HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-05-10; City Council; 7379; Land Lease for Branch Library Site LCWD1 LU 4, r O CL Z `O r U OK U Z O U CIT) JF CARLSBAD — AGENDA JILL QfJ Aa LAND LEASE FOR BRANCH LIBRARY DEPT. HD.~� MTGH�5�11 3 SITE - LCWD DEPCITY ATTY CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. with LCWD. -7421-� approving lease agreement ITEM EXPLANATION: The LCWD Board of Directors has agreed in concept to lease land adjacent to the District's offices as a site for a branch library. The approximate 5,000 sq. ft. site would be leased at a cost of $1 a year for a four-year term. The District may not terminate the lease during the initial four-year term and must give the City 18 months notice of termination at or after the end of the original term. The library has prepared a proposed budget for the operation of the branch library. The first year's costs for establishing and operating the branch is projected to be $120,000. Annual operating cost is estimated to be $60,000 after the first year. The branch library building is estimated to cost $130,000 and would be lease purchased over a five-year period at an annual cost of $25,000. A copy of the proposed budget for this branch is attached for information. FISCAL IMPACT: First year and annual operating costs would be partially offset by California Library Service Act (CLSA) funds. First year cost will be approximately $120,000. Annual operating costs after first year are $60,000. The City will have available at the end of the fiscal year $75,000 in CLSA funds. Projected annual revenue from CLSA is $60,000. CLSA funds are subject to an annual appropriation the State Legislature and there is no thattePby will be funded in the future. guarantee that the program EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. j(o 2. Proposed branch library budget. I a ` ,= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24' 25 26 27 28 il�' RESOLUTION NO. 1216 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A LEASE WITH THE LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT FOR A BRANCH LIBRARY SITE. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad and the Leucadia County Water District desire to enter into a lease of land for a branch library; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitation is true and correct. 2. That the lease attached hereto as Exhibit A is hereby approved. 3. That the Mayor be authorized and directed to sign the lease on behalf of the City. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California at a regular meeting held on the loth day of May , 1983. AYES: Council Jeers Casler, Lesris, Kulchin and Prescott NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member C1'ri MARY H. CUASLER, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZI City Cle k _ (SEAL) 2 M EXHIBIT A LAND LEASE - BRANCH LIBRARY This lease is made on , 1983 between the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation hereinafter called "City" and Leucadia County Water District, a county water district, r hereinafter called "District." Property: District leases to City real property located in -the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reference. City shall use said property for the establishment and operation of a temporary branch City library. Term: The term of this lease is for four years from 1983 to midnight on , 19 unless extended or sooner terminated by City as provided for in this lease. Subject to the provisions for extension, this lease shall terminate without further notice upon expiration of the term. Any holding over by City after expiration shall not constitute any renewal or extension or give City any rights in or to the property except that City shall be•permitted to remove any structures or other improvements, except underground utilities, placed on the property by city. Extension: City may, at City's option, extend the term of this lease for additional periods of 18 months at a time, subject to all the terms and conditions of this lease. The option to extend shall be exercised by giving written notice to District not less than 30 days before the last day of the original or extended term. At the 3 z� t ^, time of exercising the option to renew, and on the last day of the term, City shall not be in default of any provision of this lease. The notice of exercising the option shall be effective upon delivery ,of the notice to the District. Delievery shall mean actual delivery or deposit of the notice property addressed and posted in the United States mail. Failure to exercise the option to extend for a period shall extinguish all other options to extend and the lease shall terminate on the last day of the term. District may excuse failure to meet the time limits for exercising the option to extend without • waiving any of the provisions of this paragraph regarding extensions. Termination: City may terminate this lease at any time upon 30 days notice to District., District shall not terminate this lease during the original four year to-m. District may terminate this lease at any other time upon 18 months written notice to City. •w, Rent: City shall pay to District rent of $1.00 (one dollar) per year or portion thereof payable in advance on the annual anniversary of the date of commencement of the original term. The annual rent is not subject to adjustment by District upon extension of the term. Use: City shall use the property solely for the establishment, maintenance and operation of a temporary branch City library. The primary library structure shall be no larger than 3,000 square feet in floor area, and may be of modular construction. City shall use its best efforts to ensure that the design and color of the structure is consistent with the design and color of the District -2- y. Office. City shall landscape the area around the structu— i : a manner that is consistent with the landscaping around the District office. City shall remove all structures and building foundations when it vacates the premises. Assignment or Subletting: City shall not assign or sublet its interest in the property without the prior consent of District, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Water and Other Utilities: City shall provide water, trash, electrical and other utility service to the property. Return of Premises: Upon expiration of this lease City s shall return the property to District in substantially the same Y condition as it was on the date of commencement of the lease. City shall not commit or permit waste of the property. Hold Harmless and Insurance: City agrees to hold District harmless from any injury to persons or property arising out of City's possession or use of the property or City's conduct of library operations on the property. Notices and Payment: All notices and payments to District shall be delivered to: All notices to City shall be delivered to: City Manager, City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 _3- This lease is executed on the date first noted above: y a J1t,est�:. rig? City of Carlsbad ;'�• it i b zty'Clerk Mayor Clerk of the Board Leucadia County Water District by: j A proved as to Form: »' r x y Attorney , District Counsel -4-- ,.� CITY OF CARLSBAD 1983-84 DUDGET T-- CATEGORY PERSONNEL SERVICES ! I'MINTENANCE & OPERATION { CAPITAL OUTLAY I DEBT SERVICE l SUB TOTAL 1 SERVICES PERFOR`IEL FOR OTHER I DEPARTPIF.NTS � I ! TOTAL BUDGET { t look, DI;I'AIt'IT11iNT L I BRARY DIVISION CLSH - BRANCH ACCOUNT NO. of-4o-71 1982-83 1983-84 1983-84 ESTIMATE I REQUEST ADOPTED ! _ j12,000 j41,747 ! 66,318 ! ! j I { ! 120,065 ! ! I ! I 120,065 ! DEPARITIZGOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 I ! Branch Goals Are: { I To provide equal access to library services for all community residents. I 1983-84 Objectives Are: ! To improve library service to the southern area of the city by establishing I ! a portable branch library during 1983-84. I ! To develop a branch library materials collection of currently useful books, j magazines, records and tapes. _ I ! To create a branch library services program responsive to the needs of the I community. I I I { I i I I i { { u i' i CITY OF CARLSBAD 1983-84 BUDGET PERSONNEL DETAIL POSITION 1 I TITLE NO. LIBRARY ASSISTANT 11 1 jLIBRARY CLERK I I I '• I I NOTE: THE ABOVE PERSONNEL ARE I CURRENTLY WORKING IN EXTENSION 1 I SERVICES (Acct. 01-40•-6i), AND 1 I WOULD BE TRANSFERRED TO•THE BRANCH.1 I NO NEW FULL TIME PERSONNEL IS BEING 1 REQUESTED TO.OPEN THE BRANCH. SALARIES FOR THESE TWO POSITIONS 1 WOULD CONTINUE TO BE PAID FROM THE I GENERAL FUND. I i I 1 I i i I 1 � I I 1 I 1 f i I I SUB TOTAL w DEPARM'NT L 1 BRARY DIVISION CLSA - BRANCH ACCousF No. 01-40-71 ESTIMATED REQUIRED I ADOPTED I- 1982-83 1 1983-84 1 1983-84 1 AMOUNT INO. AMOUNT INO. AMOUNT 1 OVERTIME PART TIME i i j 3 i $12,000 FRINGE BENEFITS 1 TOTAL SALARIES AND ; i i i ,,s12000 i POSITIONS , i I ! f s t -- ACCT NO i !2!p� 1 !220 i !352 1 !420 j Ago � 520 j 550 660 I I 662 563 I 840 CITY OF C/►itI.SBAD 1983-84 BUDGET MAINTENANCE & OPERATION DF1'ARDENT LIBRARY ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION POWER AND WATER TELEPHONE AND COMMUNICATIONS LEUCADIA WATER PROPERTY RENTAL, . OFFICE EQUIPMENT'MAINTENANCE MISCELLANEOUS OUTSIDE SERVICES' DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES SPECIAL DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS AUDIO VISUAL MATERIALS TRAVEL AND MEETINGS DIVISION CLSA - BRANCH ACCOUNT NO. 01-40-71 1983-84 _ 1982-83 1983-84 I ESTIMATE j REQUEST I ADOPTED 1 5,400 1 ! 560 I 9 1 1 •. I { 1,676 i 1 36-0 I l =f I i 500 I 1 I 1 400 f i 1 I I 9,250 I 1 1 I I I 22,500 I l I f I I 1, 000 1 I �- j 100 1 I I i I i 1 I I I I 1 I I l I I 1 I I I 1 1 i i I •! I i l i { 1 ! 1 I I 1 1 f 1 i l I I I __—i I TOTAL MAINTENA,VCE & OPER. I I 41,747 1 I SERVICES PERFOIL`!ED FOR OTHER DEPARTMENTS CITY OF CAPLSBAD 1983-84 BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST DL•PAR'1T~IE LIBRARY a DIVISION CLSA — BRANCH { ACCOUNT NO. 01-40-71__ CAPITAL OUTLAY 83-84 REQUEST 83-84 ADOPTED _ j I DESCRIPTION 1 QTY AMOUNT QTY MOUNT I r I PORTABLE BUILDING (3;000 sq. ft.) I 1 I 25,600 I I - I I• I I . I i Building is estimated to cost $129,540 delivered and installed. 1 This amount represents the first year I - payment. ! I I •! - 1 I SITE PREPARATION 1 I 1,000 I } i estimate 1 1 I l a � I I I 1 I i 1 ( -SEWER/UTILITIES NOOK -UP I i i 4,000 •' estimate I ! 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I i 1 I I epag I I TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY fort—� CAPITAL OUTLAY I DESCRIPTION i 1 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT FOR NEW BRANCH 1 I LIBRARY SHELVING i t CHARGING DESK . RECORD BROWSER i TABLES " i LOUNGE CHAIRS � t COPY MACHINE I t COMPUTER TERMINAL jBOOK RETURN UNIT CASSETTE BROWSER . FILE CABINET I PAPERBACK RACKS C BOOK TRUCKS t CHILDREN'S FURNITURE v• I WINDOW COVERINGS 1 . I 4 ! t, . ' i 1 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY CITY OF CARLSBAD 1983-84 BUDGET CAPITAL OU•tLAY REQUEST UII DIV ACC 4 ItEQUEST AMOUNT 1 10,300 i 2,400 600 2,213 2,400 5,000 6,500. 1,700 1,345 275 j 800 I I 925 i 700 500 i I t 1 i 1 t i I 71 ! 66,318 1 WIMGNT LIBRARY MON CLSA - BRANCH RUNT NO. o1-40-71 83-84 ADOPTED _ j QT,Y AMOUNT ! I 1 1 I ! I 1 I f I I i ! 1 I ! � I ! E I ! I i t ! I ! 3983-84 BUDGET (MAINTENANCE b OPEPJ,TION ° I)L'PNt77.11:1\T LIBRARY - M I �I ON1 -CLSA - BRANCH ACCOUNT NO. 0l-40-71 DESCRIPTION OF TRAVEL 1 DESTINATION 1983-84 1 1983-84 T j OR MEETING EXPENSE I I REQUEST I ADOPTED I j Branch personnel will attend Serra Cooperative I I j ! 100 Library System Workshops. i ! ! j I I 1 1 i ! I I I I 1 I ! I I I i j I I 1 � j I i•- I ! I i 1 I I I ! ! ry 1 I i I I 1 I j I 1 ! I I I I ! { f 1 i ! 1 } TOTAL TRAVEL I 100 ! I 13 CITY OF CAR_LSBAD 1983-84 BUDGET BUDGET EXPLANATION I EPAR•1MNT L 1 BRARY DIVISION CLSA - BRANCH ACCOUNT NO. 01-40-71 Acct. #1110 PERSONNEL' (See note on PERSONNEL DETAIL sheet) Acct. #1300 PART TIME SALARIES .� t $12,000 � j Two part-time clerks and one �i page to assist in operation. of Branch. Acct. #2210 POWER AND WATER $ 5,400 Estimated cost for electricity and water. Acct. #2220 TELEPHONE AND COMMUNICATIONS 560 f Estimated cost of telephone services -including data circuit for i computer. Acct. #2352 LEUCADIA WATER PROPERTY RENTAL $ 1 � The Leucadia Water District has agreed to offer land for a branch library at a.cost of $1.00 per year. Acct. #2420 OFFICE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE � $ 1,676 � Annual maintenance contract on CLSI computer - $1,076; estimated I maintenance ,on copy machine - $600. . Acct. #2490 MISCELLANEOUS OUTSIDE SERVICES ' $ 360. jHeating and air conditioning maintenance. jACLt. #2520 DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS $ 500. Newspaper and periodical subscriptions, j 1 • Acct. #2550 OFFICE SUPPLIES $ 400. j Miscellaneous office supplies. ' • "� CITY OF CARLSBAD .^ 1983-84 BUDGET nUUGET EXPLANATION ' Dr:1�Ari�r9.NT DIVISION e ACCOUNT NO. s i, LIbRARY CLSA - BRANCH 01-40-71 . T Acct. #2660 SPECIAL DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES $ 9,250 I I It will'be necessary to create a card catalog for the Branch. t The amount requested should provide the necessary services through .00LC to reclassify books from existing collection, add new books- a;id produce the necessary catalog cards. OCLC charges are estimated I to be $8,500. $750 would be used for processing supplies (book t jackets, tape/record album covers, cassette boxes, etc.). Acct. "2662 BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS $22,500 I An opening day collection of $15,000 and an annual book budget of I j $7,500 is reflected in this request. Acct. #2663• AUDIO VISUAL MATERIALS ; $ 1,000 I I Records and cassette tapes for Branch. I 1 I 1 I 1 1 i I i I I 1 i I i I i I i t 1 I _ 1