurance Allowances for lenses vary depending on the The City provides each employee with life insurance equal to one times your annual salary. Dependents receive $1,500 coverage. Employees may pvrchase additional life equivalent to one times the base amunt. Accidental Death and Di smemberment This is a voluntary program &ailable to any employee who chooses to participate. There are several coverage plans which cover accidents. The City will pay 1/3 of the cost, the employee pays 2/3 and 100% for any dependents covered. Long Term Disability .The City provides long term disability which provides for up to 60% of basic monthly earnings while totally and permanently disablcd. 2 Workers' Compensation The City covers medical expenses and provides up to one year salary continuation for any time lost resulting from a work related injury. law. This coverage is required by Unemployment Insurance To collect this benefit, you must be separated from the City due to lack of work or fired for compelling reasons. Benefits are based upon salary and range from $36 to $136 per week for 26 weeks maximum. Uniform Allowance $325 per year for sworn police employees. . Holidays Police employees receive 11 holidays per year. employee receives pay for all 11. If six holidays are worked an Vacation Employees with I to 5 years service rece.ive It) days per year; 6 to 15 years of service, 15 days per year; and 16 plus years of service, 20 days of vacation are received. You may accumulate up to 232 hours or 29 days of vacation. Sick Leave .Twelve days of sick leave are accumulated per year. Accuzmlation is unlimited. Retirement Medical Allowance *Employees with five or more years of service and at age SO may participate in the group medical insurance program at their own expense. ments Medicare. At age 65, the plan supple- Social Security Although the City no longer participates in Social Security, some of you may be eligible'for this benefit. In order to qualify, you must have earned 40 quarters of work credit with employers who have participated in the program. a statement of your Social Security account; contact the Personnel Department for a mail-in card. Savings Plan Several deferred compensation plans and a credit union are available for use by employees. If you want I Fire As of 12/19/82, your annual salary was $22,624.94, for a monthly average of $1,885.41. In addition to your salary, you earn education incentive equal to $188.54 per month and paramedic pay of $188.54 per month for a total earning sum of $2,262.49. For vacation or sick leave taken, the value of one shift is $223.78. Paid by Paid by the City You Base Salary, Monthly Education Incentive Paramedic Pay Sub-Tot a1 $1,885.41 188.54 188.54 2,262.49 Ret irernent (P. E. R.S. ) 691.23 Insurance: Health, Dent a1 , Vision 46.87 67.87 5.00 Life Insurance: Employee Dependent Supplemental Life 6.44 2.97 Accidental Death and Dismemberment Employee Only Family Long Term Di s abi 1 i ty 13.80 - Workers Compensation 98.64 16.67 Uniform A1 lowance - Total Monthly $3,136.14 $75.84 Total Annual $37,633.68 $910.08 Benefits amount to $873.65 per month and is 38.61% in addition to salary. In other words, for every dollar in salary, the city provides 39 cents in benefits. City records show that you earn sick leave at the rate of 139.2 hours per year and vacation at the rate of 199 hours per year. As of 12/19/82, your sick leave balance was 2,538.94 hours and your vacation balance was 123.72 hours, with a value of $24,827.C8. lour Benefits and Compensation f Salary The salary reported is the annual computation of your biweekly salary as of December 19, 1982. If you worked for only a portion of 1982, your salary has been computed annually. The normal starting salary is the first step. occurs after 12 months and future increases at one year intervals thereafter based on performance. Advancement to the second step normally Education Incentive The City will pay the following additions to base salary for education attainment for employees hired prior to July 1, 1979. Years of Service College Units 2 24 3 40 4 55 7 90 % Increase 2.5 5 7.5 10 Paramedic Pay The City will pay an additional 10% to base salary for employees assigned to para- medic duty. Retirement The City provides retirement benefits under the Public Employees’ Retirement System. Other benefits covered under P.E.R.S. include disability, death, and survivor benefits. of income, using 2% at age 50 formula. Group Health, Dental, and Optical Insurance The City provides medical, dental, and optical insurance for. employee and dependents under Crown Life. . -- The retirement benefit is based on the mean of the highest three years Following the calendar year deductible of $100 per person ($300 family maximum), the insurance company will pay 90% of the first $5,000 on eligible medical expenses. Expenses exceeding $5,000 are paid for 100% by the insurance company. Dental deductibles and coinsurance rates vary depending upon the type of treatments required. Orthodontia coverage for dependent children is automatically provided to those covered with two or more dependents. Vision care coverage includes up to $37.50 per year for examinations and $25 allow- ance for frames every two years. prescription, with a limit of two pair per person, per 12 month period. Life Insurance . Allowances for lenses vary depending on the , The City provides each employee with life insurance equal to one times your annual salary. Dependents receive $1,500 coverage. Employees may purchase additional life equivalent to one times the base amount. t . ., .. . . .. Accidental Death and Dismemberment This is a voluntary program available to any employee who chooses to participate. There are several coverage plans which covers accidents. of the cost; the employee pays 2/3 and 100% for any dependents covered. Long Term Disability The City provides long term disability which provides for up to 60% of basic monthly earnings while totally and permanently disabled. The City will pay 1/3 .Workers' Compensation The City covers medical expenses and provides up to one year salary continuation for any time lost resulting from a work related injury. This coverage is required by law. Unemployment Insurance - To collect this benefit, you must be separated from the City due to lack of work or fired for compelling reasons. Benefits are based upon salary and range from $36 to $136 per week for 26 weeks maximum. . Uni f om A1 1 ow an c e $200 per year for fire employees. Hol idavs The City pays 6% of the employees contribution to P.E.R.S. in lieu of holidays. Vacation - Under the 58 hour work week, employees with 1 - 5 years of service receive 132 hours per year; 6 - 15 years of service, 199 hours per year; and 16 plus years of service, 265 hours per year. Sick Leave Under the 58 hour work week employees accrue 11.6 hours per month. - Retirement Medical Allowance . Employees with five or more years of service and at age 50 may participate in the group medical insurance program at their own expense. At age 65, the plan supple- ments Medicare. Social Security Although the City no longer participates in Social Security, some of you may be eligible for this benefit. work credit with exployers who have participated in the program. If you want a statement of your Social Security account, contact the Personnel Department for a mail-in card. In order to qualify, you must have earned 40 quarters of Savings Plans .Several deferred compensation plans and a credit union are available for use by cmployecs. ‘-t.., ’- Miscellaneous As of 12/19/82, your annual salary was $18,252.26, for a monthly average of $1,521.02. of one day is $70.20. For holiday benefits, vacation, or sick leave taken, the value Paid by Paid by the City You Base Salary, Monthly $1,521.02 Ret i rement ( P . E. R. S . ) 302.69 Insurance: Health, Dent a1 , Optical 115 .OO Life Insurance: Employee 5.32 Supplement a1 Life Accident a1 Death and Di smemberment Employee On1 y Fami 1 y 1.88 Long Term Disabi 1 i ty 9.27 State Disability Insurance 11.33 1.76 2.62 War kers Compensation 3.34 Total Monthly $1,969.85 $4.38 Tot a1 Annual $23,638.20 $52.56 Benefits amount to $448.83 per month and is 29.50% in addition to salary. In other’words, for every dollar in salary, the city provides 30 cents in benefits . City records show that you earn sick leave at the rate of 12 days per year and vacation at the rate of 10 days per year. As of 12/19/82, ysur sick leave balance was 53.97 hours and your vacation balance was 74.54 hours, with a value of $1,127.69. Your Benefits and Compensation Salary The salary reported is the annual computation of your biweekly salary as of December 19, 1982. computed annually. the second step normally occurs after 12 months and future increases at one year intervals thereafter based on performance. If you worked for only a portion of 1982, your salary has been The normal starting salary is the first step. Advancement to . Longevity Pay Employees who have attained five consecutive years of E step receive 5% in addition to salary, ten years at E step receive 7.5% in addition to salary. Retirement The City provides retirement benefits under the Public Employees' Retirement System. Other benefits covered under P.E.R.S. include survivor, disability, and death benefits. Group Health, Dental, and Optical (Crown Life) Retirement benefit is based upon highest year, using 2% at 60 formula. Following the calendar year deductible of '$100 per person ($300 family maximum), the insurance company will pay 90% of the first $5,000 on eligible medical expenses. Expenses exceeding $5,000 are paid for 100% by the insurance company. Dental deductibles and coinsurance rates vary depending upon the type of treatments required. to those covered with two or more dependents. Vision care coverage includes up to $37.50 per year for examinations and $25 allow- ance for frames every two years. Orthodontia coverage for dependent children is automatically provided Allowances for lenses vary depending on the , prescription, with a limit of two pair per person, per 12 month period. The City provides $115 per month for group insurance and any unused monies are Oreturned to you twice a year. Life Insurance The City provides each employee with life insurance,equal to one times your annual salary. Dependents receive $1,500 coverage. Employees may purchase additional life equivalent to one times the base amount. . .. Accidental Death and Dismemberment This is a voluntary program available to any There are several coverage plans which cover the cost, the employee pays 2/3 and 100% for State Disabilitv Insurance employee who chooses to participate. accidents. The City will pay 1/3 of any dependents covered. Renefits are available to employees who are unable to do their customary work due to nonwork related disability which includes any illness or injury, either physical or mental, including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. Benefits are based upon salary and range from $50 to $175 per week for a maxinum of 39 weeks. 2 Long Term Disability The City provides long term disability which provides for up to 60% of basic monthly earnings while totally and permanently disabled. Workers' Compensation - The City covers medjcal expenses and provides up to one year salary continuation for any timc lost resulting from a work related injury. This coverage is required by law. Unemployment Insurance To collect this benefit, you must be separated from the City due to lack of work or fired for compelling reasons. Benefits are based upon salary and range from $36 to $136 per week for 26 weeks maximum. Uniforms -- Employees involved in maintenance classifications are provided laundered uniforms weekly. Ho 1 idavs The City observes 11 paid holidays per year. granted and must be taken each year, or lost. In addition, one floating holiday is Sick Leave Twelve days of sick leave are accumulated per year. --- Accumulation is unlimited. Retirement Medical A1 lowance Einployees with five or more years of service and at age 50 may participate in the ments Medicare. ,group medical insurance program at their own expense. At age 65, the plan supple- Social Security Although the City no longer participates in Social Security, some of you may be eligible for this benefit. work credit with employers who have participated in rhe program. If you want a statement of your Social Security accoant, contact the Personnel Department for a mail-in card. Savings Pians Several deferred compensation plans and a credit union are available for use by employees. Jn order to qualify, you must have earned 40 quarters of . Vacation Employees with 1 to 5 years of service receive 10 days per year; 6 to 15 years of service, 15 days per year; and 16 plus years of service, 20 days of vacation are receivcd. You may accumulatc up to 232 hours or 29 days of vacation. Management As of 12/19/83 your annual salary was $34,567.00, for a monthly average of $2,880.58. For holiday benefits, vacation, executive or sick leave taken, the value of one day is $132.94. Paid by Paid by the City You Base Salary, Monthly $2,880.58 Retirement (P. E .R .S. ) 573.26 Insurance: Health, Dental, Vision 156.05 27.27 Life Insurance: Employee Accident a1 Death and Di smernberment Dependent Employee Only Family 19.60 .99 Long Term Disability 17.57 Workers Compensation 6.33 Total Monthly Total Annual $3,653.39 $28.26 $43,840.68 $339.12 Benefits amount to $772.81 per month and is 26.82% in addition to salary. In other words, for every dollar in salary, the city provides 27 cents in benefits . City records show that you earn sick leave at the rate of 12 days per year and vacation at the rate of 15 days per year. leave balance was 341.28 hours and your vacation balance wa.s 369.44 hours, with a value of $11,811.26. As of 12/19/82, your sick wr Benefits and Compensation -- - - Salarv The salary reported is the annual computation of your biweekly salary as of December 19, 2982. computed annually. within the t wd. If you worked for only a portion of 1982, your salary has bzcn The City blanager may hire or assign employees to any salary Retirement The City provides rctirement benefits under the Public Employees' Retirement System. Other benefits covered under P.E.R.S. include survivor, disaf)ility, and death benefits. Retirevent benefit is based upon highest year, using 2% at 60 formula. Grow Ilealth. Dental. and Opti cal Following the calendar year deductible of $100 per person ($300 family maximum), the insurance company will Fay 90% of the first $S,OO0 on eligible medical expenses. Expenses excceding $5,000 are paid for 100% by the insurance company. Dental deductibles and coinsurance rates vary depending upon the type of treatments required. to those covered with two or Eore dependents. Orthodontia coverage for dependent children is automatically provided Vision care coverage includes up to $37.50 per year for examinations and $25 allow- ance for frames every two years. prescription, with a limit of two pair per person, per 12 month period. Life Insurance The City provides life insurance coverage in a base amount equal to two times annual salary. base amount. Allowances for lenses vary depending on the .- " Employees may purchase additional life equivalent to one times the Accidental Death and Dismemberment This is a voluntary program available to any employee who chooses to participate. There are several coverage plans which cover accidents. The City will pay 1/3 of the cost, the enployee pays 2/3 and 100% for any dependents covered. Long Term Disability The City prcjvides long tern disability which provides for up to 60% of basic monthly earnings while totally and permanently disabled. Workers' Comensation The City covers medical expenses and provides up to one year snlary con1:iniiation for any time lost resulting from a work related injury. by law. This covcrnge is required Unemo 1 omen t I nsur an c e To collect this benefit, you must be separated from the City due to lack of work or fired for compelling reasons. Benefits are based upon salary and range from $36 to $136 per week for 26 weeks maxirnun. 2 Hol idavs Eleven paid holidays per year. Vacation Employees with 1 to 5 years of service receive 10 days per year; 6 to 15 years of service, 15 days per year; and 16 plus years of service, 20 days of vacation are received. You may accumulate up to 320 hours or 40 days of vacation. Employees with comparable service in local government agencies may receive credit for this prior service. Sick Leave Twelve days of sick leave are accuxulated per year. Accumulation is unlimited. Executive Dws Off Seven days of paid leave for fiscal year. These days do not accrue from year to year. Retirement Mcciical Allowance - Exployees with five or more years of service and at age 50 may participate in the group medical insurance program at their own expense. At age 65, the plan supple- ments Medicare. Social Security Although the City no longer participates in Social Security, sone of you may be eligible for this benefit. In order to qualify, you must have enrncd 40 quarters of work credit with employers who have participated in the program. a statement of your Social Security account, contact the Personnel Department for a mni 1-in card. If you want Savings Plans -lll_-.l- Several delcrred compensation plans and a credit union are avai.1able for use by employees. Annual Physi.ca1 Examination ---~ Employees are reimbursed for up to $250 per €j.scal year upon the completion of 3 physical examlnation.