HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-06-21; City Council; 7417; PACESETTER HOMES, INC. DEVELOPMENTAL IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT-+TITLE: PACESETTER HOMES, INC. DE V EL 0 PP'I E NTAL I RP RO V E"1 E NT AG RE EM E MT AB# :'Lf MTG. 6-21-83 DEPT. ENG n DEPT CITY CITY L, c2 w > 0 fx a 0- 4 2 a 0 b d 0 z 3 0 0 I) CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGEND~BILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: ( /& /@ /2qL 1 Adopt Resolution No.'-" 1-*~~- F' alsproving the agreement with Pacesetter Homes, Inc. and authorizing the Mayor to execute it and to sign the quitclaim deed mentioned therein. ITEM EXPLANATION: Pacesetter Homes, Inc. is required by a condition of their Coastal Commission permit to construct a debris/sedimentation basin as part of their work in Subdivision 73-24 located south of Poinsettia Lane, west of Batiquitos Lane and east of Interstate 5. They must also construct a drain line along Batiquitos Lane to the Lagoon. Lot 17 of Tract 73-24 is suited for the purpose of that requirement and Pacesetter has proposed to construct the basin thereon. Lot 17 was deeded to the City of Carlsbad to be used as a park instead of paying park fees. The deed was never recorded and according to the Director of Parks & Recreation, the City does not want the land. In return for the issuance of a quitclaim deed by the City for Lot 17, Pacesetter Homes, Inc. has agreed to (1 ) pay to the City park-in- lieu fees amounting to $739,200, (2) post a bond in the amount of $350,000 to guarantee the construction of storm drains from the basin to Batiquitos Lagoon, and (3) post a bond in the amount of $5000 to guarantee perpetual maintenance of the faci 1 i ty by the Homeowners Association. The design of the storm drain and basin has been approved by the County Flood Control office and it has been determined to be consister with the City's [\laster Plan of Drainage. FISCAL IIIPPICT: No cost will accrue to the City either for construction or maintenance of their facility, EX!-IIBITS: __- 1. Agreement 2. Vicinity Map 3. Plat 4. Quitclaim Deed 5. Resolution No.'!? 2 '\ approving Agreement w m ' DEVELOPPEJT IiiPZOVEPIENT AGREEMENT DATE OF AGREEPENT: NAPE OF DEVELOPER: PACESETTER HOMES, INC. NAME OF DEVELOP14ENT: DETENTION BASIN TIME LIMIT FOR COMPLETION OF IXI?ROVEPIEN!DS : 18NONTHS IIQROVEM?3NT DRAWINGS NO. : ESTIMATED TOTAL, COST OF II4PROEMENTS: SURETY AND BOND NO. : Fremont Indemnity Co. #OC300451 228-1 $350,000 THIS AGKEETGZNT is made and entered into by and betwe21 the CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORXIA, a Municipal Corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "CITY"; and the Developer named on Line 2 of Page 1 hereof hereinafter referred to as "PACESETTER." RECITALS : I\I?IEREAS, PACESETTER received a Coastal Permit Applica- tion No. 6-82-428 to construct 260 residential condominium units within CITY; and WHEREAS, as a condition of the permit, PACESETTER is required to construct offsite downstream improvements, including a debris basin; and WEEKEAS, the properties of PACESETTER drain toward thc Batiquitos Lagoon; and WHEREAS, PACESETTEB is wFlling to construct said drainage facilities in accordance with the requirements of the Coastal Permit; and -1- m - UHEREAS, CITY has heretofore received a deed, which was not accepted, for a 5.5 acre site located at Poinsettii and Lagoon Lane, known as "Lot 17 of Carlsbad Tract No. 73-24, according to a map thereof No. 7996, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County" (herein referred to as "Lot 17"), said deed received in lieu of the required park fees for said tract; and WHEREAS, CITY is willing to return said deed and release its interest in Lot 17 to PACESETTER for use of constructing the drainage facilities on condition that PACESETTER pay to CITY park fees pursuant to Chapter 20.44 Qf the City Xunicipal Code, which would be due on the date of this agreement, for Tract 73-24; which fees are in the sum of $139,200; and IEiEREAS, PACESETTER further agrees to provide for the construction and maintenance of said drainage facilities; NOW, THEMFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. CITY does hereby quitclaim to PACESETTER all its right, title, and interest to Lot 17. 2. PACESETTER, upon execution of this agreement, sha: pay for the acquisition of Lot 17 the sui of $139,200 to CITY. 3. PACESETTER does agree to construct drainage facil: ties in accordance with the requirements of the California Coastal Commission as contained in Application No. 6-82-421 and in accordance with plans and specifications prepared b; the engineering firm of Buccola Engineering, Inc., and -2- 0 w approved by CITY, and consistent with the City of Carlsbad 1980 Plaster Drainage Plan. The proposed plan for drainage facilities, including a debris basin, shall be pursuant to what is known as "Plan 6." 4. PACESETTER, in addition, shall provide a bond in the amount of $350,000 to guarantee construction of the drainage facilities, and further shall post a bond in the amount of $5,000 to guarantee the maintenance of said faci ties. 5. PACESETTER agrees to provide for the continual maintenance of the debris basin. In the event that CITY Engineer finds that conditions exist, because of anticipatc flooding, indicating that maintenance of the desiltation basin has not taken place, he nay give two weeks written notice to PACESETTER to correct said condition. If, after two weeks notice, the required maintenance of the desilt, tion basin has not takea place, CITY may proceed with the cleaning of the debris fron the basin, and the cost incurrc by CITY shall be payable by PACESETTER. 6. PACESETTER further agrees that it will, as a con- dition of approval of tract maps for the condominium units provide in the covenants, conditions, and restrictions a provision for a homeowners' association to impose fees in ' amount sufficient to provide necessary funds to maintain said drainage facilities. -3- e 0 7. The CITY recognizes that the benefited area, when developed, will require the use of these drainage facilitic CITY agrees that it will use its best efforts to impose, a: a condition of necessary development approval, a requiremer on such property owners to pay an appropriate share of the future maintenance cost of such drainage facilities, unles: and at such time as a public agency has agreed to accept ownership of such facilities; it being specifically agreed however, that CITY shall be under no duty to accept or maintain such drainage facilities. 8. CITY agrees that it will use its best efforts to secure reimbursement for PACESETTER from benefited develop1 who have not contributed to the cost of such facilities by collecting an appropriate share of the cost of the constru tion of these facilities; other than developers who ini- tially have agreed to participate in such construction cos for such purposes. PACESETTER agrees to certify to CITY i total cost of acquiring and constructing such facilities a shall, upon completion, advise CITY of such total cost and of those developers who have participated in such cost. Costs shall not include any amount paid for Lot 17. In nc event shall CITY require any other developers to pay more than the propoztionate share of such cost, with such pro- portionate share to be based qon the gross acres of the project utilizing such facilities, shared over the benefit area as shown on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a pal hereof. -4- the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared ~eonard F * Goodman . , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of SatLSfaCtoV evidence to be the Sr . v - President, and , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be Secretary of the corporation that executed the wlth~ lnstmment on behalf of the corporation therein named, and &now- ledg& to me that such corporation executed the wlthln instrument pursuant to Its by-laws or a resolution of it's board of directors. Y 2 9 h cu a' _- "I d' r- P) _I Q 0, 0 z 0 0 Y - FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP 0 w IN WITNESS LJHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the date first hereinabove Written. PACESETTER HOMES, INC. jzf</#A>&- &TZd E‘ONARD GOO WL~ @nior Vice President (3otarial acknowledgenent of execution of Subdivider must be attached.) CITY OF CAXSBAD, a Nunicipal APFROVED AS TO FORM: Corporation of the State of California VIACENT F. BIONDO, JR. City Attorney FRiiHE- %--A3iESH3?33~- CTty-Hanager- YARY E. CASLEP., Yayor STATE OF CALIFOZiIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) On this day of , in the year 1983, before m2 the uxidersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Frank D. Aleshire, known to me to be the City Manager of the City of Carlsbad, a municFpa1 corporation of the State of California, known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf o€ said municipal corporation, and acknowledged to me that such City of Carlsbad, California, executed the same. ) ss. IJITNESS my hand and official seal. :;OThRY PUBLIC -5- * - - I l; ,& $@ -.. w b. .4 '.! I 2 \. 1', N 8 2 50 =..---.- 9 h &,3*CS.&? -u 2 v) !$ $4" 8 92 $ $2 8 3. GJ 8 $? k v e gq .J E p. 1- 0' "I; ' Q ?$$ $ 85s q hb io Q JOl c 1 01 h $ $ZL q *i toe u) hQ9: .$ k t QYQ 0 qbvj 1 8b-l h pc ? lJ1 8 2:: I!- u +bQ Q<$ d ?Tk 4 Ep3 $$; a Gz$ 4 fi-kk r% tQQ m 5 b$,, @2 cj $?$ )L, ?tub f-i-i h $0. * G >3T Gq 0) 6 2 '11 y : It -1 (, 3 ,'i 1.- 4, q t i (,J 4; ''1 " g "I 0) 2 i--- 0 4 K Q Ir bl c Y J 7- 1- I 1 - .,I ,I, c 3. 2 3 4 fi 6 7 8 CJ 20 1-1 92 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 ‘1’ 20 e w RESOLUTION NO. 7258 K E S 0 L UT 1 0 N A P P R 0 V I N G DE V EL 0 P C1 E N TA L A G R E E Vi EN T BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARCSEAD, CALIFORNIA, AND PACESETTER HONES, INC. , AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR TO EXECUTE. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad, California, and Pacesett Homes, Inc, have agreed that certain improvements are neces: provide for storm drain protection. WHEREAS, the said parties also agree that desiltation n are required to protect the Batiquitos Lagoon in accordance City of Carlsbad’s >laster Plan of Drainage. WHEREAS, provisions have been made in the agreement for maintenance of such facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVKD that the City Council 01 City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby approve the deveic agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Patesetter Home5 and hei-eby authorizes the Nayor to execute the agreement on of the City. PASSKD, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of tht 18lof Carlsbad at a regular niectincj held the xqj - day OF -3 I I 11.983, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : NOES: Nme ABSENT: None Comcil Yarrkxrs Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescc L./ d &%-, WH /Li7 mkR, Mayor ATTEST: i I?, &!-4o./ g q /’ [q +q&J&d7 , - ------..-A y XkTHA I-. RA EKIANL ity , (SEAL) -a e JULY 28, 1983 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Assistant City Manager/Developmental Services LOT 17, TRACT 73-24/QUITCLAIM The City Council, on June 21, 1983, appr,oved relinquishing city interests in lot 17 in return for the payment of park-in-lieu fees. Copies of the agenda bill face, Resolution No. 7258 and the quitclaim deed are attached. The quitclaim has been signed by the Mayor and sent to the Coucty Recorder. quitclaim and the original Corporate Grant to the escrow agent. The escrow instructions, as they pertain to the city, look O.K. for your signature. The way J read them, it looks like we should get the check for $i39,200 park-in-lieu fees at the same time we give them the deeds. A copy of the Deed for lot 17 (attached) should be forwarded -- -- 5zL RONALD A. BECKblAN RAB : pab copy w/o attachments: Engineering File CT73-24 City Clerk Parks 6 Recreation Director I) a 1200 ELM AVENGE TELEPt CAFILSBAD, CALlFOANlA 92008-1989 (619) 431 Office of the Ciry Manager Citp of &aW~ab July 29, 1983 John Vars, Escrow Officer Safeco Title Insurance Company Third at 'A' Street P.C. Box 1590 Sari Diego, CA 32112 Escrow 3020C Dear Mr. Vars: In accordance with our telephone conversation this rmrning, I an having the signed documents in connection with ESCIOX 30203 hand delivered to you today. Enclosed you will find the oriyhal Corpration Grant r'ced (OcziPent~l Land, Inc.) fc,r Lot 17, signed escrow instructions, c3:py of the executed Quitclaim Deed, which has 3lrez3y been forwarded to the County Recorder, and other dccuzsnts in connection with the relinquishinq of city iixerests in Lot 17 in return for the payment of park-in-lieu fees. At the clcse cf escrow it is my understanding that you wiil be forwzriing a check in the amount of $139,200.00, to the at.ta-.tim of Frank Aleshire, City Manager. Very truil- yours, ?f3, <<? -- i /. /-e ~ 1 ' /: - 11'51b P. 3YS"GC)T Executive 2ssistan t L3G Enc . cc: Enyine:c3riny File CT73-24 City Clerk Parks and Recrmtion Director r, II Stephen L. Kanne Law Corporation 2029 Century Park East, Suite 3750 Los Angeles, California 90067 213-553-1185 or 213-879-5830 MEMORANDUM ---------- TO: Michael Howes, Planner, City of Carlsbad FROM: Stephen L. Kanne DATE: February 16, 1984 SUBJECT: Carlsbad Tract 73-24, Phases 11, I11 and IV Dear Mr. Howes: Please be advised that I represent the developer of the tract, Plaza Builders, Inc. June 2, 1983, prepared by you and directed to "File CT 7 approving the CC&R's for Tract 73-24. Some time ago I was provided with a copy of a memorandum So that your file may be brought current, enclosed please copies of the instruments annexing Phases I1 and 111, and a of thLe proposed instrument of annexation for Phase IV. Ea1 these three instruments incorporates into it by reference CC&R's previously approved by you. '/ ,e / 9 N. / \ a 0 .. Phas Recording requested by, and when recorded mail to: PLAZA BUILDERS, INC., a corporation 16800 Devonshire Street, Suite 275 Granada Hills, California 91344 SUP PLENENTARY DECLAR4TION OF COVENANTS, - CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS SUPPLENENTARY DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDI' day of AND RESTRICTIOHS is executed as of this _I_ 1984, by PLAZA BUILDERS, INC., a corporation (hereinafter ref to as "neclarant"). W I T N E S S E T H: __________ WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain pro (hereinafter referred t~) as the "Annexed Property") in the Ci Carlsbad, County of San Diego ("said County"), Statc California, described as: Lots 120 to 133, inclusive, and 258 to 267, inclusive, of Carlsbad Tract County of San Diego, State of California, according to Vap thereof No. 7996, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said County on August 5, 1974; - No. 73-24, in the City of Carlsbad, WHEREAS, Declarant will convey the Annexed Prc subject to certain protective covenants, conditions, restric reservations and easements as set forth in that CI Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions Establ a Planned Development which was recorded on August 16, 198 -1- e v Instrument No. 83-288231, in Official Records of said County, s an-y amendments thereto and any Supplementary Declarations recc pursuant thereto (hereinafter collectively referred to as I'Declaration'') specifically pursuant to the provisions of Section entitled "Annexation Without Approval" of the Art entitled "Integrated Nature of the Covered Property" of Declaration. NOW, THEREFORE, it is declared as follows: 1. All of the Annexed Property is hereby made sul to all the terms, covenants, conditions and provisions as forth in the Declaration ana specifically pursuant to provisions of the Section entitled "Annexation Without Apprc of the Article entitled "Integrated Nature of the COI Property" of the Declaration to all intents and purposes as tt said land were a part of the initial Covered Property as del in the Declaration. The Declaration is incorporated by refe herein and made a part hereof. 2. The recordation of this Supplementary Declar shall constitute and effectuate the annexation of the An Property, making said real property subject to the Declaratio subject to the functions, ?ewers and jurisdiction of SEA HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, a California nonprofit mutual be corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Association") provided in the Declaration, and thereafter said real pro shall be part of the Covered Property as that term is definc the Declaration and all of the Owners of Lots, as those term defined in the Declaration, in the Annexed Property automatically be Yembers of the Association and Owners unde Declaration. - 3. All easements created, referred to and/or res in the Declaration which relate to, pertain to and/or concer Annexed Property shall be in full force and effect upon convt of the First Lot in the Annexed Property to an Individual C -2- e e b provided, however, the provisions hereoE shall not be construe invalidating any easements (including those which may affect portion or portions of the Annexed Property) already existin) which may hereafter come into existence had this Supplemen Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrict ions not executed and recorded. 4. Declarant proposes to improve the Annexed Prop by causing to be constructed on each of Lots 120 to inclusive, and 258 to 267, inclusive, of said Carlsbad ‘I No. 73-24 improvements containing a residential dwelling related improvements . 5. Assessments shall commence as to each Lot withir: Annexed property on the first day of the month follc conveyance of the first Lot therein by Declarant to an Indivi Owner. 6. At any time prior to the conveyance of the first in the Annexed Property to an Individual Owner, this Supplemer Declaration may be amended or cancelled in whole or in part by execution by Declarant alone of an instrument of amendmen cancellation, as appropriate, and the recordation thereof in Official Records of said County. IN WITNESS ITdEREOF, Declarant has executed Supplementary Declaration as of the date above set forth. - PLAZA BUILDERS, INC., a corporati( which acquired title as PLAZA BUIl INCORPORATED, a corporation By: its By : its -3- * e 0 .. SUBORDINATION The undersigned, Beneficiary under that certain Dee( Trust recorded June 22, 1983, as Instrument No. 83-120g Official Records, San Diego County, California, does he consent to each and all of the provisions contained in Declaration and in the within instrunent and does hereby a that the lien and charge of said Deed of Trust shall be, an hereby made, subordinate to, junior to and subject to Declaration and to the within instrument, and to the entire ef of each thereof. Dated: , 1984. CALIFORNIA FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIAT a corporation By : - its By: - its CI 1 e (I) 1 b ~tpYtJIffreLpl~mLE0 Phase IS Recording requested by, and when recorded mall to: F3-334004 PUZA BUILDERS, INC., Grand Bills, California 91344 md - LZM&%lj a 16800 corporation Devonshire Strict, Suite 275 1983 SEP 2 0 AMMO 05b 79 0- \ q SUPPLTlnEmfiY DECLAUTXON OF COVERANTS, COXDITZCNS AND BESTRICTIONS THIS SUPPLWZNTARY DECLARATION O? COVZSANTS, CONDITION! AND RESTRICTIONS irr executed as of this &day of September, 1983, by PLAW BUILDERS, MC., a corporation (hereinafter referrec to arr "Declarant"). !lj E: f 2 e 2 g E 111: WXE&EhS, Declarant is the owner of certain propert (hereinafter referred to AP the "Annexed Property") in the City 0 Carlsbad, County of San Dlego ("said County"), State a California, described as: -I--& iz c 'e No. 73-24, in the City of Carlabad, 'W according to Hap thereof No. 7996, fllad '3 Lots 148 to 165, inclusive, and 285 to 292, inclusive, of C.rl8b.d Tract County of San Diego, State of California, in the offics of the Count Racorder of raid County on August 5, 1971; '0 'yl I w, DeclarAnt will convey th krrrued Propar aubject to certain protectivm COVenMt8, cmditloau, rrotrictioa rO8e~atiOUr and earemant8 aa aet forth b tht mtta Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Reatrictlonr Establlohl a Planned Devrlopmemt vhich WAS recotdad on Aqurt 16. 1983. -1- - -.A _-____ u.lsLIc--u--LIu L 1 % \ .Ad I h 8 i -__ - -- 0 0 Instrument No. 83-283231, in Official Records of said County. end any amendments thereto (hereinafter collectively roferred to ai the "Declaration") specifically pursuant to tho provi.Lons of thl Sectioa entitled "Annexi.tion Without Approval" of tho Artich entitled "Integrated Nature of the Coverod Property" of tht Declaration. NOW, TLLEBEFQRE, it is daclnrad a8 &IlWr: 1. All of the Annexed Proporty io hweby wd. 8ubj.C to all the term, covenmts, condition8 .nd provision. u s. forth in tha Declaration and specifically pursuant to th proviaions of thr Section entitled "Annmution Wlthout Approval 3f the Article entitled "InteSrated Nature of tho CWWa Property" of the Declaration to a11 intent. and prrposor a8 thou8 said land were a part of th4 initial Covered Property u defh in the Declaration. The Declaration fa Facorporatod by roferonc herein and made a part hereof. 2. - recordation of thii Supplowntary hclaratic shall constitute and effectuate the .nauutim of the haom Property, makfng said real property subject to the bclaration u subject to tb functiono, powers and jurbdlction of SEA CLI HOHEOWEZS ASSOCIATION, a California nonprofit mutual benef corporation (hereinafter referred to as tha "&80Ci.6tiOnn"), provided Fn the Declaratfon, and thereaftmr said tu1 proper ehall be part of the Covered Property a8 tht term fa deflned the Declaration and all of the Owners of Lots, as thoso toru i defined Fn the Declaration, 5n the Annexed Proporty shc aUCOfMt~C8lly be Nembere of the hsociation and Owners under I Declaration. 3. All eaae~1~nti created, referrmd to and/or resor in tho hclaration which relate to, pertain to .nd/or concorn Annexed Property shall be in full force and offaat upoa oornrop of ths Pirat Lot in the Annexad Proparty to an XadlvLdwl Ona provided, however, the provlsion6 hmQf rhrll not be construed *'--...--Ld-. fz -2- : f :G QW 4 1 -1 4 rUW.IOCI;Iw-r.-".b-----.^-- i g3 - t \ Izl c . ?..--- - 6 a e hvalfdating any easesents (including those which may affect an portion or portions of the Annexed Property) nlready existing 0 which may hereafter come into existence had thir SupplePsntar Declaration of Covenants, Conditione .ad brtrictionr not bee executed and recorded. 4. Declarant proposes to Fmprow the Annexed Propert by causing to be constructed on each of tot8 148 to 165 Inclusive, and 285 to 292, inclusive, of raid Carlrbad Trac No. 73-24 improvemonte containing a rerideatial dwelling afl related improvenents. 5. Assessments shall commence am to each Lot within tk Annexed property on the first day of the mnth followil conveyance of the first Lot therein by Dwlarurt to an Indivfduc Owner. 6. At any tba prior to the conveyance of the fir8t L in the Annexed Property to an Individual Owner, thia Supplownta Declaration l~ay be amended or concelled in utrolo or la part by t execution by Declarant alone of an instruwat of uwodwnt cancellation, as appropriate, and the recordation thrmof in t Official Records of said County. IN UITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant ha8 executed th Supplementary Declaration as of the date above ret forth. &---e----. 1% ! e8 1 ' IL.' 8GP -3 - '3 '0 le I i- - .- -_- - ____ IC_ - 9 ad \\ I 1 < __ ---- ------.-e-- i \% 1 .e i t I bY horl rnduIm d 111 botd d &Kc1 is VnTNESSfqh.tMandMDnrwW d 0 6 / Phas Recording requested by, and when recorded mail to: Thi3 instrument is certified to be exactl 023 09 fiat certain instme, 0fffcs Of the County Recorder of sil BrnT AUERIC TITj-Jj fls ; PLAZA BUILDERS, INC., a corporation 16800 Devonshire Street, Suite 275 Granada Hills, California 91344 OnCAhL-as File No. -.. 84. ,40 I" , BY Authorized mature SUPPLEMENTARY DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AXD RESTRICTIONS - - THIS SUPPLEMENTARY DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDI.' AND RESTRICTIONS is executed as of this 16th day of January, : by PLAZA BUILDERS, INC., a corporation (hereinafter referred t "Declarant") W I. T N E S S E T H: __-------- WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain pro1 (hereinafter referred tc as the "Annexed Property") in the Cit Carlsbad, County of San Diego ("said County"), State California, described as : Lots 134 to 147, inclusive, and Lots 268 to 284, incluive, of Carlsbad Tract No. 73-24, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 7996, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said County on .August 5, 1974; WHEREAS, Declarant will convey the Annexed Prop subject to certain protective covenants, conditions, restricti reservations and easeaents as set forth in that cer Declaration of Covenants , Conditions and Restrictions Establis a Planned Development which was recorded on August 16, 1983 -1- - I , -. -,---- 0 e Instrument No. 83-288231, in Official Records of said County, any amendments thereto (hereinafter collectively referred the "Declaration") specifically pursuant to the provisions c Section entitled "Annexation Without Approval" of the Ai entitled "Integrated Nature of the Covered Property" oJ Declaration. 9 "P NOW, THEREFORE, it is declared as follows: 1. All of the Annexed Property is hereby made SI to all the terms, covenants, conditions and provisions a forth in the Declaration and specifically pursuant tc provisions of the Sect ion entitled "Annexation Without Appi of the Article entitled "Integrated Nature of the Cc Property" of the Declaration to all intents and purposes as 1 said land were a part of the initial Covered Property as dt in the Declaration. The Declaration is incorporated by ref( herein and made a part hereof. 2. The recordation of this Supplementary Declai shall constitute and effectuate the annexation of the Ai Property, making said real property subject to the Declaratic subject to the functions, powers and jurisdiction of SEA HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATIOiG, a California nonprofit mutual bt corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Association" provided in the Declaration, and thereafter said real prc 'shall be part of the Covered Property as that term is defir the Declaration and al:, of the Owners of Lots, as those tero defined in the Declsration, in the Annexed Property automatically be Members of the Association and Owners unde Declaration. 3. Declarant proposes to improve the Annexed Prc by causing to be constructed on each of Lots 134 to1 inclusive, 268 to 276, inclusive, and 278 to 284, inc1usi.b said Carlsbad Tract No * 73-24 improvements containir residential dwelling and related improvements. -2- 0 .. 0 9 4. Lot 277 cf said Carlsbad Tract No. 73-24 is 17 declared to be part of the Community Facilities. Said LO~ shall be subject to certain reserved exclusive easement described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated 11 by this reference so long as the same shall remain in effeci shall, in addition, be subject to the following: ' &- (a) Each portion of any Lot described in the Declar or in Exhibit 'r13r' attac'led hsreto and incorporated herein by reference as burdened by a nonexclusive easement appurtenain said Lot 277 shall, except: as to ownership, be treated as if same were part of the Community Facilities for all purposes 011 Declaration. (b) Each portion of real property not yet within Covered Property descri2ed in the Declaration or in Exhibit hereto as burdened by a nonexclusive easement appurtenant to Lot 277 shall, except as to ownership, be treated as if the were part of the Connunity Facilities for all purposes of Declaration. (c) Each poriiion of said Lot 277 described in Declaration or in Exhibit "B" hereto as burdened by an exclu easement appurtenant to a Lot shall, except as to ownership treated as if the same xere part of such Lot for all purpose the Declaration. I€ any such easement is designated a sideyard easement, 'I such easeizent shall then be subject to provisions of the Article of the Declaration entitled "Sideyard 11 (d) Each portion of said Lot 277 described In Declaration or in Exhibit "B'l hereto as burdened by an exclu easement appurtenant to other real property not yet within Covered Property shall, except as to ownership, be treated a.! the same were part of such other real property for all purpose, the Declaration. If any such easement is designated EL! sideyard easement," such easement shall then only become sub- to the provisions of tne Article of the Declaration enti.1 11 -3- e e ,.. "Sideyards" if and when, if ever, such other real property bec a part of the Covered Property. 4. All easements created, referred to and/or rese in the Declaration whicn relate to, pertain to and/or concern Annexed Property shall be in fuli force and effect upon convey, of the first Lot in the Annexed Property to an lndividual Ow1 provided, however, the provisions hereof shall not be construe( invalidating any easements (including those which may affect port ion or port ions of ]:be Annexed Property) already existing which may hereafter coze into existence had this SUpplelnenl Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions not L executed and recorded. 5. Assessments shall conmence as to each Lot within Annexed Property on the first day of the montn follob conveyance of the first Lot therein by Declarant to an Indivic Own e r . 6. At any time prior to the conveyance of the first in the Annexed Property to an Individual Owner, this Supplement Declaration may be amended or canceiled in whole or in part by execution by Declarant alone of an instrument of amendment cancellation, as appropriate, and the recordation thereof in Official Records of said Zounty. IN WITNESS WEREOF, Declarant has executed It Supplementary Declaration as of the date above set: forth. PLAZA BUILDERS, INC., a corporation which acquired title as PLAZA BULLL) I E CO KPO RATED, a c o rp o c a t i o n ? I * By: d 45 d L-f f::/ (, b-. ?L&.J/L its bice-president - 2 /- By: ' ,,d4d/ ,K>' '\+I A y-- - / its Assistant S6 cretarv- i/ 8 L -4 - '1 0 e '* If $ EY3IBIT "A" 1. Subject to the definitions of l'Cornmunity Facili and lILottl as set forth in the Article of the Declaration eni: "Definitions, II and subject, further, to the provisions of Section en titled "Nonexclusive Easements Appurtenant to Comm Facilities; Exclusive Easements Appurtenant to Lots" of Article of the Declaration entitled "Easements ,I1 the Comnii Facilities within the Ainexed Property is comprised of Lot 2; said Carlsbad Tract No. 73-24 together with all improvements or hereafter constructed thereon but (i) reserving therefron exclusive easements burdening said Lot 277 as described in Declaration and in Exhibit "B" hereto, and (ii) adding theretc nonexclusive easements 13urdenLrig Lots and other real propert) yet within the Covered Property and described in the Declar, and in Exhibit "€3" hereto as being appurtenant to said Lot 277' 2. The Community Facilities shall be subject to following described res erved exclusive easements (and while following described reserved exclusive easements remain in €1; occupants of the Covered Property other than the persons entities in whose favor such easements are reserved shall enter thereupon, but when such reserved exclusive easements c to exist the real property theretofore subject thereto : thereupon automatically be deemed part of the Comm Facilities). In this regard, there are hereby reserved in, I over, across and under Parcel 1 as hereinafter defined1 described in favor of Declarant, its agents, emplol; contractors and subcontractors, exclusive easements for purp of construction and sales (including any and all necessar] appropriate acts and doings in order to complete the improveD of the Community Facilities, if required, and annexed areas of Covered Property, if any, and to sell Lots and and to sell par within annexed areas of the Covered Property, if E maintenance, landscaping and irrigation, which easea Exhibit "A" -- Page 1 of 2 Pages I) e %. +iT shall, unless earlier terminated by quitclaim deed from Decldl to the Association, autonaticaily terminate without any fur action on the date or tirrie specified. For purposes herecl Parcel 1 is hereby defined as tne real property described attached Exhibit "A-1" (i) excluding therefrom those portions said Lot 277 burdened .y exclusive easements described in Declaration and in Exhibit "3" nereto, and (ii) adding thereto portions of any of the following lots within said Tract No. 7: (and even though said l~ts are not within tne Covered Propel which are described in Exhibit "B" as being burdened by easement appurtenant to said Lot 277: lots 120 to 133, inclus. and 258 to 267, inclusive. Said reserved easements affect Parcel 1 shall, unless earlier terininated by quitclaim deed f Declarant to the Association, terninate August 31, 1586. Yarce is the portion of said Lot 277 proposed to be improved if proposed fourth phase of the Covzred Propety is annexed developed, and if said proposed fourth phase of the Covt Property is not annexed and developed, Parcel 1 will not improved. '*. "W 8 Exhibit "A" -- Page 2 or' 2 Pages 0 0 f.y;:YJT'y '1A-l'' d..l.li)L I A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A I'ORTICI;; OF LC)': 277 CF CARLSBAD TMCT 73-24, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFOKIV'IA, ACCORiII:;G TO iG:P TIiEREOF NO. 7996, FJLLD IN THE; OFFlCE OF TIE COUNTY RECORDER C.' S~il; 1)lEGO COUI'<TY, AUGUST 5, 1974 DESCKIBED AS FOLLOWS : DLCINNING AT THE MOST NOATi 73-24, SAID CORNER BEING TiiE; TKiE 2Oli;T Or" ijEGI!:tiING iii"JD PROCEEDING TtltNCE SOUTH 30' 17" 16" EAST, 257.69 FEE?' 79 A I'OL:;T 0:J A TAldCENT CURVE, CONCAVE NOKTIIEASTLKLY, 1IAVIP;G A RACLLS 0," 170.03 FEET; THExCE ALONG THE AHC OF SAID CURVE A DISTAVCE OF isi .60 FEE; .;'21:b T;!;;~LC!\ A CENTRAL A~~CLE I,L: 340 141 CbE;EI< OAF LOT 133 OF SAID CAli.LSIIiID 1'klC; I 33" TO A POXNT ON A TAXGEl'iT Lii,'z; y!iS:(CE s()gY]i OSo 31' 49" EAST, 51.55 FEE'r OF 170.00 FEET, A RADIAL LIP:;, TO SAID ?91:4Y BCiZKS NOKT11 71' 17' 12" WEST, TllENCE ALONG TlfE ARC OF SAID CURVE ii DLSTiL';CE OF 83.05 FEET AIdD TI1KOUGIi A CENTRAL AIJGLE OF 27' 59' 25" TO A P0I;:T O?! A NGN TAh'GZt;;T LINE, A RAUlAL LlNE TO SA1D POINT BEAKS SOLIT11 80" 43' 23" [(EST; TliENCE SOUi'il 59' 42' 44" WEST, 147.30 FEET; THEIJCE NORTH 30" 17' 16" :SST, 463.51 FEET; TIiENCE NOKTll 59' 42' 44" EAST, 136.00 FEET TO TiiE TXLE i'OiNT OF BEGII":NII"IG. 1.558 ACKES CROSS. EXCEPTING TIIERT;FHOM LOTS 12G I~!xGGG!! 133, L:iCL2SL\'Z, ALL OF SAID CARLSBAD TO A POINT ON A NON TAKGEKT ZUXVE, CG:;C.2\'V'E SSi'TiiEfiiSTEKLY, IIAVIKG A MDXIIS CONTAINING TRACT 73-24. CONTAXNlKC, 0.699 ACRES. a 0 . ,;## iV$# EXHIBIT "B" Attached to this Exhibit ''Err are a series of dF showing various easement areas and various areas each of wh: . designated a "Front Yard Maintenance Area," as follows: (i ) Easeaents over a particular Lot appur to land designated hereiu as part of the Community Facil These easements are nmexclusive, are for the benefit CI appurtenant to the Community Facilities, are in, upon, over, a and through the real property burdened thereby and are for pu of ingress, egress, landscaping, irrigation, maintenance, rc construction, reconstruction and recreational purposes. Exce otherwise provided in Exhibit "A" hereto or in the Declaration land subject to these Easeaents shall, except as to ownershi treated as if the same were part of the Community Facilitie all purposes of the Declaration. (ii) Easeaents over other real property no within the Covered Propxty appurtenant to land designated t- as part of the Cocsiunity Facilities. These easements nonexclusive, are for the benefit of and appurtenant tc Community Facilities, are in, upon, over, across and throug real property burdened thereby and are for purposes of in€ egress, landscaping, irrigation, maintenance, repair, construc reconstruction and recreational purposes. Except as othE provided in Exhibit "A" hereto or in the Declaration, the1 subject to these easenents shall, except as to ownership treated as if the same were pert of the Community Facilitie: all purposes of the Declaration, (iii) IZasements over the Community FaciL appurtenant to a partlcular Lot. Each of these easements : exclusive easement appurtenant to and for the benefit of particular Lot to which it is designated an appurtenance, and portion of land subject to such easement shall, except a ownership, be treated as if the same were part of such Lot foi - Exhibit: "B" -- Page 1 of 3 Pages 0 0 n* :$ *'i j.' purposes of the Declaration. Gch of these easements is in, over, across and through the real property burdened thereby E for purposes of ingress, egress, landscaping, irrigc maintenance, repair, construction, reconstruction, use enjoyment. If any such easetzenf is also designated as a "sid easement," such easement shall then be subject to the provisio the Article of the Declaration entitled "Sideyards ." ( iv> Easemeills over the Community Facil, appurtenant to other -- real property not yet within the Cc Property. Each of these easements is an exclusive eas appurtenant to and for the benefit of real property not yet id the Covered Property to which it is designated an appurtenance each portion of land suJject to such easement shall, except I ownership, be treated as if the sme were part of such other property for all purpcses of the Declaration. Each of easements is in, upon, over, across and through the real pro burdened thereby and is for purposes of Ingress, eg- landscaping, irrigation, maintenance, repair, cons trucr reconstruction, use and enjoynent. If any such easement is designated as a "sideyard easement, If such easement shall then become subject to the provisions of the Article of the Declar-r entitled "Sideyards" if and when, if ever, such other real pro] becomes a part of the Covered Property. (VI - S ideyard easements . Each of t easements is an exclusive easeanent over a portion of one Lot or Community Facilities appurtencnt to and for the benefit of anlc Lot and is governed by the Article of the Declaration entj "Sideyards." In additior., there shall be appurtenant to Lot 14 said Carlsbad Tract No. 73-24 an exclusive easement for sidle purposes over and across a portion of Lot 301 of said Carl Tract No. 73-24 as described in the diagram attached hereto an further described in that certain document entitled "COKKECTION AMENDMENT TO CORPORATION GRANT DEED" recorded January 12, 1984 Exhibit "B" -- Page 2 of 3 Pages 0 m .. . @& ..!< "%I & Instrument No. 84-013542, Official Records of San Diego CI California, and said easement shall be subject to the Artic the Declaration entitled "Sideyards ." 'i (vi> Front Yard Maintenance Areas. Each pl of a Lot designated as a "Front Yard Maintenance Area" on diagrams is a part of that Lot, but the Association shall certain obligations with respect thereto as otherwise provic Exhibit "D" to the Declaration, Exhibit "B" -- Page 3 of 3 Pages 0 W Wb SCALE: I"= :3 -- ---- MA INTEfVA/VCCP DETAIL 3'' Qt-TA1.L 3" D FTd /L "C ,a LOTS 138,I39,140,141,142,143,277 & 301 CARLSBAD TRACT 73-24 IN THE CITY OF CPRLSBAD CoUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ACCoRDING TO A MAP THESEOF NO.7996 FILED IN THE OFFICE (7~ THF rnlIfiITv Dcp~~~cm ~= I ," . - '-A* w 0 q! SCALE: I":: s/o~Y, R 0 EA SEMEfV 7 Q OYl'A PUA7/dN Miff7 277 ir, @pu#Q7€NAN7 74 LO7 19 7 -- 3/DEYJ RD €ASEME/'JI' QygR POR?-/ON oFiorN5- p/pu,qr-flAYrr 70 LL7/34 - (u + FRdNT YARD /VA/NTENcrNc& ry DETAIL "a' LOTS 134, I35,136,137$277 CARLSBAD TRACT 73-24 IN THE ClTY OF CARLSBAO COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ACCORDING TO A MA? THEREOF NO.7996 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECOGDER OF I PILI nirt-n pfi ,,.._, __.__ __ - - W 0 w SCALE; 1"; 3C -- sJoEy4,QD EA 5 L-M.c/Y?- avL8 POAf/UA/ Up L 07 2 77 APpUR7€NANI' 70 fOT/33 -- a ocm; S/D.GY.ARD EIS.&-M&iv7- orru POR~UM 0~~07133 uruRrmw,w 70 LOT az -- UYKR WRT/ON OF f 07/39 APP.Q'R7KNJnir i-0 io7131 I ----- -- ---- --- Q) SM-YAffD EdSrAfLN.' CY uvrff WN7k?NdrLaT/29 - APP&2?7d%H&ZJ'd UT/28 1 5f6R P'OR2-'ONOFLOJP77 RPPURT€NA.VT TO CUT /28 DETd /L ' + FRONT YARD MAlNTEHANCE ARfA LOTS 128,129,130,131,132,133 8277 CARLSBAD TRACT 73-24 IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNTY OF SAN OIEG0,STATE OF CALIFORNIA ACCORDING TO A MAP THEREOF N0.7996 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF CAu nirlrn fin.^.,^^ ----I __ - I * w e ab SCALE : I"= 1 OV€R PUR7/Q/J ox LO7277 dPPffR7.EMdNi' 70 LU7 /2 7 -- APPU.4~EHANT7V L 77/26 - ---_.---- S/OEYARd 6-4 scw&-/Yr IYCA POA74w &=LO#-/& 4PPUmm~ IT0 u7/2 + FRONf YARD Md/NTENANCf' 9, k OETAi'L A" LOTS 124,125,126,127 8 277 CARLSBAD TRACT 73-24 IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNTY OF SAhl DIEG0,STATE OF CALIFORNIA ACCORDING TO A MAP THEREOF NO.7996 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF PA.' nrce- I- .- -- - - v' v a I I E? ro SCALE:I"='~ \ -- r~.45c~€,ur OVER POR/T/OA/ OF-LOI /PZ AwuRrm,uNr ;ro LOT 277 Ed2EN.C"T OVER poR7/0N OFLOT 123 dppc/R7€NA~/ < 277 22 'F ;:;+.q 2.2 ' * FXONr mR5 MA/NTENdNCE RHEA DETA /L '2 * LOTS 120,121,122,123 8 277 CARLSBAD TRACT 73-24 IN THt: CITY OF CARLSBAO COUNTY OF SAP4 DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ACCORDING TO A MAP THEREOF NO.7996 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY REC3RDER OF EILI ha,--.- -- ._ -. -- e e _’L TEiE ” 1200 ELM AVENClE . CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (71 4) Office of the City Clerk city Of aarlsbab August 3, 1983 Pacesetter Homes, Inc . 4540 Campus Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 A Quitclaim Deed from the City of Carlsbad has been recorded evidencing the release of land €or constuction of a storm drain and sedizentation basin. This deed, which was recorded on June 30, 1983, is hereby being rekxrned ta you. 4 J’ 7A@& / A d- /. J &REN 1 R. KUNDTZ Deputy City Clerk KFK/kdc Enclosure ). a l 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD r Nome Street 1200 ELM AVENUE Address CARLSBAD CA 92008 C!*Y a J S =le L rfE>;. !- CGy: T y f', THIS FORM FURNISHED SY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,