HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-02-15; City Council; 6888-4; Grant of Easement to San Diego Gas and Electric Company CT 81-47 Calavera HillsAB# 6 88y-44 TITLE: GRANT OF EASENENT TO MTG. DEPT. 2-15-83 SAP1 DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPAFIY (CT 81-47 - CALAVERA RILLS) ENG Dl CI CI m a . . - ___ ___-_ ----- --- --i 1- - \ \ \ \ FUTURE ELM A'E* . _-- -- - _-- -- \ \ \ -\ kl 'I \ \ \ . I II I' I\ I 1 I1 '1 ! II I I\ II_ ----- 'I I ti 'u ~hp~ Ar CALk\lCRF C*LofJy A? CALALIC~~~! EXHIBIT 1 P4 ,l\ P I - ~ .I_II LOC, - !? 7-j c'> i.i \ ‘ Recording Kcquested e, .t , y. 1. SAN DIEGO CAS & ELECTRIC CO?IPNY When Recorded - Nail to: SDGSE, P. 0. Box 1831 San Biego, CA 9211% ATJX: Office Servic?s, ROOD 611 a C' 6 *. .. Commencing at the most Northerly corner of Carlshzd Tract KO. 76 Hills, according to Hap thereof KO. 9935, filed in the office of the Count said County of S;jn Diego, said corner bears North 60' 37' 32" West, 250.22 anele point in the boundary therein; thence leaving said nost Northerly co 49 11' East, 410.47 feet to the TRUE POIhT OF BEGiSNIXG of the center lin described; thence from said TRUE POIhT OF EEGINNIliC South 36' '09' 56" \lest to D point herein designated Point "A"; thence South 35O 14' 05" West, 150 Beginning at said Point "A"; thence North 81O 29' 41" Wes ALSO: . PARCEL "B": That portion of the above described property, shown as easement Diego Gas & Electric Co~pany's Drawing No. L-1923, Dated 14ovcnbcr 19, 1382 -hereto and rnadc a part hereof. Grantor shall not erect, place or construct, nor permit to be er or constructed, any buildisg or other structure, plant any tree, drill or within this easement. Grantor shali nor increase or decrease the ground surface elevat thTs easemmt after installation of Grantee's fac:lizies, wiihout prioi- wr of Grantee, uhich consent shall not unreasonably be uithheld. Grantor further grants to Grantee the right to assign .=my or a13 granted in this easement in whole or in part to The Pacific 'Telephone hild Company and/or to ozher companies pr-cviding utility os comn~nication facil Grcntee shall have the right but not the duty, to trim or remove brush along or adjacent to this easeicent and remove roois froa within this whenever Grantee deems it necessary. Said rigst shali not relieve GraritoI persons. - as owner to trjm or remov2 trees arid brush to prevent danger or hazard to CONDUITS CAWY HIGK I'OLTAGE ELECTRICAL COSULCTORS , therefore Gr: . make or ellorj nr.y excavation or fjll to be made within this easemxit \!ITIN NOTIFYING SA8 DIEGO GAS d EIZCTRIC CO?lPANY k!D OBTAIXILZG PEJUlISSJOS. -2- c ‘. il) 0 IO .- This easement shall be binding upon end 3niire to the benefit of 5 ’ heirs, executors, adainistrstors, permittees, licensees, agents or assigns end Grantee. IN WITPXSS kEEXEOF, Grantor executed this instrument this /L day of .F ekJrfir ’PU 19x3 * .-s Executed in the Presence of: ,\,%’>‘ $’’ I*;.&L2Au ,(! pod,*?-+ 9 Lzc- , t // &.&?& *\ ,.‘ - 3 ,.**’ .>’I / *-:Witness 5.t’: . ~ I 2, ;I‘ % ’.. ’*,,, , Sratj, , Hi 1 deb ran Sketch 12-1921 . Date 12/23/82 MOPAC 46542-04 Const. fbI 587181 A.P. NO. 167-103-32 ’; i I ; ‘5) t 1 \ .* ‘9 City of dcarlsbad i’ : , ri I ’p,,, Checked - - . ‘. -3- * c' SAP$ DIEGO GAS & ELEffRkC 5w OttGO. CALIFcJKF.'P. \\-\?-E2 R+tO< SURrntu 87 PkP k-r D n --- v LAKE CALAVERA SLUE I"=200' CARLsaAa --- -- SlIPPLf HtVTS --- 12 .- -- --- _-- -_ ~ - 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 11 3.2 ,La I.* 15 16 17 18 3-9 20 -7 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. ‘?I37 A RESOLUTICN OF THE CITY COCNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSIIAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A GRANT OF UTIL ELECTRIC AYD AUTHORIZING THE CITY MAYOR TO SIGN AND RIGHT-OF-\‘JAY EASEMENT TO TIIE SAX DIEGO GA4S THE EiASEJIENT ON BEHALF OF TIIE CITY. WHEREAS, it is necessary to serve Carlsbad Tract 81- electric power; WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City of Carlsbad tc an easement across City owned property to said San Diego Electric Company for the purpose of installin2 electric facilities; NOlV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Cjt)7 Council City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. The abo1.e recitations 3re true and correct. 2. The grant of right-of-a;ay easement j attached ’ 1 j made a part hcreof, is hereby approvez. ‘ 3. The City Flayor is hereby authorized to sign t right-of-way casement mentioned above on behalf of the PASSED, APPRGVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council c 15th day of I of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held the 1983, by the following vote, to wit: ! 21 22 23 24 25 26 AYES : NOES: None ABSENT: Nme Council Ymhrs Casler, Iewis, Kulchin, &irk and P %&&/?LJ &LG b!AriY 11. c 7 SI,EI~, FlayZ __I___ t ATTEST : 28 c5 ( s 1: ‘4 t )