HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-04-05; City Council; 7201-1; Selection for Additional Ninth Year Block Grant FundsCIT �JF CARLSBAD -- AGENn�. BILL TITL MTG.415 1R DEPT._..@F D -- RECOMMENDED ACTION: PROJECT SELECTION FOR A',DI'i IWAL NINTH YEAR BLOCK GRANT FU:1IUS DEPT. 1413, 4 - CITY ATTY� CITY MGR.,;�& Adopt Resolution No. .1/ A / recommending additional Ninth Year Community Development Block Grant project inclusion. ITEM EXPLANATION The City is receiving an additional $33,862 for Ninth Year Block Grant. These funds are the result of a change in Federal demographic data for grant distribution. Council now needs to select specific projects for allocation of these additional funds. A complete list of Ninth Year Project Proposals is contained in the attached memo to the City Manager (Exhibit 1). In keeping with program guidelines and past use of funds, staff recommends that the City Council take action notifying the County of its request to obligate these funds as follows: AMOUNT PROJECT $ 23,862 Commercial Rehabilitation Monies $ 10,000 Village Sign Program The _increased cost of a Village Sign Program (original estimate at $2, 600) is needed to accommodate the new parking lots, streetscape projects and aid the economic development of the Village. Staff feels that a signing program is a very cost effective way to have a major impact on the Village Area. FISCAL IMPACT This additional Ninth Year Community Development Block Grant represents an increase of $33,682 in Federal funds for the City. Total Ninth Year allocation is $218,362. $135,000 already allocated ($100,000 streetscape, $85,000 Commercial Rehabilitation) EXHIBITS 1'�- Memo to City Manager dated March 22, 1983. 2- v Resolution No. 7/ p requesting additional project selection for funding under Ninth Year Block Grant Program. EXHIBIT 1 MARCH 22, 1983 TO: CITY MANANGER FROM: Community Redevelopment'Manager ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR NINTH YEAR BLOCK GRANT The County of San Diego has notified us that we will be receiving an additional $33,862 in Block Grant funds. These additional funds are the result of a change in Federal demographic data for grant distribution and brings our total Ninth Year allocation to $218,862. These funds are an addition to our Ninth Year Block Grant monies and must be treated like other Block Grant funds. Public meetings were held last November requesting public input of project requests. This list of project proposals is attached. $185,000 was already allocated ($100,000 streetscape, $85,000 Commercial Rehabilation). Staff recommends the funds be obligated as follows: Amount Project $ 23,862 Commercial Rehabilitation Monies $ 10,000 Village Sign Program The increased cost of a Village Sign Program (originally estimated at $2,600) is needed to accommodate the new parking lots, streetscape projects and aid the economic development of the Village. A sign program would be highly visible and is a very cost effective way to have a major impact on the Village Area. With the ongoing beautification of downtown, demand is increasing for commercial rehabilitation funds. Both of these projects are compatible with past uses and are highly requested by members of the Downtown Merchant's Association at public meetings. Council will be asked to approve any projects for the additional funding before the County's April 20th deadline. Funds will be available in July. l,— CHRIS SALOMONE /al r' attachment t; k i' t2 CITY OF CARLSBAD EXHIBIT A NINTH YEAR CDBG PROJECT PROPOSALS PROJECT DESCRIPTION APPLICANT AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY BUENA VISTA LAGOON TRAIL Feasibility and design Research & Analysis $10,000 Eligible 1 for phased construction Group of a nature trail along south shore of Buena Vista Lagoon. AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON PUBLIC Design study for public: � -Research & Analysis $15,000 Eligible ACCESS access to and along Lagoon Group l DOWNTOWN SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT Replacement of sidewalks Engineering Staff $80,000 Eligible Infiil total project area SIGN PROGRAM FOR VILLAGE AREA Six permanent free Downtown Merchants $ 2,600 Eligible standing signs for downtown! Bob Nielsen COMIMERCIAL REHABILITAION Funds for rehabilitation Village Merchants $ 85,000, j Eligible ' STATE & GRAND STREETSCAPE Install streetscaping Staff $100,000 Eligible* DOWNT014N BEAUTIFICATION Replace trees, upgrading Village Merchants '(see Streetscape) I Eligible area, landscaping. ii iLR(Jv NT ELIMINATION Extermination Program Village Merchants $15,000. Eligible PROGRA-Ml STATE STREET STORM DRAIN Secure property AT&SF ( Engineering Staff $50,000 Eligible ALLEY IMPROVEMENT for alley i;nprcvements fronting State to Laguna _ Drive CHASE FIELD DEVELOPMENT Various improvements Parks and Recreation $36,200 Eligible __J Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee Recommendation NINTH YEAR CD8G PROJECT PROPOSALS Page 2 EXHIBIT A PROJECT DESCRIPTION APPLICANT AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY HALFWAY HOUSE Condemn bad housing, Alice Block $lOO,000+ -Eligible housing for needy. GURNEY FOR PARP34EDICS New gurney Hal Zack $ 900 Ineligible I PURCHASE OF XIBULANCE New Ambulance Hal Zack $46,000 Ineligible .IEET IMPROVEMENTS Full street improvements Maintenance Operations $31,638 Eligible OAK FROM ROOSEVELT Department NORTH SIDE 1 I i PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION Design for downtown Thelma Hayes $ 51000 Eligible PLAN pedestrain circulation SIDEWALKS, CARLSBAD BLVD. Install sidewalks -on H. A. Jorden $15,760 Ineligible Carlsbad Blvd. UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC Underground electric John Mc Coy $32,182 Eligible mid -block between Elm and Grand Avenue S".<IOR CITIZENS CENTER Purchase Chase Field for Bill Bonas $rq'000+ Center. (or) purchase Harding Mul• year project Eligible Center for Senior Center t ALLEY IMPROVEMENTS All alleys in area Bill Baldwin $266,000 Eligible Alleys between Oak &Pine $16,300 Eligible PINE AND CHASE FIELD Parks and Recreation $30,000 Eligible STREETSCPE IMPROVEMENTS Parkway, fencing and irri- gation system I EXHIBIT A V) NINTH YEAR CDBG PRW ECT PROPOSALS Page 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION APPLICANT AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY CHASE FIELD REFURBISHING Refurbish ball field Parks and Recreation $30•,000 Eligible u"F� JTI ABATEMENT Clean up gra,"itti Hal Zack $10,000 Eligible t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a] 10 11 12 13 14 15i 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 7181 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA REQUESTING ADDITIONAL PROJECTS SELECTION FOR FUNDING UNDER NINTH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, on April 5, 1983, considered the allocation of $33,862 in additional funds for Ninth Year Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to continue revitalizing the downtown area; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby approves the following projects for inclusion in the Ninth Year Block Grant Program: A. Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program $23,862 B. Village Sign Program $10,000 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager is hereby directed to forward the program outlined herein to the County of San Diego for inclusion in the Ninth Year Urban County Block Grant application. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 5th day of April, 1983, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Casier, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott NOES: None _ ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: MARY H. C SLER, Mayor ALETHA L. RAUTENKRAN'L, City Clerk (Seal)