HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-01-18; City Council; 7272; Citizen Petition-CIT. OF CARLSBAD -AGEND'°' BILL AB# '7 cl 7 ;l. IlI.l& MTG. 1/18/83 DEPT. CM RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITIZEN PETITION DEPT.HD. _ _,,..,... CITY Am Qz'JY CITY MGR._a_ The Mayor's Office has received a request for the City Council to endorse a petition to the U.S. House of Representatives. The petition requests the franking privilege for letters from constituents to Congress. If the Council wishes to support this proposal, it could be done by: 1) Adopting a minute motion supporting proposed resolution 2) Individual members sign the petition. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter of January 6, 1983, from Frank H. Anundel with resolution attached. ' ! - I .2.. i }toUS.t F tllil>fl~hNTA'l'l VEa RESOLIJi• .. ,4 rm. ---- WlffiREAS. this House of Repreeeritativee of the 98th United States Con• grees does approve the principle of a tranklng privil~ee for lettora and/or onrda from thoir aonstituencies to be used exclusively to our body and ·the president of the United Sta tea and upon the completlo11 of this notion is aend1ni saij Resolution immediately to the ~nited St\tea Senate tor its expeditious consideration and apptoval for its use in the Senate also, WHiRJA.~, aa wo the representatives of the people have this £ranking privilege we believe it should al.so be extended to our conetituents1 WRERE:AS,& greater co~~unications bond with our conatituents ia desirable and needed/this privilege for our constituents ie a muat, WJUilR...~S, due to the minimal. time we have among our conati tu.ent1 • thia privilege will provide them with an easier mocie of contact with our offices and staff; Wh"UIAS, non-profit organizations and other l)usinese is provided with Ul'!l'EtllW~Ll:! LOW POS?AGE RATES 1HIS CONSIDERATION 1<.':l OUR COh'S!i.'!~O,t:;l·?i'S rs !.14 m~om~1 WitaRe.,s. lobbyists have unlimited access to Washi~ton representa.., tivea ~f tho people, we hereby provide compensating access to this body of Jegislators ·,for our cone ti 1:uente, 'lll.BRBfORB BE IT RESOLVEDthat this Resolution be adopted and be made a part or law in 1:he interest of ·the const1 tuer1t.s of this House of Representatives. 1.m,RESlDBN!l'S ~\Nu ?iiE:4~RS OF Ttt6 4Jrd coriGRESSIONAL .u1$i'RICT SUh081' TJm ABOV£ .. $1'A~E.ii RESOLUTION Af!D ASK FOR lTS 1:AULY AOO!-l'!Of1 ;,BY fl-fE CONGRBSS OF Tl-IE UNI'l'ETJ STATEi31 mrme 1. Addresa "Fnone I -' -- - 3 _ , ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RESOLtPl.'ION .NO. ___ __ Name !Address .- I I I ! I I I ! I ! i \ I ! l i ! I I ' l I l I I I I t - - Page 2 l Phone l - . i,/