HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-04-12; City Council; 7347; Emergency medical transportation fee scheduler s rl PI . s ! u .$ 2 k 2 84 4 4 8 3 9 E -k 0 rl m w- r$ . 48 8% d .rl -4 QI m5 Em In * 4 vi 8 a % Qlk %8 rlm -1 0 OS uu m co I c\1 i w !!$ rl 2 2 c 2 =! 0 z g 0 CITYWF CARLSBAD - AGEND~ILL - AB# *?.3q7 TITLE EMERGENCY MEDl CAL TRANSPORTATI ON FEE SCHEDULE DEPT, MTG. 4/12/83 CITY 1 DEPT. FI R CITY RECOMMENDED ACTION! This item is to update the Council on the City's Emergency Medical Service consider changes in the fee schedule. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Service The City provides Emergency Medical Services (EMS) that include: - A. "Fi rst Responder'' care by engine company personnel trained at the Emergency Medical Technician I (EMT-1) level. Basic Life Support emergency transportation by either EMT-1 or pari medic certified personnel, E. C. Advanced Life Support emergency transportation by paramedic certif personnel. Basic Life Support (BLS) includes non-invasive care (control of bleeding, si ing, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, etc.) given by personnel trained at thc EMT-1 level. * Advanced Life Support (ALS) is paramedic level care such as electrocardiogrE cardiac defibrillation, injection of fluids and drugs, etc. The fire department annually responds to 1,500 medical calls, sees, 1,700 pz and transports 1,100 of these. Sixty percent of transports received Advance Life Support care. The Cost -- The EMS division budget for FY 1982-83 is $428,000, Personnel in this divis however, are also used extensively in non-EMS related roles. Several of the positions would be transferred to other department divisions if the EMS divi were di scont i nued. The actual cost of the service in FY 1982-83 is $264,000. These are the tot funds that could be eliminated if paramedic care, and all medical transporta were eliminated. These funds include six firefighter/paramedic positions, t maintenance and operations, and the capital outlay portions of the EMS divis budget. Fees The City charges a fee to transported patients: $55 for City residents (60% patients) and $75 for non-residents (40% of patients), for an average fee of $63. The average fee of other area public agencies is $135. Total annual billings are $69,300. Collection rate averages $79%, for total revenue of $54,747 and a cost recovery rate of 20.7%. I w e PAGE 2 of AB# 73qq Itemized Fee Schedule Most agencies use itemized billing for the following items: ALS base rate; BLS base rate; emergency calls; mileage; night calls; oxygen use; drugs and supplies. This design is an industry standard that maximizes reimbursement to the patient by Medicare/Medical and private insurance carriers. If Council was to approximately double the existing fees and itemize, the minimum billing would be $78 and the maximum $176, plus drugs and supplies ($14 average). This would give an average billing per patient of $123.50. Projected annual revenue would be $107,300 for a cost recovery rate of 40.6 Total cost recovery would require an average patient billing of $303. EXH I B I TS : 1. Annual Cost Recovery Rate Graph 2. Area Providers Fee Comparison Graph - r Percentage of Cost Recovery in Relation to Fees Charged FY 79-80 38.4% FY 80-81 FY 78-79 24.8% FY 81-82 FY 82-83 20.8% 20.7% 20.7% . 100% $303 75% $278 - 50% $152 40.6: $1 23.51 . Fees Necessary for Percentage of Cost Recovery $30: \ $27$ Arnbu 1 ance $1 96 Vista $150 Esc. $142 .SD City $140 Oceans i de $108 $152 - $1 23 Car 1 s bad !I