HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-06-21; City Council; 7413; Award of Contract Traffic Computer ModelCIT1 3F CARLSBAD - AGENDi 31LL g_�Y�3 jITLE: DEPT. HD. A 6/21/83 A14ARO OF CONTRACT CITY ATTY MTc3. TRAFFIC COMPUTER 140DEL -6 CITY MCiR DEFT.—U. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution Ho-SZ2 G approving an agreement with SANDAG for joint development of a Traffic Computer Model; authorize the .11ayor to sign the agreement on behalf of the City and authorize the Finance Director to encumber funds in the amount of $14,890 for the completion of the Traffic Computer 1-todel, acquisition and adaption of the IMPAX program and related staff training. ITEM EXPLANATION: In August 1982, Willdan Associates completed a Study of Circulation Problems and -prepared a report. In their report, they emphasized that their traffic projections were "rough estimates" and they strongly recommended that a computer model be performed. They further recommended that the model await SANDAG Series VI forecasts which are now available. On 1-lay 4, 1983, the Circulation Plan Advisory Committee unanimously endorsed the preparation of a computer model, and further recommended sufficient staffing so that the computer model may be used in future years. SANDAG has prepared a scope of work for the project and Drepared an agreement. Approximately 400 hours of City staff time will be required to gather data for the model and review the output. Repre:;entatives of the Engineering Department, the Research and Analysis Group and the Land Use Planning Office have met and determined that they will be able to provide the staff input with each one providing about one-third of the effort. It will take approximately three months to complete the computer model. Once the model is complete, there will be a need to update it periodically and to determine intersection capacities. These activities are not covered within the SANDAG proposal. They can, however, be accomplished with a program known as IMPAX which can be adapted to Engineering's HP125 computer for "in-house" modeling. Staff recommends the inclusion of this program and the related staff training as a supplement and enhancement to the Traffic Computer kModel. FISCAL EMPACT: o The total cost of the SANDAG traffic model is $13,335. SANDAG will contribute one-third of this amount through a Local Technical Assistance program making a- the City's cost $8,890. In addition, staff estimates they will spend $7000 for labor cost in direct support of the program. CThe total cost the I1APAX program is estimated at is $6000. Of this amount h $4000 will be spent on acquisition and adaption to the Engineering Department v HP125 computer. The remaining $2000 will be spent on staff training and software maintenance. J v The non -labor cost of the whole program is $14,890. Funds in the amount of $24,561.40 are available in the Research and Analysis Group professional vservices account No. 01-32-40-2470, for use on this project. EXHIBITS: 1. '1lhat is a Traffic Computer Model?" 2. Resolution tlo.22�L(,.approving agreement with SA11DAG & encumbering funds. 3. Letter from SANDAG dated 3/17/83 with attachments (Agreement) WHAT IS A TRAFFIC COMPUTER MvDEL? What is a traffic computer model? it is a representation --in mathematical form --of all the arterial streets in Carlsbad. The model will project all future average daily traffic (ADT) volumes on each link of the system. Didn't Willdan do that in their Circulation Study? No. According to their own report, Willdan made "rough estimates" of traffic volumes on each street. They did not logically distribute it as explained below. Flow does the computer model work? The model attempts to simulate the logic people use when they drive. Quite simply, you drive via a route that will get you to where you are going in the shortest time. The placed length of each street, its typedesign speed p into zones into the computer. The City is then broken up and the traffic from each zone estimated. The computer then distributes trips according to which is the fastest route. Why is it needed? First, and most important, the ultimate traffic volumes for the City a•c buildout must be known so that the streets for the Circulation Element of the General Plan can be determined. Also, the model will analyze a number of alternative possibil- ities and their effect on the circulation system. For example, whether Highway 680 is built or not built may determine whether Melrose Avenue should be a prime or a major arterial. How do we know if the model is accurate? A computer model of the exis-Lng arterial system with the existing land uses will be run. The computed volumes will then be compared with those actually measured. If they are the same, the model is valid, if they are not, the model will be adjusted. Can the model be updated in the future? Yes, however, currently this would require requesting the information from SANDAG which may be costly and definitely would be time-consuming. An in-house computer program would "what -if" studies of development o and would make the model a "living" outdated. prepared by: RICHARD ALLEN Engineering Department 6/14/83 enable staff to make rapid r land use change proposals tool that would not become EXHIBIT 1 Stui Dicgo ASSOCLUION OF GOVERNMENTS Suite 524 Security Pacific Plaza 1200 Third Avenue San Diego, California 92101 1619) 236-5300 Mr. Richard Allen Principal Civil Engineer City of Carlsbad 12,00 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Richard: �RECEIi V ED983 MAR 2 11983 CITY of CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Attached is a detailed scope of work and a cost estimate for a Carlsbad subarea study that has been prepared by our agency in association with Bob Sergeant of Willdan Associates. 'tlle staff time estimates shown for Carlsbad are approxima- tions and are included in order to provide an estimate of the division of responsibilities between SANDAG and Carlsbad. It is our understanding that Willdan Associates will be providing most, if not all, of the Carlsbad "staff" commitment to this project and that this commitment is a contractual matter between Carlsbad and Willdan. SANDAG's total estimated cost for the attached scope of services is $13,335. It is proposed that the City of Carlsbad commit to an amount not to exceed $8,890, or two-thirds, of the SANDAG cost of the study as proposed in the attached work scope. A two-thirds/one-third cost sharing Is currently being used in the subreglonal study of the Poway area and is generally reflective of the mutual benefit of the project to the affected SANDAG member agencies, in terms of their local circulation element needs, and to SANDAG Is terms of our regional highway planning responsibilities. Attached are two copies of a simple one -page "agreement" executed by us for this project. If the proposed scope of work, basis for cost sharing, and "agreement" are satisfactory to you, please return one copy of the executed "agreement" to us. Based on our recent phone conversation, you indicated that Carlsbad was inter- ested in the possibility in acquiring a microcomputer for use In transportation analysis work. As Is readily apparent from the attached work scope, a major portion of the subarea study effort Is related to the preparation of the networks and date: files. Should you decide to acquire a microcomputer system with trans- portation analysis capabilities we would be happy to work with you to Help ensure the transferability of the subarea study data files to whatever system you acquire. 'This should enable you to have a working subarea model system "in-house" at the earliest possible date that you can use to test the impacts of transportation and land use changes. A second approach to using the subarea model system as a working tool for testing system changes would involve accessing the subarea model on our minicomputer from Carlsbad via remote terminal. We have the funding necessary to develop a quick response interactive system that should allow EXHIBIT 3 MEMBER AGENCIES Crises of Carisbac: Chula Vista. Coronado, Del Mar, El Calon, Escondido, Imperial Beach, La Mesa Lemon Grove, National City, Ocean"de, Poway, San Die9o,SanMarcos, Santee acdVista ADVISOF.Y(LIAISONMEMBERS.Cauf.Dept.olTransportationiU.S.Dept of Defense andTpuana/Baja Calif Norte City of Carlsbad March 17, 1983 Page 2 YOU, for example, to test the impact of minor land use changes via remote terminal with telephone within a two-hour time Interested in exploring these or other period. er possible alternatives, please let me knare ow. We look forward to working the Carlsbad on this project, and should you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at 236-5363. Sincerely, D„� LEE F. IIUVrGU-N Director of Transportation LFH/ajh Attachment cc: Bob Sergeant, Willdan Associates q —, CITY OF CARLSBAD SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS LOCAL TECIINICAL ASSISTANCE AGRELMENT FOR SUBAREA TRANSPORTATION STUDY WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad ("City") requires the conduct of a subarea transportation study for the Carlsbad area; and WHEREAS, the San Diego Association of Governments ("SANDAG"), under its Local Technical Assistanc-, Program, has agreed to supply such services. The parties hereunto agree as follows as of this 22nd day of June , 1983. 1. SANDAG shall supply the services shown in Attachment A to this Agreement, which -is hereby mworporated into this Agreement as if fully set forth herein. 2. City agrees to provide or cause to be provided the necessary input, review and assistance to SANDAG, as shown in Attachment A. 3. City agrees to pay SANDAG two-thirds (2/3) of its costs to carry out this Agreement, in an amount not to exceed $8,890, upon, completion of the work identified in Attachment A. �;rrY OF CARLSBAD By: WARY H. CA=. , Mayor SAN DIMO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS By: �RlCIIARD J. 1, Execufiive Director ATTACHMENT A i CITY OF CARLSBAD SUBAREA TRANSPORTATION STUDY PROJECT TASI{S AND COST ESTIMATES SANDAG CARLSBAD Technician Planner Computer Technician Planner + Hours Hours Cost Hours Hours + BASE YEAR ANALYSIS i L Develop and code base highway network A. SANDAG provides map 6 2 showing roads on regional highways network in Carls- bad area and a listing of roadway data for those roads from SANDAG files. 4 B. Carlsbad reviews SANDAG . - - - 12 36 highway network for accuracy i and odds base year roads of local interest. Carlsbad pro- , vides roadway data for added roads. C. SANDAG assists Carlsbad with - `l network definition and re- views final network. D. SANDAG assigns node 60 16 $10 i numbers and codes net- work data. E. SANDAG runs program to - 2 $10 8 4 compute speeds and capa- cities, format data in TRANPLAN format and generate network descrip- tive reports. 'Carl,uad reviews network reports for accuracy. F. SANDAG corrects any - 2 $40 - errors and runs TRANPLAN's "highway networks build" and f "highway selected summation', r programs. } II. Develop subzones A. SANDAG provides map of A - Carlsbad area showing regional, zone boundaries. B. Carlsbad develops sub- - 8 24 32 zones delineating existing and future neighborhoods, commercial areas and indus- trial areas with SANDAG's assistance. C. SANDAG digitizes subzones 24 8 $100 - 4 and produces plot. Carlsbad reviews plot for accuracy. III. Generate base year land use data. A. SANDAG overlays zones on 1G 4 $200 - ` 1980 Regional Land Use file and produces reports. B. Carlsbad reviews SANDAG - - - 24 24 land uses for accuracy and splits regional land use categories into finer categories if desired. C. SANDAG updates land ase 4 file as necessary. 1V. Generate base year trips. A. Carlsbad reviews SANDAG - - 2 trip genration rates for accuracy. B. SANDAG runs trip ` 1/2 $5 - generation program. V. Distribute trips. , A. SANDAG updates travel - 112. $15 - time matrices with intrazonal times. B. SANDAG replaces regional - 1/2 $50 productions and attrac- tions in Carlsbad area with subzone productions and attractions and runs auto driver trip distribution. F . t i 0 C. SANDAG factors daily pro- - 1/2 $150 - i duction attraction trip tables from gravity model to obtain peak period and ofPpeak period origin - destination trip tables. i Vl. Assign Base Year Traffic. 4 A. SANDAG runs peak and off- - 1/2 $200 peak capacity restraint assignment. B. SANDAG generates reports - 4 $10 summarizing assignment results and colpr raring,, volumes with ground counts. VU. Calibrate Base Year Assignment. A. SANDAG and Carlsbad review - 16 8 results of base year assign- ment. SANDAG adjusts net- work and/or trip generation } rates as necessary to bring assignment into agreement with ground counts. B. Repeat base year model run - ' 4 $475 with adjustments to obtain final base year assignment. FUTUJ1r_ YEAR ANALYSIS 1. Develop and Code Future Year Highway Network A. Carlsbad with SANDAG assis- - 4 - 8 32 ` tance prepares a map show- ing roadway changes for g future year alternatives to be tested and provides assumptions about changes in, roadway data. k B. SANDAG codes future year 24 8 $10 - networks. L i I C. SANDAG runs program to 2 ' $10 4 compute speeds and capa- cities format data in TRAN- `PLAN format, and generate i descriptive reports. Carlsbad i reviews network reports for accuracy. 2 $40 D. SANDAG corrects any errors - # and runs TRANPLAN's "highway network build" and "highway selected summation" programs • 1 IL Generate Future Year Land Use. j A. Carlsbad with SANDAG assis- 4 _ 48 48 tance provides future land use by subzones for develop- ment plan being analyzed. B. SANDAG updates base year 16 - r land use file. IU, Run Transportation Models for Future Year. A. SANDAG runs trip gen- - 3 $420 ` eration, trip distribution, peak period and traffic assignment programs. B. SANDAG generates reports - 4 $10 ` shoving future year traffic volumes, congestion levels, etc., for daily and peak/ off-peak period conditions. C. SANDAG and Carlsbad review - 16 - - 24 ' future year forecasts. TOTAL COSTS 1. Base Year Analysis 114 73 $1,265 68 108 SANDAL costs = 114 hrs. @ $15/hr. + 73 hrs. @ $35/hr. + $1,265 = $5,530. 2. Future Year Alternative 40 43 $490 48 92 With land use alternative) SANDAL Costs = 40 hrs. @ $15/hr. + 43 hrs. @ $35/hr. + $490 = $2,595 3. Future Year Alternative 12 23 $480 4 32 (No land use change, major highway network change) SANDAG Costs = 12 hrs. @ $15/hr. + 23 hrs. @ $35/hr. + $480 = $1,465 4. Future Year Alternative 4 8 . $220 - 12 Minor Roadway Changes) SANDAG Costs = 4 hrs. @ $15/hr. + 8 hrs. @ $35/hr. + $220 = $560. Based on discussions with Bob Sergeant, the Carlsbad subarea traffic study will require the following analyses: one base yea, calibration costing $5,530; two future year land use alternatives costing $5,190; one additional highway system alternative costing $1,465; and two minor roadway alternatives costing $1,120. Total SANDAG costs are $13,335. After subtracting SANDAG's one- third. Local Technical Assistance contribution, the cost to the City of Carlsbad for the entire project is $8,890. v RESOLUTION NO. 7256 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT THE CITY 2 CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEP9ENT BETwOFNGOVERNMENTSFT0 CARLSBAD AND THE SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION 3 PREPARE A COMPUTER MODEL OF TRAFFIC CIRCULATION IN THE , d CITY OF CARLSBAD. 5 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby 6 resolve as follows: That certain agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the San 7 1• 1 8 Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) for a computer model of traffic Of Carlsbad which is on file in the City Clerk's 9 circulation in the City . 3.0 office, is hereby approved. and 11 2. The Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authoCit dof Carlsbad. 12 directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf oencumberfundsin the hy' 13 3. The Finance Director is authorized t 14 amount of $14,89,0 in account number 01-32-40-2470 for this project' Council 15 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City 1983, 16 of the City of Carlsbad held the 21st day of June i 17 by the following vote, to wit: 18 AYES: Council Members Caslerr Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott 19 NOES: None i 20 ABSENT: gone ��� • 3 21 - .I R '}l"LER, Mayor 22 ATTEST, 23• � � t 2� Clerk ALETHA L. RAUTENKRAN., City 25 26 (SEAL) 27