HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-06-07; City Council; 7393; Assembly Bill 1597-1599 Oppose0 UJ ~ a. a. <C z 0 ~ ..I 0 z ;, ::) 0 (.) CIT. JF CARLSBAD -AG EN Ch di LL AB# 739-3 MTG . .M7/83 DL~PT.,__,;;:;c;:.::M'--_ r.rM; RECOMMENDED ,-.~TION: Assembly Bill 1597-1599 OPPOSE DEPT. HD. __ CITYAm~ CITY MGR.~ That Council oppose AB 159 7 and 1599 which would allow the state to overrule local government in establishing each city's al- location of bousing units. ITEM EXPLANATION: SANDAG Boarc recommends that cities oppose state legistation which gives the Department of Housinq and Community Develop- ment the right to determine how housing units are allocated within the region. Under current law SANDAG has this authority. EXHIBITS: l. SANDAG Report on the legislation dated May 27, 1983. ; l i '' l' \' ! I' i I J '! 'I I I : l i j , I i i San Diego Association of Govemm, ,($ BOARD OF DIRECTORS May Z7, 1983 STATE LEGISLATION PROPOSING TO AMEND HOUSING ELEMENT REQUIREMENTS (AB 1597 & 1599) Introduction AGENDA REPORT No.: i EXHIBIT 1 The State Legislature has been considering two bills (AB 1597 and AB 1599, both by Assemblyman Costa) which deal with local housing elements, One of the bills, AB 1599, appear$ to be dead, This bill would have mandated that local govern- ments lose their eligibility to receive apportionments from the Highway Users Tax Account in the Transportation Tax Fund (gas tax revenues) if it were determined that the local governments' revisions of their housing elements were not con- sistent with the regional housing needs, However, a provision of AB 1599 has now been inserted into AB 1597, As amended, AB 1597 would allow the State Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) to overrule the decisions of cities and councils of governments (e.g., SANDAG) in determining each city's allocation of housing units in order to meet the regiou's housing needs, Under e~isting law, regional councils of governments determine the fair share of the region's housing needs for each city and county, The local governments may accept the needs assessment as part of their housing elements or they may revise the assessment based upon "available data and accepted planning n::ethodology, and supported by adequate documentation•. This bill takes the control of the needs determination from the local governments and provides HCD with an arbi- trary means to change the needs assessment if the Department determines that such a change is necessary, The bill contains no criteria to guide such a deter- mination by HCD and allows HCD "to arbitrarily substitute its judgment for that of the local elected officials in determining basic local policy• (League of Cities Bulletin, May 6, 1983; the League is opposed to this bill). Based upon staff review, it is my RECOMMENDATION that the Board of Directors approve Resolution 83-109 opposing AB 1597 and directing staff to take the necessary actions to inform local and state govern- ments of its opposition, Discussion SANDAG has provided local jurisdictions with regional housing needs assessments and "fair share" responsibilities which allow local governments to address their housing element responsibilities, The primar;• planning documents that have provided this assistan,~e have been the Regional Housing Needs Statement and the more detailed Areawide Housing Opportunity Plan (AHOP). Both of these docu- ments have bP.en unanimously adopted by the Board of Directors and have been used by the local governments when they develop their housing elements, Further, HCD has recognized these documents as satisfying the regional housing needs determination portion of the local housing elements. The changes that would be required by AB 1597 could remove the local involvement that characterizes the existing successful process and substitute a single purpose state agency (HCD) into the needs determination process. ~ b ►c;t-4/\../ RIC ARDZ:C F Executive Dir tor . ,,. , • San Diego ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS RESOLUDON Suite 524, Security Pacific Plaza 1200 Thhd Avonuo Son OlaQo, Callfornla 92101 714/236-5300 No. OPPOSnm AB 1597 (COST A) AMENDING HOUSING ELEMENT REQUIREMENTS 83-109 WHEREAS• the Sa:i. Diego Association of Governments has developed a regional housing needs determination and a •fair share• formula that responds to state housing element requirements; and WHEREAS, these processes have been successfully adopted and included in local housing elements; and WHEREAS, these processes have been recognized by the federal and state governments as responding to )>_g_\~ federal and state housing planning requirements; and WHEREAS, AB 1597 would permit the State Department of Housing and Community Developme:nt to ovel'l'Ule local agencies in the determination of local housing needs; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the San Diego Association of Governments Board of Directors opposes the adoption of AB 1597 and directs staff to take the nec- essary action to inform local and state goternments of its opposition. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day c,f May, 1983. CHAI~WOMAN ATTEST: ______________ _ SECRETARY MEMBER AGENCIES. Cttfes of Carlsbad.Chula V,su,. Coronado, Del Mar, El Ca1on, Escondido, Imperial Beach, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, National City, 'f Oceanside, Poway.San D,ego,San Marcos, Santee and Vista ADVISORY MEMBERS California Dspartmcnt of Transportdt1on and T11ua.~a/BaiaCalifornia Norte