HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-05-17; City Council; 7310-2; Planning Commission AppointmentCIT-3F CARLSBAD - AGEND, dLL IB# 7310 -#2 3EPT. cc HTG. 5-17-83 TITLE PLANNING C0MP;IISSION APPOINTMENT IDEPT. HD.& RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 7154, appointing a member to the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission. to be effective July 1, 1983. ITEM EXPLANATION: The term of Planning Commissioner E.H. Jose, Jr. expired in April, 1983. Council originally considered this matter in March, 1983, and determined to honor the request of Plr. Jose to allow him to serve through June, 1983. Commissioner Jose was originally appointed to the Planning Commission in June, 1967. Since his original appoint- ment in June, 1967, Mr. Jose was reappointed to the Planning Commission three successive times. Therefore, following the expira- tion of this term, in April, and his replacement in June, 1983, Nr. Jose will have served as a Planning Commissioner for 16 years. Plr. Jose has requested that he not be reappointed to the Commission. Other members of the Planning Commission are: Vernon Farrow, Jonathan Friestedt, Willis Rawlins, Jerry Rombotis, Clarence Schlehuber, and Mary Marcus Copies of applications from interested individuals which have been received during 1983, are attached for Council review. EXHIBITS : 1. Resolution No. 7154, appointing a member to the Planning Commission. 2. Copies of applications received during 1983. f 1 2 3 4 -5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ’ 26 27 za . RESOLUTION NO. 7154 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO’ THE CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION. WHEREAS, the term of E.J. JOSE, JR. expires in April, 1983; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the :ity of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve IS a member of the Carlsbad Planning Commission: Elaine Lyttleton for a term to expire in April, 1987. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the :arlsbad City Council, held on the 7th day of June I 1983, by the following vote, to wit: IYES:’ council ws casler, -s, K~CA, chick and prescott JOES : None IBSENT : None d L MARY €I. ASLER, Mayor ITTEST : ALETH’A L. RA~TENKRAN ac (Seal) a ....... ... ....... .. , .. :. .. .. . ......... .... .* .... ...... .... . '. ..' .' -_. .... .... _, .: . .&. .. ... .. ...... .. .. .. .. ..... .- .. .I . . . . , of the planning 6ommissionEa ... , (Name of comittee.or commiss.ion) ., .. ...... In so doing I understand that if I am zsked to serve on the .e -. . _.- Planning Commission, I: will be requested to make a financial *- ............ ... . . ,. ~ ... .... ......... ... ... .. .. -3 . .. . . discloswe statement if appointe,d, . . . :- .. ,. . .. .A ..... ..... . : .... ~ . '., ..... -. . i. . . -. _. -. .... - .. .-.:-My bzckground and)or avocation lead-me to believe that.. ..... .. .. %. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' - .. .. . .: ... ., --. . ; . :. I' 'ak qualified to serve :in the best :interests' of the citizefis 'of. CarJsbad..' I: have listed. some of. those activities belo\[ '. . , . -* . ... .. .. . .:. ... .- .. . .L: --* -- .. .. .... .. .. .. ... .... ..... ... .. .. ... ., .. .. . ._ . .. -. _. .-:...... .which"I' have'-participated in and feel will be *of benefit if ... .. .-. .. :.-. . .- ..... ... L .. .... ..... .. - * ............ .. .. .. .... ....... . ., . . ._ .. .. ... 1. ' '. . * ... .... #. .... ..- ..... .. .- . .. .. . ,. . &&UP ..... _.-'..e -wk-%5 .., . ... ... .. ..'I woxld appreciate the opportunity-'to serve as a member .. .. ... .. ..... .. . ....... : 7-. ....... .-. ,,.. ...... .. ...... _. .. ._ .. '. '. .. .. .. ... ' -:. . .* ......... .... ... . __ . . __. . .. .... .... .. I . ._i . .- .. ....... ..... ..... ......... ....... dxrxd//dcii .. . - . . of the .. .. ... ...... .. (Name of committee .or dcinmiss-ion) .. ... .. ., . .. .. ' . .: . . .. . .- : .. ; j .. ...... ... ... I: . .. .... .;. 'In'so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the .. .... .... .... : .* . -.._ .- ... .. . -- .. .. ~ .. .. .. .';. -:' Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial ... ... ...... .... .. . discloswe statement if appointe,d.. ,... .... .... .: ._. .. .. - ...... . . : -. .. .. .- ... ........... ... .. .. .. .. .. ., - .. .. . -. *-: .. *. . . ...... ..' .,_ :-My bzckground andfor avocation lead-rne to bel ;:; . . -- .... ._ ,.. z ... ... .. . .. ... .. , .. .. .. .. ... -* ..... ~ .. .'..' 1. .am qualified to serve 'in the best .:interests' ,of. the citizens . ' . ' ..... ..... .... ... .... .. - . ... ._ .. -. .. - - .. . .'.. .- . __ . -. . .. .. . -:.of Car.lsbad.. I: have &Zsted..some of. those activities below. .. _. . -. . .., ... ... .- .......... ... I ... ... .. .. . ,, , .. , . . ,. '. ,. . 0 *. .. (7 . .. .. ..... . .*, .. ..... -. .. ... - .. .- . ... ... - , : ... .... ..... .. .. -. .L ... .... . '. ' .. .. .. .. .. .. -. . .. .. .. 1r ' .. .I ., .. G'entlenen: .. ' . 1 tiould apprechte the opportunity'to serve as a meiiber s .. .. .oZ the Plaghino Cokmission. .* (Nanc of conmittce or commission) In so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the Planniiig. Conmission, I will be requested to make a financial .. disclosure statenent if appointed, 'f4y 3zckcjxnx3 and)or avocation lend ne to believe that X an gual5fic.d to serve Ln the best interests of the ci-tir:ex?s -. .. .- I - c;rT- Cnrls5zd.. I have listed some of those activities below. .... " k7hici1. I :ta-c.e'.prtrticj.patec? in ~~ and feel will be 'of bencfit if <. .. .. -. sekcted - c . . -.- .. '-1. Member Citv of CarJshail Trgffit- C-lnn / I 2. I am th-c-eGPrcsident of a c& ~~-~~-~€n~~-n~ML~u~~~* projects ----- '-for governmental agencies; both disciplines are aD - plicable _re phming-activities. * *tied both the 3. As a candidate for Citv Council I bemfamlllar with tm .. .. .... , . .' \- ... .. - . : .. . -. . LALL VI' _- . .- ........ .. .. .. ' C. ...... -_ .- .... ..... ~. ... -. *. .. . :. . I ,. ............. . : ... ... ..... ,. . .. , APPLICATION FOR :?PPOINT&lENT r' - . . .. .- . -. .% ., . . : .. .. .. - .. .... .. - .. %. ......... .... - , -~ '--e ' : . ' .. .... -. '..;' .. . ..... -' . TO BOAEkl OR COXXISSION , ... ..... , .. ... ... ...... ... ... * .... - .: ._. - ' .-e..- .... , .,* . . .:- - ..... ... OR CO?li!i!ITTEES .. .. .. ... ... .. ... ', .. . : . .. .. .... .. . .-. .. ... .. .... .. .... ... .. .. . -; ,. .. ..... ...... . .'TO: G>iL;L ;: ::?AD ,CITY. COUNCIL .. ... . ............ 1. . .:. : '. , . v' .. - .. .......... . I . ._. '. ! P. *. .. .. ... .... '. .. .. ..* ., .. .. -. . I .. .. ., - :' -; i .. - -. Gentie3?ml:. .. - .. . : . . ..... . . 1 woz3.d appreciate the opportunity-to serve as' a member ..... '- of the Planninq COmmissiar' ... .. ... ., .- . .i .*. .. -. .. -- - .. ........ ..> _. .. .. . - .. . .: .. .... ... .. .. . ._ .. ._e . ... . (Name of cornnittee -or comqiss-ion) .* '. .. .. ..... *,- .i -..In so doing I understand that if I am zsked to serve on the .. .. .. -- .. .. .. t : .... .. 'Planning Conmission, I willbe xequested to make a fir.ancia2 .. ..... : .. _. .... e-:.- ........... ... -. ..... .. .- .... ......... -. i ... .. ... ... ..... . -. . - ..... .--._ .... . .- ., 7. -.. .. . -- disclosuze state.mc.nt if appointe,d, . . .. .. .. ..... " , :Wy 'c~ckgr5uficl. aod)or avocation lead ne -to bqlieve thzt . : .. .. ...... .. . . ;, -1 ai q*t: - - -* -of Car,lsbad,. 1 have 1,isted. some of. Chose activities below.. . .. ;. selected- ' . . '7 - ... ...-. . - .-aL:xizd to serve in the be,st 'interests of the citizer_s . _.. :. .. ._ .__ - % .. .. - .. .. - -. .. , .'. .I ., . ., .. .. .. .. _.. .. .. _. . .. . '-. ' .'. -which X have'-partlicipatecl in and feel will be -of, benefit- if ' . . .. - ....... _._ . ... ... . ........ ::-+-.. >I.-: .;.-...-:j :-, .-:.: -4. . *. ...... ...... ... ...... .. - :. ._ ... . ... . ...... ... .... ... . ... -. ,- --.. v .- * - .* ~ . ;- .* : ' - ...,..:... .. _. ... ... -- .. _..,. .:. .. ... .. ;. 1 ............ ......... .. ._... .. -. . 8.. ._ .. *.. .. .. .. .. -. .. .' I grew up .in'Carisbad;.attended 'l&al'schmis; I .-have work4 .'for'.the . . - -- . - . - .... 1 .- .. - ... .. -. ". for the City 'of' Carlsbad, the Hiqh School and. Junior Colleqe district' - :. .. ... ..... . .- ._ . -. : .... arid am now.working as a Travel Agent. I have &en very acti've in'the ... ..- - - .... .. .. W ,. .. -. -. . -. 9 Carl&- bb-rPn's r-d the rar7shafi inlion Churc+- .' on the Carlsbad Pool Committee 'and the buildincr cornittee for the ..... T =-kd ..- . . .. .. ,. .... .. -. - .. .I .: .. .. -.. ...... .... -. ,..-I' ., -_._. : .. _, .. :. .... .e.-- .. -- .... ... I..- sacnctuarf;.at the Carlsbad ,Uiiion Chu'rch. * .- .- ... .... .... '. . ,. mn .. . .- .* -. . .' Dolores Frazee .. - (Print name) . .... ... ...... , . , ,. .' *e* . * .,'. - - . -. .. Signature . .. ' , .- .. .. .. ..*a '. .. .. -, .... .. ,. .. ....... *. .. .. . . ,' rnd%kP---= .. ..r .. .. a 729-3379 .. . l'llorle .. .. .. ' *- IC . .' -' .. .. February 4, 1983 IJik tC . .. I- , ' -!! _.I c!A&c.-L~ .. . * CITY OF CAlUSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMEN TO 'BOARD OR* COI4bIISSION I. L- ' . .- *. c OR CO3MITTEES *. . TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL -- . Gentlemen : .. . : ., .I would appreciate the opportunity'to serve as a member of the Planning Gomission -- (Name of committee or comnission) In so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the ~- .'Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial *. c disclosure statement if appointed, ._ My background and/or avocation lead' me to believe that .- .. :I at qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens - of Carlsbad. -- * - which 3: have ..--. .. .- selected. ). - I have listed some of those activities below - d feel .. will be of benefit ~~ if .- L .. i: - 20 units of course work in UCLA's Graduate School af Urban Planning .. ... . - Internship in the office of Playor'Tom Bradley (Los Angeles) dealing ' with such issues as bikeways and financing of mass transit systems - Five.years work eiperience in strategic and financial planning at .. sa? Di ego's 1 arfiest corporati on . at5 -7 ', * . - Four. ygam'work- experience in the Chancellor's Planning Office ,at the . . t ... \. .. (Print name) .I - ". 7629 Calle Madero Carlsbad, CA Address I. Phone I .I .. - ' I' 753-8030 .> 2/9/83 i < ' * /" b - . .. Datc -. i -, . -- .- ... .... *' ' -.. X would appreciate the opportunity-:to serve as a member (Name of corrunittee .or corrm.iss.ion) .. .. .... .... : .. .: .... .... ..... .. ... ...... .a. 1 .* .... ._ .. . .- .. ... .. .. -. ._ . .. I. -.. .. -Planning Commission .. .. .. ... ... ... .. ... ... ..... ........... '- of the ...... .i . .. .. ..... n : . .. . -, . .- . -. ,.-- - - .* .. i .: *, ... ...... .. .. *.- ... In's0 doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the . '. :.. ... .... ,. .. .. .. .. - .. ... .... ... .Planning, Commission, I will be' requested to make a financial . : , .'. . .- -_ .- . . -, ~... ... .. ... . :. .. ... ..... .... ._ .... .-. .. .. ._. .. .. -. - disclosltre statement if app0inte.d. . .... .. ' . - ." .. '. . .. .. .. *- :, . . ..... . -.- .- hy bzckground andlor avocation lead'm .. .. ... .. _.. ... - ....... 1 am qualified to serve'in the ... best 'interests'pf- the citizefis .. ' -.- of' Car+lsbad,. ..... ... ... ..-. . - .. .._ . -. .. .. -. .. _. .. .. .. .. I have ,listcd;some of] those activities below. ......... - ... .. , . ... ._ .. .. .. ... ... .... . , . ..... .. .. -. ' , ..- . .... .. PLEASE 'SEE. ATTA'CHE .... ..... .. ., . .. ... .. ... .. ... i, .. . 'I * .. .. .. e. .. .... . '.... , : ... ... .. ..... ... . .. .. .... ... .. .. CI - .. .. .. ... .: .. .?'...', . .t: .... :I .'..:,.: ."^'-*: .-- -1 ..... f... , .... .' . ., . . ..... .. .. . '.. '. .c .. .. 0. .. .. .Victor E., Stephens ' ..... - .. ........... .... .. ...... (Print name) . . I. .,. . ' ' e..' . ,.. - ...... . I. . ., .: .. , L. . . . - .- .. .. . I. .. .. ..' .> .' .. .. .. ' . .'a .... 7620 Galleon Wav , Carlsbad. CA 92008 . ' .. * .. a. ..... .. ' .' ... ... .. ... ., : *' 1 ' . ... .. :*... Mitress .. . s. i'horre *. . .* ., .. .. .. .. .... . * . 436-0610 *' * * .... 11. .. '* ... .. ,. 2-3- 83 -- ,. . % llittg., .. . .. .. .. Gentlemen: ,._. .. .. This letter is a supplement to the resume attached in order to bring your attention to the aspects of my background that I believe to be pertinent to,the functions of the Planning Commission and qualify me to serve on this commission to %‘best interest of the citizens of Carlsbad. 1. In the aresof public service, over 27 years with the City of Pasadena, 19 years at the management level that involved me in all phases of city government and operations. 2. Over three years with Title Insurance and Trust Company of Los Angeles, where I was able to develop an understanding of the intricacies of title insurance involving zoning, title searches land descriptions, title transfers and etc. Over four years experience with Harrison Baker and Associates of Pasadena, Land developers, Realtors and Appraiiers. I was employed as a fee appraiser specializing in vacant land, freeway, . and site appraisals. 3. 4. In the area of business experience, after retiring from the City of Pasadena, became Chief8 Executive Officer of Medevac, Inc., a San Diego based firm employing about 400 people with operations throughout California and in Kansas City, Missouri. I am hopeful this information will be sufficient to qualify me for consid- eration for an appointment to the Planning Commission when the next vacancy occurs. hearing from you in the near future. Thank you for your consideration. I will be looking forward to -. Sincerely, -.. .. .. .. .. .I. ,I . 2z2%f-* Victor E. Stephens VES : sp la. Y ... .. .. ADDRESS: PERSONAL c- RESUME OF VICTOR E. STEPHENS 7620 Galleon Way, Carlsbad, California 92008 4 years, 9 months DATA: Age 58, Born July 28, 1924 Los Angeles, CA Married, four children EDUCATIONAL DATA : PROFESSIONAL DATA: Beverly Hills High School - graduated 1942 U.C.L.A. Law School - one year - called 'Pasadena City College - graduated 1950 University of Southern California School of Public Administration 60 units work - did not graduate into World War I1 Title Insurance 6 Trust Co., Los Angeles 1946-49 Title searcher and legal department assignments. Duties : I- .*. .- City of Pasadena (fire department) 1949-1976 27 years, 4 mos. Duties: Fireman, Engineer, Captain Additional Duties: I Battalion Chief. were a part of top management and assigned administrative duties such as: 1. planning and program devel- 2. policy development 3. departmental and city budget Chief Officers in Pasadena opment. Pasadena City College - part time 1962-1976 Duties: Organizer, Coordinator and * Instructor of Fire Science I Program - 300 students and 14 instructors under my supervision. Harrison Baker 8 Associates - Pasadena - Part the . Duties: Fee Appraiser 196 0- 196 3 BUSINESS EXPERIENCE: Medevac, Inc., 1976 - 1981 Duties: Consultant, Chief Executive Officer and Member of Board of Directors. s. .. *- c CITY OF CAlUiSBAD 5- APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO ‘BOARD OR COMP.IXSSION _.- OR CO2SMITTEES . TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Gentlemen: .I would appreciate the opportunity‘to serve as a member In so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the .‘Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial, 0 disclosure statement if appointe,d, My background andlor avocation lead-me to believe that .I un qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens *- - of Carlsbad, whj-ch I have participabed in and feel will be of benefit if I have listed some of those activities below . . . . --.- - r . . . ., ..... . .. ~ . ..... “. .. - I -. _,...--, - .- ..,.._ .. . . -CITY OF CAIUSBAD . . .. 'APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT .. .. . .',. , ' .. .. - .. .. OR COXMITTEES .. TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL . .. .. . , .. ..' . .. .. .. . *.' .. : . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. I... . .Gentlemen : .. . ... , .I ... . . .I would appreciate the opportunity'to serve as a member .. 'In so doing I understand t.hat if I am asked to serve on the -.. .'Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial .c . .- .I disclosure statement if app0inte.d. My background andlor avocation lead'me to believe that . . .. -1 21il qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens -. of Carlsbad, I have listed some of those activities below- * which I have participated in and feel will be of benefit if -. .. & . ... .' CITY OF CA1Z.LSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMEMT TO * BOARD OR COMMISSION *. I OR CO?IMITTEES . TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL ~ .- c .. .. . Gentlemen: .* . .. In so doing I understarid that if I am asked to serve on the .'Planning Cornmission, 1 will be requested to make a fifiancial . t .. disclosure statement if appointe,s, My background anii)or avocation lead'rne to believe that .. -1 an qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens ). I- - oE Carlsbad. whkh 1 have participated in and feel. will be of benefit if 1 have listed some of those activities behw - . ~ .I . .. .I - . . .* I. ! . .. - . -- CITY OF CA1'U;SBAD .. ... ,. I. .. .* - .. *. . +.. ; I.', .. ' '. ?' .. ...... .... ..... . ......... ,. ~ b. .. .. I, ..... .... ... .............. .. .. .... .. ..... ..... , "APPLICATION FOR APFOISTMENT .. .: , ;. . * ' .. .. '. . ', ., ., .. -1 .... i. ......... ...... a' . ,..! : ... . i 'I , .;;..* '* . 0. , - ., ... :,.* ,- ' .. TO'BOARD OR COMXISSION .. 1,- .. ...... ,. ... .. .I '. . 8 .. I. '. I . , ;. '- .. . .* ... .... ....... . ..;I ........ . .' . :. OR CO!IMITTEES .. . 'i .. , . .. I ." ' ' .I. .. .. ... ,. .. .. 1 .* . .. ,. * ., ,. . --' 'TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL ... ........ .......... .... ... ...... .* ' ._. . .: .. .. .. .... ... .... ..... ... ..,. .; ... ... .......... ' . ' . *.'. ?.' .. : .... i .. , .I. . ..; :. .. ;.. , . . : . : ' .- * .. :. *. :.. ... .( . . , . , , , . . .., . . ' ... .. .... .. ... - ,--., -. ' * . .. .,; '. .. .. .. ' *. .. - . -. .: - I .. * Gentleqen: -. . .* ' . 1 would aFpreciate the opportunity'to serve as a member .. I . .. *. 'fn so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the - .. Planning Cornmission, 1 will be requested to make a financial ...... .. . .,. . ... .. ..... ..... .. .. .. ~ .: . ..... ... . :. .. f _:. . ... -. . . . -. i .. . ,. "disclosure statement if appointed. .. ..... My background and/or avocation lead me to believe that .. .-X aa qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens *- . . a2 Carlsbad. .I have listed some of those activities below- - which X have participated in and feel will be of beneeit if -.*: .. . . :* . . '. -. . .. -. ... ... .... .. > ... ............ .. .. .. .... ....... ... .... .. ..... .. . .- . : ' . -. ., .. ... ..... .. I . ........ .. .. .. -. -. .. _. .. .?'. .. . ' 'r .. .. .. .. .. '. .:. -. . .. , .. .* selected. -. .'. .-_ ,'. . PLEASE . GEE .'fir~-fic~~~ ..RESu ... ,. .. . ., .. .. .. .. .. .: . . .. .. .. -.-. .. 0. .. .. .. .. .. .I .. .. 0 . . 8.' I.. .. ... 8 1 ,.-. RESUME S. ELAINE LYTTLETON 4872 Alondra Way, Carlsbad, CA 92008 619-729-5180 PERSONAL DATA: Birth Date: 10-24-46 Height: 5'4" Weight: 135 lbs. Married, 2 daughters Health: Excellent EDUCATIONAL DATA: Claremont Senior Secondary School, Victoria, B.C., Canada graduated with majors in English b Biology, 1964 B.C. Institute of Technology, Burnaby, B.C., Canada ., graduated from the Radiography Program, 1967 University of B.C.: Accounting courses 1971 Simon Fraser University: Psychology courses 1973 UCSD, San Diego: Advertising & Public Relations courses 1981 PERSONAL BACKGROUND AND INTERESTS: I was born in Victoria, B.C. and educated in Victoria b Vancouver. During nigh School, I was active in 4-H and Girl Guides. I immigrated to the U.S. in May 1977 & purchased a home in Carlsbad, CA, where I live with my husband of 16 years and our two daughters aged 13 & 14. My hobbies include reading, photography, needlework, orchid culture, running, travel. I am active in the following organizations: - The Women's Resource Center Auxiliary, I am a member of the steering committee of this new organization. - The Friends of the Carlsbad Library. I am currently 1st Vice President, in charge of programs. In the past I have been Membership Chair and Parliamentarian. I belong to & support the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce & Carlsbad Republican Women's Club. 1 VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: 1974- University of B,C, Worked with a group of women to formulate a paper to present to a Royal Commission on the Status of Women. called "The Financial Position of Women in Marriage" at the Commission hearing. 1977- Oceanside Junior Women's Club I presented our paper Because of my interest in the Status of Women, I was asked to join the Oceanside Junior Women's Club and chair their Status of Women Department. Through my involvement, the Oceanside Junior's have been instymental in aiding the Women's Resource Center and the young women of Camp Pendleton, among others. 1978- Gateway Advisory Board This Board was formed to give direction & input to a future shelter for battered women and their children. I took over the Chairmanship when the previous Chair left to become Director of into being and is an extension of the WRC. - the Women's Resource Center. Since then, The Gateway has come 1979- San Diego District Federated Junior Women's Clubs The Junior Women's Club Federation is governed by District, State & National Boards. I became San Diego District Status of Women Chair. I was in charge of 16 clubs in the San Diego County, giving thew ideas, motivation, speaking at their meetings, ete. That year the State of California Federation of Junior Women's Clubs decided to reduce their budget by doing away with the Status of Nomen Dept. I found independent funding for the San Diego District Status of Women Dept., and today San Diego is the only District in the State that has this department. 1980- Project Concern, Walk for Mankind The Walk for Mankind is the major means of fund raising for San Diego based Project Concern. P.C. is an international health care organization working is 13 countries, plus depressed areas of the U.S. In 1980 I directed the Oceanside-Carlsbad Walk. This involved recruiting volunteers from various service organizations to man check-points, scan sponsor sheets, register walkers, give presentations at the schools, print fliers, do bulk mailing, patrol the Walk route, provide Weary Walker Wagons. We solicited donations from throughout the community to cover the costs of printing, mailing, refreshments, incentive prizes for Walkers. In all more than 2,000 people walked, more than 250 people volunteered and more tnan $200,000 was pledged. 2 ”- - .a - 8. ., 1982- Seekers of the Spring, A History of Carlsbad The Friends of the Library commissioned a local journalist and Friend of the Library to write a history of Carlsbad. This 3 year task was completed in 1981 and the challenge was then to get the book published. I volunteered to become ‘Publishing Coordinator”. This involved working with the author and 1 other Friend of the Library. We decided we could save money & produce a really elegant volume, if we published the book ourselves. I took a class on self-publishing, and then began. We I Pr Fr designed page layouts & photos, paper, type style, ink color. got bids for typesetting, paste-up, photo preparation, inting, binding, cover design. I reported regularly to the iends Board. We solicited and received donations of labor and services in some areas. I formulated the time line to coincide with the Friends Book Fair deadline in May 1982. Brochures were printed and bulk mailincjs done throughout the city. This is an on-going project for The Friends. One year later we have recovered about 50% of our costs. The Seekers of the - Spring, A History of Carlsbad is a popular book, and we anticipate it will continue to be for years to come. 1981-1983 Friends of the Carlsbad Library I maintain the Friends of the Library mailing list on my computer, producing the labels for the newsletter. I organized a membership drive, designing the brochures and doing a bulk mail to 14,000 homes and 600 businesses in Carlsbad. 1982- Political Campaign, Precinct Captain When a local politician ran a write-in campaign, I got my first taste of how a political campaign was run. I became a Precinct Captain & recruited 12 volunteers to walk our area to distribu.te information on our candidate. 1983- The Women’s Resource Center Auxiliary Several years zgo, I suggested to the Oceanside Junior Women’s Club that the WRC needed an auxiliary to raise funds, provide volunteers and promote the Center’s work. Oceanside Junior’s has recently started this project and I, with 10 other women form the initial steering committee. The first membership drive is in May 1983 and the first Board will be elected soon after. Specifically, I have been in charge of the invitations for this first event. 3 . . . .- ... . . _. . .- .-. .. .. WORK EXPERIENCE: 1967-1980 - Full Time Mother & Volunteer This naturally includes various terms on P.T.A. Boards, a year as a Brownie Troup leader & chairing fund-raising activities. 1980- Present - Hugh Allan Lyttleton & Associates I work full time with my husband in our own accounting & tax practice. I am responsible for the monthly accounting for numerous small businesses who make up our clientele. I reconcile bank statements, produce monthly financial statements, do payroll and various tax returns. I am also responsible for P.ROr designing direct mailings, brochures, etc. I do this for ourselves and for some of our clients. Our offices are located in the Palomar Business Park. 4 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the Mayor June 10, 1983 Mr. Robert Holmes 810 Caminito Rosa Carlsbad, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (71 4) 438-5561 In response to your application to the Carlsbad Planning Commission, please be advised that an appointment has been made. While your application did not result in an appointment at this time, on behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our appreciation for the civic interest and concern evidenced by your application. Your application will remain on file until December 31, 1983, and will be considered in the event of any expiration or vacancy which may occur prior to that time. You are invited to submit a new application in January, 1984, should you desire to be considered for appointment during the next calendar year. City Boards, Commissions and Committees during the next year is posted in January in the Office of the City Clerk. A list of vacancies which will occur on all This letter was nailed to the following neople on June 10, 1983: Sybil Suflnan James Smith Diane Lantz James L. Sinclair Dolores Frazee Victor E. Stephens 3ober t Holmes High Vickery , 7’ *I MA& H. CASLER Mayor George Fox MHC/kdc Jeffrey Punches 2 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the Mayor TELEPHONE: . (71 4) 438-5561 June 9, 1983 Elaine Lyttleton 4872 Alondra Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of June 7, 1983, adopted Resolution No. 7154, appointing you as a member of the Carlsbad Planning Commission for a term to expire in April, 1987. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our appreciation for your willingness to serve on this commission. Mayor MHC : krk