HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-03-01; City Council; 7310; Planning Commission AppointmentsQ) kl 8 IW 0 s I Id r-l m CO I rl I m 1 Clf 3F CARLSBAD - AGEND. BILL PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS I RECOMMENDED ACTION: DEPT. HD.& CITY MGR.- CITY Am= Adopt Resolution Nos. ‘7 / .5q and 7155- , appointing two members to the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission. ITEM EXPLANATION: The terms of Planning Commissioners Mary Marcus and E.H. Jose, Jr. expire in April, 1983. Commissioner Marcus was originally appointed in August, 1978, to fill an unexpired term, which expired in April, 1979. In 1979, Commissioner Marcus was appointed to a full term on the Planning Commission. She has expressed the desire to be reappointed to the Planning Commission for an additional full term. Commissioner Marcus also serves as Chairperson of the Design Review Board. Commissioner Jose was originally appointed to the Commission in 1967. Since his original appointment in June, 1967, Mr. Jose was reappointed to the Plannins Commission three successive times. Thekefore, following the expiration of his term in April, 1983, flr. Jose will have served as a Planning Commissioner for fifteen years and ten months. Mr. Jose has requested that he not be reappointed to the Commission, however, he is asking Council consideration of allowing him to serve through June, 1983, to complete the full sixteen years of service to the City as a Planning Commissioner. The other members of the Planning Commission are: Vernon Farrow, Jonathan Friestedt, Willis Rawlins, Jerry Rombotis, Clarence Schlehuber Copies of applications from interested individuals which have been received during 1983, are attached for Council review. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution Nos. 7 /-tiy and /7/,% c- \$ , appointing two members to the Planning Commission. 2. Copies of applications received during 19S3. I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 7154 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION. WHEREAS, the term of E.J. JOSE, JR. expires in April, 1983; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Zity of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve 9s a member of the Carlsbad Planning Commission: for a term to expire in April, 1987. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Zarlsbad City Council, held on the day of . 1982, by the following vote, to wit: hYES : YOES : 4BSENT: MARY H. CASLER, Mayor JTTEST : 4LETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (Seal) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 7155 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION. WHEREAS, the term of MARY MARCUS expires in April, 1983; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the :ity of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve 3s a member of the Carlsbad Planning Commission: for a term to expire in April, 1987. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Zarlsbad City Council, held on the day of 1 1982, by the following vote, to wit: 4YES : gOES : 4BSENT : MARY H. CASLER, Mayor 4TTEST : RLETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (Seal) .- .. ' .I wodd appreciate the opportunity'to serve as a member of the 'planning commis siqne# * (Name of committee or commission) .- -- In so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the .. . 'Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial . disclosure statement if app0inte.d. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ._= . .. .. .. 'My bzckground and)or avocation lead' me to believe that 1 an qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens of Carlsbad. I have listed some of those activities below . .. " -. - - which I have'-participated in and feel will be 'of benefit if L. . -. - - -0fi ' FSF zuf. +Efiff537 .. Phdn6 Lf ,9&- /F- ym - IIiltC . \ c , CITY OF CAEU;SBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTNENT 'C.. TO 'BOARD OR comirssIoN . *- c .. .. .- .. OR CO?hYITTEES - ..a -- - TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL . * .: -* -" -- * - -__. .. . .. .. .. d. .. -. Gentlemen: - .- . .I woxld appreciate the opportunity'to serve as a member of the hUM//4G (Nhe of comm'itte _- ..- * In so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the 'Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial .- . disclosure statement if appointe,d, .. . . .. ..-, . .. -. .. .. .- . .- .. . .. .. .. '?4y background andlor avocation lead'me to believe that . 3: am quaxifie6 to serve in the best interests of the citizens of Carlsbad, I have listed some of those activities below &. - .. . . 7- - . ,I -1 . c -- $ . .. .. . .- Gentlcner: : -. - .- . I ti0-d.d zippreciate the opportunity‘to serve as a rnexber a .oZ the Plandnv Commission. - (Name of conunittee or co-mission) e In so d.oir,g I understand that if 1 am asked to serve on the ’Plzmning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial disclosGre statenent if appointed. Xy 3zck~rounii and)or avocation lead me to believe that S z.xt qualifictd to serve Ln the best ‘interests of the ci-k.fzens ar,lsSc?rZ., I have l.isZled sorn~, of those activities below. . . . . c-7- c t3hich I Iia-i.e’.particj.I?~ted in and feel will be ‘of benefit if -- .. 1 - ~. + .- _I .. .- .. .. .. . .. .. .. .- .. ’ .- 1. Member City of Carlshad Trnffir crunrmssurp I 2. I am the Vice-president - of a cmqzan y,pxx€arning-anaLysj-d- pro j ec t s for governmental agencies; both disciplines are a~plicabla to ‘v-ities-d both the 3. As a candidate for City Council I be-th +he art1 / ctivities. _I--- .. City Plannin? t ... .. - -..- ’ /J’’PL . frpv ..I N Pltrirhps .. name) . v c . ... .. -. L=" '. * CITY OF CAflLSBRD .. ..- ... ... .. .. APPLXCATION FOE APPOXNT8lENT ._ .. .. .. '. . .:c . -- ... ..... ._ .. .. . . , TO'BOARD OR CO?4XICSSION ' . OR CO?LYITTEES ... ._ ..... .. . ~ ' . ., -. .. _. -. e. .. . *_-. .. - . ... _, . .. ._-. . .- ...... ._ -. .,. . ... -. ... .- . -. . ...... ... .. .. .... .... .- -: -* .. .. .*~ .. .... *- I. -. . . I- ,-:;. - . .... ... _. ' TO: CAKiL23AD CITY COUNCIL .. .. ...... . -. . ... . -. ._ L- .- .' . ..... _. .. -. .. ... .... .- . . .' .- ....... .. .- . .- ... .... .. ... ... .. .-.. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . I. -. . -. ... . .,.. Gentlcrr,en: X wnu3.d appreciate the opportunity*:to serve as' a member -- - . .-: . -. . .. . _- . .. , ,I .. .. .- r- - of the -- Planninq Commissim . {Name of cornnittee or cormission) .- In so doing I understand that if 1 am asked to serve on the . ' Planning Conmission, X will be requested to make a fifiancial . .._ *. .. .... -. ., . . :. . .... ... .... i .. I . disclosEe statement Lf appointe,d, . - .. .. . . 'My- i=ackgr5und a.nd)or avocation lead me -to-believe that . .- ... .. .x a 4'' - : .r - ..... .. ha~A.Lied to servein the best 'interests ,of the citizer_s . . .. -.. -. --: . . - .. .. .. . -. _. . . .- ... - .. - .. og Car,lsbc?d.. I have '1,isted some o-f. "Lhose activities below.. -which 1 have'yarticipated in and feel will be 'of, benefit'if _. .. .- . . ., . ... ... .... ... ... ... ....... .- - .. ... ... ...... .. ... .. ... : selected- . . I grew up .in Carisbad, '.attended 'local' sc for the City 'of Carlsbad, the Hiqh School and-Junibr &lleqe District- - .' . .. -. . -. . -- .... .......... ' : :. . and q now:worl<ing as a Travel Agent. . I have bkeri very act'ive in.the . .: . . -- .* .. car-Pn.'S rlllh md the fir1,qhad iTnjnn allrrh- T qPrvpd ... .- .. on the Carlsbad Pool Committee 'and the buildincl cornnittee f or the ..... .- .. -. .. ........ .... ......... '..--..--- ... - .- -. ., .. ... . . ... .. ... I. . . .- .. sacnctuary .at the Carlsbad ,Union- Church. - .. .. .. .. .. 0 & >-.'. Dolores Frazee ... (Print name) . - ... ... .. - - ._ .- -Signature : , . .- .. . : .. a. .. 729-3379 L'h one . -- February 4, 1983 - I IXltC .. ... -_ *- . i .. -. -6- , CITY OF CXUSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO 'BOARD OR COXblISSION TO: OR CO9MITTEES CARLSSAD CITY COUNCIL Gentlemen : . .I would appreciate the opportunity'to serve as a member of the Planning Gommission * (Name of committee or commission) In so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the .'Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial disclosure statement if appointed. My background andlor avocation lead'me to believe that -I an qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens .. - of Carlsbad. I have listed some of those activities below . whkh 1. have participated in and feel will be of benefit if *- - 1. .- selected. - 20 units of course work in UCLA's Graduate School af Urban Planning - Internship in the office of Mayor Tom Bradley (Los Angeles) dealing with such issues as bikeways and financing of mass transit systems * - Five. years work experience in strategic and financial planning at San' Diego's largest corporation - Four years work. experience in the Chancellor's Planning Office ,at the (Print name ) 7629 Calle Madero Carlsbad, CA 2ddress 753-8030 ' Phone 2/9/83 \ Date 2/9/83 \ Date . la CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT . TO'BOARD OR COPJL?IISSION .. .i OR CO%!YITi'TEES TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL .- ', . '8' ..I worrld appreciate the opportunity-.to serve ._ : I . .. .. .' . .. .- -e ..- : .. .. ,. . ._ . .. .. . - .. -. __ '.- , . . .. ,. I.. , .. . . . _._ .. . . .. .- .. . .. .. . c . as a member of the *Planning Commission * (Name of comiittee or cormiss.ion) I. In so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the -- . .. . 'Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial . disclosure statement if appointe,d. ' , f. ... - . ..... bzckground and)or avocation lead' me to believe that .. - I am qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizells -. of Carlsbad. I have listed some of those activities below. . . .. which I have'.participated in and feel will be'of benefit if .- - .-.. I. *- . . 2 . +* . _. . .- .. I. .. .- selectee. -. .. .. .. . ..- PLEASE SEE ATTACHED LETTER AND RESUME -< .. _- -I 0 i A. -. " ~ ._ . .. ., .- . I_ -.' .. . .- e' Victor E. Stephens ..I (Print name) . *. . ... . .. 7620 Galleon Wav I Carlsbad, CA 92008 Address ' .. . 436-0610 * .. Phone .. E m Gentlemen : This letter is a supplement to the resume attached in order to bring your attention to the aspects of my background that I believe to be pertinent to the functions of the Planning Commission and qualify me to serve on this commission to %‘best interest of the citizens of Carlsbad. 1. In the araof public service, over 27 years with the City of Pasadena, 19 years at the management level that involved me in all phases of city government and operations. 2. Over three years with Title Insurance and Trust Company of Los Angeles, where I was able to develop an understanding of the intricacies of title insurance involving zoning, title searches land descriptions, title transfers and etc. 3. Over four years experience with Harrison Baker and Associates of Pasadena, Land developers, Realtors and Appraisers. I was employed as a fee appraiser specializing in vacant land, freeway, and site appraisals. In the area of business experience, after retiring from the City of Pasadena, became Chief. Executive Officer of Medevac, Inc., a San Diego based firm employing about 400 people with operations throughout California and in Kansas City, Missouri. 4. I am hopeful this information will be sufficient to qualify me for consid- eration for an appointment to the Planning Commission when the next vacancy occurs. hearing from you in the near future. Thank you for your consideration. I will be looking forward to -. Sincerely, Victor E. Stephens ‘ VES : sp 1.2. ADDRESS : PERSONAL DATA : EDUCATIONAL DATA : PROFESSIONAL DATA : RESUME OF VICTOR E. STEPHENS 7620 Galleon Way, Carlsbad, California 92008 4 years, 9 months Age 58, Born July 28, 1924 Los Angeles. CA Married, four children Beverly Hills High School - graduated 1942 U.C.L.A. Law School - one year - called Pasadena City College - graduated 1950 University of Southern California School of Public Administration 60 units work - did not graduate into World War I1 Title Insurance 8 Trust Co., Los Angeles 1946-49 Title searcher and legal department assignments. Duties : ,-- City of Pasadena (fire department) 1949-1976 27 years, 4 mos. Duties: Fireman, Engineer, Captain Additional Duties: Chief Officers in Pasadena Battalion Chief. were a part of top management and assigned administrative duties such as: 1. planning and program devel- 2. policy development 3. departmental and city budget opment. Pasadena City College - part time 1962-1976 Duties: Organizer, Coordinator and ' Instructor of Fire Science Program - 300 students and 14 instructors under my supervision. Harrison Baker 8 Associates - Pasadena - Part time 196 0- 196 3 Duties : Fee Appraiser BUSINESS EXPERIENCE: Medevac, Inc., 1976 - 1981 Duties: Consultant, Chief Executive Officer and Member of Board of Directors.