HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-05-17; City Council; 7388; Request to address Council-Senior Citizen AssocI. AB# 73Ff MTG.5/17/83 DEPT. CM CIT. OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL CITY AllY @ DEPT. HD. TI'TLE: REQUEST TO ADDRESS COUNCIL - CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION CITY MG R. .=- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Hear presentation by Senior Citizens' Association. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Senior Citizens' Association has asked for time on the Council agenda and has sent the attached letter regarding a possible site for a Senior Citizens' Center. EXHIBITS : 1. May 3, 1983 letter from the Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association. I . lncorporsted In the State of Calltornla, 25, 1975 Corporate numb 738728 A Non-Proflt Corporatlon CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION WARD OF DIRECTOW Dr. Fnncb hntz Chairman May 3, 1983 Honorable Mayor and Council Members: 258 Beech Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone (71 4) 4344127 M811ud &8lOM#U Vice Chnlrmm As per Goals and Objectives of FY 82/83 set forth Ed. w.rtf.8 by Council that would promote adequate facilities and ~cordlngSlcr.tnry would request this assistance. Sscrelary service for the Seniors who reside in Carlsbad, we .. lrenaure' After many frustrating months of searching for a Nonlr Cochran feasible site to be able to build an adeauate facility, Tom Cunning R.).mad- R. E-r Lutl At the present time this property has had little or no Mayor Casler suggested the site on the east side of the Magee House be a possibility. use. Also, at the present time, as Council is aware, we are serving 4000 persons monthly with inadequate +++ space to do so. Jmk Y. JWnL Exrcutlw, Dlractor Clty Council Ropremtatlw We feel that a 10,000 square foot building could be efected, and be adequate for the time being. I need not remind Council that the present senior population reflects 10,000 persons over the age of 60. However, under the newly revised regional growth forcasts, Carlsbad population will rise to 65,456 within the next 6 or 7 years. Predicated on rising senior population per capita, in seven years we would have a senior population of 21,815 over the age of 60 years. It has been stated that all 10,000 current seniors do not participate. That is true. However, many who are not participating are not doing so because of our lack of adequate facilities. Council is aware that the City of Carlsbad has what is probably the most solid based tax position of any city this size in the State of California. We would also remind Council that the City of Carlsbad is the only community in North County that hasn't built a senior center to serve the elderly. The City of Carlsbadspurchase of social services is at a cost of $37,825 per year. The cities of Oceanside, Vista and Escondido have not only utilized Comm- unity Block Development Grants and Revenue Sharing Funds properly for the seniors, but are currently spending approx- imately $100,000 per year in Oceanside, $120,000 per year in Escondido, while the City of Vista erected a Senior Center and donated to Vista Seniors Incorporated. The seniors, in turn, manage and maintain this center at their own expense. EXHIBIT 1 Page 2 Honorable Mayor and Council Members: This is the opportune time to establish a common goal. By utilizing the acreage at Magee Park we can develop adequate facilities to deliver the proper social services to our fragile-at-risk population, establish educational and re- creational programs, and prepare and serve proper nutritional diets to our seniors. The Association has organized a Building Trust Committee which has been commissioned to raise funds. These funds will come from the community-at-large, corporations who donate funds for this specific purpose, and foundations who support these efforts with matching funds. On a positive note, we would like to acknowledge the support given the Association to this point, ask you for your support in committing this property to develop facilities that would not only serve the senior population, but supply much needed space for the whole community. 3 1 i'ncorporated In the State of California, Jii j, 1975 Corporate number 738728 A Non-Profit Corporation CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dr. Fnnola Lank Chalrman Manual bOtOnM Vlce Chalrman Edr Ww1m Secretary Hdan Duncombo Uecordlng Sacmtary Treasurer Norrla Cochnn Tom Cunnlng Raymmd Ed. Dr. Edgar Luh Qkn McComar hkny nolgarrd rr+ Jack M. Jlmmlnk Executlve Dlrector Ann Kukhln Clly Counctl Represenlallw 250 Beech Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone (714) 434-4127 AGENDA - - BOARD OF DIRECTORS WEDNESDAYy MAY 4, 1983 PLACE - - McGEE HOUSE - 258 BEECH AVE, CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 TIME -- 1O:OO a.m. 1.Call meeting to order 2.Approval of minutes 3.Norris Cockran - May 20th annual meeting 4. Executive Director - re-request for Mc Gee 5. 'Dr. Lutz - AAA 6. Old business 7. New business 8. Adjourment property for new Senior Center Nutrition contract F~ 83/84 NEXT BOARD MEETING - - MAY 18, 1983 Minutes of' Board Meeting -'Jednesday, Anril 20, 1987 Vneetlng was called to order in Foard Room Rt the Maqee Iiousc nt 9:55 a.m. Present: Chairman Lantz, Castorena, Cochran, Coope?, Cun:rlnq, Lutz, Sanchez, Watkins and Westree. Absent: Ede and Street. Suests: Mayor Casler, Ed Jeffries and Pienniv Watkins. Yinutes of Apr. 6, 1983 Board Meeting were approved as presented. xotjil Meals: Qochran advised 921 deliveries (1842 double meals) were made from Feb. 7 to Apr. 8th. Cost per day (2 meals) is $2.)4(3 whlch does not include the inventory. Daily average is 21 deliveries. Annual Membership Meetin&: at high school. Don Watkins is handling trarisportation to the meetinp, Dennis Watkins has charge of refreshments; Jirnmink will send out special invitatlons to include the City Council and School Trustees; Julie Spitzer is coordinatine requests .from other orgBnizatinns cnd senior centers who wish to attend, and Bert Soderquist wi!l tS1k.e care of publicity and newsletter information. To be held May 20 at Cultural Arts Center TJutrition: Dennis ViHtkins advised as of Apr. 1 we have recejvci! Q5 mecils per day, serving 50 at the first seatinq en(3 h5 ut the :wc:,nd. Mny 1st the contract will he updated to receive 105 dally. Yesterdriy - Ar:ril 19 - had to turn away 13 persons. Also a small Tuesdsy tif't>er- nnon Fingo game was started wlth 55 in attendance and !)3~0.3C, in prizes Kiv8n. Transportation: Yatkl ns is reassessing the si tiiatiori - preserltly huve -pickups. If needed Lifel-lne will come down fron OceansJde anti pick u;) 3 to 5 every day. Xxecutive Director's Report: There was discussion of tudaet items. nmm-lnk had met with the Parks & Recreation Comissinn hprjl 18. F'>r the Saturday Bingo games we pay 9279.00 for 4$ hours use of the C?m- munity Center auditorium. Games average attendance is 106 pers:>ns. A detailed report of expenditurea and receipts will be presented at the next Board meeting. Lantz said he !.as had several requcsts for afternoon tea dances. General Business: Lutz inquired what the reaction of the l'firks PC Recreatlon Pcpt. is to the Senior Citizens' As3n. becoming part of P & R. Casler advised that several yenrs ago when sirnllar discti,s.siqri was held, it was thought the Association wwld achieve more success as a separate entity than as part of P & R. If we now feel we want to be under P & R we would hRve to apply through the City 2ouncll. There WAS further discussion about a site for a senior center. hiti! nlso inquired what tt-e feeling of the City Coiincil is rieletive to niir llmited facilities and Mayor Casler replied the Councll is aware thrit all departments of the City are crowded and the Clty would be willinn to assist in locatjng a financial prnnt fnr the acquisition of a site. 5' -2- Castorena moved that we write the City Council requestjng such assistance, seconded by Sanchez and motion car7Jied. Watkins reported he is studying possible additional pick u? points for the bus. At 11:lO a.m. it wap moved by Cunning and secqnded by Castorena that the meeting adjourn. ?Jotion carried. Next me[.ting will be at 1O:OO a.m., Wednesday, May Ir, 1983 at the Carlsbad Senior Citizens Center. Secretary Pro Tern 6