HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-02-01; City Council; 7267-1; TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT MOLA DEVELOPMENT CORP CT 82-23 CP 222~ . 0 Id > 0 M, a a. < z 0 .. 5 z a 2 3 0 0 CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGEND~ILL AB# 7267-1 = TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND CONDOMINIUM DE MTG. 2/1/83 PERMIT: MOLA DEVELOPMENT CORP. CI' DEPT. CA CT 82-23/CP-222 CI' RECOMMENDED ACTION: If the City Council wishes to approve the Tentative Tract Ma 23 and Condominium Permit CP-222, then your recommended acti to adopt Resolution No. 7 J23 c ITEM EXPLANATION The City Council, at your meetinq of January 18, 1983, direc the City Attorney to prepare the necessary document approvin 60 unit Tentative Tract Map CT 82-23 and Condominium Permit CP-222. That resolution is attached. Condition No. 28 has been revised to read as follows: "The developer shall install or bond for one half a f improved median alona the frontaqe of this poject. 1 design shall be approved by the City Enqineer.'' EXHIBIT Resolution No. 7) 25 23 2.g 355 26 2'1 % A, ~klz+: kt13 a.%~1,7e yg:cj:izF&:i.<>-ns arc tr~~e 8.ri-l c:cj-< E. T?ILI~ the f?.nC,!ii.r!C;s cf ti32 Plann?.n<j CO I ~ I Reso1uti(:,n plo. 2065 constitiite 'it12 fiIicjii-i<!<s of the C:i.ty ! I /// I I in this r\atf:ejT. /// i I 1.9 20 :? 1 :2z 2 3 u> i' lki.l: '3 8- c.3 1 ' t!Z.t-: 1 1 1 7! y 1' '.:' s , , .. .I ..> <. !"?~JLLl=:i 1. 1-::.4 -x Ccder, Iexis, I:ulc;'iLii L I ChLd.; z r::~:):~: :; E r:Cn- I :; 1:; '. :'.f ; 1:~;e i ' .___ _-_ __.-. ! ! i p,?JIrj:k;c; ,.!I ; '1 .- c. 0 2l I i I RESOLU'TT I A ~~~~~;~;,r-j~~:i-~;~.~ ()? '~~~~~; pI,i', PI I Rl 8' I -.-..... .. .___ -~. _._.- -.- _-- ._.___.__ _._ -.- .-. . ._.__ ~ _-._ ..~ ... .. ___ ...____ -.... .I..___ k?!jI':itXASr ii T.re.t::1 fied Z~JJI ic:tzt.:ion f!<>;- c:crtc!j.rl py-0;: i i i !<?,-:i- .I ,1 -1 ,.. ,. li pc)::!:ic;c c,lc 'chi.- \.ie.:;t j-lr,-I= I C.l - 1. (jC E; i-i :? 1.) 3 ;< i. ;-1 ', 7 < n 1.G :L]+ i2 !hac; I ,i i ri f i. :i. fr ii \,I i t. 1-1 t h z c :i t y c; f c 2 r' I :; b i3 c; r a I? :I r e :E E\ ;: z- ( : (3 t. ( '~j.~~:~~i ll<l ~~:i~~fii~~i~~~~ 2.nd I. I, .< 1ji-1 I,; L.! ii:li:; I s 2 :I d v e'?: I E L e r?, a.pi>.L I. c ;I t i 011 <:on 5; 'c i. 2 li I; 9 s ; I I i I I zequi~rxj by tii:; pI.cii-ir-!oii Dwcl oi L! 1. Ortl i 11 dncc I i i' .d I (1) 'i'hc,! p:.<):j~~t \-ii.3.1. !IC: ~OC~LC:~ .i.n c:Lo:;~ p;:o:::L~~,i. j I 2 Lo pGk!?Lic %r n :; po 1- i. I' t, i. 13 2 :;:c:u t 'I' I c\ t a k 1.. ;I e: i ., 2) C:t;:y ~)t.ijj~l,<. c F2c.i .. 1.5 3.5 3.7 i 1 ! 1 j I c L )!E::; \~;:f < i: 2. p!] a :L L't j: ;2 c: 1.1. :i. t. :I *. . . T 9 ,S ;< i s t: i! 2 j. n'j t I-! a 5 s C' h <I <) 1- I ., 9. \. -0 i 1; i. Oi’l ir.11c: GI ;IC? L.v/<2r!I-l ttl 5 ! I 1 '0 e I* i ; .i :: f? lj 1- i,, ;1 i ri <: c) r p ci r: 2 t i 1 5; i i: c: 1:) 1.2. i 1 :; h 2 1 1. k) 2 s I I 0 i.1 1.. L\ .i. p I . 'I , r' ..A he (;-v'cd h\,7 1 clle ):Lic:zn? Y,h:::~.].I. 25;k.i3h~;:i.5h B has [ i *z x- J .i; :; 5; :; 0 ;:: i. ;: .i--c?\'?<! by CLI-iJ: 1,;: j-'l.:>f;!-:j- 1-1 :; 1.:an5 -3: pKi.c,.:- t.0 [.;-!e ics: I! i . .* i i a :1 r e c; t 7. :L c: c 1. c? :-! . . o i-: 1) \i :i :!. Ci -i. r.:j i:$i, (-:I-? 1 !i C! :-.].-I OE .L?.!,E 3i.t.e c<)jripleLc:d by T\::est.:>c Scrviccs, :[nc, , i 26 1' 59 ) r) P, I? I* I I Iftie +:v..?j.:)po.i: s~:;~~.~. olitai !I a gr:ic~i.rig .. p:>rj:ij ;: pri:cjz ~(;~;iiip,~ :.,,:.: (2 ;:I:? 11 t 0 c tiny c 3. e ;: r i 1-1,;; 0;- q 1: 2,:j i ri!;~ 0 2 i: ;it; :; i ! .;!I 1.22. 206 6 -4 I I I j \ I i 2:. :.!<? yr;i.<1iny fox thi:; pi:<::ject is d~firic:cI ii:~; "c~):~tro:l:i t, e tL m . - : I; il ;A:;. :I. 'r, :: TI i 1 :. ?: ; 1 1 \r :;: s It ::! <j .; ' /I [I -1 ; A:l.l rc::j.;ij~re(j fire t-iy(~riir;i::;, v;itrirr !uail2s ;?rid i-:ppi,ir;. :;.:i:ion;.tl prior to c:~!~~b~u~;k ib1.f: bx ilti ing r,~;~i:b-!r ; 03 the yroj2ct site. 26 I/ -"; .. I/ 'I 2 r/ 11 pc 2 c ..; (,) p; 0 , ;: s i.5 (j .G j 1.- * I e 'e I