HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-03-01; City Council; 7299; Crossing Guards- A’ J b cy (-2) Cll.. OF CARLSBAD - AGENDM BILL ._ - iB#m TITLE: IEPT. CITY MOR.% RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve in concept and direct staff to solicit requests for proposal for a contracted school crossing guard program for the school year 1983-84. 1~~._3///R3 CONTRACT SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD SERVICE ITEM EXPLANATION: Current school crossing guard service is provided by temporary help and funded through the police department’s part-time salary budget. The police department is responsible for theadminstration, management and supervision of the program. in the event a guard is absent. The program costs approximately $8,550 to fund for In addition, the department must staff crossing guard locations with sworn officers a school year. A program for providing crossing guard services through a contractual arrangement with a private vendor would or could: Reduce costs to the City through savings of patrol officers’ time when covering absences of crossing guards. Reduce direct liability exposure for potential workmen’s compensation and unemployment insurance claims. Reduce direct costs for service through vendor being able to provide services cheaper than the City. FISCAL IMPACT: It is anticipated that the program can be contracted at a cost equal to or less than the current $8,550 annual expenditure. Certain potential cost savings, as described in the staff report by Lieutenant Fried, would undoubtedly be realized. Time cost savings of approximately $2,000 annually would be realized by the police department. EXHIBITS: 1. Staff report by Police Lieutenant Greg Fried i CROSSING GUARD PROGRAM Problems and Recommendations j j ,'" CONTENTS Staff Report ..... Crossing Guard Program, Problems and Recommendations Attachment "A" ............. Program Needs and Contract Considerations Attachment "B" ........... Letter of Interest From Kelly Services Inc. Attachment "C" ........ Letter of Interest From Western Temp: Serv. Inc. ! ..,..' I TO : Vincent D. Jimno, Chief of Police FROM: Gregory K. Fried, Lieutenant SUBJECT: Crossing Guard Program, Problems and Recommendations DATE : January, 1983 The Carlsbad Police Department currently administers a school crossing guard program consisting of five (5) guards who are posted at five (5) seperate locations within the city. I understand that this program was established and locations determined through the joint efforts of the Carlsbad Engineering Oept, the Carlsbad City Council, and the Carfsbad Unified School District. The guards are posted three times each school day for a total time of one and a half hours each. The program is funded from the Police Depart- ments "part time" salary budget. Each guard is paid a bi-weekly salary of $83.00 through the school year and given an annual clothing allowance of $50.00. Guards are also paid during the Easter and Christmas school vacations. Annual salary and clothing allowance costs for the program are approximately $8,550.00. I, Lt. Greg Fried, am currently assigned as the department coordinator for the crossing guard program.'It.is my responsibility to:ins:ure that the program is staffed and functioning properly. The program consists of post- ing one guard during the following times at each of the following locat- ions. A. B. C. D. E. Jefferson and Las Flores 0800-0830, 11~15-11:45, 2~25-2~55 Las Flores and Pi0 Pic0 0800-0830, 11:15-11:45, 2:25-2:55 0800-0830, 11:15-11~45, 2:25-2:55 Monroe and Chestnut Tamarack and Jefferson 0800-0830, 11:15-11:45, 2~25-2~55 El Camino Real and Tamarack Note: There are no children using this crissing during the middle, 0800-0830, 2:25-2:55 11:15-11:45, posting. - Program Problems .~ There are several problems and concerns, indicated below, which are in- herent with the managing of this program. .. . . 1 I 1. Administration Managing the crossing guard program can be a time consuming task. It requires that I, Lt. Fried, devote whatever t.ime is necessary to insure that the program is functioning properly. This reduces my availability to perform my primary function as a patrol watch commander. My own working hours are only compatible with those of the crossing guards for two out of every eight months. My primary function as a watch commander requires that I rotate through the various shift schedules. This results in an undesirable loss of contact with a program for which I am accountable. Functional responsibility for the crossing guard program is there- for passed to each successive "day" watch commander. This situation could easily result in a let down of program management. 2. Staffing Since the inception of the crossing guard program it has been diff- The requirements and compensation for the position limits our icult to staff each location with a reliable crossing guard person. recruitment to available housewives or retired persons who live near the assigned locations. Candidates must be willing and able to obligate their day to the three seperate duty times in return for the eighty-three dollar bi-weekly compensation. We have no backup person- nel in the event a guard is absent. I personally checked the posts upon rotating back to the day watch and found that two locations were not being manned at the kindergarten split, 11:15 to 11:45 AM. This situation has since been corrected and potential liability to the city should a child have been injured during required the replacement of one crossing guard. I need not mention the unauthorized absence of a guard. 3. Backup A crossing guard absence requires that a sworn officer, if -available, be redirected from his normal assignment to man the crossing guard post. This necessity is not only an expensive waste of talent but also cripples the departments field strength. 4. Liability To my knowledge we have not yet experienced any claims by crossing em- be a real possibility however and carries with it an undetermined ployees for workmans compensation or unemployment. This would seem to potential cost. The city would also be liable~for actions taken or ommited by crossing guards when performing their paid duties. These potential costs, though not having a fixed dollar value, are substant- ial and the avoidance of such could provide real dollar savings. Program A1 ternatives One solution to some of the problems mentioned above would be to reassign crossing guard management -responsibilities. A coordinator working straight days, Monday through Friday, would be in a favorable position to maintain management responsibilities while monitoring the program. A second, and farther reaching, alternative would be to contract for crossing guard services with private industry. While this concept cities. The City of Walnut Creek, California, has contracted with is somewhat unique it is being implemented in several California Kelly Services Inc. to administer their crossing guard program. The working satisfactorily to date. contract became effective in September of 1982 and is reported to be In researching the viability of such a proposal for the City of Carlsbad, I developed attachment "A" in order to identify the needs of the City and establish parameters from which interested companies could submit bids and proposals. I would suggest that the contents of attachment "A" be included in any subsequent contract. ary service companies. I have supplied each of the above companies with I have met with representatives from Kelly, Western and Manpower tempor- a copy of attachment "A" and received a written response from both Kelly and Western temporary service companies. The two responding companies have both expressed the desire to manage the school crossing guard prog- ram and the ability to fulfill the requirements of attachment "A". cost Formal bids for the service have not been received and may indeed be premature at this time. Bids will be sought, if and when appropriate, and in a manner consistent with city policy and procedure. Talks with the management of Kelly Services indicate, however, that they could provide the crossing guard service at a cost equal to or less then our current real dollar expense. Savings 1. It is anticipated that small real dollar budget savings may be realized by contracting for the crossing guard service. 2. Certain time savings for police staff and line personnel would definat- ely result from contracting for the service. 3. Undetermined real dollar savings for potential liabilities, liability coverage, workmans' compensation and unemployment claims would no doubt be realized by implementation of the "contract" proposal. Recommendation I strongly recommend that the City of Carlsbad pursue the prospect of contracting with private industry for school crossing guard service. Action Needed 1. Review and consideration by police and city administration. 2. Next step instruction if applicable. I ,' '. ATTACHMENT "A" ATTACHMENT "A" CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 1200 ELM AVENUE TELEPHONE (714) 438-5511 &itp of Carls'bab POLICE DEPARTMENT The Carlsbad Police Department is exploring the possibility of contracting with a private source to manage a school crossing guard program within the City of Carlsbad. We are seeking written proposals from interested must include full management and administrative responsibilities, as well candidates covering the total cost of managing the program. The proposal as employee costs to staff each crossing guard location. The program involves the following considerations; 1. The company receiving such contract must be capable of providing capable and reliable personnel to fill crossing guard requirements as indicated by the City of Carlsbad's Police Department. 2. Guards hired by the contract agency must be able to contact an assigned ment. The staff member must insure, when a crossing guard is unable to agency staff member in the event helshe cannot report for his/her assign- report to his/her location, that a backup crossing guard can be reached to report to the designated location at the required times. 3. The contract agency must have a recruiting plan that will assure a fully qualified backup crossing guard to be available for each crossing guard position designated by the City of Carlsbad's Police Department. 4. The contract agency will prescreen applicants to determine qualifications .and suitability for the position. Applicants considered acceptable must be fingerprinted at the Carlsbad Police Department for a criminal history check. Applicants deemed to be unacceptable by the Carlsbad Police Department will not be assigned as crossing guards. 5. The contract agency must fully train each crossing guard prior to a guard assuming crossing guard duties. Training standards will be approved by the Carlsbad Police Department and should include instruction on hold- ing the crossing guard stop sign, where to stand while children cross, the wearing of a safety vest, proper reporting of violations against the hand held stop sign and what to do in the event of an accident. 6. The Carlsbad Police Department will provide a safety vest (jacket) and hand held stop sign to be used by each crossing guard. 7. The c0ntrac.t agency will meet all State and Federal requirements regard- ing payroll taxes, minimum wage, workers' compensation, and fair em- ployment practices. The contract agency will handle all payroll responsibilities. 8. The contract agency shall have at least $5,000,000 coverage for employer liability as well as $1,000,000 comprehensive general liability coverage. The agency shall also meet statutory requirements for workers' compensat- a certificate of insurance that certifies compliance to.the above ,. ion and unemployment compensation. The City of Carlsbad must be furnished requirements. 9. The contract agency shall be responsible for all workers' compensation claims presented by any employee hired as a crossing guard. c 10. The City of Carlsbad will pay the contract agency for hourly services provided under contract for the agreed locations and hours to be worked. 11. Either pasty shall have the right to terminate such contract by giving the other party sixty (60) days prior notice of intention to terminate. .. 12. The City of Carlsbad will reserve the right at its sole option to immed- iately suspend such contract due to work stoppage, strikes, sickouts, etc., that may occur. PROGRAM FUNDAMENTALS Number of regular guards: five (5) Locations: five (5) total, at (a) Jefferson/Las Flores (b) Las Flores/Pio Pic0 (c) Monroe/Chestnut (d) Tamarack/Jefferson (e) El Camino Real/ tamarack-Malano. Times: Guards must be posted three times each day at 1. 0800-0830 2. 11:15- .11:45 and 3. 2:25-2:55 Note: Adjustment of times could be necessary in the event of a change in school schedul es. Further ,information may be obtained by' contacting Lt. Gregory K.' Fried, ' Carlsbad Police..Depar-hent, 438-5515. Vince t D. Jimno, Chief of .Police A ATTACHMENT "B" . .. "KellyGirl" The People f SERVICES - 6994 El Camino Real. Carlsbad, California 92008 Telephone: 17141 438.7966/481.3541 Janq 14, 1983 Lieutenant Greg Fried Carlsbad Police Department 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (. Dear Lieutenant Fried, Thank you for giving Kelly Services the opprtmity to present our qualif- City of Carlsbad. In this proposal I will cover the areas of inprtance as ications and responsibilities necessary to provide crossing guards for the listed in your letter to E. RECRUITING Kelly Services will have an ongoing effective recruiting plan that will assure you at all tims of securing only qualified crossing guards. We understand that a-licants considered acceptable mt bS fingerprintd at the Carlsbad Police Bpar-t for a criminal history check. TFAINING Kelly Services will train each crossing guard prior to the start of the of filming your crossing yard training program. This rreitia will assure assignmnt. b7e have video equipnent in our office, and have the capability thorow$, accurate, and consistant training for the crossing guards. b7e understand that the Carlsbad Folice Bpartroent will provide a safety vest and a hand held stop sign to be used by the crcssing guards. Kelly crossing guards will be able to contact a permanent Kelly staff early enouqh in the m-9 in the event of absenteeism, so that we can contact an "on call" backup crossing guard who wlm will report to the designated location at the required times. PIUIROLI, Kelly Services will mt all State and Federal rqui-b€s regarding payroll We wjlll handle all payroll respmsibilities. taxes, minimum wage, workers' catqensation, and fair erp1-t practices. .. .. SERVICES BIIJJNG provided by Kelly Services. We understand that we are to provide five trained The City of Carlsbad will be billed cn a weekly basis for the hourly services crossing guards at the following locations: (a) Jeffersm/La Flores (b) Ids Flores/Pio Pic0 (c) %mce/Chestnut (d) Tamarack/Jefferson (e) El Camino Real/Tam~rack-Mano. Guards will be pcsted three times each day at: 1) 8:OO-8:30 2) 11:15-11:45 and 3) 2:25-2:55. PFclrDZrIoN Our custcmers are protected by one of the best insurance and indenmity agreerrents in the tenprary help industry. In addition, you will have t3e sme feeling of knowing you are Gealing with a financially strong and s-e company - Kelly Services looks forward to assisting you with your crossing guard prgram. I will l& forward to hearing from you, and can be reached at 438-7966 in case you have any questicns reguarding our service. Sincerely, SERVICES, mc. " Jan Heam Branch iilanager ATTACHMENT "C" c.. i. MIRAMAR OFFICE: 9474 BUCK MOUNT&IN RO. . SAN DIEGO. CA 92120 . 578.TeMP (83.7) SAN DIEGO OFFICE: 560 ASU ST. . SAN DIEGO. CA 92101 . 238-1433 NORTH COUNTY OFFICE: 1207 ELM AVE. . CARLSBAD. CA 92008 . 729-5911 December 10, 1982 .. ., .. ~ .. ,. CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm avenue^ % Lieutenant Greg K. Fried Carlsbad, California 92008 .. Dear Lieutenant Fried, We at WESTERN TEMPORARY,SERVICE feel honored to be considered as a possible supplier of crossing guards for the City of Carlsbad. .. Western has supplied. qualified individuals in many fields, and we would like to help you explore your program further, and be in full management and ad- ministrative charge. I might mention that Western has supplied people for thirty years in various positions. The enclosed information package will give you some background history regarding our service and capabilities. are qualified to handle your program, as we meet or In reviewing your twelve considerations, we feel we exceed all .of the requirements. I am excited about your program, and look forward to meeting with you and discussing in detail the entire contract. Please feel free to call me at 729-5911 to set an appointment that will be conveient to your schedule. Looking forward 'to our meeting. Marl; Loscher Western Temporary Service - Carlsbad Owner AN INTERNATIONAL TEMPORARY UELP SERVICE - . . OFFlCES ON TUREE CONTINENTS DIVISION): WESTERN GIRL (OFFICE) . WESTERN INDUSLTRIAL (LABOR) . MEDICAL . MARNETING 6 SANTA . TECHNICAL