HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-01-18; City Council; 7268; ZONE CODE AMENDMENT - PARKING FOR PROFESSIONAL OFFICE USES ZCA-145 - CITY OF CARLSBAD.‘CIT\QF CARLSBAD - AGENDeILL // Ll .I J AB# 72 b r PROFESSIONAL OFFICE USES MTG. 1/18/83 DEPl TlTLE ZONE CODE AMENDMENT - PARKING FOR ZCA-145 - CITY OF CARLSBAD. CITY ,DEPT. PLN CITY m W W a 8 4 0 TTI 4 3 .5 4 -ri i! 8 m aJ I co ri 4 I d > w 0 Ce Q < a. ii 0 4 6 e 2 3 0 0 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Both the Planning Staff and Planning Commission recommend thal this application be APPROVED and that the City Council introdl Ordinance No. 9,h.F . ITEM EXPLANATION This item is an amendment of the zoning ordinance revising the parking requirements for professional office uses. This item considered by the City Council earlier this year and, at that time, the Council established a committee to provide a recommendation for parking requirements in the Redevelopment Area. The committee was made up of 2 members each of the Planning Commission and Redevelopment AdvisQry Committee, The committe felt it was best to make a distinction between the Redevelopme Area and the rest of the city. The committee recommends the following: 1) Professional offices in the Redevelopment Area and areas within 300 feet of its boundary - 1 parking space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area. 2) Professional offices throughout the city, except the Redevelopment.Area - 1 parking space for each 300 square ft of gross floor area. 3) Financial institutes throughout the city, including the Redevelopment Area - 1 space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area. 4) Allow consideration of 25% of a11 required parking as compc car spaces, Both the Planning Commission and staff believe these rec- ommendations to be fair and reasonable. Through staff review and Planning Commission hearing, all issue on this matter have been satisfactorily resolved. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that this project will not cause any significant environmental impacts and, therefore, has issued a Negative Declaration, dated April 28, 1982, which was approved by the Planning Commission on December 22, 1982. A copy of the environmental documents is on file in the Land Use Planning Office. 0 e Page 2 of Agenda Bill # 72 6 f FISCAL IMPACT Approval of this request will not cause any fiscal impacts to city. EXHIBITS 1. City Council Ordinance No. 7bb3- 3. Staff Report, dated December 22, 1982 w/attachments 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2065 .I 9 4 'I 3. 2 3 4 I e EXHIBIT "A" 0 DECEMBER 22, OliDINANCE NO, 9665 AN Oii)TI.;IANCE OP THE CITY CO[JT-\JCIJ, OE: TE]3 CZTY OF CA.RLSBAi3, CALIFORNIA, AMEI4DIiJG TITLE 2 1 , CHAPTER MENT'OF SECTIONS 21.44,130(2) AND 21.41.160(1) TO ESTABLISH PA5XING REQUZRE?4ZNT3 FOR OFFiCE USES ANI 2 i I 44 OF TZiE CARLSRAD MUNXCIPATA CODE BY THE I?MZ?<.iD. TO AI,LOW THE CO~IDEXITION OF CONPACT PARKING SPA( "____.. "______"_ ". 5 il The City CGU;IC~!- OE the City of Carlsbad., ~alifori 6 !ordain 3.s follows: 7 SECTION 1 : That- Title 21 r Ch;>.p-tel: 21 o 44, of the C e Municipl Code be axendd by the ar~endr~~ei~-t 0:: Section 21 .r, 9 10 17. 12 13 14 a5 16 1 '7 to V" Lead as fol:!ows: 2) Use - Bai?ks and IroEessional Offices parking S2aces Requirsd - a) Sanks and other financial institutions - eazh Ewo-hundred and fifty square feet of floor area. b) Professional offices - one for each three square feet of gross floor area.. c) Professiozal offices, except for banks an financial institutions, which are located the Vil1al;e Redzvelopnent Zone or within radius of the Village Redevelopment Zone each four-hGndred square fee-k of gross fl area. l8 I SECTION 2: That Title 21 I Chapter 21 -44 or' the C l9 IHunicipal Code be amended by khe addition of thz fol:owir?g I 201iat the end of Seekion 21 -44- 1 SO( 1) to read as follows: 21 22 23 i "Except Cor the residential zones, the Planning C may allow up to twenty-five percent of the total parking spaces to be reduced in size to accornnoda compact cars e " 24 I EFFECTIVE DATE: Tnis ordinance shall be effectiv 25 26 ,days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify adoption of this ordinance and catise it to be published at once ir, the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days aEZler its d 27 j 28 /ledopt ion (r I1 c r 0 0 I I/ XN%RODUCEC AN9 FIRST READ at a regular meeting of 2 bar1.skm3 Cit.117 council held 03 -the 18th da17 of January 3 1983, and thereaft?r, 4 PASSED AND liDOPT'EB at 2, regular meekifig of said ci 51 Council held on the 1st d a.y c E February [ 1983, b ' .:allowing vote I to wit; I ""..." Irc..Fft+vb!+s\.l;l .Ulr~-uuly~..~,"~~~,-.-~~- 7 8 AYES: comcil &jj&rs Ca der, Lm7isI Rdchimp Chick and NOES : KDne 9 I1 ABSEN'T: Pbm? lo I 11 12 i\rJyesrp; I cy-//? !I r P L4-..<...L ,i. ",' J/ , &.&f "TC"~k~~;$~p &. 13 14 /&yi,,( b p --:- E 4. 1 5 :~~~'"i~~~~~~~~~~~.~--~-~.~ ,^ rrr _L 2 17 i 2-9 1 &..-?? / .< d h , , L.. ~~~,,C~~...~.~,~l.~~!~~ J,6 \SEAL) LL7rh 18 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 * -2- I _, , /- * .I I * -, li 0 0 3. 2l 3 4 5 6 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO, 2065 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CI? OF CARLSBAD p CALIFORNIAp RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONE CODE AMENDMENT , AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSRAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AXENDMENT OF SECTI( 21.44*130(2) AND 24m44s160(1) TO REVISE THE PARK11 REQUIREMENT OFFICE USES AND TO ALLOW CONSIDERATIOI OF COMPACT PARKING SPACES. APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD CASE NO: ZCA-145 I i 7/ WHEREAS, the Planning Conmission did, on the 22nd 8 law to consider said reques.t; and 9 December, 1982, hold a duly noticed public hearing as pres( 10 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and XI. i considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all per: 12 relztiny to the Zone Code Amendment. l3 desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factoor I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED *by the Plann 15 Ccsmn;ission as follows: l4 I 16 17 18 99 20 21 22 23 24 25 i 1 I1 ji I ! A) ~hak the above recitations are true an.& correct, B) That based on the evidence presented at khe public hear Commission recommends APPROVAL of ZCA-145 according to : YYA1' dated December 22, 1982, attached hereto and made a hereof, based 011 the following findings: "- FiriG j.mg s : Ij ??hat the proposed amendment brings the city's parking requirements for banks and other professional office usc conformance with the amount of parking generated by the: 2) The proposed amendment adequately addresses the special characteristics of the Village Redevelopment Area and tlr properties immediately adjacent to the areas. 3) The project will not cause any significant environmental and a Negative Declaration was approved by the Planning Co~nmission on April 28, 1982, 26 jl//// 28 I'1i/ 27 I 1, e 0 1 2 L/ 7 4 5 E 7 8 9 10 Ll 12 &-3 14 a 1; ’ I/ I1 I Ij ii I/ /I ! It I I j PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting p ‘1 -j ~, .,,!ix.Commission ... of the city of Carlsbad, California, he 3 ”, ..- ’ . Lt:LS-‘ .:iaY of December, 1982, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Chairman Farrow; Commissioners Schlehut: NOES : None ABSENT: Commissioner Marcus ABSTAIN : None Friestedt, Rawlins, Jose and Rombotis ATTEST: /? L’U” ‘,7p /+ MXGHPAZL J, HOLY!MILLE*R, Secretary CAKLSRAD PLANNING COMMISSION , .. . 151 le 1 .I8 19 24 /i I 1 2s i 22 i 23 3-7 I I 2o i/ i 21 I I 25 1 27 I I I 28 lpi ll 2ESO NO. 2065 -2- 0 0 - STAFF REPORT ( DATE : December 22, 1982 TO : Planning Commission FROM : Land Use Planning Office SUBJECT: ZCA-145 - CITY OF CARLSBAD - An amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to revise the parking requirements for professional office. uses. I. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission ADOPT Resolution No. 2065 recommending APPROVAL of ZCA-145 to the City Council based on the findings contained therein. " " 11. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION This amendment to the Zoning Ordinance would increase the arnount of parking required for office uses. The oxdinance presently requires one parking space for each 400 square feet of floor area. This amendment was previously considered and acted on by the Planning Commission at its meeting of April 28, 1982. When the item was considered by the City Council, several persons spoke in opposition to the amendment especially as it related to the Redevelopment Area, The Council referred the matter back to staff for additional study with the direction to form a subcommittee composed of members from the Planning Commission anc " the Redevelopment Advisory Comnittee to make a recornmendation on - ; the item. Two members fron each group served on the subcommittef 2": which held several meetings. The subcommittee's recommendation was as follows: 1) Rstain thepresent standard (1 space/400 square feet of floor area) for offices in the Redevelopment Area except banks 2) Allow the present standard to also apply to properties located within 300 feet of the redevelopment area. 3) Allow compact car spaces (25%) to be considered in all areas of the city, Presently, the consideration of compact space: is only permitted in the Redevelopment Area and the P-M zone , The subcommittee's recommendation was reviewed and recommended for approval by the Redevelopment Advisory Commit.tee at its meeting of.Septernber 27, 1982. Since that time, staff has talked to several commercial/office brokers and developers and staff now believes that the original proposal recommending one space for each 250 square Eeet of floor area is appropriate for banks but 0 e other office uses outside the Redevelopment Area, a ratio of ont space for each 300 square feet is more acceptable and workable. One item recommended by the subcommittee which the Planning Commission may wish to discuss is allowing the same standard applied to the Redevelopment Area to apply.to properties locatei within 300 feet of the Area. It was the subcommittee's feeling that the properties immediately surrounding the Redevelopment Area had the same characteristics (lot size, existing develop- ment, etc.) as those within the Area. Although it is somewhat unusual to have a special provision like this applied to one small area of the city and it may be awkward to administer, it j possible to include it. The' proposed amendment has been wcrded to reflect this reconmendation of the subcommittee. In summary, the proposed amendment recGmmends the following park in9 requirements: 1) Banks and financial institations - one space for each 250 - square feet of gross floor area, 2) All other professional office uses - one space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area. 3) Professional offices, except banks, in the Village Redevelopment (V-R) Zone and within a 300-foot radius - one space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area. 4) Up to 25 percent compact spaces may be allowed. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Conmission approved a Negative Declaration €or this nificant impact on the environment. ATTACHMENTS I . . project on April 28, 1982 finding that .it would not: have a sig- 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2065 w/attached Exhibit "A" 2. Previous Staff Report dated April 28, 1982 . b1J M/ar 12/8/82 ~ -2- -1'. * i b . ~ ,"' *-; ~ . F ,* il .. . ... . . .. '. .. .. . . .. @; .' . . ., .. .. a' .. . .. .I - .. STAFF REPORT .. DATE: . ' April 28, 1982 .. TO : Planning Commission \ FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: ZCA-145 - CITY OF CARLSBAD - An amendment to the zoni ordinance to revise the parking requirements for bank 1. .. -. ; business and professional offices, .. X. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND This Zone Code 'Amendment would change the parking requirements for banks, business and professional offices frorn one parking space for every four hundred square feet of gross floor area tl one parking space for every 250 square feet of gross floor are Last year the Planning Commission directed staff to find out tl average a.~nount of parking required for office uses by other cities in San. Diego County. Some of the Commissioners felt th. Carlsbad's requirements for office parking were inadequate. 31 c DISCUSSION During the summer of '1981, staff made a. survey of other cities within Sal? Di~go County to determine their parking requirement! for banks, business and professional offices, This survey revealed that Carlsbad had the lowest parking requirements for. bank and office uses in Sai? Diego County. The parking require. ments for bank and oEfice uses in San Diego County varied frorn one space for every 180 squ.are feet to one space for every 400 square feet, ln November of '1981 , Carlsbad participated in the city of Glendale's parking questionnaire, the results of which were se1 tu Carlsbad in December 198.1. The results of this guestionnail showed that: most cities requ5re one parking space for every 250-300 square feet of gross floor area for office uses. Over 3/4 of the cities responding had higher-parking requirements fc Field observations and practical experience also leads staff tc believe that the city's existing 1/400 ratio is inadequate to provide sufficient parking for both employees and customers of most office uses. Often, developers. o€ office projects volun- tarily provide parking at a ratio of 1/250 or 1/300 because experience has sI~own them that 1/400 is inadequate for most: off ice uses. 'oEfice uses than did darlsbad. . 8 .... ...... ... ..... ... , .. ... . ,. . ....... -:... . ... , 4' . 6% . .. 6.' " .. .... ' 6;; .. -. L I' +.4 . .% * .. ... .. ' Based On the results Of the survey, and practical experience, staff feels that the parking requirement for banks, business c professionaf off.ices.should be amended to require one parking space for every 250 square feet of gross floor area, . .. 111. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that this project will nc have a significut impact on the environment and, therefor&, t: issued a Negative Declaration on April 19, 1982, .. IV; RECOXNENDATION .. .. -.It is recommended that the Planning Commission elPPR0'5TE the " Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and adopt Resolution No.. 7940' mm"mding APPROVAL of ZCA-145 to the ,. -_ City Council based on the findings contained therein, ... ........ ..... ... ..... .. ........... ... ............. ., . .. .... .......... . ... . ......... ........ .. ATTACHMENTS _. .. , ... ... .... ..... ....... ... .... ....... ._ .-.. , ;.: ,_ :<" ....... .. ......-. ..... .. ., .. .......... ..... ........... . .... ..... II_ " .. 1 - _- .,. . .-. , . '.- - '. . ........... ~,.,. ,. \ .?. .? .,.*,- : j ..,I.. i: .:..*.: ::-:<,:::. .. .. , _. . ........ - ... .......... ... : .. . . _. -. :'>. ........... .. ' :-. .;:. . . :.. ,.." ~ :r ~. ."'I.. ... . .:: . c..: - . : . ... .' . . .. .. .. . I . ._.. -. ...... ' . I ,-. , . 1; Planning Commission Resolution No. 1940 ..... .. . . :?: ..: .. 2, Exhibit '*A", dated April I, 1982 ~ .. .. 3'- ' Environmental Docunents 4. Ci-ty of Glendale Parking Questionnaire 'Results, p, 1 MB:ar . .< . .. ."-. ..I ~ .. .. 4/21/82 .. .. '. . A. - ... .. '. -2- Q. -, ........... -_. . -~-. ....... ".~ . ._ "..". "".""" " ". ~" ,. ... .. .. ... ... . -. .. '*:e;. .. .c - . ' .- CITY'OF GL@*ALE PARKING QUESTIONNAI @- cy. ~SULTS -. ... ." - DECEMBER 8,1981 PART I ' * .. \. I, Novembcrof 1981, the Ciry of Glt?ndalesulicitt?d the cooperarim of 178 cities ad col~lies in Cddornia and in neighboring western states to &certain the type of commercial and industrial parking standards applied in other juri The results of the stlmey are being utilized to assist the City of Glendale in determining its awn parking needs and d The questionnaires were distributed to 158 California cities, 76 California counties, and 7 other cities in Arizona, AIn Oregon. and Washington. The response ws a very gratifying 79percent (14l~responses out of 778 questiannaied Question I. &hat are yow rhinimurn parking r&uiremenrs for commerciai q?eveloprnents? Retail (t41 rcrponsed .. Office, (149 respansed Other: Medics (4s mpor -. 9. . .. - No. 24 SPlsq.E; No. % SpJSq. ft - : No. % Sp.lsy.fo. ... 6 . 4 . -hfOf8than 5@/1ooq' ' 3 . i Mom than S.OitO6O 1 2 More than6 * 22 I6 ; 5.OllOOO 12 9 aamm . 8 17 6.7/1000 4 3 4.14.9/7(xx, - .. . a 2 4.14.9j10PXI 7' 15 51-6.6/100( , 38 . 28 4.0110o"J .. 51 36 Qcvlooca .. . 15 33 LiOllOOO .' .27 I9 z3/sooo : .- . . 36 -25 .3;3/1oQo ', . . 4 9 4.OllOCO - ' 3 2 26-3a1mo ... 2 .: 1 26-32I1om .... ..... 1 2 .%3/1Ooo . ' . 33 9 ZSllOOQ . '1 ' - .. ' . - ....... ,t . -. 8 25/104#3 . . .. . ' , 10 22 OrhmWe ... 9 6 ZOllOOO . :.. .. ....... " 5 .. 4 . 20llQiM , .. gar *or -. -44 13 Othep+~i~ ,.::,:. ....... ........... 3s . 12 ... O&wwries . ...,:.-., ... .- ......... .. "*to inmGw .... '.;;.. . 1. .... .1 .. . .....-. ..... ... -,:. -a;.-.- 1.-: ... ..... ,... ;. . :...:.:.:. with intmsity.;.~~.:~.: .... ......... .. .. . I ,., .. ... ... .. ... ,*. . ......... ... . - . :._ . . ._. : _..,_ :.:: . . ... ._ ,. ... ........ ..... _- .... :: ........ .... . '. .... ... ~ .,.-.::.",. : :,;:;:'...: .. /.-. ,L:.:.,:6: ....... ....... .. +_.. .. ... ..... .... .... *.. "..: .. - :. . _.. _._. . .. . .... ". .: ....... ..... y Qmstion.2 Mat am ywrminimtJmparking requiremenrs for industrial establishmeplts? ..... ........ .. ... .... .. .. ManufazkyriW (136 mpm3) .. :.. .. ... ' . Wholesafing.{lSI wcnses) ., . Other: Warskwss, (46 re .. ._ .. I . .. . Na % Spl-ft . ' . .. .. -. .. . NO. -% sp./Sq. fr .. . . 7 - 5 More than 2511000 : ' ' 9 . ? . Mora ttr3n2.511000 13 70 %5/1(100 8 6 25/70ocP 56 41 ZOllOO!, ' 2 I 21-24/10!3. .. 2 1 z.t-24l10oo .. ~ 45 34 ZO/lO~ . . 7 5 , 5.3-1.9l10W I' 8 .6 1.3-1.9/fCtW %-I 8 l.Oll000~ 19 15. 1.Of1oOo 2 8 6 t.zs/IOOO , . 8 . 6 1.25/3W 4 3 iessthan7.5IScm 6 5' tffs rhan 1.0/1000 28 2f Uther-smpluy+son ' -. 27 20 Mheasmpiayeec5on .. high if^ b c~pany ' ... hi& shift & amparay V&kleO '. . vehkffs - .. .. .... ' ., . aUt&On 3. Upon dich floof area critefiaaare yoerr parking requirements based? D No. bx, . .- . CI - $2 49 32 37 .' 3 7 24 8 19 ,' 53 50 It4 I rqoonses) SPJ* ff. More than 2 2011m I .Oil DGO 0.67/1000 0.5/1Mxp 1.'1-1.9JIGOt o.wooa Othoremplo) high shifp e( c ve'hi@l ta .. ... ..... -. NQ. % Categaty .- ...... . .__ , . ..' : .. ......... .. ... ..... . '. . .: ,. ,. .- . - .... 4. '. . .. ... .. ... .. .. '. 317 83 G~osflwr~re~~inscy+wsfwt . 19 13 FJatflmrJteminsquxefm . . _. -, . . . 2 2 Adjusisd grou atss (excluding elwaton & staid . ' ... 3 2 Grow or net dspading upon type of usa . '' .. .. .. Quesrion 4. DO YOU aftowape/eent.y~ of re&edpark;ng to be devoted to small or compxt cars? (14 1 =pones No. % Catqoq 76 54 Smatl car parking slbwed 68 41 Small car parking not allorred ,i"",; .. .I .. .. 7 G Srnrli cw parking permated in cart& cases 5 a. ... .. . .. -r, n;l ... -1- a \ ". .. " Carlsbad J Decreed a Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of Sun Diego County 31 38 ROOSEVELT ST. 0 P.O. BOX 248 0 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 0 729-2345 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled mc I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circu published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general charact< which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of subscribers, and which newspaper has been established and published at regular intervals in tt City of Carlsbad, County of Sun Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding on( next preceding the date of publication notice hereinafter referred to; and that the NOTICE OF PUBLIC of which the annexed is a printed copy, ha: published in each regular and entire issue ( newspaper and not in any supplement ther the following dates, to-wit: HEARING ZCA-145 me city Council of the City of Carl* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that bad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers. 1200 ~lm Avenue, Carlsbad. California. at6:00P.M.,onTuesday,January18, a zone code amendment to revise the .parking requirements for banks. business and professional offices on property generally 1* cat& in the City of Carlsbad. ................................. Applicant: City of Carlsbad 1 CJ ~145: January 8,1983 1983, to consider an applicatio*for ............... J.2nuar.y .8.. ..... 1 ,CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL ................................. 1 ................................. 1 ................................. 1 2M-4/82 I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San State of California on t.hp 8th day of -3 - Clerk of the %? 0 * NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ZCA-145 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hold a public hearing at.the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO P.M., on Tuesday, January 18, 1983, to consider an application for a zone code amendment to revise the park requirements for banks, business and professional offices on propert generally located in the City of Carlsbad. APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH : January 8, 1983 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL ...I L b ‘“ti u ICE OF PUBLIC Em=% WTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Cc:mission of th? City ~f CaclsSad will hdc?. z p-illblic hearing at the City Comcil Cnmkrs, I200 Elm Avenue, Carlsh&.j .ud-3-;cornia, at 7:OO p.n, on K&r,esday, April 28, 1982, to consii;!er z.pp~~m& of a zoge &e aqenchent to revise the parking re~~~~~~~~~i~‘~~~~~~~~. for banks, business and prclfessional offices on pro,oerty generaXg‘ !.svatxd in the city of Carlsbad. Tf~ose p:.xrs wishing to speak on this propsal are ardia.lly invited to atte;iti t.>e :;:hlic hexing. If you have zqy questions please call the Plaming Deyartaent at 438-559 1 e CASE F.r_l,E:: ZCFI- 145 FUBSISH : April 17, 1982 p.; . r PPP,LIC!!:f: City of Carisbad CITY OF CT&L%3AD PL&$NIXG CCTiiFIIISSIGX . ..