HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-01-18; City Council; 7263; Lease of City Property13 9 6 uc: rz, a, < II 2 0 4 d 0 z 3 0 0 - 6 cie~ CARLSBAD - AGEND~LL AB# 7'3 L: -3 TITLE: DEPT. CITY I MTG.1/18/8 3 AGREEMENT FOR LEASE OF CITY PROPERTY DEPT. UTL CITY 1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution y!/q approving lease of city property in Oceanside f purposes of erecting a sign to Motivational Systems, Inc. ITEM EXPLANATION: Motivational Systems, Inc. has made an offer to lease a portion of city pro at Mission and Foussat in the City of Oceanside for the purpose of erecting subdivision sign for a real estate development north of Mission Avenue. Th is 8' by 12' and will be in compliance with Oceanside's codes (their sign c allows 100 sq. ft. for subdivision signs). The rental offer is $25.00 per and appears to be reasonable for the intended use. The lease is month-to-m and may be terminated by either party by 30 days written notice. FISCAL IMPACT: Revenues will amount to $300 per year and will be used to defray the costs weed abatement on the entire parcel. EXHIBITS : A. Resolution .7 i 17 B. Agreement C. Sketch of parcel at Mission 13 Foussat L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 . 14 15 16 3.7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e 0 ' RESOLUTlON NO. 7114 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSEAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE LEASE AGREEMENT WITI! MOTIVATIONAL SYSTEMS, INC. WHEREAS, Motivational Systems, Incorporated has made an offer to lea: a portion of city property at the corner of Mission and Foussat in the ci Oceanside for twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per month for the purpose of e ing a sign; and, WEREAS, that portion of city property is not presently utilized for purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Ca as follows: 1, An agreement. between the City of Carlsbad and Motivational Systc a copy of which is on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby approved. 2. The Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and direi execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at. a regular meeting of the Czrlsbad C Council held the 19th day of JanuarY , 1983, by the following vote, tl AYES: NOES : None ABSENT: None Council 1.le.mk.r~ Casler, Lewis, Kulchh, Chick and Prescott +d &A& MARY H. Ci LER, Mayor ATTEST: &&&!a 4,f+ f ALI':TIIA L. RAU'TENKRr'lNZ, City Clerk (SEAL) *I a f i ! i 1 AGREEMENT ad LOCATION SF, corner of Missi.on Ave. 8 Fc --._ . iY til'lL LEGAL 160-270-13 ADDRE:;:, 1200 Elm Avenue CITY . .__ Carlshad ZONE LAND USE Americana -_~ _.._ _I ADVERTISER Creative Si.gns 'r1.1 OFFER you twenty-five DOLLARS ($ 25-00 ) PER month I9 ADVANCE, COMMENClNG FROM DATE OF SIGN ERECT1 . .._.-I__-- b'.;f(JJsp:E kD\IT:QTIST,EG LSE OF T I?,BO'JE DESCRIBED ]j]{C)Ijf.:RTY FOR THE OiD MAINTENANCE OF LEVLETSSIX SIGNS FOR A PERIOD OF month to mol FOLLOl$ING CONDITIONS : Lessee l,jj 11 remove lessee's advertising structure within thrity (30) days 1.j;: a written request frox Lessor, together with the return of all !3) day iiot-ice to Lessor. and pre-paid rent. Lessee may terminat-e this lease at any time 1 inent s!m11 continue in force from year to year after the term ESS termi~nated in writing thirty (30) days pri.or to the end of 1 y addi.t. i.onal agreement provided, however, that lessor may termir rrient hy giving lessee thirty (30) days written notice. A1.l mat( iises by lessee shall remain lessee's property and less( placed o:! :;clj.J p:' may renove them at any time. If vjer; of the adcertlsing signs is obstructed or their advertising value whol! y qr ;jartj:il ! v in ired, or the use of such signs is prevented by la1 kts agreerzent and receive all rent paid for the unexpil by givicg notice in writing of such obstructi-on, impa- or prevention GI use. Lessee wi.ll. intlemi~f y , defend acd save lessor harmless from all claims fo: s te persons or dmage to property resulting from the negligent or u acts of I.F'ss~~'s agents, employees or workmen j.n the pl-acement, cofisLi-::C:tion, mainteI:a!ice, repair or removal of lessee's signs on the abo premi SCL ~ Tllis 2~ nent in:ly not bt? assigned or sublet without prior- consent of les, which c!;:!cei!t: shzJ-2 not be unreasonably withheld. No reductj on of mont-hl rentul to lessor nrdy be made without consent of lessor. erstood that the undersigned is not bound by any stipu on:< or promises not witten ?n this agreement. ant: (1) 8' x 12" sign ACCFPTED yzLLfLGL s e&?%/ x IL-.--- --______ Pr-opez'ty Q;,:nrr - Lessor City oE Ckrlsbad I200 Zh. AvenGe Ca.rl.sbad, CA 92003 Ja-mary 18, 1983 -_ Date -.-___._ -.-- .---...-___..._.__ __~________ It