HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-01-04; City Council; 7254; SPECIFIC PLAN FOR A 16 LOT COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENTCI-F CARLSBAD - AGEND~ILL Both the planning staff and Planning Commission recommend that this application be APPROVED and that the City Council introdu Ordinance No. ITEM EXPLANATION This item is a specific plan for a 16 lot commercial developme on 23.6 acres located as described above, The item was heard concurrently with a 16 lot tentative tract map at the Planning Commission meeting. The specific plan establishes two land uses on the property: tourist commercial and general commercial (see attached Exhibi "T"). These categories are consistent with the city's general plan mixed land use categories of Travel Service Commercial (T and Community Commercial (C) designated on this site. The pla establishes specific land uses and sets down strict developmen standards within which individual lots may develop. These standards include landscaping setbacks, architecture and signi and are contained in Exhibit "Z" dated October 13, 1982. Staf believes that this specific plan will encourage high quality tourist commercial and community commercial at this site, Through staff review and Planning Commission hearing, all issu on this matter have been satisfactorily resolved. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW facilities fee to offset the costs of providing all other pub1 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 R14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 I, ORDINANCE NO, 9660 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SPECIFIC PLAN MERCIAL PROJECT ON 23,6 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF INTERSTATE 5 AND POINSETTIA LANE, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has reviewed and considered a specific plan for tourist commercial/community commercial project on 23.6 acr WHEREAS, after procedures in accordance with the r ments of law the City Council has determined that the publi interest indicates that said plan be approved. (SP-186) FOR A TOURIST COMMERCIAL/COMMUNITY COM- - NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Ca does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That specific plan (SP-186) as shown o Exhibit "T" along with the development standards contained Exhibit "Z" dated October 13, 1982 attached hereto and made hereof is hereby approved. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify t adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of Carlsbad City Council held on the 4th day of JanUary 1983 by the following vote to wit: //// //// //// //// . a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 I.2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 e a, PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said Ci Council held on the 18th day of Jmq 8 by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Xembers Casler, -is, Mulchin, Chick and Prc NOES: None ABSENT: None % ad., MARY CASgER, Mayor ATTEST: &&U &? :6Lk--;.- 1 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, Clty C (SEAL) .2 -- ,d. e 0 ,a I. SPECIFIC PLAN 186 Exh i b i t 'I Z I' October 13, 1982 0 I. I. PURPOSE AND LOCATION The purpose of this Specific Plan is to provide a comprehensive development plan €or the area between Interstate 5 and Avenida Encinas, north of Poinsettia Lane as shown on Figure 1, This plan is to insure that development of this area takes into consideration adjacent and neighboring properties, existing developments, and future development. This Specific Plan is intended to be a tool to implement the goals and policies of the Carlsbad General Plan. This plan is primarily intended to provide a set of development standards ant does not provide a guarantee of approval for any future discretionary acts or projects within its boundaries. This Specific Plan is adopted pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code Sections 65450 et-sea. and of the La Use Element of the city of Carlsbad General Plan, A Specific Plan is required for this area pursuant to page 32(12) of the Land Use Element which requires the use of a specific plan in conjunction with the Combination District. 11. GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING DESIGNATIONS The site is designated in the Land Use Element of the city's General Plan as E? combination district which includes the Trave Service Commercial (TS) and Community Commercial (C) categories ' The intent of the Travel Service (TS) category is to provide UE which are oriented tQWard the traveling public (i.e., hotels, motels, restaurants,. service stations, etc.) The intent of thc Community Commercial (C) in this area is to provide a wide ran< of facilities for retail trade, convenience goods, services anc professional office uses that F7OUld cater to the traveling pub. as well as local residents. As shown on Figure 2, areas A has been designated for developmc with general commercial type uses as detailed in Section V of this plan. Areas €3 bas been designated for travel service typi of uses as designated by Section VI of this plan. 111. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT The Specific Plan area will be a comprehensively planned trave oriented commercial and community commercial type development. The area will feature extensive landscaping, incl-udinq street side berming, sign controls and flexible development standards IV. CI RCULATIQN Lots 7 - 4, and IO shall waive access rights on Avenida Encina and Poinsettia Lane and gain access from the interior street. The location of driveways for lots 11 - 76 shall be subject tc the approval of the City Engineer and Land Use Planning Manage 0 e ., V, AREAS A - GENERAL COMMERCIAL USES (A) Permitted Uses (1) Accountants; (2) Attorneys; (3) Bakeries; (4) Barbershops or beauty parlors; (5) Book and stationery stores: (6) Commercial printing and photo engraving (7) Delicatessen stores; (8) Doctors, dentists, optometrists, chiropractors and others practicing the healing arts for humai beings and related uses such as oculists, pharmacies (prescription only), biochemical laboratories and X-ray laboratories; (9) Dressmaking or millinery shops; (IO) Drugstores; (11) Dry goods or notion stores; (12) Engineers, architects and planners; (13) Financial institutions (14) Florist shops; (15) Grocery or fruit stores; (16) Hardware stores; (17) Hotels, motels; (18) Jewelry stores; (19) Laundries or clothes cleaning agencies; (20) Laundromats; (21) Meat markets; (22) Mimeographing services; (23) Paint stores: (24) Private clubs, excepting those the chief activi. of which is a service customarily carried on as business ; (25) Realtors; (26) Restaurants, tea rooms or cafes (excluding (27) Shoe stores or repair shops: (28) Tailors, clothing or wearing apparel shops: (29) Other uses determined to be compatible by Land dancing or entertainment and on-sale liquor) ; Use Planning Manager. (€3) Uses and structures permitted by Conditional Use - Permit. Subject to the provision of Chapter 21.50, the following uses and structures are permitted by Conditiona Use Permit. In addition to the findings required by Chaptl 21.50, in order to approve a Conditional Use Permit, it must be found that the use, as proposed, will not adverse affect the viability of use of the area as a cornmercial- tourist district or adversely affect nearby uses or traff movements. -2- 0 0 (1) Bars, cocktail lounges and other licensed (on- sale) liquor dispensing operations not meeting the definition of a bona fide eating establishment, subject to the following conditions: (A) an unobstructed view of the interior of the premises can be obtained from the street upon which business fronts; (B) not less than one space per fifty square feet o gross floor area; (C) Surrounding grounds, including parking areas, shall be maintained in a neat and order1 condition at all times; (D) Any structure housing such operation shal meet all applicable code provisions prior to occupancy: (E) Licensee or agent shall riot permit open containers of alcoholic liquor to be taken frorc the premises; (F) No licensed liquor dispensing operation shall be located within five hundred feet of ar other licensed liquor dispensing operation not meeting the definition of a bona fide eating establishment. Restaurants providing on premise entertainment arid liquor. (3) Service stations. (4) An opening shall be provided through whic Parking shall be provided at the rate of (2) Drive through business or drive through facilities to existing businesses. VI. AREA B - TRAVEL ORIENTED USES (A) Permitted Uses (1) Hotels (2) Motels (3) Restaurants (B) Accessory Uses The following uses are permitted, provided that such accessory uses are developed as an integral and secondary part of a permitted use as listed above: (1) Apparel and accessories; (2) Bakeries; (3) Beauty and barber shops: (4) Commercial parking lots: -3- e e ,. (5) ConEectionary stores; (6) Drycleaning, laundry pickup service only; (7) Florists; (8) Health clubs and spas; (9) Novelty and/or souvenir stores; (10) Stationery stores: ( 11 ) Travel agencies. (C) Uses and structures permitted by Conditional Use Permit. Subject to the provision of Chapter 21.5C the following uses and structures are permitted by Conditional Use Permit. In addition to the finding required by Chapter 21.50, in order to approve a Conditional Use Permit, it must be found that the L as proposed, will not adversely affect the viabilit use of the area as a commercial- tourist district c adversely affect nearby uses or traffic movements. (1) Automobile service stations; (2) Bus passenger terminals; (3) Recreation Facilities, tourist related - (4) Restaurants that provide drive-in, drive-thrc or take-out service. VII. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (A) Setbacks: All setbacks shall be measured from tb property line. (1) Avenida Encinas and Poinsettia Lane: All buildings shall maintain an average setback 30 feet with a minimum of 10 feet. All park and driveway areas shall maintain a minimum setback of 15 feet. (21 Front yard: The front yard setback for all buildings fronting on the interior street sl- be a minimum of 15 feet, and for parking and driveways, 10 feet. (3) Side yard: Side yards shall be a minimum of feet: 44) Rear yard: Rear yards shall be a minimum of (5) Freeway Frontage: A 10 foot setback shall k maintained from the property line adjacent t Interstate 5. No driveways, parking or tri: enclosures shall be located in this setback. (€3) Coverage: Maximum building coverage including park feet. shall not exceed 75% of gross lot area. -4- 0 0 I, (C) - Building Height: The maximum building height shall b (D) Parking: Parking shall comply with Chapter 21.44 of the Municipal Code. Unless otherwise stated herein, there shall be no parking permitted in the setback fr Avenida Encinas, Interstate 5, Poinsettia Lane or any front yard setbacks. permits for this site, architectural guidelines for t entire site shall be submitted to and approved by the Land Use Planning Manager. Since this site will be highly visible from the freeway, it is imperative tha all portions of the buildings shall be aesthetically pleasing. 35 feet. (E) Architecture: Prior to issuance of any building (F) Landscape: This site will be highly visible to traff along Interstate 5, Poinsettia Lane, and Avenida Encinas; therefore it is imperative that all development on this property be well landscaped. All trees, shrubs and ground cover. Prior to approval of building permit, each applicant shall submit a landscape plan and irrigation plan for the approval c the Land Use Planning Manager All development withi . landscaped areas shall be planted with a combination , this site shall comply with the following standards: (1) Streetscape adjacent to Interstate 5: The 10' setback required adjacent to Interstate 5 shall be entirely devoted to landscaping. No parkin? lots, driveways, trash receptacles, or other accessory structures shall be located within tl- setback. This setback shall be heavily plantec with fast-growing, drought tolerant species, a: shown on Figure 3. (2) Streetscape adjacent to Poinsettia Land and Avenida Encinas: The general concept along these streets is to create a continuous undulating grass berms planted with groves of trees for the purpose of creating a definitive statement, screening of parking areas and enhancing the architecture of the buildings. The 30' setback along Avenida Encinas and Poinsettia Lane shall be landscaped as shown ii Figure 4. (3) Streetscape adjacent to the interior street: the 15' setback along the interior street shal be landscaped as shown in Figure 5. -5- a 0 (4) Parking areas: The intent of landscaping in parking lots is to offer relief from the monot of rows of parked cars and to create an overhe canopy. At least five percent of the parking shall be planted with a mixture of ground cove shrubs and trees. All parking lot trees shall a minimum of 15 gallon size. (5) Irrigation: All landscaped areas shall be permanently irrigated. The irrigation system shall be designed and operated to prevent or minimize run-off and discharge of irrigation water onto roadways, driveways, adjacent properties and any area not under control of user. (6) Street Trees: All street trees shall- be 24" size, with individual bubblers. (G) Signs: Prior to the issuance of any building permi for this site, a detailed, comprehensive sign progr ' for the entire site shall be submitted to and appro by the Land Use Planning Manager. The following si standards shall apply to this site and be incorpora into the comprehensive sign program: (1) Freestanding Sign - One freeway oriented, freestanding sign for the specific plan area s be permitted. This sign shall only identify t center and not identify individual uses. This sign shall have a maximum height of 35 feet ab freeway level and a maximum area of 150 square feet. (2) Monument Signs - Each lot may have one monumen sign, with a maximum height of 6 feet and a maximum area of 36 square feet. All monument signs shall conform to one architectural Hesiq which shall be approved by the Land Use Planni Manager. - (3) Wall Signs - Each building may have a .6 squar feet of wall signs for every lineal foot of building frontage. Except for Tourist-Commerc uses, no wall signs shall face directly toward Interstate 5. (H) Storage: No outside storage shall be permitted. -6- *.** a e (I) Roof Equipment: All roof equipment (and similar equi ment, such as air conditioners, ducts, tanks, piping, etc.) shall be screened so as not to be visible from the freeway or adjacent streets. collection areas shall be completely enclosed and screened from the freeway, streets and adjacent property by a decorative block wall constructed of durable material. Location and materials shall be shown on each building plan. (K) Lighting: A detailed lighting plan shall be submittc to and approved by the Land Use Planning Manager pric to the issuance of building permits. All lighting fixtures shall be shielded from direct glare onto adjoining properties. and/or screened so as not to be visible from the freeway or adjacent streets. (J) Refuse Collection Areas: All outdoor refuse (L) Loading Areas: All loading areas shall be oriented -7- 11 I PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2032 41 51 6 '7 8 9 IO 11 12 '1 NORTHWEST CORNER OF INTERSTATE 5 AND POINSETTIA LANE. APPLICANT: THE AGATEP CORPORATION CASE NO: SP-186 I WHEREAS, a verified application for certain proper wit: A portion of the east half of the northeast quartt Section 29 and the west half of Section 28, in Tor south, Range 4 west San Bzrnardino Heridian has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to ti Planning Commission; and W'rlEREAS, said verified application constitutes a I 13 /as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; anq 21 22 23 24 25 27 26 23 jrelating to the Specific Plan; and NON, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Plar /COTEmiSSiOn as fOllOWS: I That the above recitations are true and correct. That based on the evidence presented at the public hI the Commission recommends APPROVAL of SF-185, based ( following findings and subject to the following cond /i) /8) I Findings: I The site is physically suitable in size and shape to accommodate the proposed uses because the Specific P 1) provides standards for development which accommodate --- . 3. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 311 12 13 m m project with the site. 2) The proposed uses will not be detrimental to adjoinir properties for the reasons outlined in the staff repc 3) The specific plan is consistent with the Carlsbad Ger 2nd with Sections 65451 and 65452 of the Government C regulate the use of specific plans. 4) The specific plan implements the TS (Travel Service) (Community Commercial) land use designations designat this property by the Land Use Element of the General 5) The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that thj has undergone previous environmental review and, the1 has issued a Notice of Prior Environmental Compliance October 6, 1982, Conditions: 1) All development at this site shall conform to the lar and development standards of the specific plan as st; Exhibit "Z", dated October 13, 1982. This specific I apply to the property and shall be transferable upon ownership. 12) Prior to the Einal recordation oE CT 81-5 the applic: 14 15 16 x' %a agree in writing to the Land Use Planning Manager to prospective buyers and developers of khe provisions ( speci€i.c plan. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetin5 Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, I 27th day of October, 7982, the 10th day of November, 1982 l9 2o 21 22 18th day of December, 1982, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairman Farrow, Commissioners Marcus, R Schlehuber, Jose, Friestedt and Rawlins, NOES : None. I I ABSENT: None, ABSTAIN : None - 1 24 1 -- 0 0 .I -. STAFF REPORT @ - DATE : December 8, 1982 TO : Planning Commission FROM : Land Use Planning Office SUBJECT: CT 81-5/SP-186 - OCCIDENTAL - JEWETT - Sixteen-lot tentative tract map and specific plan located at the northwest corner of Interstate 5 and Poinsettia Lane 3 the C-2 zone. I * RECOMMENDATION - It is recommended that the Planning Commission ADOPT Resolutiow No. 2033 APPROVING CT 81-5 and ADOPT ResolutionNb~2032 recom- mending APPROVAL of 5P-186 to the City Council based on the findingsand subject to the conditions contained therein. 11. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND This item was continued from the Planning Commission ineeti.ng oj November 10, 1982, to allow the applicant time to resubmit a revised tentative tract map. These applications are for a sixteen-lot tentative tract map ai commercial specific plan for property located on the northwest corner of Interstate 5 and Poinsettia Lane. The subject propel is 23.6 acres in size and is relatively long and narrow. ?40St the site is covered with weeds except for a windbreak of Eucali tus trees planted along the west property lineo The proposed tentative map will divide this property into sixtc lots varying in size from 1.08 to 1.52 acres. Ten of the lots will gain access from the proposed cul-de-sacsl while the rerna ing six lots will gain access from Avenida Encinas. The propo! specific pia-n divides this site into two areasp one of which w be devel.oped for tourist commercial uses while the other will 1 developed for community commercial uses. The previously submitted tentative map for this site consisted seventeen lots with an interior loop street. The revised map 1 reduced the number of lots to sixteen and replaced the propose1 loop street with two short cul-de-sac streets. Lots 1 and 2 w gain access from the southern most cul-de-sac via panhandles. 111. ANALYSIS - Planning Issues - 1. Does the proposed tentative map meet. the requirements of t Carlsbad Zonj-ng and Subdivision Ordinances? 0 e ,. 2. Are the development standards proposed by the specific plan adequate to ensure high quality tourist commercial and community commercial development? Discussion As proposed, this tentative map meets all requirements of the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision Map Act. All of the lots will front on or gain access from a fully improved public street. As mentioned previously, the lots will vary in size from 1.08 to 1.52 acres, When preparing the specific plan for this site, staff was con- cerned with the high visibility of this site from Interstate 5, Avenida Encinas and Poinsettia Lane. The requirements of the specific plan for this site, Exhibit IIZ", will ensure that the project has an attractive appearance from the freeway as well P adjacent streets. The proposed specific plan requires the sub- mittal of comprehensive architectural guidelines and a compre- hensive siqn program for the entire site prior to issuance of i building permits. In addition, the proposed specific plan requires substantial landscape setbacks along the freeway and adjacent streets. Qverall, staff feels the development standai of the proposed specific plan will ensure high quality tourist commercial and community commercial development at this site. With respect to uses, the specific plan divides the property ir two areas; Area A, designated as tourist commercial (e.g., hot< restaurantp service station), and Area B, general commercial. Staff has found that the circulation system and subdivision cax accommodate the types of uses proposed by the specific plan anc staff is, therefore, recommending approval of CT 81-5 and SP-186. IVI ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Land Use Manager has determiced that these projects have undergone previous environmental review and, therefore, has issued a Notice of Prior Environmental Compliance, dated October 6, 1982. ATTACHMENTS 1. PC Resolutions, Nos. 2033 and 2032 2. Exhibit "Z", SP-986, dated October 13, 1982 3. Location Map 4. Background Data Sheet 5. Environmental Documents 6. Disclosure Form 7.. Reduced Exhibits 8. Exhibits "A" and "B", dated November 30, 1982 MH : kb 12/1/82 -2- e q.gKx?moi\f blAP A&&. , p4 . *, APPhi33AMa.Occidental- Jewitt CAsc t= 'p- NO .___-___. CI81-6 ___I / SOP-I86 0 e BACKGmW DATk SKEET CASE NO: @r 81-5/SP-186 AI?PLICA"T: Occidental Land CO. REQUEST AND EATION: Sixteen lot tentative tract map and Specific plan on the northwest corner of Interstate 5 and Poinsettia Lane. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Those prtions of the east half of the northeast quarter of Sectio3 29 and the west half of Section 28 in Tbmship 12 south, mge 4, west _1 San Brnardino Meridian in San Diego County. APN 214--150-15 Acres 23.60 Props& No. of Lots/Units 16 GEPTRAL PLAN Am ZONING Land use Designation TS/C Density Allowed -- Density ~oposed I- Existing Zone C-2 proposed Zone N/A Surrourding Zonirq and Land Use: -- Zoning Land Use Site c-2 Vacant Vacant Wrth C-2 South C-2 Vacant E&t Freeway Freeway West C-2 Vacant -- PUBLIC FACILITIES School District Carlsbad Water Carlsbad Sewer Carlsbad EDU's - Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated October 8, 1982 ENVIROWITAL INPACT ASSESSMENT Negative Declaration, issued E.I.R. Certified, dated Other, Prior Compliance October 6, 1982 0) 0) '4 .# DEVELO?hIENTAL 1200 ELM A? GARLSBAD, CALIF s EH'jr 1 c ES 0 Anclstant City Manager (714) 438-5595 0 (714) Cu;ldhg 438-5525 Department aitp of aaY%,&ab 0 Enaine9rhg Department 0 Houslng ti Redevelopment Depariment (71.1) 438-5541 . 3096 Hardirg St. (714) 430-5611 @ Planninq Department (714) 438-5591 PuBI;XC GOTICE OF PRIOR. ENVI:POJ~f3& -- CGXPT;INJCE -____- - - Please Take Notice: The Lard Use PI amifig Off ice hts 6etemined that 'che envircnrrent& effecLs oE the projeck described below have dxfezdy beerr considered in cmjmction with previously ce-rt if id enviromentzl 8foct_rrents ad , therefore, no &ditionai environmental review will be xxquirzd and a notice of determination will ke filed. Project %'itle: CT 85-6, SD?? 82-3, PT1?--133~ 2C-232, 2C-233, SP-?(A), SP-'i86# CIT 81-5, j)rojcrt Location: Interstate 5 and FDinse-ttia Lme, ProjEck i3escript kn: 'he propse3 projecks will a'iiow th? prcperties at the norkhwest, sodt'n:.;est zmd soiltheat corners oE Inte-state 5 and painsektia ~ar,e t3 su'diviiie and develo? in acmrdauce ~s-ith the city's present: generd. plan &signations ad ZG~I-PXJ Cur kkse sites, Justification for this determination is on file in the 1.ad Use Planning Office, City BE?11, 1200 Elm Avenue, CzrLsbad, CL fran the public are invited, LaEd Use planniixj OEr'ice within ten (IO) days of date of publication. 'fbrthriest, southwestc southeast comers of Cments Please submit mfits in vxikirg to the Dated: Octok~x 6, 1982 Case XO: W-933, E.-232, ZC-233, 4LL&QJ&L3&*& - MIGIAEL J. hJL%€,IiE&ZR Land use Planning ilamger S?-7(A), SI?-186, c;T 81-5, CY 81-6, SEP 02--3 Apqlicant: Qcciihtal Law? Co. Publish Date: Wtohr 13, 1387. .. .. 'I .. 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Terrace Fu12crton j Ct?.lifo-rn-ia 9 c___. --------.__.__l_l___uc R ~ C G JE:'!ETT C_.----- ----.- Im-EEPs : ~~ - t2av:s (ifi~:i-v&x&~ pzrtner, joj.;?c I~GI!!~? AiiclLcZjs .. vcr1t7;s" c p c:x-px,>:kioa F s yn?, icakicn) 3.3.50 E~7.st 311-c Avenue, Fullerton, Califcixtiz 92631 ---.....ll-.4-411-~.-.-. --. ---_1_ --I- __-.- __ ......- -. ., .. (714) 5,:?5-O:;tj5. ___cI .--i --_-....- ..-...___.;I_----&.-..--.. (724.) i70-9589 ---.------- I-*> I L L> 1(2g>) Lay: r: 2: L?.T?>.'S : f' AC*.r.+31+ 1 T 1 Cp'..,,.. ".,L ;&;>L:e-r I. .G452 Avcnida i\Ian,.rna CECIL A. SldITH -. c------__c^ ~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~.-~~~~~~~~~-.-~~. .. MiULG . I lC>2 5 I?;?,drc.s s _. cIc 6 4 ._-._- 5 2 Ai? n ..__-.-.I.___ f: T! i cl a M ____ a n ;f r! a 1, a 3 c~~~~&.~~lj-f-i-~ ~&~~~~~J , - 4 54 - 7 e 8 2 .. . ' Bg.simss 2$2LASS (714) 453.-?883 (73.4.) .. -&----"-.---. --. -- --.-".--- 9:33.c>lj12.3~k7 !$i>a$~zr Tc:cLep.h:2;ks XLS35.SX FIUOqCJS IT. JEWI" (General Partner in R c C: . 5ci.ie't.f: Cor BUS: 1150 ~zst EZT~ t?venuc, Fulle~ton, Ca. 92551 (714) 870 lZES: (324 Lenon Hill Terrace, F~illestOn, Cz. 9263% (714) 57, --- -.--L__u ---"- ----- .* -I___ .-- ---- c _-- u- -c- -_.-. --.-. - P-ull-CcI- - . .. (Attach xnre :;h.l.ats 5.2 aeces3;iry) x/E3 declare :Ir.dC?r p3X\l?ly -0: pCrjUKy Lh3k t'tir? infolm??~k.~o!l coii?.;ii.n~d in th5.S c3.aa\u.e iu trm and COI;XE:C~ and tihat i.2 \.rill :c.cm;\in t:rw ixxl cor:*cr:k and m~y . xoLSetl LqlO!l ?a b2ipg L.ri\a ar:cl cixrcct un';iX a~l~~I~dtX1. 4% -. .. .' /!q@:-~~o~~p . x3v J?V& 172 +o:* -L 77 cc_ I_---. 25:L.--.-: ._______--- Ax~l i(ci I la t .a -__I t9 0 e Decreed a Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of San Dlego County 31 38 ROOSEVELT ST. 0 P.O. BOX 248 0 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 8 729-2345 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled I I am principal clerk of the printer of the earkbad hUi'llal a newspaper of general ciri published twice weekly in the City of CarlsboJ, County of Sun Diego, State of California, ar newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general charac which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list o subscribers, and which newspaper has been established and published at regular intervals in City of Carlsbad, County of Sun Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding o next preceding the date of publicatioi notice hereinafter referred to; and that tt of which the annexed is a printed copy, 1 published in each regular and entire issu newspaper and not in any supplement th the following dates, tO-Wit: NOTICE OF PUBLIC aSpeciflcplanonpropertygeneral- :'f~~~~~~~~~e"~~,"~~~~~~~~~ and more particularly described A Portion of the east half of the northeast quarter of Seetion 29 and the west half of Seetion 28, in Tomship 12 south, Range 4 west, sari Be.,,ardino ~~~oi~~. A LSBAD CITY COUNCIL HEARING SP-186 NoTICEISHEREBYGIVENthat the City Council of the City of Carls- bad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at e00 P.M., on Tuesday, January 4, 1983, to consider an application for as: ............... .E ecexber. .22. .. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. I certify under penalty of perjury that the forego1 and correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of S State of California on +hp 77nd day ofS?'-.r.@v.lhpr 1 -982 &-LL & e P 21 \\ ) Clerk of tl LOCATION ,WAF' APPLI CANT : JEWETT CASE !IO;': CT 81-5/SP-186 CJ W342 December 22,1982 @ e- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SP-186 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsb will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO P.M., on Tuesday, January 4, 1983, t consider an application for a specific plan on property generally located on the northwest corner of Poinsettia Lane and Interstate and more particularly described as: A portion of the east half of the northeast quarter of Section 29 and the west half of Section 28, in Township 12 south, Range 4 west, San Bernardino Meridian. APPLICANT: Jewett PUBLISH: December 22, 1982 CARLSBAD CITY COUN - - c . APPLI WIT : JEWETT CASE !10.8- : CT 81-5dYP-186 . __ 4 I A-- i..J - -'L# i 'J NLLCE OF PrnLIC PLELPJhG f,-l- - KOITCE IS €!EREBY GIVEN 'chat the Planning Comnission of the City of Carlsbacl will hold a ptablie hearing at the City Council Chariners, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbsd, California, at 7:OO p.m. on Wednesday, De2crrSer 8, 1982, to consider zppraJal oE sixteen-lot tentcstive tract E-;? zrd specific plan on prqper'iy generdly located on the northwest corner sf Winsettia Lane and Interstate 5 and rore particalarly described as: A portioii of the east half of the northeast quarter o€ Section 29 and tho west half of Section 28, in To;snship 12 south, Rwcje 4 west, Sm Bernar6b-o Meridian, Tbse ,persons wishing to sp& on this prqssal are cordially invitd to attend the ptiulic hearing, If you have any questions please call the Lard Use Plming Office at 438-5591, CASE FILE: CT 81-S/SP-186 APPL 1CQT.T: JEPm PUELISZ : December 4, 1982 CITY OF CAFJ;SEAD Pufimm C~WSSION - .I ,- - '* r 1. Hefen B, Duncon& 6 Aileen b3ri 7022 S;?n 11a-tol0 ! 7018 San Ba p&lc & :.:< .iJ* -&&ly Carl-shad, CI, 92008 ;; Carlsbcid, c krth M. Christie . "I t bnald W&b . Carlsbad, CA 92008 .I I Carlsbad, 0 i 805 Ckxinito m,ul Wlsbxl, CIF: 92008 i 1 'I I Cd-Trms 9016 Sa hrtolo ' 7012 S~UI Ba: 2829 Juan St, ' San lXecjo, CA 92110 ,I 1 *,I ,I -- -_ - .. . -.- .. -- -. Bdters Life & cas, CO, Zdtamira !/igmt. bsn, coq0 451 N, ffde AV~, Esmndiclo, CA 92025 Chicago, n; GO630 4444 14. Lawrence Ave, I I +i ,t , - - __ __ - ._ _- -& - - - ------ 1- I L.2 - --- -- - __ __- - --- " __-_c_ - . ~ w&,$f?&$ 4 AVENUE .LIFORNIA 92W8 'JXE p?,GATrT COWRWIm' P. 0. Box 590 Carlsbad, California 92008 I ~. ~~~~~~~~ < ,. ' M AVENUE ;ALlFORNIA 92308 # ! Cecil Sa-tith La JoPla, California 92037 ' 6452 Avcnida Ymana "7 7313 Sm Barblo " 7307 San Bartolo 7227 Sm BcXtOlO I Grace T, Chapman 7317 San Bartolo Carlsbad, CA 92008 .. Walter Lystcr Georgia A, Brown 7305 San f3ilrtolo . 7225 San Barto1.0 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, cI1 92 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92008 j Carlsbad, CA 32 * 'I prlsbad, CA 92008 - Cxlsbad, CA 92008 . Ckrlsbad, CA 92 Wrge Erie 7314 San knit0 Csrlsbad, GI 92008 K.Re Bucholt 7226 S& I3olii.to Carlsbad, (3n 92 I. Andre Resner 7302 Sm Wnito Carlshd, CA 92008 I( j' B,W. Hig!!y 7232 Sa11 Bcurt01.0 0.. .. . 2I 1 I" R~l-and N, lbffat 1; ' Joim J. carlow 7220 Sm Bc~rtolo s 7216 San Tk?.ni.to I3.L I I3ClllLCA IAXJ..ULA 7230 S$!I L3a.ri,O.iO ' /LIP, >dl JklII;O.LU Gxlsbad; CA (32008 jWCklsl.~ad~ CA 32008 e Cirrlsbad, cn 921 I 1 .. . M.lI,P, May 4 1 i _I , mscoe C, Bra&ury 7228 San Bartolo i 7216 San Bartolo ' I 7319 Smta Bnrba Carlsbadr Cn 92008 Mae II. Robinson Gn-lshd, CA 32008 1 Carlsbad, CA 92 *I i : ,l f I i Andrew A. Ackerm i' Ca.rlshdp CA 92008 'i Carlsbad, CA 92 \ Wilbur Assay, Jr, i Joseph A, Teiigler C;urlsbail, Cl 32008 7226 Szl B~X~XI~O f 7214 San Partolo ' 7321 San-ta Bc~h ! I I Leo Shemn AWE, Yomg 1 Sidney 11, Chiiiatt 7224 Sarr Bartolo 1' L 7212 San mol0 + 7333 San Bartolo ! Girlshad, CA 92 Carlsbad, CA 92009- 1 Carlsbad, CA 92008 .! .i .L 1 . .. ', .. .. i*: ! .e .. A,R, Bailey 1 Faust Petri110 t, 1van S, Rosin 7222 SZLII BcXi?cDlO I 7215 San R3rtalo ; 7335 Sm Bar-tolc t Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad, CA 92 Wlsbadt CA 92038 i 1 1. Gorgs: II, Schosder 7122 Scm Elrt010 1 7120 San Bartolo 'I 7118 San Bartc;f_c ! +. Carlsbad, CA 92008 f Carlsbad, CA 92 Wlsba3, CA 92008 . - ,\I . Priscilla M, Brdnxd y l BruceLLndqukt E .I 2' - i' f I \ .t , Vm.a Paxdict Arthur Walkup Paul €Iinc$gen , 7116 Sm Bartolo t 7104 San Bartolo ' , 7030 San Bartolc Carlsbad, GA 32006 i Carlsbad, CA 92008 ' t Wlsbad, CA 9; If32 XI, 3epolds I Harry A, bkwder 7114 San I3artolu !' 7102 Sa Bartolo 1 7028 San l3artolc Carlsbad, CA 92008 a< Wlsbad, CA 92008 'i Carkbad, (X 9; il. > 1' . ,i ; Ellen Anderson \ 'E : 1, -. \ I- -_ Willian C o Nelson p Jr, . I Lcroyl?, Grh-s t John W, Wrenn 7112 San Bartolo ' 7038 Sm B;u-tolo t 7026 Sa5 Bar-tolc Girlsbad, CA 92COS 1 ' Wlsbad, CA 92008 +I Carlsbad, CYi 9; i i. .I t , Dm Rgernuyer 't' L &in G, spaith Fred Sprat1 en 7110 San Bartolo . 7036 ,C;sri Dnrtolo 7024 Snn Ihrtdc Car3sb;1dr CA 92003 Carlsbad, CA 92008 '11 ' CarlsbLtcI, cn 9; * il I I 1 t i \ <I * I* ._ I I 7043 San Dcartolo /ULL .',CUI UCLLLUIW LjlliiULL ,A Ly-+ 1 , 7108 Six: BafblO ;.Qcarlsbadr cfl 92008 I) Carlsbad, CA 32 Carlsbad, Gi 92008 .i i 1 !. i AI,ic:a S, B~C ' ' 1'' Iioswel.1 c, xellqy 1 Vernal Te Scrogc i 7032 Sa1 Bartolo 1 . 7020 Sm Bxtolc 7106 Ssn fsarto1.o Carlsbad, GI 92008 : Carlsbad, CA 92008 : f Ckrlsbad, CA 9; i I I \\ .. i3 ;I Yillard D. Foun-LXh i Hazel Quczada I Frederick W, Mu 7110 Santa Cmz \ 7108 Smta Cruz ,t ! 7106 Sank Cmz Carlsbad, CA 92003 ' Carlsbad; C4 92008 , carlsbadr CA 9: -t 1 .I '( i :: 7020 Sxl Carlos j b2xlsbad, CA 92008 f Carlsbad, CA 9 A, Victor 0, Ekrgquist Welyn C, son ._ " I Ben Schor 7104 Smta Cruz I 7022 San -10s Carlsba& eA 92008 1 i i i 'i ji \qL Clemnt Gates .I i r Shj.rley R&u.y -1 i WiTTian Ik>Iey 7018 Sm Calos Ca_rlsbad, CFa 92008 7016 Sari Carlos 1 7014 Sm Carlos Carlsbzd, C? 92008 ' ' I carlsbad, CA 5 17x3; W, '.rnahan 1 i &om 1~ fibyne 7023 Scm CZK~OS . 8. 7115 Santa Cnx Carlsbad, CA 92008 - .3 I Ckrlsbad, CA ! :I. si I -1 : I?' I; 1; j\ J,C, F?aterfiel.d 7012 san Carlos czrlsbad, Cn 92008 I f i \- f G*Le ROkrkS . James Salyer 1 Grace Ha-k 7117 San"~a Cruz I 7115, Santa Cruz ,' 1 7145 Santa Bar1 'Carls5ac3, CFI 92003 Carlsbaci, cli 32008 i C2rlsbadf CA d1 *4 Ja!s M. Johnson i Wcidmt-al. Pet . 7144 Smta Rosa 1 7142 Smta Rosa i Wveloplx-ent co * Gx-kb~d, CA 92008 1 I Carlsbadr CA 92006 I C/O propxty T it :' 'I Eiouston, TX 7 Charles & Jill Bronson . -1'' Thixdore L, v;11as I I ~an~cep Life ti A, Tucker & Co, [ . oeeallside, (3% 32054 I Suik 1475 , I Los Angeles, C bs Ancrelcs, CY? 90069 ' John V, Wrales i MicliacX S. TU] 1 803 Caminito I *4 It 1 1. i Isaklla R, Dill . ' P,O. Box 868 c/o I,E, Pkirt5ndale & 1 3202 Vista Way I 1901 Ave. of t I 3200 Suriset Blvd,, i418 i i ... '1 Carlcbadt, CA 801 CaminitQ Azd- i, carlsbadr cn 92008 I t i I I )I 7 w,. $,a&gJ&j .M AVENUE ;ALIFORNIA 92008 .. ,* OCCIDENTAL LAND INC e 2100 Sb-E. Main Street Xrvine, CA 92714 .. ______-. ____.__l.- ---- .----- ---.- -___ -7 ___-. ____ ..-, -.--.-.lll.~-T~----..--rrs .... . I. ... . .- .... .. . .... ... ;., ^... $... :., . .. . . , ./.>'. ... . ' I' I. I. .. ., r. ~ ;. ., j .. " .' . - .I .. - , ---'------?.-~-.-~-~ - C. .. .._. .. .. ... . 3, .. '. ' ' "1 : 1 .. ., '-, .... - .' *$ - '. . . I. * * .... ... ... . : ... ... .. I : . .- ... . ^e( .. .... ...... .. . , .: ' .. .. .. .. *. . 's, ... '. '. i .,. ' .. .-';a -. - .. .. -> ' .. .. .- .. , ._ .. .. - ... '._ . ... ,. . .-- . . -_ .. .. .. ._ ., . ! ., .... . .: .. .. -. .. .. ... r: ,z . .,. ,. .. .. ... ye$& $ ..> ., .. .. .. ... .. . ., .. 4 ;. .. .- .. .. ... .. -. c .. .... .. ,> t. .: ,. ,. -, ,' .. ... .. ' '_..') . . t: ! ... ,_.. 'c. .... .... .. .. 5.. .. :.. ' ., . .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .1 .. .* .... .. .... ,. . ., I .. - 'I .. . " .. ,. 2. : ... -. ,. ,. \ *. .. \. s I. . .. .. .. , U ‘I TELEPHONE: 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 438-5621 dltp of awrrs’bab January 24, 1983 R. C. Jewett Co. 7215 Daffodil Place Carlsbad, CA 92008 Enclosed for your records, please find a copy of the following Ordinance No. 9660 _-_-_- , adopted by the Carlsbad City Council on ,January 18, 1983 Sincerely, df- LEE RAUTENKIUNZ, City Clerk LR: adm Enclosures (1 ) I